
• -. J . •I 4 t h YEAR - NUMBER 74 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 196:5 PHONE HARBOR 1818 1 HEINZ KAISER NOW AT HOAG WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Orange County Supervt11o r Heinz Kalller of Coal& Me.111 was today in Ho11g Ho11pllal llll a result of high olood pru­ Kendall Resigns sur.. Ku1!<er's condition wu reported as · ·~ood" today by ho• · pltal attendants. The supervisor entered Hoa4 Wednesday. A llending phyinctan J ohn K. C. Chung of Costa M l!Bll reported Ka iser wu In t he hpaplt.&I tor .. rest and a check -up." He 6dded the 11uper"ll'Or wa.a expected to lt>a ve Ule hospital "somlltune next week." OFF TO SAN FRANCISCO WITH HARBOR STORY as Bay Club Head A peculiarly N ewport Har bor produ ct, O a re.nee A c kerman'• n ew model k etch, Newporter No. 2, sailed to San Fran cisco last night f r o m the 21st St. Landing, GOVERNMENT·COSTS tbe ! our men above u her skipper and crew. Three of them h old unlimited mas­ Sells Clint W. Murchison ter'• ticket.-any ocean, any type vessel. From left, Ole Lee, n o rth Pacific Coast distributor of new ketch which will continue t o be bujlt here; Jim Koerber, ma­ rine engineer , San Pedro; Lee'• eons, George H. of San Francisco and Cy Lee, LESS IN NEWPORT Overall Stock Control! Lon g Beach. The Lees hold the unlliruted ratings. They expec t to &rrive by Sunday at Golden Gate. - Staff Photo International City Managen Overall control of Balboa Bay Club now ia In the handll Report Compares Civic Mai-ks of Clint W. Murchison, T e xaa multimillion&tre, it wu dia­ cloeed today with anno u n cement by Kenneth T. Kend&D. (Special to the Newport Harbor Ule cities. where IJ1e a verage cost president-director , of his resignation &nd l&Je of hJa ltock New1-Pre1111) wae J•.12 a month per resident. t o the w e llknown oilman. H e founded t h e club over 118"8 NEW YORK- It COllla residents Public payroll11. t>sped a lly local years ago whl'n he signed thl' ot Newport Beach leN. on a per and State, have bet>n growing leaM with the City of Newport capita bull, for tbe operation of ateadily In recent y ea rs, lt la point· Beach. Gas Utility Caught their local govemrnent. than It eel out . The r l11e more than off.seta Word of the t<hange came with doea people In moet other clUea the alight r eduction mude ln the & letter dated <kl. 1 address«! to In tbe United Statea. Thia I.a dla· number ot F edf'rat Jobhoh.ter11. The "Dear Fellow Mt> mber." l ntor­ cloeed by the lntemallonal City wage sea.le. also, haa been n11lng mallon to the News-Pre.. lndlcat ­ Nanageni AaaoclaUon, baaed on u cities. through !ring& benetlta ed Murchl30n . who bought Into th• data obla.ined trom t he C~ua and cash lncreues, have a ttempt· club more th11n a yru a go when Bureau for 1060 clllee with popu­ ed to cope with h igher living rosts financing of new apartment ufll tJI laUona above 10,000. and With better wages In pr ivate watt underway. now owna 90 per Comparl.tona are made for all industry. C'U!\'T W. Ml' RCKl80N cent of Ule stoe'k. Kendall, at the clllea, aho1;Ylng number of em· Se~kiilg City Oil (Buy1 Club Control) time of •ale to Murehlaon. held ploytta and 11.ze or payroll• at the about half Jntt'reat In the club, ll end of 19M. wu understood. Newport Beach, at the tlme, had NEWPORT 10 KRANZ 'SPECIAL WAyne Fer-rell. whn came htre lrecik·in Nipped, on lta payroU 2" people. olher 1111 club m 11nager from Long Gas Co. Financing Fight t han school peNioOnntl. Thia waa EDITION' ARRIVES Bea ch recf'nlly. will conUnul' ln Suspect Escapes equiva.lenl to 12.6 au.ch employee. that po1t. A club ~pol<e11m11n aald ror e very 1000 realdenta. It wu WELL READY "Scooping" National Nt.>Ws· 11uceeaaor to Kenda ll will be A Coal& Mela brult·ln WU nip­ about the aame aa the average rate papt'r Week which open11 Oct. chown next month by the club ped In the act early Tburaday to Steal City Tidelands of munlclpa.l employment In the 1, Mr and Mr11. Charles Krani., board or directors momlng. but the 11uapect made a other ciUes, 12.9 per 1000. Among FOR PUMP Chf( H11ven, became part> nt.s FABt ' LOl18 TEXAN baaty departure before police cou.ld clllea of It• alze caterory, 10,000 ot a llt'l'nnd ll(ln Wtdnuday at a rrive. City Manager J oh n Sanor11 to­ Harborltl'I acquainted w f t h By BEN REDDICK to 2:1,000 population, there were Hotig Ho11pltal. Murchison's fabulous career had M r11 . Genevieve Brooks of 16& E . 