gta T ech. and played lmebacker Chlldten. parents. and the church as his mam topics, he never By James Bull against West Vngm1a m the 1954 Sugar Bowl game. After lacks an audience. military serv1ce. Carlen returned Under the leadership of Car· Mr. James Carlen. head foot· to Georgta Tech. m the pall len, Ins young hard-working as· ball coach of West Vtrgmta Unt· ume capacity ol asststant fresh· sistants campatgned throughout verstty. will be the speaker for man coach. the countr~' ·Stde Vi sitmg high the annual all-campus Thanks· Ca rl en stal'ted playmg orgamz· schools. home games. and where· gtvmg assembly to be held thts ever tt would help, tellin g the ed football at the age of seven mornmg at 10 10 m the college and pl ayed on every l evel people that they · ·aught lO be audtton um. Classes wtll be through college. He graduated proud of these boys, out there d1s1mssed so that all students from Georgta T ech 10 1955 wtth playmg thetr hearts out. makmg may auend the assembl y. a B S degree m mdustnal man· mtstakes week after week." Carlen was born July ll, 1933, Carlen ts married to the former agement and was ass1stant tn the mountams of Tennessee Mtss Sharon Garner of Alcoa. coach one year at Cookevtlle and ts presentl y th e youngest T eunessee. They are the par· Htgh School 111 Ius hometown. major college head coach tn the ents of three children. Molli· He later coached at the military game. Carlen came to West anne, James. and Melame. Mrs. servtce and collegiate l evels Vtrginta Untverslty 111 January Carlen was lormerly a student Until last year he had never 1966. tntent on creaung new at Tennessee T ech and was been assoctated wtth a losmg tnterest tn the Mountameer runner-up to Miss Tennessee tn team. the M1ss Untverse contest m football tea\ot . Dunng that y ear Carlen ts West Vtrgmia Um· over 123.000 fans attended the 196 1. versity's "man 111 mouon" He IS Mountameer games desptte a After the speech. the assembl y qutck on the drawl. duect. de· lostng record. will be concluded by the smg· c 1stve. and enthustasttc. He tng of " We Gather Together" He played and coached under believes m the makmg of the and "Come Ye Thankful Prople With fnr""lth:.J I James Carlen, Head Football Coach, West Virg1ma. Untverstty the famous Bobby Dodd of Gear· Come' ' by the enure audtence. The Glenville Mercury Vol. XXXIX. No. 8 Glenville State College. Glenville. IV . Va. Tuesday. November 21 . 1967 WF Conse,ration New Men's Dormitory s,heduled Nov. 26 Pl ans Are Formulated Plans are now m the arclu· Nov. 26, Btshop Fred G Hoi· ly the same number The buald· teNural stage for a new men's lowav of the West Vtrgtma diS· mg also house a ltbrarv. office donmtory on the Glenvtlle State tnct. of lhe Methodast Church ~pace for the foundalton duec· College Campus General m· w11l be guest speaker for the tor, and meetmg rooms. terest has been expressed con· consecrJ.tton ceremony of the Located on the sate of the cemmg an open-corndor smte new S100.000 Weslev Founda· former M E. Church South, the arrangement which will .;;erve as tton bt.uldmg. Dr Tom H Mal· foundauon hutldmg has been a home to approx1mately 192 lory. Execut1ve Secret.a.ry of the financed largely through money men. Board of EducatiOn of the \V rece1ved 10 Fatth m Acuon pro· The site of the dormttory has Va Metbodtst Conference. form· gram and on a long-term loan not been chosen but possible er dtrect.ars, and former off1cers. Over 850.000 of the funds need· s 1 tes now under cons ad era liOn are expected to be among those ed came through gifts of West are 111 the general area of the who wJII v1si t the campus. Vugm1a MethOdists through lower park1ng l ot across from This l at£>st addttton to the Fatth m Actton the Admma strauon butldmg expandmg program of Lhe Metho· D~rector for the bu al dmg wall The new bu!ldmg will present dJst Campus MtniStrV 10 W. Va. be Rev. D Edward Bayer. cam· the l!vmg·leammg type of st t· was officially handed over to the pus mmtster, who replaced Rob· uataon The atr·condtttoned MethOdiSt Board of Educauon ert M. Fuqua who was appomted bulldmg will contam a. recrea· Phyllis llopk1n s an d Becky Gtven enJOY the comforts of the new on Oct. 5 when the conuactors to a Fatrmont church . Mrs. Or· uon area w1th the poss1bll1ty of WF lounge. presented keys to a New Wes· v11le Wh1te. of Clenvtlle ts holdmg cl asses m Lh e dormi· lev Foundat10n to Rev. D. Ed· conunumg her dulles as secre· tory w~rd Bayer at