ACCEPTED EVERYDAY DUAS for every Muslim Including The Asma-al-Husna and their Benefits 1 Accepted Everyday Duas for Every Muslim A Collection of: The Asmaa al Husnaa Aayaat of Shifaa Morning and Evening Duas Daily Duas, Duas after Salah Duas for the Deceased from the Qur-aan and Hadith 2 For the Ehtaale Thawaab of our beloved my late , ﷺ Nabi Sayyidinaa Muhammad father Ismail Saleh Mohamed Bhamjee, my grandparents, uncles, aunts and all Marhoomeen. Accepted Everyday Duas for Every Muslim A Collection of: The Asmaa al Husnaa, Aayaat of Shifaa, Morning and Evening Duas and Daily Duas, Duas aftger Salah and Duas for the Deceased - from the Qur-aan and Hadith Typeset by Aliya Typesetters 011 852 3661 / 083 290 8417 [email protected] Distributed by: Mohamed Ismail Bhamjee and Family Preotria South Africa 060 6786 015 083 623 6768 3 ّ بِ ْس ِـــم ِالله َّالرحْ �ـــم ِن َّالر ِحـــيْ ِم نَـحْ ُمَد ُه َوُنصَ لِى َعلٰى َرسُ ْـــولِ ِه ْال َك ِـــريـْ ِــم َ � � َّ � � َ ٰ � � �َ � � � َّ َ ٰ ٰ � � �� � � � ال�لـ�هم م� ِـــل على �سـ�ِ� ِِّــــد�ا �مـ�حـ� ٍمـــد و على ا ِل �يِ�� ِيد�نـــــــا �مـ�حـ� ٍمـــــــد َّ � ْ َ � � ْ و � � ِبــــــارك و م� �ـــ�لـــــــم This blessed book is a compilation of six beneficial works based on the Qur-aan and Sunnah. In it are daily devotions from the Qur- In it is a .ﷺ aan and Ahaadith of Rasulullah healing for the ill, happiness for the sad heart, protection from all evils and in it the reader will find contentment of heart and solutions to everyday problems. Most of all, in making this book a part of ones daily recitations the reader and our ﷻ will attain the pleasure of Allah and also accumalate great ﷺ beloved Rasulullah benefits and rewards in this world and in the hereafter. Please do remember the compiler of this work in your duas as well. َ َر َبَّنا َت َق َّب ْل ِم َّنا ۖ إِ َّن َك أ َ نتالسَّ ُمِيع ْال َع ِل ُيم Our Lord, accept (this) from us. Indeed You are the All Hearing, the All Knowing. 4 CONTENTS Solve Your Problems Through the pg 5 ﷻ Beautiful Names of Allah 99 pg 60 Morning and Evening Duas by Aarif Billah Hadrat Moulana Shah Hakeem Akhtar � pg 78 Beneficial Duas pg 85 Aayat of Shifaa by Hadrat Moulana Abdul Karim Parekh, Nagpur, India pg 95 Duas after the Fard Salah from Kitaab al-Adhkaar of Hadrat Imaam an-Nawawi � Fateha to be read for our loved ones p 117 that have passed on 5 ْ َّ ْ ٰ َّ ْ ِ�� ِســم ِالله ا�لـــر�حـ� ِن ا�لـــرِ� محـ�� ِـــم َ � � َّ � � َ ٰ � � �َ � � � َّ َ ٰ ٰ � � �� ال�لـ�هم م� ِـــل على �سـ�ِ� ِِّــــد�ا �مـ�حـ� ٍمـــد و على ا ِل �يِ�� ِيد�نـــــــا � � � َّ � ْ َ � � ْ �مـ�حـ� ٍمـــــــد و � � ِبــــــارك و م� �ـــ�لـــــــم Solve Your Problems Through the ﷻ Beautiful Names of Allah 99 INTRODUCTION When we look at this world we see beauty, grandeur, sublimity, strength, the power of joy or the power of destruction manifested in it. We are attracted or repulsed by these manifestations. We feel threatened by some or inspired by awe. There is an inevitable link between what we see and feel and ourselves. That link is provided by the attributes of Allah Each object manifests some power of .ﷻ His joy or His anger, His love or His .