A GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPER Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Eatontown, N.J. Permit #66 BAYSHORE EFENDENT SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT, MATAWAN, UNION BEACH AND KEANSBURG JULY 22, 1992 2 5 C E N T S VOL. 22 NUMBER 30 M a t a w a n L a k e s e e s h o t , d r y s u m m e r Page 3 W o r k y o u b e o n M i l l e r t e s t e d f o r A v e n u e IDS? Page 8 Page 34 G o ing to th e fair John DeRosa of Matawan enjoys a ride at the 1991 Monmouth County Fair. The 1992 fair is set to open today in Freehold Township. Special centerfold section Photograph by Bob Bruce 2*JU LY'22, 1992l, 'TH E "iN DEP E N DENT From Our REGULAR NURSERY P E R E V E R G NOT INCLUDED IN SUPER SALE A N D TR EE 4 off all SHADE and FLOWERING TREES % Off alI SATURDAY, Large Selection of J U L Y 2 5 ™ g a l . EVERGREENS 1 0 A M - 3 PM O N L Y - 1 0 for 3 9 " over 2000 EVERGREENS & TREES D^rge Se^ction of MUST BE SOLD (Good Varieties) PERENNIALS and EXAMPLE: Located 3t J&P ROSES Over 1000 Mixed In 3 GAL. CONTAINERS Schibanoff Road Gate Only e v e r g r e e n s 10 for................6099 $-|99 will be $ 9 Q 9 9 each PRICED sold at... 2 " 3 for .....2500 FROM... TO NONE HIGHER Reg. 8.95 each ESPOMA FERTILIZES iwmugm Seefrer Special Twinlight 30 LBS Scotts tS;8Q SQ. FT. TURFTONE PR EM IU M 10-6-4 TICK 10-10-10 LAWN TURFBUILDER PLUS 2 DIAZINON 5G 1 50% ORGANIC STOPPER & GARDEN FOOD ;99 INSECTICIDE Reg. - f # 1 9 9 Reg. 9.99.......... Covers Scotts 15,00 SQ. FT. 5000 SQ. FT 14.49 I U 4545 Sq. Ft. SUPER TURFBUILDER Controls Grubs & Most Reg. 13.99 Other Insects on your GIANT 20,000 FT. Bag GLORION lawn and in your garden GLORION WEED & FEED ‘ 099 Q99 DELUXE GRASS FOOD For Turf-15,000 FT. Reg. 11.99 O Longer-lasting formula with MFR'S LIST or 3 for 25.00 M l S S S ? PR'CE$29_95 Grows dense, MFR'S LIST encourage denser, more M k l i n g re e n g ra s s FOR FLOWER Twinlight uniform growth. ■ ■ J J U & SHRUB BEDS Weed Scientifically blended I JONATHAN GREEN WEED STOPPER LAWN nutrients feed lawns more I covers Preventer cnnn PLUS DANDELION and economically. Guaranteed | 20.000- WEED SCREEN r U U U BROAD LEAF WEED CONTROL 99 not to bum! Less than ‘1.00 per 1000 Sq.Ft w eed s. covers to 7500 sq. ft. 8 9 9 15,000Sq.Ft. S c U c 2 4 / « s f ITEMS AVAILABLE AT BOTH LOCATIONS r j i i H r f u 40 LBS. pricf° e uvto TOP SOIL „ $ 1 R a n d B l u e or PEAT HUMUS J S S k i % BACTOPOHING MIX 25 Lbs. •To 50% ROOT MULCH A Complete Planting Mi* R.T.U. NUR SEr CEMENT A F P or SELECT 1881 40 Lbs. POTTING MIX $q 99 g a r d e n u r r Your Choice O ea. AcsniDKEie f t ' ■ f S K f S ! » u parr nnQc S s u p e . Barga>ns hundreds of pieces TO choose b S u S n c P L S ^ from - NEW PIECES ADDED WEEKLY Shredded (Froi n Idaho) . r $ 1 0 00 EVERYTHING FOR * ChCemlntr°oTs; Bird Baths, Fountains RED CEDAR MIILCH 3 tO LINERS by the FOOT Nautical Deer Forest Animals, Pond Dehydrated 3 CU. FT. BALE . YOUR WATER_ 12 R . A 19’4 ft widn Pieces, Gnomes, Oriental, Fishing Boys, KAMLAR .( j S w w i S L 1 GARDEN ‘H i i L f i M I L thickness a v a ila b le ] Classical Statuary, Jockeys, Lions, COW _ ASB MINI Cartoon Characters and mores MANURE CANADIAN NUGGETS POND FISH Are In! j Reg. 6.99 peat 4 FOR 12. KOI, COMETS, Sfmhunkms, Fautails Calicoax R 9 9 2 cu. ft. bag Blue or Gold Catfish, Lionlwads, Sarasses l „ P E T A" ^ Orandas, Snails & Tadpoles SUPPLY APITOL , n SAVE 25% ON .. SHOP £ f EP V0UR POND ALL concbete pavers alA£«e-formed ponds • r* CRYSTAL CLEAR with SUPPLIES *1% OFF ANY LINERS* ANO' FOODS ' ultraviolet! "?*tee iV Ictrc/tits' LIGHTS - | 0 0 ALL Have GAZING GLOBES 10 % SeuHfUet HOUSE PLANTS OFF for just MORTON WATER ALL PLASTIC s s S l 5 | STERNS CONDITIONER % SALT PLANTERS IIRACID 50 LB. BAGS Reg. 4.99 each] and CERAMIC | l . f $ 7 9 9 EFFECTIVE ( 10 fo r NATURAL JAPANESE £1,M POTS 2 5 BEETLE CONTROL T Reg. 6.99 3 9 " BROCK FARMS PRICE POLICY We Guarantee we will not be under­ ROUTE 9 NORTH ROUTE 34 NORTH sold. Brock will match any Current- Not responsible for FREEHOLD Newspaper advertised price on brand typographical errors. We COLTS NECK name items. Simply present the AD to reserve the right to limit 462-2700 462-0900 the cashier prior to purchase. Items quantities. Sale prices MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM SUNDAY 9 AM to 6 PM must be of equal size and quality. effective thru 8/4/92 SUNDAY 9 AM to 6 PM THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS” THE INDEPENDENT, JULY 22, 1992 3 INSIDE STORY E ngineer explains reason for draining Veterans’ advocate Frances T. Nebus of Matawan Resident misses w ill focus on veterans’ causes as part of her new duties as national legisla­ Matawan Lake tive director for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary. She