I S S U E 1 2 V O L . 1 6 acecindiana.org ACEC INDIANA Stay Connected SHORT LIST D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 Legislative Outlook for Upcoming “Long” Session The “long” session of the Indiana General led by Rep. Doug Gutwein (Francesville.) In Water-related infrastructure: Additional Assembly is targeted to begin on January 4th the Senate, Judiciary will be led by Senator funding for drinking water and waste water amidst the pandemic, so some elements will Liz Brown (Ft. Wayne), and Utilities led by infrastructure passed in 2019 and implemented be obviously different for health safety but the Senator Eric Koch (Bedford.) in 2020 needs to be re-authorized as part of main thrust of this session will remain to pass the next Biennium budget. The long term a two-year state budget, along with drawing plan originally called for $20M per year, new House and Senate Districts which but with revenue shortfalls, expect that it is done every ten years as part of the U.S. may be reduced on par with other programs. Census, and finally to limit the Governor’s Additional Storm water funding is not likely “emergency powers.” A myriad of other as the state continues to study its needs, but bills are expected to be filed, including ACEC is engaged in this process to set the one to protect employers from frivolous stage for the future. claims related to COVID-19 exposure. Your PVC/Plastic Pipe Material issue: Government Affairs Committee, along with Proponents of this “mandate” on water ACEC Indiana staff and lobbyists, will meet related projects continue to fail, but ACEC virtually during the session to review all the Indiana will be on the watch for it, along bills to determine any with potential impact Professional Liability issue: In 2019, with AWWA, AIM and others who opposed on professional consulting engineering firms. ACEC Indiana supported Senate Enrolled this concept in the past; instead, we intend Senate and House both remain “Super Act 230 which passed and fixed two problems to continue to work together to retain local Majorities” for Republicans. The Senate related to Design Services contracts: First, decision-making with engineering expertise welcomed 4 new members in total, with it prohibited the Professional Engineer’s on these infrastructure systems based on best Democrats gaining an additional seat. As a “Duty to Defend” a client before any fault life-cycle value. result, Senate composition is 39 Republicans has been found on both private and public Professional Licensing: Attempts to and 11 Democrats. The House welcomed contracts. Second, it restored “comparative eliminate licensing of several professions and 16 new members in total, with Republicans fault” so that liability or indemnification is occupations, including P.E.’s, has occurred gaining 4 additional seats. As a result, House proportionate to the degree of fault. These over the last several years, in the spirit of composition is 71 Republicans and 29 changes were intended to make contracts “eliminating barriers” in the workforce, but Democrats. fair and business-friendly. The problem is ACEC has prevailed as a “voice of reason” Leadership in each Chamber remains that contracts with the Indiana Department to keep them intact for life/safety concerns, favorable for ACEC Indiana: Senate Pro- of