Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 23 1898 ( 341 ) GENERAL INDEX. America, 82. Amherst Redoubt, Chatham, 20. A Wood, Anthony, his H'lst. Univ. Ancient Buildings, Society for the Oxon., 188. Protection of, xlv. Abbott, Mr. W. J. Lewis, F.G.S., xli, Ancient Funeral Monuments, by John xliii. Weever, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, Abo, University of. 82. 44, 46, 315. Academy of Science, Swedish, 82. Ancient Sculpture and Painting in Accusatores, 105. England, by Carter, 339. Ada Slide Vacante, G Register, Can- Ancient Stone Implements of Great terbury, 49, 50, 51. 55, 58. Britain, by Sir John Evans, xliv. Adam, 99 ; Sacrist of Rochester, 258. " Andrew," bell at Rochester, 245. Adcoek, Mr., 154. Andrews, John, 71 ; Thomas, 73. Adene, Richard, 144. Angle, etc.. Royal Pedigrees, 94. JEthelred II., King of England, 95, Anglice Rwina, 282. 96, 106, 108, 196; his Wantage Anijlia Sacra, by Henry Wharton, 34, Statute. 105. 35, 110. 199, 226, 274, 276, 289, 299, Jilthelstan, King of England, 105, 305, 310, 318. 106 ; his London Law, 105. Anglo normann. Geschiehtsquellen, by -ffithilbert, King of Kent, 194, 195. Dr. Liebennann, 103. 196, 213, 215, 216. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 227. Aiglessa, 12. Anglo-Saxon Kings, Laws of. 96. Aldelyn, see Aldon. Ann, Countess of Dorset, 92, 93. Aldersgate, 76, 124. Ann-ales, by John Stow, 33. Aldersgate Street, 74. Anne Boleyn, Queen, 89. Aldon, Matilda, 184 ; Sir Thomas de, Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 184. 103, 108, 217, 289. Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, 227. Anselino jDedicata, 108. Alfeigh, John, 138. Ansfrid, Sheriff of Kent, 309. Alfred, King of England, his Laws, Antiquities, by G-rose, 37, 201. 95, 101, 105, 106; his version of Antiquities, by Thorpe, 84. St. Gregory's Pastoralis, 105. Antiquities of Canterbury, by Nicolas All Hallowes, see All Saints. Battely, 35. All Saints, 145. Antiquities of Canterbury, by Kev. J. All Saints', Maidstone, 31, 32, 34, 35, Dart, 36, 40, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 54, Antiquities of Canterbury, by William 67. Somner, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 44, All Saints', Maidstone. History of the 50. Collage of, by Rev. Beale Poste, 44, Antiq. liter. Septentr,, by Hickes, 101. 45, 46. Antonius Pius, Coins of, 6. All Saints' Churoh. Maidstone, by Ap Res, Louis, 185. Whichcord, 44. Aquarius Ballivus, 180. All Saints' Church, Maidstone, His- Aquitaine, John of Gaunt, Duke of. tory of. by Rev. J. Cave-Browne, 334, 336. xlvii, Ixii. Arolieeoloffia, references to, 13, 40, 41, Almery, 301, 309. 42, 64, 101, 194, 204, 208, 213, 218, Alys, Thomas, 159. 314. 342 GENERAL Archcsoloffia Cantiana, references to, Austin Friars of London, 322. xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xlvii, xlviii, 1, Avelingr and Porter, Messrs., 6. liv, Ivii, 2, 18, 22, 27, 30, 46, 78, 94, Avisford, 18. 102, 114, 115, 194, 212, 295,304, 309, Aylesford, 13,70. 337, 339. ArchEeological Congress, 1896, 86. Arclueologieal Institute, Journal of, B 153. " Archaeological Mystery," 82. Bach, Alexander, Bishop of St. Asaph, ArclMinnomm, by Lambarde, 96, 97, 53. 98, 109. Bacon, Justice, 332. ArchbisJiops of Canterbury. Lives of, Badge of King Edward IV., 124. by Dean Hook, 46, 47. Basda. 194, 195, 196, 213. Arches, Michael Sergeaux, Dean of, Bailiff, Water, Journal of a. xlix, 180, 63. 