~54 TUGFORD,.. SHROPSHIRE. (&ELLY's widows, being the interest of £roo. Captain Charles Bald- Office), via Munslow. The nearest money order offices wyn Childe J.P. of Kinlet Hall is lord m the manor of the are at Munslow & Church Stretton & telegraph office at entire parish and sole landowner. The soil is red clay; the Church Stretton. WALL LETTER Box in Rectory wall, subsoil varies from sandstone to gravel. The chief crops cleared at 3,40 p.m. week days only are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The acreage is 1,312; CARRIER.-Maddox, from Bauldon, passes through to Lud- rateable value, £1,461 ; the population in 1881 was no, low on mon. & Bridgnorth on sat BAUCOT is a township I mile west. Parish Clerk, Samuel Jones. The children of this parish attend the schools at Munslow & Letters are received through Craven .Arms (Railway Sub- Abdon Farmer Nathaniel, farmer 1 Wall George, farmer & miller (water) Tugford. Gwilt Thomas, farmer Woodhoose Rev. Richard B.A. Rectory Jones Saml. blacksmith&; parish clerk Baucot.. Dodson William, wheelwright, Balaam's Morris John, farmer Marsh Thomas, farmer & overseer heath Price William, shopkeeper ShirleyJane (Mrs.)&; Richd.Wm.farmrs UFFINGTON is a parish and village, pleasantly seated canopies, and a timber ceiling of the 14th century: the 3 miles east from Shrewsbury and 2! miles north-west from most perfect portion now left is the infirmary hall, with a Upton Magna station on the Great Western and London and turreted western gable on the south side of the base court; North Western joint line from Shrewsbury to Wellington, it retains a fireplace, brasses of a screen, and decorated and is bounded on the south-west by the river Severn and windows; the kitchen has external chimneys of the 14th intersected by the Shropshire Union canal: it is in the century; on the hill behind the chapter house is a small Northern division of the county, south division Bradford stone conduit: in the ruins are two monumental stones, hundred, .Atcham union, Shrewsbury county court district, which bear the following inscriptions, "Ye that pass this petty sessional division of Albrighton, rural deanery of way pray for the soul of John Fitz Alan, who lies here; Shrewsbury, archdeaconry of Salop and diocese of Lichfield. God on his soul have mercy, Amen." 01 IsabeldeMortimer,. HAUGHMOND DEMENSE for civil purposes was united to his wife, here lyeth by him; God on their souls have mercy, Uffington in 1887, the whole being known as Uffington. Amen": the illustrious persons thus commemorated were The church of the Holy Trinity is a modern building in the John Fitz Alan, 6th Earl of Arundel, who died in 1269, and Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of three Isabel his wife, daughter of Sir Roger Mm·timer. Pimley bays, north aisle, south porch and a western turret containing Manor, about half a mile north-west, between the river :2 bells: there is some German stained glass: the church was Severn and the Shropshire Union canal, is the residence of restored in 1856 and affords x6o sittings. The register dates Mrs. Sparrow. The Rev. George William Corbet B.A. is from the year 1578. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is value £go, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. George varied, from good sound gravelly to stiff clay~ -subsoil, clay William Corbet :B.A. of Sundorne Castle, and held since 1875 and gravel. The chief crops are turnips, barley, elover and by the Rev. Thomas Dodgson M.A. of Durham University. wheat. The area, including Haughmond Demense, is 2,933 .Sundorne Castle, about I mile north from Uffington, the acres of land and 44 of water; rateable value with Hangh­ residence of the Rev. George William Corbet B.A. rector of mond, £4,460; the population with Haughmond in 1881 Upton Magna, is a handsome mansion, with private chapel was 406. .attached, standing in a park of about 8o acres, which con- Parish Clerk, Samuel Ralphs. tains a fine sheet of ornamental water : near the castle are -the ruins of Haughmond Abbey, the property of the Rev. PosT 0FFJCE.