KUMROJ – THE MODEL BIOGAS VDC Nepal’s first VDC to install biogas plants in more than 80% of households s'd/f]h – gd'gf uf]j/ Uof“; uf=lj=;= *)∞ eGbf a9L 3/w'/Ln] uf]j/ Uof“; lgdf{0f u/]sf] g]kfnsf] klxnf] uf=lj=;= SN Benefi ts from Per 1,374 Details of biogas plants installed by Budhi Rap 6 cubic meters plant* plants BZUC in Kumroj biogas plants of SN Suppor ng No of Year Kumroj An initiative of National Trust for Nature Conservation’s Biodiversity Conservation Center in organiza ons plants partnership with Budhi Rapti User Committee 1 Fuel wood saving 2.50 3,435 1 NTNC internal 191 1995 - 2011 SSupportedupported bby:y: Government of Nepal, Thrigby Conservation Fund - UK, USAID funded Hariyo (tons/year) source Ban Program and WWF Nepal 2 Average annual 7.40 10,168 2 Budhi Rap BZUC 363 1997 - 2013 reduc on of Green and user only House Gases (tons/year) 3 NTNC/Thrigby 127 2009 - 2013 Conserva on 3 Approximately 3 4,122 Fund, UK me saved per HH 4 Teri Arc 186 2009 - 2013 per day (hour) Landscape (TAL) *Source: BSP Annual Report 2011/2012 5 NTNC/Hariyo Ban 507 2012 - 2013 Program Total 1,374 yk hfgsf/Lsf] nflu M a"9L/flKt pkef]Qmf ;ldlt Hariyo Ban Program Partners s'd/f]h, lrtjg, kmf]g g+M (*%%)%*@($÷)%^–%*#%&) cyjf /fli6«o k|s[lt ;+/If0f sf]if – h}ljs ljljwtf ;+/If0f s]Gb| ;f}/fxf, lrtjg, kmf]g g+M )%^–%*))^@ www.ntnc.org.np © Budi Rapti User Committee June 2013 Biogas iniƟ aƟ ve in Kumroj g]kfn ;/sf/sf] uf]a/ UofF;df k|j4{gfTds gLlt, h}ljs Kumroj: Bio-geographical aƩ ributes k[i7e"ld ljljwtf ;+/If0f s]Gb| / a"9L/fKtL pkef]Qmf ;ldltsf] Boundary: East: Kathar VDC; West: Bachhauli At present, en re households of the VDC benefi t ;lqmo kxn, cGo ;f´]bf/ ;+:yfx?sf] ;xof]u lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~hsf] dWojtL{ If]qdf cjl:yt VDC; North: Khairahani VDC; South: Chitwan directly from the planta on and regenerated tyf :yfgLo jfl;Gbfx?sf] pT;fxk"0f{ ;xeflutfsf] Na onal Park s'd/f]h uf=lj=;=df yf?, b/fO{ nufot hfthfltsf ! kl/0ffd uf]j/ UofF; h8fg sfo{qmdn] lj=;+= @)^% 0 0 forest. With increasing popula on, the KBZCF is s ll LaƟ tude: 27.572 Longitude: 84.530 xhf/ & ;o %) w/3'/Ldf * xhf/ *@ hg;+Vof /x]sf] kl5 Ps cleofgsf] ?kdf ult lnof] . kl/0ffd, AlƟ tude: 298 m under pressure of fuel wood extrac on. In order 5 . o; If]qsf clwsf+z afl;Gbf hLljsf]kfh{gsf] to provide alterna ve means of cooking energy /fli6«o k|s[lt ;+/If0f sf]if tyf a"9L/fKtL pkef]Qmf Total Area: 21.22 sq. Km nflu s[lif tyf glhs}sf] jgdf lge{/ 5g\ . demand, biogas was introduced in Kumroj in 1990s. ;ldltsf] kxn / Thrigby Conserva on Fund Forest: 3.1 sq. Km Grassland: 3.66 sq. Km – UK, sf] cfly{s ;xof]udf s'd/f]h uf=lj=;=sf] Agriculture: 12.98 sq. Km Water bodies: 0.94 sq. Km In order to reduce pressure