MANCHESTER. CLASSIFICATION SLATER'S ENGINEERS & MACHINISTS contd. Lomas Ralph, 1 Billion st. Hulme Plant George &. Co. Limited {cl!. :Ualliday .To,.epb, Poruand Workl!l, Lowry & Co. Cross st. Bury st. Salford boiler makers), Albton J:ron cl!. *Lynde Frederick C. 87 Cross st Boiler Works, Hulme Hall lane, Water at. Newtown M'Gregor Peter & .James,Limited, Ham Ellia, Collyhnrst st. Rochdale road Miles Platting Hardisty William, 156 Chapel st. Salford I 6. maker• of self-acting mules Platt Brothers & Co. Limited, Hartford Ha.yward, Tyler & Co. (makers of the univer- f"or spinning both cotton and chambers, 5 St. Ann's sq; works, Oldha"' aalateom pumps), 4 Blue Boar court, Mar­ wool, also throstles 6. doublers Pooley Henry & son tand iron­ ket place John Chadwick, agent on the :flyer and also on the founders and manufacturers or Heap~. & Co. I.irnited, 15 Ward's buildings, rl.n;;- principle), Falcon Works, every description or weighing Deansgate - Poland st. A.ncoata :Ueap W!lllam &. eo. {and manu­ apparatus), :E'ennelst. 6. Balfst, M'Naugbt WllliaiD 'patentee of works, Albion Foundry, Liver­ f'acturera of englneers', rolle~ M'Na.ugbt"a compound engine, pool-"W. B. Hopkinl!l, manager makers', bobblD turuera' and M':Naugbt'a steam engine l.ndt­ Powell W. & C. Pott st. Ancoats ~tbuttle makers' toolli, atocka. .cator and oil tests, indicator Preston Brothers, Ancoata Bridge Works, taps & dies, patent pipe union maker to the Admiralty, aole Limekiln lane, Ardwick joints, 6.c. ), Ash ton-un der-:Lyne proprietor of M'Naught and Pye William & Thomas, Brownsfield Mill, •Heelis Edward L. Arcade chambers, St. Great Ancoats st Mary's gate Varley'a e:~~:pansion ~notion ; Radford J oseph H. (engineering agent), Hellewell H. & Co. 2'1 Ward's buildings, JDacbine and engine works Bridgewater chambers, 6 Brown st Deansgate valued), 63 King at. &. 26 Ramage J oseph & Co. Sussex st. Sherborne Henson W. Blenheim terrace, Broad st. P R.obertson at. Glasgow st. 8trangeway11 Betherington .Jobn &. Sons Macpherson Wllliam ( mechani­ R.edferD, Smith &. Law (paper), (maker& of" all kinds of cotton cal), New Cannon chambers, A.lbert Works, Barnbrook, opening, preparing &. spinning SS Market st Bury, :Lancashire macbtnery 0 BeUman'a comb­ Manlove, Alliott, Fryer &. Co. Rees & Gledhill, I Warren at. Cross st ing machine& with patented Renshaw Joseph & Co. (and makers of (English, colonial, &. foreign machines for dressers, dyers & finishers), Improvement•; and of general engineers), Back square, near 2 J a.mes st. Oldfield road, Salford worbhop tools), Vulcan Worb, Exchange 0 works, Nottingham, Richardson Amos W. 11 Devonshire at. Pollard st. Ancoats and Rouen, France Chorlton on Medlock Heywood William & Co. ELLESMERE WoRKS, Mason Sa m, jun. 7 St. Ann'& place Richmond & Chandler, Miller st. Green gate, S Ellesmere st. Hnlme Massey &. (&patentees and Ridge Samuel & Co. 6 Gibbons st. Bradford Eiggins Willtam 6. Son&, King n. s. Robinson Joseph & Co. SPBINGFIELD UON Street :Iron Works, Gravel lane, maker& of steam bammers1, WoRKs, Senior st. Snlford Salf"ord-.