Media lnformation Th1s publication featuring the 1983-84 Morehead State University women's basket­ ball team has been prepared to a1d you in covenng the Lady Eagles this season. Addi­ tional 1nformation is ava1lable by contacting sports 1nforrr.ation director Cra1g Bohnert at (606) 783-2500 at his office or (606) 784-9631 at h1s res1dence. Media Requests Working press and photo passes, limited to authonzed media personnel only, should be requested several days prior to the game date. Press passes will be lelt at the main t1cket window on the south s1de (Main Street s1de) of the Academic-Athlet1c Center. AII press requests and/or questIons concerning such should be directed to Cra1g Bohnert. sports information director. Broadcasts Permission tor broadcast nghts must be secured in advance by the sports 1nformation director. A reciprocal line Is available to op­ ponents that w1II provide the same service tor MSU's originating station at the1r home site. Other stations may use the llne at a nominal charge. 11 add1tional lines are needed, line in­ stallat1ons should be ordered well In advance Services through the Morehead otflce of General Tele­ phone (606) 784-4136. Contact the sports In­ The Lady Eagle press row staff w1II supply formation director if there are any questions. you with programs and up-to-date 1nforma­ tion on both teams prior to the start of the game. Play-by-play and statistical data are Telecopier-Telephones also provided at the appropnate tImes. Refreshments are also provided in the press Morehead State will have one telecopier room for your convenience. ava1lable for your use. lf you wish to flle your copy vIa telecopier, you must not1fy the Direct all correspondence to: sports 1nformation director well In advance to Craig Bohnert assure Its ava1lability to you. Several tele­ Sports lnformation Director phones are located at courtside and in the Morehead State University press room/sports information otflce w1th1n a UPO Box 1023 few steps of the court for your use. The Aca­ Morehead, Kentucky 40351 demic-Athletic Center press row number is Phone: Otflce-(606) 783-2500 (606) 783-2500. Home-(606) 784-9631 Morehead Contents State Facts Athletic Administration . .. ... 7-9 Academic-Athletic Center . ... .. 19 Basketball Camp . .... 30 Location: Morehead, Ky. 40351 Coaching Records ... .. .. 26 Founded: 1922 Coach1ng Staff . .. ...... 4-6 Enrollment: 6,500 Eagle Athletic Fund .. ..... .. 30 Nickname: Lady Eagles Eagle Nickname . .. .. .. 30 Colors: Blue and gold Media lnformation ... .. inside back cover Conference: Ohio Valley Morehead State University . .... ... 10 NCAA Division 1 Ohio Valley Conference . 20-21 Arena: Academic-Athletic Center (7,000) Opponents . ... 31-40 Surface: Wood Outlook . ...... ... .. .. .. ... 2 Press Row Phone: (606) 783-2500 Player Profiles .. .. ... ... ... 12-18 1982-83 Record: 16-14 President Norfleet . .. .. .. ... .. ... 8 1982-83 OVC Record: 6-4 (second) Records . ... ..... .. .... 24-27 Lettermen Returning/Lost: 9/2 Results, All-time . 28-29 Starters Returning: 5 (Priscilla Results. 1982-83 . .. ....... 23 Blackford, Rita Berry, Loni Guilette, Roster. alphabetical .. ..... 3 Janice Towles. Lynn Miley) Roster, numerical . .... ... ... .. 3 Starters Lost: 0 Schedule . .. inside cover, back cover Head Coach: Mickey Wells Series Records . .. ..... 27 Alma Mater: Morehead State '64 Statistics. 1982-83 final . .. .. •... .. 22 Coaching Record: 141 -78 (8 yrs.) Record at MSU: 141 -78 (8 yrs.) Office Phone: (606) 783-2149 Best Time to Call: Weekday mornings Assistant Coaches: Loretta Marlow (Tenn. Tech '78) Carrie Appelman (MSU '83) Credits Denise Combs (Georgetown '83) President: Dr. Morris Norfleet Athletic Director: G.E. (Sonny) Moran Office Phone: (606) 783-2088 This publication was written and edited by Assistant Athletic Director: J.E. assistant sports information director Jeff D'Alessio, with editorial assistance from (Sonny) Allen Sports lnformat1on Director: sports information director Craig Bohnert. Craig Bohnert Cover photograph by David Byrd. lnterior Office Phone: (606) 783-2500 photographs by David Byrd, Rosemary Sloan, George Burgess, and Ron Osborne. Home Phone: (606) 784-9631 Layout and design by Rocky Zornes. Assistant Sports lnformation Director: Jeff D'Alessio Office Phone: (606) 783-2396 Home Phone: (606) 784-6857 Athlet1c Development Officer: Dan Kiser Tra1ner: Keith Webster Assistant Trainer: Mary Lue J iunta Team Physicians: Dr. Pat Serey, Dr. Tom Fossett On the cover: Featured on the cover of the 1983-84 media guide is senior forward Priscilla Blackford. Blackford was the Lady Eagles top scorer and rebounder last year and was named Ohio Valley Conference Player of the Year and OVC Female Athlete of the Year in 1983. 