during summer is featured In the Spotlight. By Christine Menapace '___ P A G E 7 M ATAW AN — Many residents are On the phone unhappy because Matawan Lake has been drained during the summer, but county W hat are those strange companies officials say that the draining is necessary that appear on your telephone bill, to repair the Little Street Bridge. and why are their charges so high? Greg Bitsko, the county engineer over­ Marilyn Duff explains in Pinching seeing the $800,000 project, explained that P e n n ie s . due to temperature-sensitive repair materi­ P A G E 21 als such as latex-modified concrete, which has a dry time of 28 days, “you have to do To call the Independent it when the weather’s warm.” He said that the application of paint to pilings to Advertising ................................................7 4 7 -0 2 2 2 decrease deterioration made draining the lake necessary. Circulation ..................................................7 4 7 -0 2 2 2 C la s s ifie d ......................................................7 4 7 -6 5 6 5 But Robert Hardie, a Broad Street resi­ News/Sports ..............................................7 4 7 -0 2 2 2 dent whose property is on the lakefront, said that the explanation “sounds like a News releases or advertising copy good lot of nonsense. ... I think they may be mailed or brought to the could’ve done it at some other time.” Independent office in the Jerral The drained lake, with only 3 or 4 feet Building at 766 Shrewsbury Ave., of water, is unpleasant, he said. Although Tinton Falls, N .J. 07724. none of his neighbors are enraged, he said, most are unhappy with the situation and miss enjoying the lake in the summertime. Bitsko said that workers would start re­ INDEX ___________ filling the lake by Sept. 1. Using two pumps, the county was able to drain the ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 27-29 AUTOMOTIVE ..................................................7 2 - 7 9 lake in six to seven days, beginning June BUSINESS ...........................................................4 8 - 4 9 3 0 . CHECK IT OUT ..................................................... 5 5 Most of the water went into Matawan CLASSIFIED ....................................................... 6 2 - 7 1 Creek. He said they did not use the dams to CLUB CALENDAR ................................................2 6 drain the water. Instead, a small pump DINING .....................................................................5 1 - 5 3 keeps the lake at its current level. EDITORIALS ..................................................... 4 In order to drain the lakes, the county ENVIRONMENT ................................................... 5 0 had to receive a permit from the state De­ HEALTH .......................................................................... 2 4 partment of Environmental Protection and IN THE SPOTLIGHT ............................................1 6 LETTERS .................................................................................4 Energy, which requires salvaging the fish. OBITUARIES .................................................................5 4 Bitsko said that this was not a problem, O L D H O U S E .....................................................................5 though, because there is no record of fish PARENTING ................................................................... 2 5 or aquatic life in the lake. PEOPLE IN THE NEW S .................................. 2 6 Hardie agreed, saying, “Nothing can PINCHING PENNIES ........................................2 1 live in the lake; it’s too acidic.” He said the POLICE BEAT ..................................................5 6 - 5 7 only animals affected by the draining were P R O P E R T Y L I N E S ................................................6 1 the ducks and geese at the pond, which PULSE .........................................................................................5 appear to have moved toward the dam PUPIL PATTER ................................................3 0 - 3 1 REAL ESTATE NEW S ........................................6 0 where there is more water. REGION ROUNDUP ...............................1 7 - 2 0 Bitsko said the county project to repair Photograph by Rich Schultz the bridge is being funded with $300,000 in DRAINED FOR THE SUMMER SCHOOLS ............................................................. 3 0 - 3 1 Lake Matawan was drained recently due to construction on the Little Street Bridge, SINGLES .............................................................................3 3 state funds and $500,000 in county funds.
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