•lee ad11ert isement Opensbaw Canal J:ron Works, Rogerson & Co. Limited, HENDHAM V J.LB Mancbe•ter WoRKS, Queen's road, Collyhurst •Hildebrandt A. Row chambers, 55 Cross st Routledge J"o&hua, Parsonage Hill Thomas & Sons, VICTORIA IRON WORKS, Mather 6. Platt, Salford :Iron Heywood, near Manchester-See advt Works, Deal st. and Brown buildings, Blackfriars st Hodge Henry, 17 China lane, Piccadilly Street Piston Works, Salford •Routledge William, Parsonage buildings, Uodgson &. Stead (and weighing Measures Brothers & Co. (London), 6Bond lit Blackfriars st machine makers), Egerton J:ron li'Ielling Edward, 833 Oldbam road, Newton Ruwley & Mountford, 2 Hulme st. Oxford 11~. Heath Chorlton on Medlock Works, Windsor st. Regent Royle W. & Co. 84 Railway arch, Hewitt st. road, Salford, Mancbester-S.-e :r.Ielling Thomas, 521 Oldham road, Newton Heath Deansga.te · tJdverluement Melior William & Co. Gorton Brook, West Ryder Thomas & Co. (brt~wers'), Commercial st. Knot Mill •Holcrofi George, Byron's cou{t, St. Mary's Gorton; works, Rainow, ne!U" Maccle~jield gate [Cheetham Mercer Edward tmaker of small Salmon J ames (printers'. bookbinders' and Holme & Partington, 43 Carnarvon st. stationsrs' '• 12 Parsonage, Blackfriars st RolmeB John & Son (and valuers of mills & engines, from two-horse power Saxon Geo. Spring Works, Ashton Old rd. 0 machineLy), Irene chambers, 25 Market st and upwards, also of machine Schaffer & Bndenberg (and manufacturers of Holt Charles E. Sun chambers, 15 Market st and hand taps, &.c.l, Spaw "t. patent steam gauges), 1 Sonthgate, St. Holt Edmund, Bridgewater Iron Works, liS Chapel st. next to New Bailey Mary'B Great Bridgewater st st. Salford Schlele C.&. Co. (~ee Union EngineerinR Holt Edward,Alexander Works,Varley st.N H Morris John (&. branfounder , Co.), 2 Clarence buildings, Booth tt-See Homer 6. Barker (general, and advertiaement [nel at 1nventora of the patent nozzle Regent Brass Works, Glasl!l­ *Scott George L. 46 Lancaster avenue, Fen· :tor aerated water bottles),Globe house st. Regent road, Salford Scott George L. Limited, Crown Iron Works, *Mottram Richard, 100 Kin~ st Heywood st. West Gorton-William E. "Works, Brewery st;. Downin~ llonlton George, 76 & 78 Whitley st. Roch­ Heys, secretary et. Arawick ; omces, Blooms­ dale road Scott .Tames ~ Son (and con­ bury. Rusholme road, Chorlton Muir.a.ndrew 6. Co •..a lbionW"orks, tractors), 10 Tih lane, Cross st on Medlock Strangeways-See uf/vertiseml'llt Scott James C. 46 Lancaster avenue, Fennel •Horrocks !:iamuel (&mechanical), 51 King st Muir Wil'iam & Co. Britannia Works, fiiher­ st Hnlme & Lnud, Wilbnrn st. Regf·nt road, S borne st. Strangeways Sewell & Sidebotham, Gorton lane, W G Hul~e Josevh S. Ordsal Works, Calcter st. )f nlcahyDuniel,:S.~ Elton st. LowerRronghtou Shanks A. F. (Barrh~ad), 63 Brown st-A. F. Itei!ent roa.J, Salford Nasmyth, Wil!;on &. eo. , stea.m JUorrison, agent "Hnlt;e William \\ ilsou, Whalley chu.mhl'rR, engines or every description, Sharp, Stew art & Co. Limited, ATr,As WoRKs, ~ King st [laue land or houl!ie engines, locomo­ Great Bridgewater st. Oxford st. St. Peter'• •Ireland Joua.than, 9 F.llward st. Broughton Shaw, Hossnck & Co. Priory Junction Works, Jackson Peter Rothwell & Co. Salford Roll· tive &. marine engines, pump­ Ferns st. 0\]enshaw ing Mills, Hampson