1983-84 Outlook Return1ng starters at guard are sernor Rita Berry and sophomore Janice Towles. who can play e1ther guard or forward. Berry handed out over five assists per game last season and added 8.3 points a game, while mak1ng 25 starts. " Rita Is a key to our running game," said Wells. " She just needs to learn to play a llttle more under control." Towles was named to the OVC all-fresh­ man urnt after scoring 5.7 points a game. Junior Conn,e Appelman prov1des the Lady Eagles with an outs1de shoot1ng threat. Appelman, who plays e1ther guard or for­ W1th the return of all five starters In the fold ward, started 23 games and was th1rd on the and a bumper crop of newcomers, More­ team In scoring with 9.2 a game. Sophomore head State Lady Eagle basketball coach Teri Haddox adds depth to the forward posi­ Mickey Wells is looking forward to his ninth tion, wh 1le Mel1ssa lreton performed well season at the MSU helm w1th great antic1pa­ when Gullette was injured last season. lreton hon. is a 6-4 center. " Th1s should be the best team we have Teresa Ruby came on near the end of last had sInce the 1978-79 team," Wells said. season and will make a strong etfort for a Thai Lady Eagle team comp1led a 28-4 starting guard spot. Ruby, a 5-7 natIve of record, which is the most wIns by any MSU Lucasville. Ohio, started seven games last basketball team in the school's history. season as a sophomore. "Th1s team should have more balance," MSU w1II add four players to the squad Wells stated. "We should be able to come off from last year, including one of the most the bench w1th some strong personnel. sought-after players ín the nation. Depth should definitely be one of our strong Bern1ce L1nner will begin her career w1th po1nts." the Lady Eagles after sitting out a season. Heading the returning starters is senior for­ llnner was recruited by more than 190 col­ ward Pnscilla Blackford, the 1983 Ohio leges and w1II bid for a starting posItIon at for­ Valley Conference Women's Player of the ward. L1nner is 6-1 and according to Wells Year and the league's Female Athlete of the can play anywhere on the floor. Year. " She has the power to go ins1de, but can The 5-1 1 standout led MSU to a 16-14 also handle the ball like a poInt guard." record last season and a second place finish Two other players to watch up front are ín the post-season tournament. Blackford September Colbert and junior college trans­ averaged 19.3 points and 12.9 rebounds a fer Penny Teegarden. Colbert is 6-1 , whlle game as a junior. The AII-American can­ Teegarden Is 5-11 and transferred from Lees didate IS th1rd on the all-t1me Lady Eag le Jurnor College. Both players should see scoring list. plenty of playing time. " Prisc1lla Is the player that makes us go," AII-State guard Tiphanie Bates, from said Wells, who has a 141 -78 record in eight Wh1tesburg , Ky., will push the returning seasons "She enjoyed a great year last starters for a berth ín the lineup. Bates Is 5-7 season and we are hop1ng she can provide and was named to the all-state squad by UPI us with the same type of output th1s year." and AP. Sernor Lynn Miley and jurnor Loni Guilette The Lady Eagle schedule will be one of the give MSU strength up front with good re­ toughest MSU has ever faced. bounding ability. Miley, a forward, scored 8.8 MSU opens the season w1th nat1onal poInts a game as a jurnor and added 5.5 re­ power Ohio State at home and will face non­ bounds per outing. Guilette, a 6-3 center conference opponents like Western Ken­ should overcome 1njuries that 1Jm1ted her to tucky twIce, Louisville, Virginia Tech, 16 starts last season. Guilette averaged 9.4 Western Carollna and Cincinnati. MSU will poInts and 5.3 rebounds. also play a 14-game conference slate. 2 1983-84 Numerical Roster No. Name Pos. Cl. Ht. Wt. Home Town 10 Janice Towles G So. 5.9 142 Aflex, Ky. 11 Tiphanie Bates G Fr. 5·6 130 Whitesburg, Ky. 12 Bernice L1nner F Fr. 6-1 190 Cincinnati, Ohio 14 Lynn M1ley F Sr . 6-1 160 Sarahsville, Ohio 22 Priscilla Blackford F Sr. 5-11 167 Versailles, Ky. 23 Teri Haddox F So. 6-2 169 Kingston, Ohio 30 Penny Teegarden F Jr. 5-11 145 Dover, Ky. 31 Teresa Ruby G Jr. 5.7 154 Lucasville, Ohio 32 Connie Appelman F Jr. 5-10 153 Augusta, Ky. 34 Rita Berry G Sr. 5.7 154 Pee Wee Valley, Ky. 40 September Colbert F Fr. 6-0 150 Williamstown, Ky. 41 Melissa lreton c So. 6-4 187 New R1chmond, Ohio 44 Loni Guilette c Jr. 6-3 195 Algoma, W1s. Head Coach-Mickey Wells Managers-Shem Dav1s, Rhonda Wood, Assistant-Loretta Marlow Rinda Potter Graduate Assistant-Carrie Appelman Trainer- Vanessa R1ce Graduate Assistant-Denise Combs 1983-84 Alphabetical Roster No Name Pos.
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