Glenvtlle State lary. The approxtmate date of com· College. Mrs . Charles "'Mom" Barker . plet1on wtll be around !.he Sec· Student Teachers Invade Schools The FoundatiOn bUJid1ng m· also of Glenville, ts the hostess ond semester of next year, but Stx counu es will have twenty· Vanny Lantz ts the lone stu· eludes a meditation chapel, ror the new bu1ldmg. City Lum· as yet no defmtte date IS avatl· f1ve Glenville State studen t dent teacher Ill Upshur County's which wtll seat 100. and a lou· ber Company of Buckhannon abl e teachers this term accord1ng ;o Buckhannon-Upshur Htgh Sch· Dr. B. E. Ross. ChaHman 01 the ool. He ts teaching phystcal Dtvtston of Educauon and Psy· educatwn and soctal studt es. chology. Patty Gray and Noami Workmen South Hamson lltgh School has are student teaching at Green­ Hunter Franklm Armentrout mont Elementary i n Wood Coun­ teachmg soc1al stud1es. Carl· ty , Judy Newl on, Karen McCl oud, ton Sp1cer teachmg bu smess and John Greiser are teaching and phySICa l educatton. and at Vienna Elemen tary. Phillip Joesph Tumet teachmg soetal Pitt i s teaching physic al edu­ Studies and phystcal <;ctence. cation an d working in t he library Rtpley t·hgh School Ill J.1 ck· at Parkers burg South High Sch­ son County has Ramsey Wh1te ool. Also at P arkers burg South teachmg social '> tu<.ll es and are Thomas Carr who is teach­ speech . Larry Pa.1sons teachin g ing math and physical science soc:al studtes and b1ology a.nd and Delbert Murphy who is Jack1e Fulks IS teachm g math teaching social studies and an<l ass1stmg tn the hbrary also working in the library. Kathleen Smith I S teachmg Eng· Setha Ann Craft ts teaclung ltsh olnd soct~l stud1es at Rtp· phys1cal and soc1al studtes at ley Jum01 Ihgh School Lewas County lhgh School. Mary Ann Crissm. n and K ath­ Barbara Davts and Laura Reed l een Stephens are teaching at are teachmg at Weston JuniOr the Glenville Elemen•ary School. ~ll gh. Mt ss Davts IS t eachmg Gl envdle High School bas Engltsh and math and Mrs. Reed W a 1 ~e r 0 'De!l teachmg soci al IS teachmg English and soc1al s tudie~ .tnd working in the s tudies. Fe1tc1a Per~mger and il b : a~y and Frank Hughes is Carol Kessler are teachtng at teachin g math and physical Weston Elementary Wesley Foundation science. 002_R.jpg Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Tuesday. November 21, 1967 GEO Test Given I Challenge You • • • Fellow Students, To Non-Graduates In absence of Larry Parsons. President of the S. G. A., it gi ves me thi s opportunity to complimen t you on the tremendous JOb of back· The General EducatiOn Deve· ing your football team. Your support and confidence Impressed many lopment Tes t will be administer­ people and. most of all, helped your Pioneers complete a great sea­ ed at Glenville State College son. One of the greatest ex:presswns of your interest was at the o n the follow1ng dates for the Fairmont game. Even radio coverage commented on the energy of our 1967-68 school year. P ersons crowd. Speakmg for Student Counctl and as a member of tJ1e football mteres ted in taking the test team I would like to say thank you. s hould register with Kernnt Football season iS over. but our school year is not. The kick· K1nder. Director of GUida nce, off returns, pass ~nt e r cepuon s, and touchdowns are now history, but Glenville State College for more the up-off. foul shots, and fas t breaks a re yet to be made. I hereby informatton The examtnation c hallange you to support the Glenvtlle State basketball team w1th will begm promptly at 8 00 A M equal confidence and enthus iasm. a nd examm ees should report to Athletics should not be your only concern. Plays, Lyceum pro­ t he Off1ce of the D~rector of g rams, concerts, s peakers, and soc1al events are all of benefi t to Guidance m the Admim strauon you as a student. Why depnve yourself of s uch opportumties? In your Buildmg. Interest I encourage you to partiCipate m all the events of the school GED tests are a dministered year. under the supervtslon of the William D. Frost West Virginia State Department Vice president of S. G. A. o f Education for the purpose of measuring educational equival­ ence at th e high school grad­ uation level. Res ults of the tests are used pnmarily as a basis for issuance of a bigh Wife Requests Change s chool certi ficate to qualified non- high scho ol g:aduate adults who wish to continue their edu­ Dear Editor.
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