Cambridge University Press 0521772958 - Infanticide by Males and its Implications Carel P. van Schaik and Charles H. Janson Index More information Species index aardwolf 333 Arctocephalus australis, see South American fur Acinonyx jubatus, see cheetah seal Acomys cahirinus, see spiny mouse Arctocephalus galapagoensis, see Galapagos fur acorn woodpecker 202, 205, 207, 208, 216 seal Acrocephalus arundinaceus, see reed warbler Arctocephalus gazella, see Antarctic fur seal African civet 335 Arctocephalus pusillus, see southern fur seal African elephant 336 Arctocephalus tropicalis, see Subantarctic fur African striped weasel 334 seal agile gibbon 258, 417 Arvicola terrestris, see water vole agile mangabey, see crested mangabey Assamese macaque 287, 289, 418 Ailuropoda melanoleucus, see giant panda Ateles, see spider monkey Ailurus fulgens, see red panda Ateles belzebuth, see long-haired spider Allen’s swamp monkey 229, 289, 416 monkey Allenopithecus nigroviridis, see Allen’s swamp Ateles fusciceps, see brown-headed spider monkey monkey Allen’s bushbaby 413 Ateles geoffroyi, see black-handed spider Allocebus, see hairy-eared dwarf lemur monkey Alopex lagopus, see Arctic fox Ateles paniscus chamek, see black spider Alouatta belzebul, see red-handed howler monkey monkey Australian sea lion 336, 349 Alouatta caraya, see black howler monkey Avahi, see woolly lemur Alouatta fusca, see brown howler monkey aye-aye 230 Alouatta palliata, see mantled howler monkey Alouatta seniculus, see red howler monkey baboon 229, 232, 271, 282, 376, 407, 428 Alouattta pigra, see Mexican black howler badger 334 monkey Baikal seal 336 alpine marmot 66, 180, 183, 191, 192, 194, 337 bamboo lemur 228, 230, 236 American mink 359 banded langur 302, 307, 311, 402–3, 419 Angolan black colobus 417 banded mongoose 335 angwantibo 229, 338 bank vole 66, 184, 192, 193, 355, 432 Antarctic fur seal 335 Barbary macaque 35, 65, 271, 277–81, 283–5, Antilocapra americana, see pronghorn 287, 289, 292, 341, 417 Aotus, see night monkey barn swallow 201, 202, 204, 205, 209, 210, Apodemus sylvaticus, see European wood 219, 246, 249 mouse Bassariscus astutus, see ring-tailed cat Apus affinis, see little swift bat-eared fox 332 Arctic fox 332 bearded saki 229, 415 Arctic ground squirrel 183, 191, 247, 251, 265 Belding’s ground squirrel 179, 183, 191, 337, Arctocebus, see angwantibo 426, 428, 437 [555] © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772958 - Infanticide by Males and its Implications Carel P. van Schaik and Charles H. Janson Index More information 556 Species index bighorn sheep 332 Callicebus personatus, see masked titi monkey bison 332, 351 Callicebus torquatus, see yellow-handed titi black bear 66, 334 monkey black colobus monkey 302, 307, 417 Callicebus, see titi monkey black howler monkey 32, 34, 94, 300, 307, Callimico, see Goeldi’s monkey 339, 377, 414, 476 Callithrix, see marmoset black lemur 34, 338, 413, 439 Callithrix argentata, see silvery marmoset black mangabey 289, 416 Callithrix humeralifer, see tassle-ear marmoset black rhinoceros 335 Callithrix jacchus, see common marmoset black spider monkey 300, 307, 315, 339, callitrichids 48, 65, 327, 345, 351, 365, 366, 402–3, 414 405, 442, 448 black uakari 414 Callorhinus ursinus, see northern fur seal black-and-red tamarin 300, 307, 415 Campbell’s guenon 34, 416, 440 black-and-white colobus monkey 32, 35, 95, canids 349, 358 225, 302, 307, 402–3, 417 Canis adustus, see side-striped jackal black-backed jackal 332 Canis aureus, see golden jackal black-bearded saki 415 Canis familiaris dingo, see dingo black-chested moustached tamarin 415 Canis latrans, see coyote black-footed cat 333 Canis lupus, see wolf black-handed spider monkey 402–3, 414 Canis mesomelas, see black-backed jackal black-tailed prairie dog 66, 179, 183, 191, 337, Canis simensis, see simian wolf 426, 428, 429, 432–3, 436 Cape ground squirrel 338, 358 blue monkey 32, 34, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, 48, 52, capped langur 174, 299, 302, 307, 310, 419 55, 340, 402–3, 416, 476, 478–80, 482, 484, Capuchin monkey 229, 376–8 493 caracal 333 bobcat 66, 333 carnivores, social 328, 345, 349, 355, 358, bonnet macaque 276, 279, 283, 285, 287, 289, 438, 442–4 341, 418, 441 catarrhine primates 373–83, 428 bonobo 22, 24, 288, 289, 304, 307, 315, 342, Cavia spp., see guinea pig 369, 371, 402–3, 407, 417 caviomorph rodents 188 bontebok 332, 350 Cebuella, see pygmy marmoset booted macaque 418 Cebus, see capuchin monkey Bornean tarsier, see western tarsier Cebus albifrons, see white-fronted capuchin bottle-nosed dolphin 63, 66, 335, 352, 410 monkey bowhead whale 335 Cebus apella, see brown capuchin monkey Brachyteles arachnoides, see muriqui Cebus capucinus, see white-throated capuchin Brandt’s vole 66, 184, 192 monkey brown bear 66, 196, 334 Cebus