ROMANIA „VASILE ALECSANDRI” UNIVERSITY OF BACAU FACULTY OF MOVEMENT, SPORTS AND HEALTH SCIENCES Issue 2, Vol. XVIII, 2017 GYMNASIUM Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health EDITORIAL BOARD Tatiana Dobrescu - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania – chief editor Antala Branislav - University of Comenius, Slovakia Claude Luis Gallien - University of Rene Descarrtes, Paris, France Luis Carrasco – University of Seville, Spain Miran Kondric - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Stavros Douvis - University of Athens, Greece Verena Burk - University of Darmstadt, Germany Jaromír Sedláček - Catholic University of Ruzomberok, Slovakia Göral Mehmet - Celal Bayar University, Turkey Carlos Eduardo Goncalves - University of Coimbra, Portugal Adrian Gagea - Science, Human Excellence, and University Sports Society, Romania Ioan Ion Lador - Science, Human Excellence, and University Sports Society, Romania Pierre Joseph de Hillerin - Science, Human Excellence, and University Sports Society, Romania Mugurel Niculescu - University of Piteşti, Romania Dănuţ Nicu Mârza Dănilă - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Gabriela Ochiană - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Gheorghe Balint - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Gloria Raţă - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania EDITING TEAM Bogdan Constantin Raţă - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania – chief edition Cristina Elena Popa - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Responsibility for the content of the articles and iconographic representations for accuracy rests entirely with the authors. (online) = ISSN 2344 – 5645 ISSN-L 1453-0201 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Antala Branislav - University of Comenius, Slovakia Claude Luis Gallien - University of Rene Descarrtes, Paris, France Elisabeth Burge - University of Geneva, Switzerland Francois Plas –Fondation Metallurgique et Miniere pour la Sante, France Gregory Cuvelier - HEPH Condorcet, Belgium John Douvis - University of Peloponnese, Athens, Greece Jaromír Sedláček - Presov University and Catholic University of Ruzomberok, Slovakia Luis Carrasco– University of Seville, Spain Miran Kondric - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Nenad Zivanovic - University of Nis, Serbia Piotr Glowicki – Ackademia Wychowania Fizycynego we Wroclawiu, Poland Veaceslav Manolachi - State University of Physical Education and Sport, Republic of Moldova Verena Burk - University of Darmstadt, Germany Virginie Cuvelier – University of Applied Sciences Geneva, Switzerland Pamela Serra - Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa Göral Mehmet - Celal Bayar University, Turkey Vitor P. Lopes - Instituto Politecnico de Bragança, Portugal Carlos Eduardo Goncalves - University of Coimbra, Portugal Adrian Gagea - Science, Human Excellence, and University Sports Society, Romania Ioan Ion Lador - Science, Human Excellence, and University Sports Society, Romania Pierre Joseph de Hillerin - Science, Human Excellence, and University Sports Society, Romania Alexandru Păcuraru - “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania Iacob Hanţiu - University of Oradea, Romania Mugurel Niculescu - University of Piteşti, Romania Luminița Georgescu - University of Piteşti, Romania Tatiana Dobrescu - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Alexandru Acsinte - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Cătălina Ababei – “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Dănuţ Nicu Mârza Dănilă - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Doina Mârza Dănilă - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Florin Grapă - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Gabriela Ochiană - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Gabriela Raveica - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Gheorghe Balint - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Gloria Raţă - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Radu Ababei –“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania Silviu Şalgău - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania „Gymnasium” is indexed in the following international databases: Index Copernicus, J-Gate DOAJ Ulrich's EBSCO SPORTDiscus with Full Text ProQuest Scipio CrossRef 2 SUMMARY Author Article Pag Examination of the Relationship between Perfectionism Scores and Anger States in 7 Çepikkurt Fatma Physical Education and Sports Teacher Candidates The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy Methods and Techniques in Treating Post-Immobilization Ankle Sprains Popa Cristina- 19 Elena Eficienţa Metodelor şi Tehnicilor Kinetoterapeutice în Tratamentul Entorselor de Gleznă, Postimobilizare Specific Skills Development Using Appropriate Prodan Rodica Tools in the Tennis Game Grosu Emilia 43 Florina