University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1928 The aiD ly Lobo 1923 - 1930 10-26-1928 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 031, No 7, 10/26/ 1928 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1928 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 031, No 7, 10/26/1928." 31, 7 (1928). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1928/26 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1923 - 1930 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1928 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NEW MEXICO LOBO !'age Fotu• ROSW~LL :REl'ORTER :RUl'!S WILD -~~-~~-~~,-- 0-~1-.11-.n TH01WALDSEN, OLAS$IC Reverend Weber IMITATOR The Talks to PARIS SHOE Y. W.C.A STORE New Arrivals of LIBERTY CAFE Pete's Collegiate Shoes $7.50 WJ::LCOM:ES YOU AS 121 W. Centl'al USUAL : ________________________ _ ~._... ~- - - -~--- - VOLUME XXXI. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1928 Taxi, Phone FIRST SAVINGS I - NUMBER SEVEN BANK AND TRUST CO. I LOB OS READY FOR FARMERS MAKE THIS INSTITUTION Cad !lao and Studobal<el' STAFF COMPLETED SNAKE DANCE 1 YOUR BANKING HOME Lobo Signs Contracts With Sedans The aoloetlon of the members of the Ohe of those wild and wooly thmgs Hefty Aggie Team Invades ~obo staff hns been Completed, The known as a Snake Dance will start tins Frld~y at 7:3D promptly >n front of staff l•st wh1ch appoara on th~ editor· Associated College News tha Y. :M 0. A,, ann4,)Wlces B1g Ohtof Hot Tamales ! : 1al page 1n this 1ssue )S tllc permanent YeU Leader Blair. All F10ah are ex· City For Grid-iron Batttle one, mth one exception. There i~ need pee ted to be out In tho1r green ' 1 mod~ HOME MADE PIES ' .for an exchange od1tor. Somoone to icin6 hats 11 and fiiU war-parnt The For Twice-Monthly Service cheek up the out of towJJ. papers We re CLOTHES Froalt "braves" faihng to comply With Good and Jmcy cetvo, see that they get papers in te· On University Field Saturday th,ts Will bo luuled before the Khatah fni I he QUICK SE.RVICE turn, and chp itE!Ims ot 1ntcrsst for UBC OpU.nctl for eeuaonng Anyway, all fool~ i.n tiLe Lobo Anyon(' who llae had at nig aside, everybody that lB able to any cxper1euco 1n thJ.B line or wh.o de• CHARLIE'S Coast-to-coast Organ Will Supply Items walk, turnout to make some real b1g sues some, pleaad aec the editor 1m· medicine agamst our ancient enemu3s Farmer Line-up Averaging 165 Pounds COLLEGE MAN medmtely I>JG STAND From Twenty-seven CoJieges tho 11.Aggics." $30 and $35 Looks Dangerous Lobos Lose to Lumbetiacks .A. conf1dent Aggie squad will arrive m town tonight all primed to add to the Lobos hst of defeats They Will moet a Lobo team that rs \ SPITZMESSER keyed up to a f1ghtmg pitch, because of thcso defeats. The moral Before Home-coming Crowd of the entire Varsity squad •s strong. The Lobos are not cocky; they merely know that thoy are going to lick the .A.ggws 'l'he defeats -----------·------;-hnvn not harmed tho spirits of the men CLOTHING CO. 1n. the least. If a.nythmg, tho spu1t Three Initiated hns boon awakened The bo.ckf1cld has II. I. ~Pl'l'ZI\tl~~~l~R Game Played In Sea of Mud Is I.Jccu s11iftcd around. W1lleon has been Music Featured Into Music Club changed to 1ns old posJtlOn nt right lli W. l\,ntral At Gym Assembly Replete With Thrills 1l1llf1 nn(l Dolzadclh has boon shifted to the fullback posttton Brown is to stay nt quarter and Wnl.slt may start ot left half. If Walsh doesn't show up well m tho acl'Jmmago this week he will be rop1aced by Nelson or Good. Meet Me at the Tho Aggics hnve a heavy team this year, the entuo sqund averaging around \\ ttll tl.i." ~omU1 g l\rodnl'hon of the 165 pounds, Tlto folloWJng' is a list of ~texico Or lmnh<' Club's lat('st I'I :"iy~ "PI£'~J " tho Aggie pln.yers and. thou weights: tl~tm.' lS nu. un:.ual d~nmntl for 1ngs M. Bautz, g, 190; B Bautz, g1 178; W. Chn:rles, t, 150; R Elsass, c, 197; Cigar Store It st,•ems Uu1t tlttorc IS n. ~hotta:_::e of M Fritz, fb, 188; 0 Kent, hb, 169; J this ~pl:'l'h~s of nnim1l11t tlu:• 'i~1mty Kn1ght, g, 218; V. Lewis, t, 163, LlDl~ Full Line of 1f .\.lbuqunt}Uf.', athl the t>-Xat t vo lu.'rC!