EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ………………………………………………………...…….….…..…10 PART 1: STRATEGY PAPER……………………………………………………...……..…..10 - 37 CHAPTER I: THE FRAMEWORK OF RELATIONS BETWEEN THE DONOR AND ZAMBIA……………………………………………………….…...….…10 - 12 I.1.1. General objectives of the EC’s external policy I.1.2. Strategic objectives of cooperation with the partner country I.1.3. Main bilateral agreements CHAPTER II: COUNTRY DIAGNOSIS……………………………………….……..………12 - 24 II.1 Analysis of the political, economic, social and environmental situation in the recipient country II.1.1 Political and institutional situation II.1.2 Economic and commercial situation II.1.3 Transport infrastructure II.1.4 Social situation, including decent work and employment II.1.5 Environmental situation II.1.6 The country in the international context II.2 Poverty reduction analysis. MDGs II.3 Zambia development strategy II.4 Analysis of the challenges and risks of current and medium-term policies CHAPTER III: OVERVIEW OF PAST AND PRESENT EC COOPERATION, COMPLEMENTARITY AND CONSISTENCY……………….……24 - 32 III.1.1 Focal sectors (and macro-economic support) III.1.2 Projects and programmes outside focal sectors III.1.3 Utilisation of Envelope B III.1.4 Other instruments III.2 Coordination/harmonisation government-cooperating partners. The JASZ III.3 Other EC policies III.4 Description of the political dialogue with the partner country CHAPTER IV: RESPONSE STRATEGY………………………………………………….…32 - 37 IV.1 Support for the macro-economic and national development policy through general budget support IV.2 First focal sector: Regional integration. Transport infrastructure IV.3 Second focal sector: Health IV.4 Main non-focal sector: food security and agriculture diversification IV.5 Other non-focal sectors IV.6 EIB response strategy 1 PART 2: INDICATIVE PROGRAMME 2008-2013…………………………………………..38 - 57 1. INDICATIVE PROGRAMME………………………………………………………….38 - 57 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Financial instruments 1.3. Focal sectors 1.4. General budget support 1.5. Other programmes 1.6. Intervention Framework & Performance Indicators 1.7. Indicative timetable for commitments and disbursements 1.8. Schedule of activities ANNEXES 1. COUNTRY AT A GLANCE 2. DONOR MATRIX 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – ZAMBIA - COUNTRY ENVIRONMENTAL PROFILE 4. ZAMBIA - COUNTRY MIGRATION PROFILE 5. CSP DRAFTING PROCESS 6. THE HARMONISATION ROAD MAP IN ZAMBIA 7. CONVENTIONS RATIFIED BY ZAMBIA 8. DEBT SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS 9. GOVERNMENT COMMITMENTS ON GOVERNANCE 10. RSP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11. FNDP VIABILITY 12. ROAD TRANSPORT 13. THE EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK. CURRENT PORTFOLIO 2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABB Activity Based Budget ACP African, Caribbean, Pacific Group of States ADB African Development Bank AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act AIDCO EuropeAid AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ART Anti-Retroviral Therapy ASS African Sub-Saharan zone ATI African Trade Insurance Agency AU African Union AWP Annual Work Plan BCHP Basic Health Care Package BoP Balance of Payments BoZ Bank of Zambia CAP Common Agriculture Policy CBoH Central Board of Health CDE Centre for the Development of Enterprise COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CP Cooperating Partners CPI Consumer Price Index CRC Constitution Review Commission CRS Catholic Relief Service CSO Central Statistics Office CSP Country Strategy Paper CTA Centre for the Development of Agriculture DANIDA Danish International Development Authority DFID Department for International Development DHS Demographic Health Survey DMMU Disaster Management and Monitoring Unit DNR Department of National Registration DRC Democratic Republic of Congo EAC East African Community EBA Everything But Arms EBZ Export Board of Zambia EC European Commission ECHO European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office ECZ Electoral Commission of Zambia EDF European Development Fund EDP Export Development Programme EESM Enhanced Export Support Mechanism EFA Fast Track Initiative EFF Export Financing Facility EIA Environment Impact Assessment EIB European Investment Bank EIB-FF European Investment Bank Financing Facility EOM Election Observation Mission EMIS Education Management Information System EPA Economic Partnership Agreement ESA Eastern and Southern Africa ESAF Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility ESIP Education Sector Investment Programme ETC Economic and Technical Cooperation EU European Union EUOM European Union Observer Mission EUR Euro FA Financing Agreement 3 FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FNDP Fifth National Development Plan FRA Food Reserve Agency FSDP Financial Sector Development Programme FSP Fertilizer Support Programme FTA Free Trade Area GDP Gross Domestic Product GLR Great Lakes Region GMO Genetically Modified Organisms GRZ Government of the Republic of Zambia HBC Home Based Care HDI Human Development Index HDR Human Development Report (by UNDP) HIP Harmonisation in Practice HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HOD Head of Delegation HOMs Heads of Mission HMIS Health Management Information System HRSP Human Resource Strategic Plan IDA International Development Assistance IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development ILO International Labour Organisation IMF International Monetary Fund IO Indian Ocean IOC Indian Ocean Commission IOM International Organisation for Migration IRCC Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee IT Information Technology JAR Joint Annual Report JASZ Joint Assistance Strategy for Zambia KCM Konkola Copper Mines LCMS Living Conditions Monitoring Survey LDC Least Developed Countries MACO Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives MCDSS Ministry of Community Development and Social Services MCT Ministry of Communication and Transport MCTI Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry MDG Millennium Development Goals MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative MFNP Ministry of Finance and National Development MLGH Ministry of Local Government and Housing MMD Movement for Multiparty Democracy MoE Ministry of Education MoH Ministry of Health MoU Memorandum of Understanding MP Member of Parliament MTE Medium-Term Expenditure MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework MTFF Medium-Term Financial Framework MTENR Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources MTR Mid-Term Review NACL National Airports Corporation Limited NAO National Authorising Officer NEPAD New Partnership for African Development NFNC National Food and Nutrition Commission NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NIP National Indicative Programme NSA Non-State Actors 4 NTB Non-Tariff Barriers NTEs Non-Traditional Exports NRFA National Road Fund Agency OAU Organisation of African Unity OAG Office of the Auditor General OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PAF Performance Assessment Framework PEFA Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability PEMFA Public Finance Management and Reform PEMFAR Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability Review PEMS Public Financial Management System PEPFAR Presidents’ Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PF Patriotic Front PFM Public Finance Management PMTCT Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission PMU Project Management Unit PPF Pre-Production Facility PPP Purchasing Power Parity PRBS Poverty Reduction Budget Support PRGF Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PSCAP Public Service Capacity-Building Project PSD Private Sector Development PSRP Public Sector Reform Programme PTR Pupil-Teacher Ratio PWAS Public Welfare Assistance Scheme RDA Road Development Agency RIFF Regional Integration Facilitation Forum RIP Regional Indicative Programme ROADSIP Road Sector Investment Programme RoO Regional Organisation RTSA Road Traffic and Safety Agency RSP Regional Strategy Paper SADC Southern African Development Community SAF Structural Adjustment Facility SAG Sector Advisory Group SBS Sector Budget Support SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SIP Sector Investment Programme SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises SPA Strategic Partnership with Africa SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary SPSP Sector Policy Support Programme SQMT Standardisation, Quality, Metrology and Testing STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases SWAp Sector-Wide Approach TA Technical Assistance TAZ Tobacco Association of Zambia TAZARA Tanzania-Zambia Railway System TB Tuberculosis TCF Technical Cooperation Facility TDP TEVET Development Programme TFC Task Force on Corruption TI Transparency International UDA United Democratic Alliance UK United Kingdom UN United Nations UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme 5 UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UPND United Party for National Development USA United States of America USAID United States Agency for International Development USD United States Dollar VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing VOC Vehicle Operating Costs WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organisation WTO World Trade Organisation ZMK Zambian Kwacha ZRL Zambia Railways Limited ZANACO Zambia National Commercial Bank ZAWA Zambia Wildlife Authority ZECAB Zambian Education Capacity Building ZESCO Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation ZMM-GT Zambia-Malawi-Mozambique Growth Triangle 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 10th EDF Country Strategy Paper provides a framework for EC assistance programmes under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement for the years 2008 to 2013. The framework is based on EU/ACP cooperation objectives, such
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