The New Citizen October/November 2009 Page 1 Vol 7 No 1 Oct/Nov 2009 $5.00 (inc GST) Print Post: 30601/00002 For More Information: CONTACT US 1-800-636-432 PO Box 376 Coburg Vic 3058 Web:www.cecaust.com.au Email:[email protected] LaRouche: Defeat the British Empire of Monetarism! October 5, 2009—Behind Whether in October, or short- vices such as police, fire, sani- the media veil of “recovery”, ly thereafter, without the urgent tation, maintenance, etc. world civilisation is on the remedial actions proposed by * 48 of the 50 States are, by brink of a total financial and LaRouche, a near-term chaot- their own figures, hopelessly economic collapse unlike any- ic breakdown of the system is bankrupt, and, unlike the Fed- thing known in world history guaranteed. eral Government, cannot print thus far. On 30th September, their own money. Therefore, the last day of America’s fis- The Shadows on the Wall like a cat chasing its tail, they cal year, U.S. statesman and America’s utter bankruptcy are forced to continually cut physical economist Lyndon is evident in its publicly-fund- more jobs and services in a vain H. LaRouche, Jr., the world’s ed $23 trillion or more bailout attempt to balance their bud- leading economic forecaster, of Wall Street and the City of gets, but each attempt causes again warned, “October is the London, and in the runaway their tax revenues to plunge setting which promises an on- collapse of its physical econo- still further, while the ongoing rushing economic breakdown- my, which the bailout has only collapse accelerates. crisis world-wide.” exacerbated. The following fig- * A commercial mortgage Since July, LaRouche has ures are only indicative of the crisis is now unfolding, which forecast that the hopeless at- crisis, mere shadows of a far is far larger even than the still- tempt to balance the books of deeper process: ongoing sub-prime mortgage innumerable bankrupt enter- * Five million jobs have been crisis. prises at the fiscal year-end, “officially” lost under Presi- * U.S. banks continue to fail from major corporations and dent Obama—this despite a at a rate of 10 per month—109 banks to virtually all 50 U.S. multi-trillion dollar “stimulus have collapsed since Lehmann states, will unleash a global package”. Brothers fell last September, 98 High finance bows to the Crown: the British Crown sits at the apex of the City of London-headquartered global monetary struc- chain-reaction disintegration * 32 million Americans, over of them in 2009 so far. ture which is the British Empire. Pictured: Lord Chancellor Jack Straw genuflects to the Queen in the British Parliament in 2007. during October. Under present 20 per cent, are now either of- omy, is absurd beyond belief. disintegrating daily in a world and bankrupt China, too. Thus, policies, that chain reaction is ficially unemployed; forced to Rudd’s Idiocy Just consider the dependence hyperinflationary blowout like any short-lived appearance of unstoppable; the only question work part-time; or have simply The collapse of the U.S. of our economy upon that of that of 1923 Germany, it will health, such as Australia’s mo- which remains, is how soon it dropped out of the labour force will blow up the entire world. China, for instance, which in collapse the dollar, which will mentary windfall from a China erupts into worldwide chaos. in the last 21 months, accord- Therefore the message carried turn is inextricably interlinked bankrupt its biggest custom- stockpiling raw materials, is like It is like a man who has ad- ing to the wildly understated, in September by “Kevin from with that of the U.S. For one er and thereby itself; but if it the bloom on the cheeks of one vanced cancer or some other lying official figures. Bankrupt Australia” to Rupert Murdoch, thing, look at China’s dollar holds its U.S. dollars in order dying of tuberculosis. deadly disease—he is already States and cities are now cut- the world media and the G-20 conundrum: if China dumps to prop America up, Ameri- doomed, the only question be- ting tens of thousands of jobs nations convened in Pittsburgh, its $2 trillion or so reserves of ca’s unstoppable bankruptcy ing when, precisely, he dies. per month, savaging vital ser- of Australia’s powering econ- U.S. dollars, whose value is will collapse the dollar anyway, Continued Page 2 Mass Strike Shapes U.S., World Politics— “LaRouche Plan” now on the table he American people, gathered in Leipzig on 9th Tpent-up with rage at October to protest what the collapse of the econ- might have seemed, on the Contents omy, the $23 trillion bail- surface, to have been rela- out of Wall Street and the tively minor restrictions, On Her Majesty’s Secret City of London, and Ba- such as those on travel. Service: Kevin 007? rack Obama’s Nazi health However, as in the U.S. by Robert Barwick p. 3 care policy, poured into the today, it was no single is- streets in August and Sep- sue which brought the East tember. Sparked by the Germans into the streets, Down with the British Empire! knowledge that Obama’s nor any single issue which by Lyndon H. LaRouche pp. 4 - 7 health care “reform” culminated in the mass meant suffering or ear- demonstrations of hun- SPECIAL REPORT ly death for themselves dreds of thousands under or their loved ones, hun- the heartfelt cry, “Wir sind The True History of the Founding dreds of thousands of cit- das Volk!” (We are the Peo- of Australia izens—many waving Lyn- ple!), which brought down by CEC History Team pp. 8 - 14 don LaRouche’s poster of Mass strike: hundreds of thousands of Americans vented their hatred at the Government in Washington The Wall on 9th November. Obama sporting a Hitler D.C. on 12th September, 2009. In fact, despite the gather- From 1788 to Today: The British mustache—packed town bers of Congress ... go U.S. politics from anything the typical member of Con- ing protests, a mere week Empire’s Ongoing War Against hall meetings across Amer- back to their home states, prevailing in the entire gress, with hatred.” before The Wall fell, Com- ica to hammer their mem- where they are going to be post-World War II period. munist Party leader Er- Australian Sovereignty bers of Congress. Several hiding from the citizens “What you have is a break, “Wir Sind Das Volk” ich Honecker and the East by Robert Barwick pp. 15 - 18 hundred thousand (and by there, who are about to by the citizenry generally”, The only comparable German ruling elite had some estimates as many as lynch them.” with their so-called lead- process in the recent sev- celebrated what they pre- Mars: The Next Fifty Years one million) gathered in What was happening, ers, he said. “The leading eral decades is what un- dicted to be a “1,000 year front of the U.S. Congress LaRouche explained to a issue has been the health- folded in communist East Reich” of their Commu- by Marsha Freeman pp. 19 - 22 on 12th September for the meeting of diplomats on care issue, the breakdown Germany in late 1989. De- nist Party. same purpose. LaRouche 19th August in Washing- of the health-care system. spite threats of armed re- As now, also back then, British Monetarism Turns Public had forecast this unprece- ton, D.C., was a breakdown But that’s not the only is- pression, and the realisa- LaRouche had forecast Health into Mass Murder dented explosion in his 1st what was to come. When of the entire system, and a sue. You have a situation, tion that they might well by Robert Barwick and August, Webcast: “This is “mass strike” by the pop- where the typical patriotic be killed (many had made Soviet General Secretary now the beginning of a ri- ulation in response. This American views his gov- out their wills beforehand), Noelene Isherwood p. 24 otous period, as the mem- heralded a phase change in ernment, his President, and 70,000 East Germans had Continued Page 23 Page 2 The New Citizen October/November 2009 The Secret of World History his present issue of the cal rule by control of money: the web centre of internation- ing land wars in Asia. But it present cataclysmic global fi- TNew Citizen contains some “monetarism”—the essence al finance. In London are as- should not be too difficult for nancial crash. of the most important materi- of imperialism—and a tradi- sembled the actual chiefs or us, as Australians, to imagine But for the uplifting beauty al that you perhaps will ever tion of conducting mass pop- the representatives of the great an alien power seizing control inherent in the natural law gov- read, for it lays bare the reali- ular struggles on that con- financial houses of the world. of a nation, for what has hap- erning our universe which mo- ty of a centuries-long, continu- scious, elaborated basis. That The Money Power is some- pened to us throughout much tivates such a determined strug- ing warfare by the still-existing is perhaps not so surprising as thing more than Capitalism …. of our history, but precisely gle, we recommend that you British Empire to eradicate the it might first seem, since both These men constitute the Fi- that? And why, today, are we a turn your eyes toward the heav- republic of the United States of nations were founded on huge nancial Oligarchy.
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