VARSITY SHOW FEATURES COLLEGE WEEK-END; STUDENT TALENT SHOWN IN NEW PRODUCTION FINAL NOTICE Famous 'Cellist To Tuesday, April 15, is posi- Ball, Chasers, Follow tively the last date for filing ap- plications for financial aid for Give Concert April 16 tho college year 1941-42. Novel Entertainment Committee on Financial Aid. Harder Downing's Vic Dance To Be Marcel Hubert Is Widely Known For "Continentals" Play Held After Show His' European And American Performances Bubar Is Elected Grand Ball Will Hf ar Oliver Millet Is Debut At Fourteen , Now Acclaimed As Master S. G. A. President Sweet And Swing 'itudent Director It has been announced that Marcel Jane Soule, Olive Monell, Hubert) famous 'cellist, will appear "Strikes And National J-.:st imagine it . the Alumnae at Col'by College on April 16th. Robert Dennison, Officers Building converted into a night club. Hubert, who has won renown on. Defense" I.R.C. Theme Surprised? Of course you are, and Harold J. Bubar, '42, was elected both sides of the Atlantic, was born so were we when we first heard of This Friday evening at 7 -.30 P. M., president of the Student Christian in Lille, France, and his talent mani- the idea. Roughly here's the story. in the Alumnae Building, the Interna- Association for the coming year at fested itself in childhood. He studied On Thursday evening, April 24, the tional Relations Club in cooperation the recent election held before spring at the Paris Conservatoire and won staff of "Colby at the Mike" will pre- with the Students Relations Commit- recess. The student body selected the "Premier Prix" at the age of sent the Varsity Show of 1941, as the tee of the Colby Group for the De- Jane Soule, '42, as vice president ; thirteen. He was fourteen years old opening to this year's College Holiday fense of Democracy will present a Olive Monell, '42, secretary ; and Rob- when he made his debut with the Week-end. faculty discussion on "Strikes and fPlefi=p turn to nacp fi) French cap- Colonne Orchestra of the National Defense." Professors Wil- But this is to be no oruinary suc- ital, and after this sensational son and Seepe will take part in the Varsity Show, for among other things cess he fulfilled many engagements discussion and it is expected that Pro- Pan Hell Dance Has it will feature an hour's radio broad- in recital and with the principal or- fessor Breckenridge will also partici- cast over the Maine Broadcasting chestras throughout France and Bel- pate. Starlight Ball Theme System , Jimmy Springer and His gium. At the present time when strikes White Mules, and a variety of enter- The accomplished artist was re- are breaking out all over tho nation Streamers, Silver Stars HARDER DOWNING ta nment by Colby guys and gals. peatedly honored by the French Gov- and are retarding our national de- And tho nigh t club? Well, the Alum- ernment, invited to play before the fense efforts, this subject has become Adorn Alumnae Gym Spring at Colby is an event in it- nae Building will be turned into a President of the French Republic, highly important. This discussion self , but when you add to it College night club for the evening with the Poincare, for the President of Brazil should be very interesting because The long awaited for Pan Hellenic Holiday Week-end, and top that off various acts appearing as a floor and for the French Senate. Ho was the participants have wide differ- dance drew a large crowd Saturday with the superb music of Harder show, and the broadcast coining as soloist at the great Fete at the Sor- ences of opinions upon this subject. evening, April 5. The Alumnae Downing's Continentals, you really just part of the fun. Of course we bonne for Marshall Foeh. Building was the" scene of the very havo asomething there. forgot to mention the dance, which will follow with music from Jimmy Tangible evidence of Hubert's NOTICE successful affair. The blue stream- This year, College Holiday will , 1 and the lads. standing in his own country was an Town, si*'* may vote for officers of ers that adorned the gym and the take place on April 24th, 25th and anonymous gift of a rare 'cello, made Student 's League and Women ' s Ath- silver stars that sparkled overhead (Please turn to page 6) (Please turn to pago 6) in 1703 by Grancino, one of tho great letic Association on Friday, April 11, carried out the Starlight Ball theme (Please turn to page fl& o from 10:00 to 10:15 in the Chapel. in a striking pattern. Kearney, Kallander and his twelve Echo es Attend New land Easter Festival Period Will Include Hymns piece orchestra furnished the dancers Delegat Eng with music, sweet and swing. A Intercollegiate Newspaper Convention And Bach B Glee Club novelty was • presented by a member From Mozart y of