1 t.1 employees per JOOO r ealdentJI. day announced Newport No. 10 The younpter La named U n covering of the n e fario us a ctivities o f t he multi­ predict ed he wo\lld eventually own llEl'\NETll 1'. U ND4LL 13rd St. h eard a nolee at the r ear The monthly payroll Jn Newport well being dl'vloped hy Monte· BrucP .Al&n K ranz. His Cather rey Oil Co. Into Its c•1tv-owned control of the club, once he be· (8f'U. .........) bedroom wln<low, 11he t old officers, h eaded M edusa- P acific Lighting Company, and its children Beach at the end or the ye&r t otal· hM been fl compot!llor and came '1nt ere.t1ted Jn the venture. Udela nda lt'ase, probably · will go tyP"11ettmg operator at t be Murchl.aon whuetn he hu acqulreo a nd a 111 w a person 's hand gra11p· ed $69,900. Divided by lhe number Thal 11 a leading characterlatlc of questionable family Southern Califo rnia Gas C o. a nd on Ule pump tomo1·ruw night. flllanclal Int.rut Ill club. lng the 11e reen. When she ran to dt city wor.kera. thl1 anfbunted to Nt wa-Pretis 1lnee 1960. Tbe of Murchlaon'1 unique ttn&nclal my the The weU la completed and 111 the phone and r ailed t he police the Southern C o unties Gas Co. has been made t oday. Tbe an a verage of $29e a month per Kninr:' flr•t 110n, Steven, la 19 acumen. HJ1 vut holdinp include I know Mr. Murchl«m M. c rut wlliUng to go on lhe pump u at atlon, the 1uapect ran fr~ lbe employee. It comparu favorably month• of ace. everything from oU wella, neW9· pliana for the tutun of our club Southern California Gu Co. hu admitted it I.a the fountain IOOn aa the drill r ig Is 11k1dded a.nd I bot will do nery­ -ne. wtth the rate ta Ow oti.. c1u... paper chain.I and commercial lnta­ am au.re or gold tlnan~ tb• de9plca.bloa t:ze. per montll. to Ha~ ........ etart Nl'Wporl UU.W J)0991 111M t.o m.-. it even J " Allen Bill" which would extract No. 11, ha Ill.Id. SPORTS RESULTS ..t. lo l&Ttr• llUIUr ance compan.1-. The COttt of meellnc U\18 ~Y· Kend&ll'• letter reada n r'b&lJJll -~ - from the City or Lohg &>ach It.a roll wu equJvalent t o '3.7S a "ll look.a Ilk• 0\1- msy be 11 HJ w1ah t o attnd......... my 8'19eere -. wea.llh from the oil rtch tJdeland&. u follow• : month for every man. woman and g ood weU. I tit.ard from Ernie "Dear Fellow Member: tbanlla to all membe,. who have The giant utility 111 wilnlf the Jun1·or Vars1·1y SENATOR MURDY BLASTS chlld tn Newport Bffch . Pyles. MonteTey Vl<'e-pre1m1f'nl. '"Illla la to announce that J have 90 ('efleroualy stnn tbetr .upport u Long Bl'ach fight the 11prlng. Thi• was Iese than In moet of thJs morning." Sa flora u ld. l.n helplns to create the outftl.nd· board fnr on<' that would take re• lgned a. Prealdent and Direc­ .As or Wedne11d11y J'l:ewpotl No. tor of the Balboa Bay Club. ln&' eucceM ot the club ln wtllch Crom all cities e.11 r lght11 under Tan w1·n 25 ·& to had betn dn ll11cl lo a drill • "Jl 1eenu only yutetday t.hat we may all dertve a .,._t de.I vt any tidela nd grnnl by the State prtde. SA PAPER'S REPORTING of Callfom ia. Although t hei r aim Mesa Building depth of 41 05 feel and clrtllers t M t b II 1 11lrned the leaae with the City of reported lht'y had enro11ntert"d 0 foun~ •'ThJ1 la not a &'oodby, u Mra. he..s not as yet bt'en dlrC'cted a on e e :'llewpor1 Beach a.nd Ult the greateat l!llll pre,sure or any , , KendaJJ and I l'xpect to enJO)' U.. agatn11t lhe City oC Newport Beach &Jbon Bay Club. but In r eality It c1lv ti.tPtands well olt•vrlup~I lo I Newrorl Harbor High School• hu bern 11vl'r /11'\'en y 11a.rs. dl'llghtfUI facllltlea of the cl\lb Pacific Ocec111 Site Needed for nnd it;i t idelands Crom which more Permits Top date, Sailors salu.
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