• bnugh1 qb, 160; T. Manu, e, 158; Me· nh(lut~ of tb!." nun.l't'r tl1 \t ts 1n t:>X· SMOKERS' .AltTlCLES Cann~ h, 136; McCleron, h, 165; J, Me· plnns to bring a Corea.), t, 164; R. McCorkle, g, 103; hero en.rly in No· McclJem, o, 166; Newcomer, g~ 168, T!a.• Di m1 nh l'luh -.. ltu\l .1rprl' Harp gave several numbers P1ekctt, l1 1 1571 R1co, h, 154; Siurley, t, \ 1 tt.-. nu' mfMm ).tit..'ll lt'.hh'!g' to tlt: on the trombone Tho Men's Glee Club 103 1 Smith, c, 161; Summerford, b, 149; •lpp~tlH ~"lNl t•f <;.lM~lt t'l;ht p .. gs lm Watclun:!kets sang two songs aud led the scl1ool S1mrtz (eapt) g, 156; Taylet, o, 160; t'r ,jl "ut Xt Hml•u ;, Hl.:!~. If Y•.Jt.t Jewele1-s .A.1mn Mater. The assembly closed Wilmot, q, 134; Crosby, 11, 153 • ~ l\t. ~ '~ l,f ~.._·ur ''"u, 1.."\r kth''i't l\f Jewelry a march by the orchestra On paper tltis loo)cs like a real team ~ :- ~ nt tl:~.t },as an~ that ort: uot i(lo and from their past record 1t loolts as Dinmonds t1~ ~~--. lnmil~ r~ss the ,, o:nl nh.l~ J t' though tho Lobos wore going to 11avo Watcnes t lt' t!' I:~,:; mtVltl ~t· lrt tlr- nt•l ~ l:!o:O. some bmo licking t1Iis bunch of hue:· 1\t ;;nl <:oH~~pt t!:c>- tb.-~nks o.'£ t~ ~ Jewelers SCARCITY OF PIGS kics. I?OGG Tl1e line w11l be strengtl•ened by the hUrRRY! HrRRt'! WE GOTT.\ INTERFERS WITH return of Leo PucccttJ mto the hnoup. THE JEW"ELER !!\n: •n!. \\ ll \ T II \Yr: YOL! His bolls aro 110a.lmg and he should get 318 W. Central mto the f1g1lt Saturday. PLAY PRODUCTION Tlto Agg1es lm vo won eight out ot nine games m t110 past 22 years. Two November 9 Is Date For Big Func­ games ties. tion in Gym. Here is llow the Aggies and Lobos have fought 1.t out siuco 1906: SOUSA TO PLAY LOWELL LIT TO HOLD Pigs, pigs, who has some piga? The drama he e1ub must ha' a some real Agg>cs At Lobos HIS N. M. MARCH INFORMAL DEBATES ones for Its play "Pigs" to be given ~906 20 Albuquerque 5 ou Wednesday, November 7th at the 1908 6 Cruces 10 Kimo Theater. l!l09 0 Albuquerque 51 IN CONCERT AT GYM NEXT MEETINGS 1911 10 Cruces 6 Pigs promises to be the best produc­ 1912 tiOn of the year. It is simple and 27 Albuquerquo 0 .Tohn Philhp Sousa and ltis 100 -piece Next Wednesday. October 31st the 1913 13 Cruces amuamg W1th several love affiDrs wmd 0 band mil give the new gymnasium a Lowell L1tera.ry SoCiety wlll J1old one 1014 mg through 1t. Dr. St. Clnir, who is 7 "Albuquerque 7 real baptism when they appear here of their :fortnightly sessions. ThiS time 1915 dnecting the production, says tbey aro 0 Cruces 13 Tuesday, matinee and nightJ November the battle Will be over the top1e: Re­ 1916 different, too; llnot t1ua old stlcky 0 Albuquerque 61 13 The engagement is under tho man· solved • that modern advertudng is 1917 (war) 110 Cruces a agcment of Kyle S Cric1Jton. harmful rather than l•elpful to the poo kind but sometlnng new and enlight· cning.'' !010 2 Albuquerque 24 Followmg the request of Governor pie of the-Umted States The affu:· !020 14 Cruces 7 DJ1lon, Dr. Zimmorman and other prom­ mahve will be upheld by Garnett Tl1e leading parts aro played by Scott !921 0 Albuquerque 6 Walker, 1 Inent mon of tlte state, Commander Burkes and W11ham Brophy, while Mrs Mnbry and Charlotte Bello 922 7 Cruces 0 Sousa bns written a "New Mexieo" Frances Donley and. J ''Webster" both Freshmen who have l1ad oxpor· 1923 6 Albuquerque 0 m high and march. It is one of only five that the 'Vatson will endeavor to convince the Iencc sehool are well f1tted 1924 6 Cruces 0 famous Marclt Xing ]taa written in the ga.thenng that the negat1ve s1de 1s for the1r roles 1925 9 Albuquerque 20 past three years and i8 a great honor right. An open Forum will be held The plot concerns a y-oung follow who 1{)26 6 Cruces 6 , to the stnte The great composer uses after the debate. needs money badly, so should make a 1927 9 Cruces 26 portions of Indian and Spanish melo· On November 14th Winifred Stamm very real and dtrect appedl to the col dH!S and of uo Fair New MeXIco," the and Sam Solleder, on the aff1rmat1ve legHtns The young man buys some Totals 252 Totals 235 stato song.
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