tho band which also featured four In expression of the Easter Festi- vocalists : three men and a girl. This world is now one, and what During the course of the conven- Tal Period by Colby College, the Col- Dean Ninetta Runnals, Professor affects Europe will directly affect tion a const tution was approved by by College gloo club, in cooperation Libe Associates To and Mrs. R. J. Lougee and Professor America," declared Mr. Reubin II. tho Association. Members made with the Student Christian Associa- Hear Mathematician and Mrs. E. F. Strong chaperoned the Markham, European c orrespc/ndent amendments to the constitution at tion, will present an all music pro- Ball. of tho Christian Science "Monitor" tho convention and it was adopted. gram at-the First Congregational Another triumphant Pan Hellenic for 15 years and principal speaker nt Delegates at the convention attend- Church of Waterville Easter Sunday Lantern Slides Will danco was recorded when festivities tho Now . England Intercollofr'ate ?<l the first night performance of afternoon at four,o'clock, Professor Illustrate Talk ended at midnight. Tho chairman of Newspaper Association Convention "When Aloes Bloom ," at Whitney Thomas announced recently. Tho the dance was Jean Cnnnoll and her held at Northeastern University dur- Hall in Brookl'ne , on Friday evening. Gloo Club will sing Mozart's "Mass Tho next mooting of tho Colby committee consisted of Jane Soule, ing the spring vacation, Four Colby Saturday morning a general discus- in F" and Bach's "Cantata No. 4," Library Associates is to be held on Shirley Wagner, Cynthia Smith, nnd students represented tho ECHO at sion period was hold following a talk titled "Christ Lay by Death Enshoud- Thursday evening, April 10, at' 7:30, Hester Hatch. tho throe day sessions. by Mr. Robert P. Robinson, presi- od." in tho Alumnae Building. The guest dent of the National Advertising Ser- In Mozart's "Mass in F" several speaker will bo Professor Otto Neuge- vice which is tho intermediary be- movements aro sung- by a solo double bauor of Brown University. His sub- "Posture-Conscious" Campaign On tween nations! advertisers and busi- quartet. Tho members include : ject will bo: "Tho Role of Mathe- ness managers of collegiate publica- Louise , Trahan an d Mary Smith, so- matics In tho History of Culture." It tions. Mr. Robinson spoke on "Th o pranos; Joanna MacMurtry and Alta is oxpeeted that this talk will bo illus- For Women; Judges Remain Secret Relation of N. A. S. to College Pa- Gray, contraltos ; Andrew Watson trated with lantern slides. (Please turn to pago 0) nnd Stodman Howard , tenors ; War- Tho Library Associates havo order- The campaign to make women stu- ren Mills and Robert Do Cormier, ed tho following books during the dents more conscious of thoir posture Alumni Hold Five Student League For bassos. Tho accompaniment consists past month. "Th e History of Ameri- is now underway. Tho names of tho of Professor Evorott Strong at' tho can Sailing Ships," Howard I. judges nro being kept secret and will Eastern Meetings Women Amends Rules organ eonsolo, Harold Polls at tho Chnpollo; "Th e Complete Works of bo announced at tho closo of tho cam- piano, and nn ensemble of violins, Beaumont and Fletcher," A Glover paign. The points that tho judges o vi las, nnd collos. Heads of:thb' Stu- and A. R, Waller : "Annals of tho will lcoop in mind when observing tho President Johnson And Di Dormitory Rules, Election dent Christian Association Committee Now York Stage," George C. D. girls are as follows: Wilkinson Speak Here Of Officers Affected for this Easter Vesper service nro Odoll ; "Military Affa irs in North Sitting: Ruth Roberts and Frederick Snr- America," Stanley Pnrgollis; "Life, Straight lino from head to hips. A series of five alumni meetings At a mass mooting of tho Student's sront. Letters and Labours of Francis Gal- Hips against back of chair. was recently hold in various ociHtern League of the women's division on ton," Karl Pearson; "William Blake : Head and shsuldera hack. cities. President Johnson and Pro- March 20 d ce pe , presi- His Philosophy and Symbols," S. Fos- , Miss Pru en Pi r When writing, loan forward from f essor W. J. Wilkinson spoke at tho dent; of tho League, presented tho Powder And Wi Play ter Damon ; nnd "A Study of His- g hips, back straight. Waterville meeting on March 10, In following amendments to tho present tory," Arnold J. Toynboo. Feot flat on floor however devia- d e President Johnson stated constitution for discussion. All ol Has Been Postponed At tho last mooting of tho Library , this ad r ss, tions from this are possible with that work will be resumed on tho Associates Dr.
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