ﷻ Allah Magnificence emanates through these objects. 6 There is no end to these manifestations so long as the process of creation exists. The first man, Adam � was taught the names of everything. ‘Teaching the names’ means making man conscious of the essence of these things. This consciousness implies full knowledge. Full knowledge is impossible without the essence becoming part and parcel of the Being. That as ﷻ is why Adam � could represent Allah His Khalifa and become worthy of receiving the salutation of the angels. That is why Allah granted him and through him to man ﷻ ,ﷻ the mastery of this entire creation. Allah therefore, commands us to remember Him and draw near to Him by reciting His name or His ... says ﷻ attributes. Allah Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah, for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” (13:28) And remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life without doubt). (29:45) 7 You who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do this often. (33:41) Therefore, remember Me and I will remember you; and be thankful unto Me and be you not ungrateful towards Me. (2:152) (!says: And do thou (O reader ﷻ Again Allah bring thy Lord to mention in thy (very) soul with humility and in reverence without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings and be not thou of those who are unmindful (7:205) is the happiest ﷻ The remembrance of Allah and also the wisest of pastimes. Its blessings can never be counted and the satisfaction it brings cannot be measured. It relieves one of worries that otherwise eat into one’ s heart and improves one’s spiritual and worldly life. HOW TO RECITE THE ASMAA’UL HUSNAA 1. When wishing to recite ALL the Beautiful Names of Allah Ta‘ala, begin by saying: ُه َو الله َّال ِذيْ َلا إِلٰ َه ِا َّلا ُه َو 8 Huwal-laahul-ladhee laaa Ilaaha illaa Huwa He is Allah, besides whom there is no Deity and continue till the end. The last letter of each Name should be recited with the vowel ‘Dhamma’ (Pesh) and joined to the next word for eg: َا َّلر ٰحـم ُـن َّالر ِحيـْ ْم ْال َـملِ ُك ْال ُـق ُّد ْوسُ But when pausing to take breath the last letter should be recited with a Saakin ( Jazam) and the for َا ْل following Name should be started with eg: َا َّلر ٰحـم ْـن َا َّلر ِحيـْ ْم َا ْل َـملِ ْك َا ْل ُـق ُّد ْوسْ 2. When adopting a particular Name as a wazeefah (which one intends to recite daily) َا ْل before the Name and eliminate the يَا add For example: will be said as Ya Rahmaan َا َّلر ٰحـم ُـن Ar-Rahmaan َ يَا ا َّلر ٰحـم ُـن and NOT as Ya Ar-Rahmaan يَا َر ٰحـم ُـن 3. A learned ‘Aalim should be consulted when one experiences any difficulty. 9 In Surah Hashr some of the 99 names of :are mentioned as follows ﷻ Allah ُه َـــو اللهُ َّال ِذيْ َلا إِ َلـٰ َه إِ َّلا ُه َو ۖ َعالِ ُـــم ْال َغ ْي ِب َو َّالش َهَـــاد ِة ۖ ُه َو َّالر ْحمَـٰ ُن َّالر ِح ُيم ﴿٢٢﴾ ُه َو اللهُ َّال ِذيْ َلا إِ َلـٰ َه إِ َّلا ُه َو، ْال ِمَل ُك ْال ُق ُّد ْو سُالسَّ َل ُام ْال ْمُؤِم ُن ْال ْمُهَي ُمِـــن ْال َع ِز ُيْـــز ْالـجَ َّب ُـــار ْال َمُت َك ِّب ُـــر ۚ سُ ْب َحَـــان ِالله َع َّـمـــا ُي ْش ِر ُك ْو َن ﴿٢٣﴾ ُه َـــو َ اللهُ ْالَخـــالِ ُق ْال َب ِـــار ُئ ْالمُصَ ِّو ُر ۖ َل ُه ْالأسْ َـمـــاءُ َ ْالـحُسْ َن ٰى ۚ ُيسَ ِّبـحُ َل ُه مَا فِ يالسَّ َمَاو ِات َو ْالأ ْر ِض ۖ َو ُه َـــو ْال َع ِـــزيْزُ ْالـحَ ِــكيـْ ُــم ﴿٢٤﴾ Huwal-laahul-ladhee laaa Ilaaha illaa Huwa ‘Aalimul Ghaibi wash-shahaadah; Huwar- Rahmaanur-Raheem.Huwal-laahul-ladhee laaa Ilaaha illaa Hu. Al-Malikul Quddoosus- Salaamul Mu-minul Muhayminul-‘Azeezul 10 Jabbaarul-Mutakabbir; Subhaanal- laahi ‘Ammaa yushrikoon. Huwallaahul Khaaliqul Baari-ul Musawwiru lahul Asmaaa-ul Husnaa; yusabbihu lahu maa fis samaawaati wal ardi wa Huwal ‘Azeezul Hakeem He is Allah, besides whom there is no Deity, Knower of the unseen and the witnessed. He is the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. He is Allah, besides whom there is no Deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Giver of Peace, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Mighty, the Compeller, the Most Great. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. ‘O Allah, for the sake of your Beautiful Names and for the sake of the ones in whom your Names are manifest, lead us on their path. Let us see Your attributes everywhere without, and cleanse the mirror of our hearts that perchance we may see Your beauty reflected within.’ 11 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ُه َو اللهُ َّال ِذي َلا إِ َله ِا َّلا ُه َو He is Allāh, besides whom there is none worthy of worship اَللهُ َا َّلر ٰحـم ُـن َا َّلر ِحـــيْم َا ْل َمـــلِ ُك THE NAME OF ُ THE THE MOST THE Allāh SOVEREIGN MERCIFUL COMPASSIONATE َا ْل ُق ُّـــد ْوسُ َا َّلس َـــل ُام َا ْل ْمُؤ ِم ُــن َا ْل ُــم ْهَــي ُـمِن THE THE THE THE ONE FREE GIVER OF GIVER OF GIVER OF OF BLEMISHES PROTECTION SANCTITY PEACE َا ْل َع ِـــزيْزُ َا ْلـــجَ َّب ُـــار َا ْل ُـم َت َك ِّــب ُـــر َا ْلَخـــالِ ُــق THE THE THE OVER- THE CREATOR SELF POWERING MIGHTY GLORIOUS LORD َا ْل َب ِـــار ُئ َا ْل َمُص ِّـــو ُر َا ْل َـغ َّـــف ُـــار َا ْل َـقَّه ُـــار THE THE MOST THE THE GIVER SUBDUER FORGIVING FASHIONER OF OF LIFE SHAPES َا ْل َو َّه ُـــاب َا ْل َـــر َّز ُاق َا ْل َـف َّـت ُــاح َا ْل َـع ِـليـْ ُــم THE THE OPENER THE THE ALL KNOWING PROVIDER BESTOWER 12 َا ْل َقـــاب ُض َا ْلب ِـــاس ُـط َا ْلَخ ِـــاف ُـض َالـــر ِاف ُـــع ِ َ THE َّ THE THE THE ONE WHO EXTENDER OF EXALTER CONSTRICTOR HUMBLES PROVISIONS َا ْل ُـم ِـع ُّــز َا ْل ُم ِـــذ ُّل َالسَّ مِي ُـــع َا ْل َبصِ يـــر THE ْ ْ ُ THE THE ALL THE GIVER GIVER OF ALL SEEING HEARING OF HONOUR DISHONOUR َا ْلـحَ َـــك ُـم َا ْل َع ْـــد ُل َا َّل ِـــط ْي ُـف َا ْل َـخ ِـبـيـْ ُــر THE THE THE THE JUST ALL AWARE GENTLE/ JUDGE SUBTLE َا ْلـحَ ِـــليـْ ُــم َا ْل َع ِـظيـْ ُــم َا ْل َـغ ُـف ْــو ُر َا ْل َّـش ُــك ْـــو ُر THE THE ALL THE THE GRATEFUL FORGIVING GRAND FOREBEARING َا ْل َـع ِـل ُّي َا ْل َـك ِـبيـْ ُـر َا ْلــحَ ِـفيـْ ُـظ َا ْل ُــم ِق ْي ُـت THE THE THE THE MAINTAINER PROTECTOR MOST GREAT MOST HIGH َا ْلـحَسِ ْي ُــب َا ْلـجَ ِـليـْ ُـل َا ْل َـك ِـــريـْ ُــم َا ْل َّـــر ِقيـْ ُب THE THE THE THE WATCHFUL GENEROUS MAJESTIC RECKONER 13 َا ْل ُم ِـج ْي ُـب َا ْل َو ِاس ُـــع َا ْلـــحَ ِـــكيـْ
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