Rt. tlalford ' ing. winding, & blowing en­ Sbaw John & Sons (steam and hydraulic), Jones Thomas, Middlewood st. Salford gines, portable engines for WELLINGTON STREET WoRKS, 8alford .7ordan .Tames rengineer &. safety agricultural 6. other purposes, Shaw Wright,Asbton New road, Clayton valve JDaker;, ZZO Warde st. registered or inverted cylinder Shepherd James, 22 Bra11ennose st Hulme engines donkey feed engines *Simon Henry (and inspecting), 7 St. Kendall & Gent, Victoria Works, Spring­ of all sizes}, 1Z Xing st. and Peter's square tlcld, 8alford Slnclair J"ames (and manufacturer of Kent George (laundry), 24 King at-Ander­ Bridgewater Foundry, Patri­ chemical fire engines, smoke respirators, son & Wright, agents croft, near Manchester pn.tent spiral firs escapes and general fire Kerr R. L. 41 John Dalton st Nichnls !Jriah (patent portable steam en­ apparatus), 48 11: 50 Blackfrian at. Kershaw J. & J. (and tool makers), 88 Store gines & other machinery), Perseverance Deansgate st. London road Iron Works, Duncan st. Old!leld road, S Slater James, Woden Street Iron Works, •&irk Wbeatley, Price &. Goulty, Nickols Daniel, ST. THOMAs's WoRKs, North Ordsal lane, Salford .Albert chambers, &lbert square st. Ardwick green SJDith &. Coventry, Gresley Iron *Nodal Joseph, 48 Arcade chambors, St. Works, 137 Ordsallane, Salforcl Knowles Thomas H. 4 York at. C on M Mary's gate K6rting Brothers (and manufacturers of Smith Thomas, 1 City road, Hnlme steam jet apparatus), 7 & 17 Lancaster Oldbam ~ R.lcharda, Red Bank Sowter William R. (engineering agent), 17 avenue, Fennel at :Iron Works, Back Foundry at. Polygon avenue, Ardwick Larmuth T. & Co. Tolileben Iron Works, Red bank Spencer J"aiDes &. Co. ChA-mber Cross lane, Salford Oliver Mark & Co. 7 Richmond st • J:ron W"orks, Bollinwooll, near I,awson James,Victoria Works, Springtleld, S Oram & Hartley, Greengate, Sal1ord Manchester-S,.e ad,ereutmenl :Leather, Matthew& &. Greenfleld, Ormerod, Grierson & Co. St. George's Iron Stockton Forge Co. (8to111ltna-on-Tu•), 37 (& millwrights), Rroughton Road Iron Wc..rks. Hulme Hall road, Chester road, H Cross st--l<'rederick C. Lynde, agent • Works, Broughton road, Salford Parrott James, 49 Brown at. Chapel st. 8 Sutcliife .Tames !maker of hori­ Lees Asa & Co. Limited, 23 Hopwood Pearn Frank & Co. Hulme Hall road, Hnlme avenue, Market place Peel, Williams & Peel, Soho Foundry and zontal steam engines, 5. to 1Z •Leigh Evan, Town Hall buildings,37Cross st Forge, Pollard st horse power, £7 per bone; •:Le1~b Evan A. 4s. eo. (&mechanical), Penman John Hngh, fa Clarence build· compound, £10 per hone), iugs, Booth st Leven&bulme Town Hsll buildings, 37 Cross Bt Permanent Exhibition of Usefnllnventions, Leigh Evan, Son & Co. Limited, Junction 83 Blackfriars st.Deansgate B. T .Brierloy, sutclUfe x.eonard W. Irene cbam· Iron Works, Newton He&th, adjoining :II.I.lii:ALE. manager ber•. ZS Market st -:ililes Platting Railway station Peters M. L. & Co. Gloucl'!llter I!IL O:rlord Syers P. R. &: A. E. (& millwrights), lrkda.l.a •L'vsey Peter~. 24. & 25 Queen's chambers, at. SL l'eter'a Work.B, Smedley road IS Markot ai 72 1-1 .
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