181. Arches, Piers, and Buttresses, by Bailiffs of the Cinque Ports, xlix, 161, Bland, 151. 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, Architectural History of Canterbury 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, Cattiedral, by Rev.' E. Willis, 221, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 228, 233, 242, 247, 278. 183. Architectural History of the Cathe- Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth, 162, 163, dral Church and Monastery of St. 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, Andrew at Rochester, by W. H. St. 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, John Hope, M.A., 194. 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183. Ardele, Roger de, 184. Bakesse, John, 180. Argoll, Thomas, 177. Baldwin, Abbot of Bury, 306. Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, 331. Ball, Alderman Wm., 5. Arkynbold, John, 147. Bamburgh, John, 279. Arnold, A. A., F.S.A., "Ms account of Bamme, Edmund, 140, 141. Dr. Liebermann's "Notes on the Bangor, John Cliderow, Bishop of, Textus Roffensis," 94. 138. Arnold, G-eorge M., F.S.A., on The Banks, Mr., 7 ; Sir Joseph, 127. Ruined Chapel of St. Katherine at Barbadoes, 69. Shorne, Kent, 78. Barfoote, Nicholas, 77. Arnold, John, 179 ; Nicholas, 293. Barham, Arms of. 122. Arnost (Arnolfus), Bishop of Roches- Barham. Edwardj 76 ; Robert, 75. ter, 198. Bark, Kenneth, 74 ; Thomas, 74. Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Can- Barker, John, 76. terbury, 52, 152; of York, 52, 55, Barking, 73. 57, 58, 64, 65. Barling, Arms of, 129, 130. Arundell, Agnes, 309 ; Sir Richard Barling, John, 130 ; John Smith, 129 ; de, 295; Sir William, K.G., 295, Thomas, 129. 309, 312. Barmeling', sea Barling. Asceline, Bishop of Rochester, 104. Banning1, 9. Aschlegth, Richard, 142. Barn, Robert Wy, 152. Ash, xlviii, 70, 153. Barnack, 205. Ashburner, John, 192. Barnet, John, 63. Asheton, William de, 336. Barnston, Thomas, 80. Ashpitel, Mr. Arthur, 204, Baron, Nicholas, 144. Ashton, Mr. John, 332. Barons of the Cinaue Ports, 162. Asshdown, John, 138. Barr Bottenden, 337. Astyn, Nicholas, 140. Barrok, William, 63. Atte Lese, Richard, 336. Barron, Mr., 77. Attleas, Arms of, 117. Bartholomew, a Frior Minor, 64. Aucher, Arms of, 124. Bartlet, bell-founder, 152, 156, 160. Aucher, Elizabeth, 124 ; William, 124. Barwicke, Walter, Jurat, 176. Audoenus, Bishop of Bvreux, 227. Basing Street, 76. Auferon, George, 176. Basons, 311. Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury, Bath, G-odefreith, Bishop of, 227. 194, 212. Bath and Wells, Ralph Ergum, Bishop Austin, Capt. George, 339 ; John, 78. of, 67, 65. GENERAL INDEX. 343 Bathurst, Sir Edward, 74. Billingsgate, 72. Battely, Nicolas, his Antiquities of Bilsington, 65. Canterbury, 35, 50. BiograpJvia Britannioa, by Dr. Kippis, Battle, Mathias Button, Dean of, 191 ; 41. Ralph of Seez, Abbot of, 215. Birch, Dr. De Gray, F.S.A., 96, 104, Baunton, William, Hector of Harrow, 105 ; his Cartwlarium Saxonicum, 57, 63, 66. 104. Bayeux, Odo, Bishop of, 198, 203.209, Birche, John, 280. 305. Birchempsteade. 