-Edward Cartwright, receiver. Letters by George William Corbet B.A.; this monastery was founded messenger arrive from Shrewsbury at 6.10 a.m.; dis- in the year II38 by William Fitz Alan, for canons of the patched at 6.40 p.m. The nearest money order & tele- ~rder of St. Augustine, and dedicated to St. John the Eva.n- graph office is at Shrewsbury. Postal orders are issued gelist: the ruins, situs.ted on the side of a gentle eminence, here, but not paid form an imposing object: the church rose in graduated bays School (mixed), built about 1849, with residence for the and floors from west to east; and the western wall contains mistress, for 103 children; average attendance, 65 e& a recessed doorway and a lofty lavatory, on the east is the supported in part by the Rev. G. W. Corbet, of Sundorne D.ne portal of the chapter house, with figures of saints under Castle; John William Dowson, master Corbet Rev. George William B.A. [rector Cartwright J oseph, shoe maker · M unslow John, basket makr. & ferryman of Upton Magna], Sundorne castle DavenportJacob, farmr. Sunderton frm Ralphs Robert, wheelwright Dodgson Rev. Thomas M. A. [vicar], E verall Danl. farmr .Pimley Manor farm Ralphs Samuel, blacksmith, parish Vicarage Fields Mercantile Co. Limited, brick & clerk, & registrar of births & deaths Pigott Misses pipe manufacturers for Battlefield sub-district Sparrow Mrs. Pimley manor JefferysWm.miller(water), Uffington Roberts William, coal wharf manager Jones Herbert, farmer Smith Joseph, estate steward to the COMMERCIAL. Jones T. L. D. farmer & auctioneer Rev. G. W. Corbet B.A. Sundorne Cartwright & Sons, tailors Littlejohn Alexander, gardener to Rev. Townsend Geo.Corbet Armsl'.H.&farmr Cartwright Edward, shopkpr.Post office G. W. Corbet B.A Wallace James, farmer, Haughmond "UPPINGTON is a small parish, pleasantly situated in the rebuilding, at a cost of about £520, defrayed by public the immediate neighbourhood of the Wrekin, 7! miles subscription: there are 200 sittings. The register dates from east from Shrewsbury, 4 south-west from Wellington and 3 the year 1650. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent­ south from Walcot station on the Great Western and Lon- charge £102, gross yearly value £160, net £145· in the don and North Western joint railway, in the Mid division of gift of tbe Duke of Cleveland K.G. and held since x88o by the -the county, Wellington division of South Bradford hundred, Rev. Samuel Hobson M.A. of Sidney Sussex College, Cam­ .Atcham union and Shrewsbury county court district, Well- bridge. .A parish room, used. also as a Sunday school, was ington petty sessional division, rural deanery of Wrockwar- erected in 1885 at the expense of the Duke of Cleveland K.G. dine, archdeaconry of Salop and diocese of Lichfield. The who is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is -church of Holy Trinity is a small but ancient building of chiefly loam; subsoil, various. The crops are wheat, barley, stone in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, south turnips and clover. Tbe area is 7o6 acres; rateable value, :porch and an embattled western tower containing 6 bells: it £r,CJ90; and the population in 1881 was 101. was almost entirely rebuilt in 1888, under the direction of Aston township is joined to Uppington for ecclesiastical Mr. J. P. Pritchett, architect, of Darlington, at a cost of purposes. The names are enumerated under Aston, Well-. nearly £2,ooo, defrayed by the Duke of Cleveland K.G. ington. J>artly with old material, and several of its most character- Parish Clerk, Thomas Bates. istic features being retained : the Norman walls remain, but most of the early windows have been replaced by later in- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office • .sertions filled with stained glass: over the north doorway is -John Gamble, receiver. Letters through Wellington, a curiously carved stone of very early date, possibly Saxon: arrive at 7.10 a.m. ; dispatched at 6 p.m a small Roman altar has been found embedded in the walls : The children of this place attend the Wroxeter & Uppington the bells and a new organ were added on the completion of school at Donnington Ashdown Augustus Harding Ashdown Augostus Harding, land agt. Gamble John, blacksmith, Post offioe Hobson Rev. Samuel M.A. [vicar az; dio- to the Duke of Cleveland K.G Heatley William Vernon, farmer cesan inspector of schools] Boore Mary (Mrs.), farmer "UPTON CRESSETT (in Domesday Book, "ffitone ")is deanery of Bridg-north, archdeaconry of Ludlow and diocese a township and parish, 4 miles west-south-west from Bridg· of Hereford. The Borle brook rises in this parish. The north station, in the Southern division of the county, Chel- church of St. Michael is an ancient building of stone in the marsh division of Stottesdon hundred, Bridgnorth petty Norman and Early English styles, consisting of chancel 8688ional division, union and county court district, rural I with a chapel on the south side, nave, south porch and a. .
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