(( Wilkes College Big April Showers Ball I I The "When was a young man madeil up my mind what I to is wanted do. and Tonight stuck to it through thick and thin, and It's the Lettermen's Toast that's why I'm where I am today." 'Babbitt' to Spring Sinclair Lewis L i-I Vol. 7, No. 23 WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1953 Colonels' Queen To Be Chosen Tonight ECONOMICS CLUB TO SPONSOR WILKES SHOWERS QUICKIE LEE VINCENT PLAYING AT APRIL SHOWERS Time: 9-12 Tonight; DISPLAY AT "PARADE OF PROGRESS" l'lace: Gymnasium, semi-formal; BALL AT WILKES GYM; DANCING FROM 910 12 Cost: $2.80 a couple, no corsages; Band: Lee Vincent; By LEO R. KANE Tonight at the Wilkes College Gymnasium the Queen of the April Where to get tickets: At the door Showers Ball will be chosen. The regal lady upon her coronation will The members of the Economics Club have been working furiously or from Lettermen Bill Morgan, be presented with a seventeen jewel watch which has an approximate during the last several weeks on one of the largest projects ever at- George McMahon, George Elias, or value of seventy-five dollars. tempted by any club on campus. They decided to enter a booth in the Gene Snee. The First Lady of the Ball will APRIL IN GYM annual "Parade of Progress" sponsored by the Junior Chamber of be cihosen from a committee nt Commercesomething never done before. to be disdliosed to anyone until af t- John Kionisavage, General Ohair- "Nont came the idea of a gem- CARPENTER CHEER- er the dance is 'over 'or ait the coro- man of the affair, teeiis us what erail theme. After considerable nation of the que.en. The yomni the dl'ub has in mind: brain-wracking we decided that LEADER CHIEFTAIN lady who is 'to he chosen must have "Several weeks ago we made up "20 Years of Developing Human the qualities that will enable her our minds to d something for the Resources" would be very appro- At a meeting last Thursday, to assume her most royal throne. school. The idea of entering a dis- pnidte. In support of this theme Jane Carpenter was unanimously The line of April Showers Royalty pay ait the 'Parade of Progress we will 'show (1) Wilkes growth chosen captain of the 1 9 5 3 - 5 4 estends back to 'the year 194'? with was submitted and overwhelming- for ithe past 20 years; (2) contri- Cheerl'eading Squad. She has been the coronation of Miss Sylvia Roth ly approved:. 'butionis to the community; and (3) one of the most active students of Wilkes-Barre. The foliorw'ing "Then we had to get the sip- student activities." or campus 'since 'her arrival here year Miss Agnes Novak of Colum- prova'l of Dr. Parley who gave his Marin Kanner is chairman of from Ooughiin High School in 19- bia was the fortunate queen. In wholehøarted support wi Ui the the dcmmittee for giathering ma- 50. The Education Glob, Theta 1949 Miss Flaky Wilkes, who is provision that the job be well done. terial; Bill Paparowski, chairman Delta Rho, and the assembly com- now Mrs. George Lewis (a former This we agreed to do. (continued on page 4) mittee are among the numerous Wilkes Letterntan) walked off ni giani za'tions to .wlhioh she belonigis. with the honor. In 1950 Mrs. Jack A't present, 'she is serving as co- Jones (also a Wilkes Letterman's FASHION SHOW TUESDAY NIGHT AT WILKES; chairman 'of the TDR Faoluion v,'ife) was acclaimed and' was sue- Show 'with Ann Az at. ce,eded in 1951 by MJss Jeanne "A SUMMER HOLIDAY" FEATURES TDR'S BEST Jane, wh'o will 'be a senior in the Smith who is now Mrs. Tom Jones Fall, has 'high hopes for the coin- of, Kingisitoin. Last year Miss Mari- By JEAN KRAVITZ ing year. Noting the great num- lyn Broadt was the choice 'of the ber of girls who turned out for committee. The queen of 1953 may Beautiful girls and beautiful clothes will be in the limelight Tuesday tryouts and the enthusiasm which be any young lady wtho attends night. The Theta Delta Rho sorority is bringing glamour to Wilkes, by they showed, she feels 'that this is the dance. Everyone is eligible to means of a fashion show, which will be held April 21 in the Wilkes indicative of the gro'w:ing Wilkes be chosen. Gym. The TDR girls have chosen the theme of "A Summer Holiday" spirit, 'and that the School can Also in the way of something for the event. Under the direction of Ann Azat, the show will feature look forward 'to bigger and hOtter new, the Letterman under the ar- sportswear, afternoon