olivaceus, see wedge-capped capuchin brown capuchin monkey 339, 402–3, 415, monkey 476, 488–9 Celebes macaque 287, 289, 341, 396, 418 brown howler monkey 34, 94, 414 Ceratotherium simum, see white rhinoceros brown hyaena 333, 442 Cercocebus, see mangabey brown lemur 34, 338, 402–3, 413 Cercocebus albigena, see gray-cheeked brown-headed spider monkey 56, 414 mangabey burying beetle 245–6, 248, 267 Cercocebus aterrimus, see black mangabey bush dog 332 Cercocebus atys, see sooty mangabey bushy-tailed woodrat 337 Cercocebus galeritus, see crested mangabey Cercocebus torquatus atys, see sooty mangabey Cacajao calvus, see red uakari Cercocebus torquatus, see sooty mangabey Cacajao melanocephalus, see black uakari Cercopithecus aethiops, see vervet monkey Cacjao, see uakari Cercopithecus ascanius, see redtailed monkey California ground squirrel 66, 183, 191 Cercopithecus campbelli lowei, see Campbell’s California mouse 66, 184, 192, 337, 356 guenon California vole 66, 183, 192 Cercopithecus cephus, see moustached Callicebus brunneus, see dusky titi monkey monkey Callicebus moloch, see dusky titi monkey Cercopithecus diana, see Diana monkey © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772958 - Infanticide by Males and its Implications Carel P. van Schaik and Charles H. Janson Index More information Species index 557 Cercopithecus erythrogaster, see red-bellied Colobus verus, see olive colobus monkey monkey Columbian ground squirrel 66, 183, 191, 429, Cercopithecus erythrotis, see red-eared monkey 431–2 Cercopithecus hamlyni, see owl-faced monkey common marmoset 225, 299, 300, 307, 308, Cercopithecus lhoesti, see L’Hoest’s guenon 339, 366, 383, 415, 428 Cercopithecus mitis, see blue monkey common vole 66 Cercopithecus mona, see Mona monkey common zebra 335 Cercopithecus neglectus, see De Brazza’s Coquerel’s dwarf lemur 34, 47, 230, 413 monkey cottontop tamarin 339, 364, 366, 415 Cercopithecus nictitans, see spot-nosed monkey coyote 332 Cercopithecus petaurista, see lesser spot-nosed crabeater seal 336 monkey crab-eating zorro 332 Cercopithecus pogonias, see crowned guenon crested gibbon 417 Cercopithecus preussi, see Preuss’s monkey crested mangabey 34, 274, 287, 289, 340, 416 Cercopithecus solatus, see sun-tailed monkey Crocuta crocuta, see spotted hyena Cercopithecus spp., see guenons crowned guenon 416 Cercopithecus wolfi, see Wolf’s monkey crowned lemur 413 Cerdocyon thous, see crab-eating zorro cui 185, 336 Cervus elephas, see red deer Cuon alpinus, see dhole chacma baboon xii, 3, 32, 35, 45, 52, 99, 100, Cynictus penicillata, see yellow mongoose 123–52, 252–5, 260, 261, 265, 267, 270, 273, Cynomys gunnisoni, see Gunnison’s prairie 288, 289, 290, 291, 299, 302, 307, 309, 310, dog 313, 342, 417, 440, 476 Cynomys ludovicianus, see black-tailed prairie cheetah 333 dog Cheirogaleus major, see greater dwarf lemur Cystophora cristata, see hooded seal Cheirogaleus medius, see fat-tailed dwarf lemur Damaliscus dorcas, see bontebok chimpanzee 9, 12, 15, 17, 33, 35, 36, 41, 42, 43, Daubentonia, see aye-aye 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 55, 56, 123, 225, 288, 289, De Brazza’s monkey 416 291, 299, 304, 307, 309–11, 313, 315, 318, deer mouse 66, 184, 192, 251, 337, 432 320, 327, 342, 364, 365, 369, 376, 382, desert woodrat 184, 192 402–3, 407, 417, 428, 436, 438, 439, 476 dhole 332 Chiropotes, see bearded saki Diana monkey 416 Chiropotes albinasus, see white-nosed saki Diceros bicornis, see black rhinoceros Chiropotes satanus, see bearded saki Dicrostonyx groenlandicus, see collared Chrysocyon brachyurus, see maned wolf lemming Ciconia ciconia, see white stork dingo 442 Cinclus cinclus, see Eurasian dipper Djungarian hamster 184, 192, 337, 355–6 Cistothorus palustris, see long-billed marsh Dolichotis patagonium, see mara wren domestic cat 66, 333 Civettictus civetta, see African civet domestic horse 66, 335, 354, 355 Clethrionomys gapperi, see red-backed vole douc langur 419 Clethrionomys glareolus, see bank vole drill 35, 43, 289, 341 Clethrionomys rutilus, see northern red-backed dusky langur 342, 419 vole dusky titi monkey 414 collared lemming 66, 184, 192, 337 dwarf bushbaby 230, 413 Colobus, see colobus monkey Colobus angolensis, see Angolan black colobus eastern chipmunk 338 Colobus badius, see red colobus monkey ebony langur 418 Colobus guereza, see black-and-white colobus Eira barbara, see tayra monkey elephant seal 327, 350 Colobus kirkii, see Kirk’s colobus monkey emperor tamarin 415 Colobus monkey 229, 484 Enhydra lutris, see sea otter Colobus polykomos, see western black-and- Equus burchelli, see common zebra white colobus monkey Equus caballus, see domestic horse Colobus satanus, see black colobus monkey Equus przewalskii, see Przewalski’s horse © Cambridge University
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