View U.S. Patent No. 10463719 in PDF

View U.S. Patent No. 10463719 in PDF

I 1111111111111111 1111111111 lllll lllll 111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111 US010463719Bl c12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 10,463,719 Bl Van Pijkeren et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 5, 2019 (54) MICROORGANISMS AND METHODS FOR Becker SC, Dong S, Baker JR, Foster-Frey J, Pritchard DG, PRODUCING BIOLOGICS AND Donovan DM. 2009. LysK CHAP endopeptidase domain is required INTRODUCING BIOLOGICS TO SITES for lysis of live staphylococcal cells. FEMS Micro biol Lett 294: 52- 60. (71) Applicant: WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH Beisel CL, Gomaa AA, Barrangou R. 2014. A CRISPR design for FOUNDATION, Madison, WI (US) next-generation antimicrobials. Genome Biol 15:516. Bikard D, Euler CW, Jiang W, Nussenzweig PM, Goldberg GW, (72) Inventors: Jan Peter Van Pijkeren, Madison, WI Duportet X, Fischetti VA, Marraffini LA. 2014.; Exploiting CRISPR­ (US); Jee-Hwan Oh, Madison, WI Cas nucleases to produce sequence-specific antimicrobials. Nat (US) Biotech 32:1146-1150. 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