Administration continue to require the as well as business certainty. Tem Rod Bray (Martinsville); new Senate “duty to defend” provision, despite the law, Highway & Road Funding: Finally, Minority Leader Greg Taylor (Indianapolis); based on an interpretation that the agency is along with the Build Indiana Council (BIC), House Speaker Todd Huston (Fishers); and exempt. It was not the General Assembly’s ACEC will defend the historic investment in House Minority Leader Phil GiaQuinta (Ft. intent to exclude this public agency from the state highway and local road funding passed Wayne). Committee Chair changes of interest law, so Senator Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) in 2017. to ACEC Indiana in the House include Roads who authored the original law intends to The traditional “legislative luncheon” is on & Transportation led by Rep. Jim Pressel file another bill to fix it, and ACEC Indiana hold for now, but look for more information (Rolling Prairie) and Environmental Affairs wholeheartedly supports his move. on a virtual event soon. The Indiana Lawyer Making the Distinction: PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY/ PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Labor Department $5SE0R/VI NMG ECEMNTBRAELR INDIANA SINCE 1960 proposes new test for WalkerHughes.com defining independent 317.353.8000 Contact Kristen Walker at contractors [email protected] ÿÿ ÿ!"#ÿ$%#& %#%ÿ'ÿÿ(#ÿ( ÿ % ## )012345ÿ789ÿ7@7@ÿAÿ)BCDCEÿF2DCGH12G IPQR)STUÿVWXY`abV`cWXÿdÿ$efga`eX`ÿWhÿ!giWaÿdÿ$cYgic!c`pÿieXehc`Yÿd ef!WpeeYÿdÿef!WpeX`ÿdÿef!WpeX`ÿ!gqÿdÿ!giWaÿgX$ÿef!WpeX`ÿdÿaeg! eY`g`erVWXY`abV`cWXÿdÿbXef!WpeX`ÿieXehc`Y )G4ÿ2sÿ1t4ÿ3CHH4u1ÿ23u1E0B4uÿCGÿ1t4ÿv2w45Gÿ02Gu15x01C2G CGwxu15yÿCuÿEÿBE0ÿ2sÿuCBB4wÿBE325ÿ25ÿ4vB2y45u9ÿ1tE1 v4EGuÿ2s14Gÿ1t4ÿ34u1ÿEyÿ12ÿu1EssÿEÿ52 401ÿCuÿ12ÿ25ÿC1t 02G15E0125u x1ÿtC5CGHÿEGÿCGw44Gw4G1ÿ02G15E0125ÿCuÿG21ÿEuÿuCvB4ÿEu uCHGCGHÿ2Gÿ1t4ÿw2114wÿBCG49ÿBEy45uÿuEyÿGÿsE019ÿw44GwCGH | 2Gÿ1t4ÿ0C50xvu1EG04u9ÿEÿ2545ÿEuuxv4wÿ12ÿ34ÿEG dÿfgÿhfhijkÿlfmÿnÿohjfmÿlÿpjqfÿgrks CGw44Gw4G1ÿ02G15E0125ÿ02xBwÿE01xEBByÿ34ÿEGÿ4vB2y44ÿCG rhsjÿnÿtjÿmhkiÿjsÿushs gfjgfiÿjfÿsuiuvruinsÿlfmÿjgnÿnfw 1t4ÿ4y4uÿ2sÿ1t4ÿBE xynrfigzwgmÿhn{ ECGHÿ1t4ÿwCu1CG01C2Gÿ34144Gÿ4vB2y44uÿEGw CGw44Gw4G1ÿ02G15E0125uÿCGÿ1t4ÿ02Gu15x01C2GÿCGwxu15yÿCvBC0E14uÿvy5CEwÿsE0125u9ÿux0tÿEu 1Eÿ23BCHE1C2GuÿEGwÿ34G4sC1uÿE0EH4uÿGwÿCsÿEGÿ4vB2y45ÿH41uÿ1t4ÿwCu1CG01C2Gÿ52GH9 4D4Gÿv254ÿBCE3CBC1yÿ02xBwÿ34ÿ2Gÿ1t4ÿBCG4 2ÿECwÿCGÿ1t4ÿwCu1CG01C2Gÿ5204uu9ÿ1t4ÿT4E51v4G1ÿ2sÿE325ÿtEuÿ522u4wÿE G4ÿ402G2vC0ÿ54EBC1C4uÿ14u1ÿB54Ewyÿ1t454uÿEÿ14u1ÿCGÿBE049ÿ3x1ÿ1t4ÿG4 522uEBÿ54wx04uÿ1t4ÿsE0125uÿ12ÿ34ÿ02GuCw454wÿEGwÿEuuCHGuÿ4CHt1ÿ12ÿ1t2u4 sE0125u x1ÿCBBÿ1t4ÿ522uEB9ÿCsÿEw214w9ÿvE4ÿC1ÿ4EuC45ÿs25ÿ4vB2y45uÿ12ÿvE4ÿEG E525CE14ÿwCu1CG01C2GÿEv2GHÿ4vB2y44uÿEGwÿ02G15E0125uÿEy349ÿ25 vEy34ÿG219ÿBEy45uÿuEy 52vÿEÿ5EHvE1C0ÿu1EGw2CG19ÿC1uÿEBBÿ1t4ÿuEv4ÿ1tCGH9ÿuECwÿ54G1ÿF21G4y9ÿFP)ÿ2sÿF21G4y F2Gu15x01C2GÿEÿÿvÿG21ÿux54ÿ1tCuÿ0tEGH4uÿ1t4ÿEGEByuCuÿÿC1uÿ1t4ÿuEv4ÿEGEByuCu9ÿ3x1 EÿutCs1CGHÿ2sÿ1t4ÿsE0125u `ÿ S4B4Eu4wÿ2GÿU41ÿ779ÿ1t4ÿT4E51v4G1ÿ2sÿE325uÿ522uEBÿs25ÿCw4G1CsyCGHÿCGw44Gw4G1 02G15E0125uÿxu4uÿ12ÿ0254ÿsE0125uÿ1t4ÿGE1x54ÿEGwÿw4H544ÿ2sÿ1t4ÿ2545uÿ02G152Bÿ2D45ÿ1t4 ~ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ¡¢£¤ÿ¥¦£¦ÿ§¡ ¨ }259ÿEGwÿ1t4ÿ2545uÿ2251xGC1yÿs25ÿ52sC1ÿ25ÿB2uuÿ3Eu4wÿ2GÿCGC1CE1CD4ÿEGwd25 ! 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