and evening dresses, and gowns. The clothes pep rallies and 'crowds than ever tistic supervision of Russ Picton, including dresses and shoes, are being furnished by Pomeroy's. beore. have, 'or rather are, introducing The Fashion Show will be in the form of a dream, in .wlhidh 'a coed, portrayed by Alice Green, returns PICTURE POSE 'home at the end of a college year, Lee Vincent 'and tries to decide how to spend 'the summer. After considering 'something new in the way of de- sev'erail posailb,iliities, she receives corations. As was mentioned in a a telegram from her aunt and previous iseuie these decorations uncle, inviting her to come to their are n'ot permitted to be disclosed, country home for a summer holi- as yet, but undoubtedly you have day. The coed falls asleep and 'not seen anything like 'it at the dreams of the vacation. At thi.s Gym for a long time. point, the models enter, as part of The tickets for the dance cost the dream, 'and dhoiw parts of the $2.80 and' are selling fast. At a vacation, w h il e 'displaying the meeting week, an approximate clothes. The TDR girl.s will model. lat Men,, take notice- 'sportswear, in- number of seventy tickets 'had been cluding beach oldthes, shorts and d'isitribu,ted to students who wifl bathing suits, afternoon and date he attending the dance. dresses, simple cotton d r e s S C S, The chairman of the Ball is Al evening gowns, and clothes for the Wallace. Because of his outstand- greatest 'thrill in a girl's life - jog work in the past the Letter- 'a bridal ensemble - 'wil be shown. men decided that Al was the per- The iim,ax of 'the chow is the son to make this dance 'the best bridal party, featuring Gayle Jones one ever, Al was chosen for hi's as the bride. One of the dream se- committees the following people: quences is a night club scene, with Dedoratiions: Russ .Pi'cton, chair- Shirley Williams as a dancer and man, Flip Jones, Glenn Carey, and Bill Crowder as a night club sing- Ray Tait; er. Tickets J'oe Trosko, chairman, The co-chairmen for the fashion Gone Snee, and Joe Wengyru; show are Ann Arait 'and Jane Car- Ref,res'h'mients: L e ft y K em p, penter. Barbara Evans is in charge chairman, Dick Hawk, and Pres- of publicity. Helen Brown is the ton E'ckm'eder; head of the 'ticket committee. The Gift: Ed Edgerton, chairman, tickets are fifty cents. Libby Mc- Cled Rowl'an'ds, Jerry Elias, and Quilkin is 'in charge of staging; Bob Reyndlds; Denaih F1'eidher, 'house; Elsie Gui- Publicity: 'Paul Beers, Harold Liani, clothes; and Marilyn Cross- Jenkins, Don Tosh, and George well, refreshments. Music for the Elias; show will be furnished by Both Dick P'olakowskii is in charge of Nass. Dave Shearer and Sheldon the Ohapeilon 'conimititee arid Roxy Schneider are helping th'e TDR by R eynol d's and J:i:m Moss will con- handling the lights. tacit the student council. The Ooed.models fr 'the show The April Showers Bali takes are Mice Green, Nancy Batch'l'er, place tonilgihit at 8:30 at the Wilkes Helen Brown, Nancy Brown, Jane Gymnasium. Music will :be supplied Carpenter, Isabel Ec'ker, Barbara by Lee Vincent and his orchestra. Evans', Carol Ann Gardner, Oonjni'e Refreshmienits 'will be 'on sale at a Smith, 'Gayle Jones, Connie Ka- corner booth. Th'e 'price of admis- ninrunas, Helen Koelch, Helen sin is $2.80 per couple, amid no Krachenfels, Dolores Ostroski, Lu- corsages will 'be allowed on the aulie Pierce, Lois Ann S'haw, and dance floor. To highlight the even- Nancy Sehooiey. GAYLE JONES CONNIE KAMARUNAS ing the April Showers Queen wlll Everybody is invited to the fash- be selected. Don't miss out on a ion show, including the Wilkes Shown posed in McClintock Hall are two of the and Connie from Scranton. Showing a surprising talent wonderful time. models for Theta Delta Rho's fashion show. "A Sum- for the delicate art of modeling, rarely caught by ama- men. Admission is 'fifty cents, and teurs, Gayle and Connie are two of Theta Delta Rho's it will be worth th price. We'll mer's Holiday". to be presented in the Gyro Tuesday better clothes racks. The lowest score that a team see you all down 'at the gym Thes- evening. The show, directed by an old star of two years can win a football game is 1 0, a PDFday at compression, 8 o'clock. OCR, webBoth girls optimization are freshmen, Gayle using from Wilkes-Barre a watermarked ago.
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