Dezvoltarea Aptitudinilor Specifice Jocului de Tenis Utilizând Echipamente Adecvate The Role of Biochemical Tests and of New Methods in Training Monitoring at Performance Swimmers Şalgău Silviu 55 Rolul Testelor Biochimice și a Metodelor Noi de Monitorizare a Antrenamentului la Înotătorii de Performanţă Sedlacek Jaromir General Motor Performance Level of Slovak Jankovsky Pavel University Students Determined by Selected 73 Sagat Peter Physical Activity Factors Pistlova Lubica The Role of Facilitation Techniques in Gonarthrosis Recovery Ochiană Gabriela 83 Rolul Tehnicilor de Facilitare în Recuperarea Gonartrozei 3 Experiment on the Improvement of the Playing Savu Vasile Technique of ”C” Juniors in the Football Game Cătălin 101 Moisescu Petronel Experiment Privind Îmbunătăţirea Tehnicii de Joc a Juniorilor ”C” în Jocul de Fotbal Discrepancies Between the Motivational and the Skill Factor in Choosing the Physical Therapist Profession Mareş Gabriel 113 Discrepanţe Între Factorul Motivaţional şi cel Aptitudinal în Alegerea Profesiei de Kinetoterapeut Yıldız Kadir Çokpartal Cengiz A Research on Facebook Connection Strategies 127 Ada Özge of University Students Kalkan Naci Researches Regarding the Improvement of the Functional Indices Through the Use of Aerobic Gymnastics Means Vulpe Ana-Maria 135 Cercetări Privind Îmbunătăţirea Indicilor Funcţionali prin Folosirea Mijloacelor Gimnasticii Aerobice A Case Study Exploring Coaching Practice and Ordean Mircea- Coaching Perspectives at One Soccer (Football) Nicolae Club Grosu Vlad Teodor 145 Popescu Neamţu Studiu Comparativ între Kinetoterapie şi Adela Electrostimulare Neuromusculară în Recuperarea Cifozei şi a Atitudinilor Cifotice Ružbarský Pavel Vadašová Bibiana Aerobic Fitness of 17-Year-Old Soccer Players Eliaš Tomáš Throughout the Annual Training Cycle 156 Čech Pavol According to Their Playing Position Jančošek Mário 4 Study Regarding the Participation of Romanian Track and Field Athletes in the Last Three Olympic Games Ababei Cătălina 165 Studiu Privind Participarea Atleților Români la Ultimele 3 Ediţii ale Jocurilor Olimpice Correlations Between General Strenght and Body Composition in Rugby Players – the Backs Oprean Alexandru Line Trofin Florin 176 Cojocariu Adrian Relații Între Forța Generală și Compoziția Ungurean Bogdan Corporală la Jucătorii de Rugby din Compartimentul de ¾ Teplicancova Maria Social Environment Selected Aspects Almasiova Angela Determination by School Children Leisure Time 187 Krska Peter Movement Activities Sedlacek Jaromir Study Regarding the Professional Sports Practice Possibilities of the Slanic Moldova Area, in Bacau County Ababei Radu 195 Studiu Privind Posibilitățile de Practicare a Sportului de Performanță, Oferite de Zona Slănic Moldova, Județul Bacău 5 6 Vol. XVIII, Issue 2 / 2017 G Y M N A S I U M Scientific Journal of Education, Sports, and Health Original Article Examination of the Relationship between Perfectionism Scores and Anger States in Physical Education and Sports Teacher Candidates Çepikkurt Fatma 1* 1 Mersin University, Çiftlikköy Mahallesi, 33110 Yenişehir/Mersin, Turkey DOI: 10.29081/gsjesh.2017.18.2.01 Keywords: perfectionism, anger, physical education and sports teacher candidates Abstract This study examined the relationship between perfectionism and anger states of Physical Education and Sports Teacher candidates (PESTC), and whether or not perfectionism sub- dimension scores were predictive of anger scores. A total of 130 students were participated. The Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale and The State-Trait Anger Scale were used to determine the perfectionism and anger states. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Analysis results indicated that a positive significant relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and the anger subscales state anger, anger-in and anger- out, while a negative significant relationship was found between socially prescribed perfectionism and anger-control. Additionally, Multi-Directional Regression Analysis results revealed that only socially prescribed perfectionism predicts anger subscale scores were at a significant level. Self-oriented and other-oriented perfectionism were not found to be significant in the prediction of anger subscales. In conclusion, the perfectionism as a personality character for PESTC should not be result in anger behavior during physical education processes. 1. Introduction In recent years, many psychological traits such as aggression, anger, anxiety, perfectionism, depression, anger rumination, problem-solving skills etc. have been investigated in relation to athletic performance (Çolakoğlu, Çolakoğlu, Senel, Gülsen, & Özer., 2015; Lazarus, 2000; Saboonchi & Lundh, 2003; Erol Öngen, 2009; Vallance, Dunn, & Causgrove Dunn, 2006). An individual, being both a biological and sociocultural entity (Morin, 2014),
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