on forests, NTNC 3f]qm]nf ufpF -j8f g+ (_ klxnf] uf]j/ UofF; gd'gf lj=;+= @)@( df lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~hsf] Others: 0.54 sq. Km has been promo ng local communi es to install ufpF aGg ;kmn eof] . o; ufpFsf] ;kmntfaf6 :yfkgf;+u} lgs'~h If]qdf jg k}bfjf/ ;+sngdf /f]s biogas plants in all its project areas. In ini al years pT;flxt a"9L/fKtL pkef]Qmf ;ldltn] 3/–3/df uf]j/ nufOof] . jg>f]tdf lge{/ s'd/f]haf;Ln] cfjZostf in Kumroj, few well-off families installed biogas. UofF; h8fg ug{] cleofg yfNof] . o; cleofgdf Background k"lt{sf nflu lgs'~h If]q aflx/ klg jgsf] It took almost a decade to convince majority of ljleGg ;+3÷;+:yfx?sf] ;xof]udf uf=la=;=sf cfjZostf dx;'; u/L lj=;+= @)#^ sf] cGTolt/ the people about the benefi ts of the biogas. With rf/ ufpFnfO{ uf]j/ UofF; gd'gf ufpFsf] Kumroj Village Development Commi ee (VDC) lies uf=lj=;=sf] blIf0fL efusf] vfnL jgIf]qdf j[If/f]k0f favorable government policy; ini a on from the ?kdf ljsf; ul/;lsPsf] 5 . t/fO{ e"–kl/lw in Dun Valley of Chitwan District in Buff er Zone u/L jg ljsf; ug]{ lg0f{o u/] . t/ v'Nnf rl/r/0faf6 NTNC and Budi Rap BZUC; ac ve support of sfo{qmdn] klg lj=;+= @)^( df w/dk'/ -j8f g+ conserva on partners; willingness of local users, of Chitwan Na onal Park (CNP). There are 1,750 k|efljt If]qnfO{ j[If/f]k0f u/L jgdf kl/0ft ug'{ Tolt $_ nfO{ gd'gf uf]j/ UofF; ufpF agfpg ;xof]u households in the VDC with 8,082 people of various the biogas installa on program took momentum as k'¥ofPsf] lyof] . ;xh lyPg . a campaign in Kumroj VDC only a er 2008. caste and ethnicity comprising of indigenous USAID Tharu and Darai communi es along with hill sf] ;xof]udf ;~rflnt xl/of] jg sfo{qmdn] /fli6«o k|s[lt ;+/If0f sf]if cGtu{t h}ljs ljljwtf From the ini a on of NTNC and Budi Rap Buff er /fli6«o k|s[lt ;+/If0f sf]if dfkm{t lj=;+= @)^(÷&) df migrants. Majority of the people are dependent on ;+/If0f s]Gb|sf] k |fljlws tyf hd{g g]kfn ;xof]u ;+3sf] Zone User’s Commi ee (BRBZUC) and with the h8fg ul/Psf % ;o & j6f uf]j/ UofF;n] s'd/f]hnfO{ subsistence agriculture and on forest resources to cfly{s ;xfotfdf w/dk'/sf] @@ x]S6/ gfª\uf] jgIf]qdf fi nancial support of Thrigby Conserva on Fund gd'gf uf]j/ UofF; uf=lj=;=sf] ?kdf 3f]if0ff ug{ fulfi ll their livelihood needs. - UK, Ghokrela village (Ward No 9) was the fi rst lj=;+= @)%) df j[If/f]k0f u/L ;+/If0f z'? ul/of] . dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]n]sf] 5 . xfn;Dd sl/a *) model biogas village in Kumroj. Ghokrela biogas To;kl5 klg h}ljs ljljwtf ;+/If0f s]Gb|sf] ;xof]udf k|ltzt 3/w'/Ldf rkL{ ;lxtsf] uf]j/ UofF; h8fg A er establishment of the CNP in 1973, local village set an example to showcase a consolidated eO{;s]sf] 5 . ! xhf/ x]S6/ eGbf a9L If]qdf j[If/f]k0f ;DkGg impact of biogas to improve local livelihood and people’s access to the forest resources inside the eO;s]sf] 5 h'g If]q clxn] s'd/f]h dWojtL{ If]q reduce pressure on forest resources. Encouraged Park were curtailed. To fulfi ll household demand xfn o; If]qdf hl8t uf]j/ UofF;jf6 jflif{s # xhf/ ;fd'bflos jgsf] gfdn] kl/lrt 5 . from the benefi t of installing biogas in cluster, $ ;o #% 6g bfp/f sd vkt x'g'sf ;fy} xl/t of fuel wood, fodder and mber, people realized BRBZUC developed a strategy to replicate the u[x UofF; pT;h{gdf jflif{s !) xhf/ ! ;o ^* the need of forest area outside CNP to meet s'd/f]h uf=lj=;= df uf]j/ UofF;sf] kxn prac ce. With the fi nancial support from various 6g sdL cfPsf] 5, To;n] hg:jf:Yodf klg ;'wf/ their needs. Hence, in the late 1980s, people agencies, the BRBZUC already established four NofPsf] 5 . lbzf lk;fasf] nflu h+un hfg'gk/] ini ated a small-scale reforesta on program. s'd/f]h uf=lj=;=sf clwsf+z afl;Gbf j[If/f]k0f tyf model biogas villages. Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) kl5 jGohGt' ;+usf] åGådf sdL cfPsf] 5 . When the residents of Kumroj decided to set up k|fs[lts ?kdf k'gM hu]gf{ ul/Psf] jgaf6 k|ToIf supported BRBZUC to make Dharampur (Ward No afFsL 3/w'/Ldf cfufld jif{df uf]j/ UofF; h8fg 4) as biogas model village in 2013. The support their own forest, it was a tough choice to convert nfeflGjt 5g\ . hg;+Vof j[l4n] ;fd'bflos jgdf dfu ug]{ k|of; eO/x]sf] 5 . clt ljkGg ju{df w"jFf/lxt from USAID funded Hariyo Ban Program through ca le grazing land into forest. However, with a9\g yfn]kl5 jgIf]qdf k/]sf] rfknfO{ Go"gLs/0f ub}{ ;'wfl/Psf] r'Nxf] h8fg ug{] k|lqmof a"9L/fKtL NTNC in 2013 supported 450 biogas plants. This has j}slNks pmhf{sf] k|of]unfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug{] p2]Zon] technical assistance of Na onal Trust for Nature been vital step to declare Kumroj as a biogas VDC. pkef]Qmf ;ldltn] cufl8 a9fO/x{ ]sf] 5 . o;;+u} cGo Conserva on’s Biodiversity Conserva on Center uf]j/ UofF; k|ljlw cjnDjg ug]{ cleofg z'? ul/Psf] cfocfh{gsf sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng u/L hLjg:t/df (NTNC-BCC) and fi nancial support of German xf] . /fli6«o k|s[lt ;+/If0f sf]ifn] cfkm\gf] kl/of]hgf If]qsf About 80 % of households of the VDC have installed ;'wf/ Nofpg] of]hgf 5 . Nepal Help Associa on, the fi rst community forest ;d'bfonfO{ uf]j/ UofF; h8fgsf] nflu k|f]T;fxg biogas plants with a ached toilets. Another 5 – 10 % planta on was carried out in 22 ha at Dharampur ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . o;} l;nl;nfdf lj=;+= @)%) sf] of the households having poten al to install biogas in 1993.
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