VOL. XXXVIII NO. 22. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, DECEMBER 23, 1915. PRICE 4 CENTS WATCH NIGHT CHRISTMAS WITH MEETING OUR ADVERTISERS Local Merchants Can Supply Your Services to Be Observed at the M. Wants Satisfactorily. Church, December 31. A little tour of the stores finds On Friday evening of next week a the merchants of Phillips alive and Watch Night service will be held at up-to-date with the 'holiday spirit the Methodist church beginning at and activity. Onr stores will com­ 8 o'clock. The pastor of the church, pare favorably with those in much will be assisted by the Rev. John larger communities and the propriet­ sjjHAMM?RLIS4 ors display good taste and judgment ^ 22 PtPUTtR BER RIFLES Dunstan of Strong. Special music When you buy your .22 calibre will he rendered by Miss Gretchen in their stock selected. rifle—repeater or single shot—be| Ninde of Strong and this service The interiors of the stores are guided by the example of the crack- gives prospect of being an extremely decorated in the cheery Christmas jt-y shots and the growing majority of rifle interesting and helpful one. The colors, red and green, and the users. Get a real gun —a Remington-UMC. service will begin with a service of show windows have been made at­ Go see the dealer who displays the R ed B a ll song followed by an address from on tractive, and goods displayed to the Mark of Remington-UMC. Your sign of Sportsmen's of the pastors. Then will follow a best advantage. Headquarters—the Remington-UMC arms you want social hour, when everyone will have The merchants inform us that bus­ to own, and the ammunition you ought to have. an opportunity to meet old friends iness with them is averaging well with other years and they are pre­ To keep your gun cleaned and lubricated rig h t use Rem Oil and get acquainted with new ones the new powder solvent, rust preventative, and gun lubricant. and partake of the refreshments dicting a good trade this week. The stores will be open every Remington Arms-Union which will be served at that time. evening this week. Metallic Cartridge Co. After this will come the closing ser­ Following is a little special ment­ 299 Broadway. New York, vice leading up to the passing out of the Old Year and the coming in of ion of our advertisers: the New Year. This is a public Floyd E. Parker. service and everyone is cordially in­ Floyd Parker’s store never looked vited to come and join witli one an­ more like Christmas headquarters. other in tins old time and beautiful The whole family will find an array custom. A time of great spiritual HOTEL BLANCHARD PLEASANT ISLAND CAMPS of lovely, useful, and practical goods On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing unex­ profit and social intercourse is an­ STRATTON MAINE which it is impossible to enumerate. celled. Best of hunting. Special rates ticipated. Come and bring your Not only at the holiday season but In the center of the Fish and Game for June, October and November. friends and give 1916 a welcome in a the year throughout is this an up-to- Sectio*. Write for booklet. Write for booklet. ; grand good way. date store in every detail. His ices HOTEL BLANCHARD, W ESTON U. TO OTH A K ER, Prop., in summer and hot drinks in winter STRATTON MAINE. E_ H. G R O SE. Prop. Pleasant Island, - - Maine are delicious. Try them and be HUNTERS REPORT convinced. C. M. Hoyt. LYNX NUMEROUS It is easy making selections for Mountain View House | any member of the family at the’ Mountain View, Maine Four hunters, returning from an store of C. M. Hoyt. The counters extended cruise through the Swift are laden with sensible gifts and For further particulars write or address River country, report that Canadian the kind that are most appreciated. Mr. Hoyt has recently added a base­ L. E. B0WLEY, | lynx are numerous and killing many deer all through the “big woods.’’ ment for his convenience and both Mountain Yiew, • » » Maine.! That the deer are unusually wild and (Continued on page five.) restless as a result. Clinton Savage, who accompanied crowned with the ‘Thunder Oak,’ sac­ Perley Cushman brought out a small red to Thor,—tongues of ruddy flame Ed. Grant’s Kennebago Camps buck, while Lieut. J. W. Hanson who from the great altar fire near its foot Log camps with baths, open fires, etc. Best trout fly-fishing, both lake and has been spending his vacation with curved ranks of white-clad warriors, stream, canoeing, mountain climbing, etc. Excellent cuisine. Post Office his brother at Granite Falls, carried women and children facing the altar, and Long Distance Telephone in Main Camp. For rates, descriptive circulars the dread High Priest of Thor and and other information, write home a