180. Bayford, 153, 154. Bird, Mr. C., F.G.S., 6, 23. Bayley (?), Thomas, 185. Bischopp, John, 288 ; Dan William, Bayly, Sexton of Rochester, 305. Prior of Rochester, 288. Baylye, Richard, 72. Bisenham, Arms of, 114. Beaohborough, 193. Bishopp, Dr., 165, 170. Beards worth, Arms of, 117, 118. Bix, Thomas, 74. Beardsworth, Rev. George, 117, 118. Black, Mr., 99, 100. Beaule, John, 321. Black Friars' Church, Hereford, 53. Beauties of England and Wales, by Blackheath, 118. E. W. Brayley, 42, Blackman, Thomas B., his Note on Beauvais, 103. " Relics of Painting in Canterbury BeazeJey, M., F.R.G-.S., on The Burial- Cathedral," 339. place of Archbishop Courtenay, 31, Blackstone Edge, 6, 9. 58, 67. Bland, —, his Arches, etc., 151. Bee, 108. Bligh's Hotel, Sevenoaks, 332. Beoket, Thomas a, Archbishop of Can- Blisworth, 56. terbury, 33, 34, 86, 37,39, 41,44, 47, Blore, Mr., 302. 48, 339; see also St. Thomas. Boase, —, his Registrwn JUxonianse, Beckles, 114. 188. Beckman, Daniel, 74. Bockingham, John. Bishop of Lincoln, Bedyll, Walter, 147. 57, 65, 334, 336. Beele, John, 148. Bode, John, 73. Beleknappe, Robert de, 294. Bohun, Humphry de, Earl of Here- Bell-foundry at Whitechapel, 152, ford and Essex, 55 ; Margaret de, 156. 55. Bellamy, Mr., 76. Bokerly Dyke, 19. Bellasios. Lord John, 70. Bombay, 116. Bellinger, Mris., 72. Bonnington, 71. Bells at Canterbury, 156 ; at Roches- Boodle, Rev. J. A., xl. xlviii. ter, 202, 203, 245, 276. Book of Sports, 189. Belvedere in Grenada, 115. Boorne, Arms of, 131. Benediotus Levita, 108. Boorne, Ann, 131 ; Duke, 131 ; Ue- Benenden, 70. bekka, 131 ; William, 131. Benson, Most Rev. B., Archbishop of Booth, Ferdinando, 73 ; Henry, 71. Canterbury, 32. Borden, 71. Beorhtric, —, 1.09. Borstall. John, 326. Bere, Martin, 291. Bostock, Mr. Samuel, Ixi. Berks, 78. Bos worth, —, 111. Bermondsey, 65 ; St. James, Ixi; St. Bosworth Field, 88. Saviour's Priory, 85. Boteler, John, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Bernard, Bishop of St. David's, 40, 43, 44, 63, 67. 227. Bottenden Wood, 337. Bery, Richard, 136. Bottlesham, John de, Bishop of Best, John, Councillor at Law, 71. Rochester. 311. Bethersden, 70, 337, 338. Bourman, Samuel. 74. Bethune, Robert de, Bishop of Here- Bourne, Daniel, 72. ford, 226. Boxley, Abbey Seals of, Ixii; Abbots Bettenham, John, 71. and Convent of, Ixii, 65. Betteshanger, xlviii, 1. Boasley, History of, by Rev. 3'. Cave- Betynham, Robert, 186. Browne, xlvii, Ixii. Bexley, 70,135, 137. Boydon, Thomas, 144. Biggs, Messrs., 7. Boykett, John, 153, 344 GENERAL INDEX. Boyle, Arms of, 113. 26 ; Thompson's Catalogue of MSS., Boyle, Elizabeth, 113, 114; Hugh, 109. 113; Joan, wife of Roger, 113; British Way, 12. John. 113 ; Mary, 111 ; Richard, Britton, John, his Canterbury CatJw- Earl of Cork, 113 ; Richard, Earl of dral, 43. Burlington and Cork, 123 ; Roger, Broadmarse, 81. 113. Brockman, Tatton, 193 ; Sir William, Boyne, —, his Seventeenth Century 125 ; Zouch, 72. Tokens, 70. Brokhull, —, 63. Boys, Charles, 71 ; Christopher, 75 ; Brome or Broome, John, S.T.P., 185, John, 71. 186, 187. Braames, Braemes, Braenies, Brames, Bromfeild, Elizabeth, 74. see Braines. Bromfleld, Ixii. Bradbourne Road, Sevenoaks, 333. Bromley, xxxviii, xliv, xlvi, 71. Bradewell, Thomas, 146. Brompton (Old), 20. Bradfleld, John de, Bishop of Ro- Brony, Henry, 62. chester, 299, 324. Brook (The), Chatham, 2,3,14,19. 20, Bradgar, Robert, 64. 21. Bradwardine, Thomas, Archbishop of Brooke,William, for Wickham Breaux, Canterbury, 184. 77. Braines, Arnold, 73. Brookes, Mr., 10. Brampton, William, 143. Broome, see Brome. Bramston, John, 145. Broun, Richard, 64. Brasted, Ixi, 135,137. Brown alias Cordon, Richard, LL.D., Brasted, History of, by Rev. J.
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