Temas de nuestra américa Vol. 32 N.° 60 ISSN 0259-2339 The Use of the Past During the Last Military Dictatorship and Post-Dictatorship: The Holocaust DVWKH+RUL]RQRI,GHQWLßFDWLRQ$OLHQDWLRQDQG Negotiation for the Jewish Community Emmanuel Nicolás Kahan Researcher Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET Argentina Laura Schenquer Researcher Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral / CONICET Argentina Received: 4/5/2016 - Accepted: 27/7/2016 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15359/tdn a.32-60.7 Abstract 1976, external voices that denounced the regime for perpetrating genocide were We live in an era in which the Ho- heard publically around the world. This locaust has become a universal trope of historic trauma. The Nazi genocide article analyzes some uses of the Holo- has come to be known as the greatest caust during the military dictatorship in disaster of civilization and, as such, Argentina, questioning the ways in which simply mentioning it or comparing the memory of the Holocaust stirred or it to other repressive events stirs blocked feelings and the collective imagi- or blocks meanings about specific nation on the repressive regime’s practices. events. In the case of Argentina, Keywords: Holocaust, Latin American dic- the resonance of the memory of tatorships, military regime in Argentina, the Holocaust penetrated the or- Jews, Jacobo Timerman, memory and the igins of the most recent military past, historiography of Argentina dictatorship. As early as the year Resumen Vivimos en una era en la que el Holocausto se ha convertido en un tropo universal del trau- ma histórico. El genocidio nazi adquirió el Vol. 32 N.º 60 Julio-diciembre 2016 131 Temas de nuestra américa Vol. 32 N.° 60 Julio-diciembre / 2016 ISSN 0259-2339 carácter del mayor quiebre civilizatorio, Southern Cone dictatorships, the por lo que su mera mención y compara- Rwanda and Bosnia genocides, ción con otros acontecimientos represi- etc.), stirs or blocks meanings about vos permite activar o bloquear sentidos those specific events. sobre acontecimientos específicos. En el caso argentino, las resonancias de la me- In the case of Argentina, the reso- moria del Holocausto penetraron en los nance of the memory of the Holo- orígenes mismos de la última dictadura caust penetrated the very origins of militar. Tan pronto como en 1976 fueron the most recent military dictators- visibles y públicas las voces que, desde el exterior del país, denunciaban al régimen hip. As early as 1976, external voices por perpetrar un genocidio. Este artículo could be heard around the world propone analizar algunos usos del Holo- denouncing the regime for perpetra- causto durante la dictadura militar en ting genocide. In fact, Kahan (2014) Argentina problematizando los modos points out that this accusation even en los que la memoria del Holocausto preceded the claims made by human activó o bloqueó sentidos e imaginarios rights organizations about people sobre las prácticas del régimen represivo. detained-disappeared. Palabras clave: Holocausto, dictaduras latinoamericanas, régimen militar en Ar- This paper analyzes three uses of the gentina, judíos, Jacobo Timerman, me- Holocaust during the military dictator- moria y pasado, historiografía argentina ship in Argentina. Based on Huyssen’s proposal, we will draw a roadmap hi- ghlighting concrete cases in which the Introduction memory of the Holocaust stirred or blocked meanings and imaginations on Columbia University professor the practices of the repressive regime. of German and Comparative We will begin with an analysis of a text Literature, Andreas Huyssen, written by journalist Jacobo Timerman (2007:17) believes we live in an era prior to his release, in which he calls in which the Holocaust has become himself a Jewish victim of the dictator- “the universal trope for historical ship and claims that a “new Holocaust” trauma.” The Nazi genocide has (Elie Wiesel. Direct translation of su- come to be known as the greatest ggestions made by Jacobo Timerman break with civilization in the on Friday, 20th of July 1979) was being world’s history and, as such, its produced in Argentina. We will analyze simple mention or comparison to how Timerman promoted his claim in other repressive events (such as the 1979 in the context of the arrival in the 132 The Use of the Past During the Last Military Dictatorship ... Licencia Creative Commons Emmanuel Nicolás Kahan and Laura Schenquer Atribución-No-Comercial SinDerivadas 3.0 Costa Rica. Julio-diciembre / 2016 Temas de nuestra américa Vol. 32 N.