large doe, Thursday. ED. GRANT CEL S O N CO., P. O. Address, Grant's Me. the kneeling child—the latter a'‘vic­ Railroad and Telegraph office Kennebago, Me. tim doomed to die by the Mow of the hammer as a sacrifice to Thor, the THE FIRST H am m erer. Suddenly comes St. Boniface, the Mountain BALD M O UNTAIN CAMPS »*»«• M a in * CHRISTMAS TREE awful blow from the hammer is turn­ Bald’Mcmntain Camps are situated at the foot of Bald Mountain on Mooselookn*e- ed aside by the crucifix in the hands runtic Lake. Near the best fishing grounds. First class steamboat connections—Auto of the missionary, the boy is rescued, road to camps—Telephone connections—Two mails daily—Write for free ctreular. Winfrid the Saxon, bishop, mission­ an axe is seized, the great oak tot­ AMOS ELLIS. Prop’r.. Bald Mountain, Maine ary, ecclesiastical statesman, born in ters and falls before the mighty Devonshire in 680, martyred by a sav blows of the apostle, in simple but age tribe of F risians in 754, canon­ impassioned words the amazed throng ized by the Pope as Saint Boniface, are told of Jesus arnd how sin, not is declared by Roman Catholic tradi­ human life, is the sacrifice he asks. Rangeley Lakes and Dead River tion to have been the originator of ‘And here,’ said the apostle, as his the idea of the Christmas tree. eyes fell on a young fir tree, stand­ Region Appointed by Pope Gregory and ing straight and green with its top protected by papers from the power­ pointing toward the stars, ‘here is ful Charles Martel, the youthful mis­ the evergreen tree, with no stain of AS A HUNTING RESORT sionary entered Hesse, Thuringia and blood upon it, that shall be the sign other heathen provinces inhabited by of your new worship. See how it Germanic tribes. “Living in the points to the sky. Let us call it most abject poverty, he and liis fol­ the tree of the Christ-Child. Take This territory is unsurpassed in Maine. It is easy of access lowers went from place to place and nearly all the camps are open during the Hunting Season. it up carefully and carry it to the preaching the gospel and multitudes Chieftain’s home, for this is the Deer, partridge, duck, bear and small game are very professed conversion and were bap­ birthnight of the White Christ. You abundant. tized into the Roman Catholic faith.” shall go no more into the shadows Never did missionary labor with j of the forest to keep your Winter Non-resident hunting license fee only SI5.00 greater success, his missionary zeal I feasts with awful rites of shame. coupled with his organizing genius You shall keep them at home with, Write the S a n d y R iv e r & R a n g e l e y L a k e s R a il r o a d for left its mark upon the German chnrc laughter. song and rites of love.’ booklet with map. throughout the middle ages. Thus did the Pagan oak, whose The following quotation briefly F. N. BEAL, General Manager, Phillips, Maine roots were fed with blood, fall be­ summarizes the various forms of the fore the little fir tree which always legend of hire first Christmas tree: is faithfully ‘pointing toward the “A wintry night, a forest hillock sta rs.’ ” MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, DECEMBER 23, 1915. through or back again. Mistaken for a deer. h un-ting. Central M-aine Hospital, SOME LOBSTER A derrick wag rigged and a chain Nov. 17—Alden Qujmby of Rumford Lewis tool. ESTES AGAIN put around him and probably one of killed by Claude Clark. Mistaken Dec. 2—Clarence Pease,^ face filled IN COURT STORY THIS the largest lobsters ever caught was fo-r a deer, while hunting on Deer with powder and finger mAngled by taken from that bridge. Mountain, Rangeley lakes. explosion of a shell, while trying to Nov. 25—Mir-s. Reuben Bartlett of extract it from loading tools. Finger New Gloucester Woman Says She All Navigation Stopped and Diver Blanchard, killed by Maivin Bragdon, am putated. Loaned Him $50. Employed to Investigate. who mistook her for a deer, after Nov. 25—Lionel Bow-ke-r of Sumner, FATALITIES rifle bullet through foot, accidental she had been trying to deceive him Walter F. Estes of Gray, known into thinking so. discharge. (Special to Maine Woods.) SEASON OF 1915 as*the “ Modern A dam ,’’ who with his Nov. 25—-Phillip Parker of Bangor, Dec. 6—Alphonse Cote of Augusta, Rockland, Me., Deo. 12.—-Frank F. wif recently passed two months in drowned in Push aw lake, by over­ shot in right breast by stray rifle Trafton of Rockland had on exhibit­ the Maine woods in emulation of the turning of canoe, while on a hunting bullet while at work on Bank lot, well-known Joe Knowles, and who ion at the Maine Central wharf Kennebec Journal’s Record of High-l-and Plantation.
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