° 60 ISSN 0259-2339 country of Holocaust writer and survi- the last dictatorship at the same vor Elie Wiesel; a claim that was shut time that Timerman was abducted. down, however, by the very leaders of His arrest on April 15, 1977 was the Argentine Jewish community. the result of a crisis that worsened over several months. The problem Our second example is of the T.V. mi- lay in the newspaper’s sources of niseries entitled “Holocaust.” The pro- financing: David Graiver, a principal gram was announced to air in 1978 shareholder, was believed by military but after two years of that date it had authorities to be the administrator still not been televised, leading the of the funds of the political-military media to speculate that the censorship organization Montoneros.1 had blocked its broadcast. This case will demonstrate how the Holocaust The Argentine press announced opened the doors for the miniseries to Timerman’s arrest by publishing the be televised, thus making public and memorandum distributed by the visible the authoritarian, repressive Zone I Command. During the next mechanisms of the military regime. few weeks, La Nación and Clarín feed public opinion with articles on Lastly, we will analyze how the topic of “the Graiver Case” referring to the the Holocaust was again raised during connections between the financial the first years after the recovery of de- group “subversive” organizations, mocracy in Argentina as a horizon of and even former Minister of the comparison for the experience of those Economy Jose Ber Gelbard. The who had been labeled as detractors of media highlighted the connection the dictatorship during its final years: between the financial group Herman Schiller and Marshall Meyer. and Perón’s Minister, who had pressured the Civita Group to sell From the “New Holocaust” to the “Mini-Holocaust” in Argentina 1 The Armed Forces expected Timerman to turn over the funds used to finance La Opinión provided by Graiver, the alleged Journalist Jacobo Timerman directed banker for the Montoneros. These were several successful journalistic funds received from the ransom paid for endeavors in Argentina. In 1971 he the release of the Born brothers, whom founded La Opinión, which quickly the Montoneros had kidnapped. For became one of the major media more on the case, see the works of Bor- relli, M. (2011) and Rein, R. (2011) and outlets in the country; that is, until it the research of Gasparini, J. (2007) and was impounded by authorities during Mochkofsky, G. (2003). The Use of the Past During the Last Military Dictatorship ... Licencia Creative Commons 133 Atribución-No-Comercial Emmanuel Nicolás Kahan and Laura Schenquer SinDerivadas 3.0 Costa Rica. Temas de nuestra américa Vol. 32 N.° 60 Julio-diciembre / 2016 ISSN 0259-2339 the shares of Papel Prensa to David Nehemias Resnizky, emphasized in a Graiver (Saborido, 2004; Cecchini/ meeting with DAIA’s Board of Direc- Mancinelli, 2010: 45-48). tors that “subversion and corruption, insofar as they are enemies of the While nationalist magazines like Ca- country, are also enemies of the Jewi- bildo claimed the case was the greatest sh community” (Informativo DAIA, Jewish-Marxist conspiracy in the history No. 92, 05-06/77, pp. 16-17). Later, of Argentina (Saborido, 2004), Carta DAIA leaders Juan Gurevich, Marcos Política magazine, headed by Mariano Korenhendler, Ricardo Gordon, and Grondona, published an unsigned arti- Naum Barbaras requested a meeting cle that indicated that the Graiver Case with then-Minister of the Interior evinced that “the Jewish question had Albano Harguindeguy in which they not been resolved in Argentina” (Carta expressed with conviction that they Política, 06/77, p.12). For its part, the were awaiting the results of the gover- Jewish press reflected the misrepresen- nment’s investigation on the Graiver tation of the accusations, which were Case. “We would like as much as an- causes of deep concern for the leaders- yone else clarification of the facts and hip of the Jewish collective. punishment of those culpable whe- ther Jews or non-Jews” (Informativo The Graiver Case and Timerman’s DAIA, No. 92, 05-06/77, p. 6)2. arrest coincided with the rapproche- ment of the Delegation of Argentine It is likely that the country’s political Jewish Associations’s (Delegación de climate of accusations led the DAIA to Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas, or abandon its position of neutrality, whi- DAIA) discourse to the military regi- le its new stance helped keep an open me which included support to “fight dialogue between the DAIA and the against subversion”. In May of 1977, regime’s officers, who made all efforts one month after Timerman’s arrest, to accommodate the Jewish leaders’ re- the Jewish entity abandoned its tradi- quests3. However, this new alignment tional position of “non-participation” 2 For a detailed analysis of the different or political neutrality (non-aligned stages of the DAIA’s relationship with with any government) and began to military authorities, see Laura Schenquer’s support the military proclamations of doctoral dissertation (2012). taking action to reestablish order. In 3 For example, the government granted the the context of the accusations made DAIA’s request to shut down the Milicia and Odal newspapers for publishing anti- against the Jewish community after Semitic literature.
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