University of Windsor Scholarship at UWindsor Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive 1940 Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute Yearbook 1939-1940 Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute (Windsor, Ontario) Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks Part of the Public History Commons Recommended Citation Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute (Windsor, Ontario), "Kennedy, W. C. Collegiate Institute Yearbook 1939-1940" (1940). Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks. 1. https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been accepted for inclusion in Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Scholarship at UWindsor. For more information, please contact [email protected]. rt 37:i. 71332 l'en Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society (EssexOGS) Active Members: Preserving Family History; Networking & Collaborating; Advocates for Archives and Cemeteries This yearbook was scanned by the Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society in conjunction with the Leddy Library on the campus of the University of Windsor for the owners of the book. The EssexOGS yearbook scanning project is for preservation and family history research purposes by the Essex County Branch membership. This document is made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder and cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. This material is for personal research use only, and can not be sold or distributed. Book provided by Windsor Public Library - scanned 2018 Wilkinson's Shoes Wear like a Pig's Nose COMPLIMENTS OF Buy your shoes and sporting togs at H. W. ORMEROD & CO. GEORGE B. WILKINSON LIMITED LIIIITBD ln,urance Adjrulen 333-335 Ouellette Ave., Windsor I and Save Dollan Phones 4-3,Z:,a,,./+.3204 Bay your blqde e1.oo down uul Sl,00 weekly 609-610 Guarant/ Trust Bldg. uul .... carfare I I VISIT .•• Keep Prim Beauty Salon HEINTZMAN'S New Record Dept. 1"6 01Nllette A,re. "Where the Latest Arrives First" Popular and Classic Sheet Music -+- Shop at HEINTZMAN'S Phone 4-1362 Cor. Ouellette at London Sta. 3-4649 Cona,,U,,...,. oJ Ed. W. Morris • KENCOLL FORREST ROGERS NED Editor Business MARION McEWEl-f MAURICE ST. AUBIN Associate Editors DOROTHY McEWEN Girls' Athletics BOB WADDINGTON Boys' Athletics DOUG McINTYRE Humour HAZEL CRAIG Through the Keyhole ESTHER GRANT School Activities ELEANOR WEBB Alumni JANE BAXTER Social MARION WHEELTON Girls' Thumbnail Sketches WALLACE FLETCHER Boys' Thumbnail Sketches JACK SPE!IICE Associate Business Manager Editorials Photography JEAN BACK DON BLACK DOUG MILLS LUCIANO CUDIN Reporters DOUG McALLISTER HARRY WELLER LOIS LOVERIDGE JUNE REID TOM CORMIE KEITH McEWEN SANDY McGAW Advertising Art MARY ROBERTSON JANE MARTIN JACK GUSTIN DON SHWERY JOHN ADAMS TED GORSKI DON BLACK BLAKE NORBURY DON KNAPP 2 THE KENNEDY YEAR-BOOK 111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111111111111111111:11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n1111111111111111 KENCOLL STAFF Back row, left to right: Jack Spence, Jack Gustin, Keith McEwen, Maurice St. Aubin, Ned Carrington (Business Manager), Wallace Fletcher, Doug Mills, Harry Weller, Sandy McGaw. Centre row, left to right: Bob Waddington, Doug McIntyre, Marlon Wheelton , Marlon McEwen, Esther Grant, Jane Martin, Jean Back, Forrest Rogers (Editor). Front row, left to right: Mary Robertson, Hazel Craig, Lois Loveridge, Eleanor Webb, Jane Baxter, Virginia DeLaurier, Dorothy McEwen, June Reid +---·---_.,. __ .,._ --- -H-•--·------- - - - ··---- - -- -- -- - -- - ·-... 1_ -·----- ____ ~OREW ~~D __ --------='~1~1~~>'.~~-J '!\, o ) car,- IH1,·c g-onc by :-.incc Dick c;rayhicl "ith,,ut sonw pride that we point to th=:-. maga- and ~lr. Riggs collah<,rate<l to put forth Ken zin<: a:-, the n-;ult of our labour. nedy's first year-hook. .\t the time they \\'e sinctrelv thank ~lr. Cilhcrt and the teach expressed till' hope that their \\Ork should not ing -;taff for· the a,--;i-;tance and souwl advice go £01 naught. but that tlw "Kencoll" should "hich the) ha, e mo,-l genl·rously gi, tn. ).{iss become a yearl~· publication and take on its JI('\\ itt. in particular. ren<lcrcd , aluahlt• as:-.istance tru<· significance as a year-book. Unfortunately. in preparing our material. Ned Carrington is to 1w no 111agazint· was forthcoming· la,-t year. It "a:-.. praised for the magnificent manner in •., hich ht· then·lore. ,, ith g-r<:at determination that we set ha..; handkd the hu-..ine:-.s details conm·ded "ith about this ) ear to puhli:-.h a year-hook which the publication. 'l'o the Forum abo, "e cxtl'IHI would be a \\'Orthv :-.uccessor to theirs and which our thanks for the financial harking and g racious would be of such· a nature as to encourage tht· co-operation \\'hirh they ha,·t· gi,en t1". students of Kcnnech to estahli,-h "Tht· Kencoll" Finally. wt· thank our ad, ertiser:-. for ha\'ing as an annual feature of the school vear. \\'e ha, t' shown such faith in us, and we urg-t• you to worked hard lo achit•,·e our g-oai' and it is not patronize tht111. r·-- ----·- ·F;;-Th:-S~p~i~t~~de~;--~··-~).:. ~~~~~~t~n·~-·~r +•H--H-- -••-••- •-••-- 1>!1•• - ~•---4·----- --••-_.. ___ - n--•- - - - - - .. --- --•+ ~ly , cry pleasant and mutually friendly three the fine r<'lations t·xisting a 111 ong tlw principal, ,·('ars' association with the staff and student:-. of the staff, and the students. the Kenned) Collegiate Institute make any The splendid work of the Forum. in the face assurances of my good " ·ishes quite unnecessary. of the school's e,i,knt achi<·,·emenb in extra­ The good \\'ishcs are here expressed in print curricular acti"ities. may b<' taken for granted. onh· for the purposes of a pt rmanent record. Jt. ho\\'e\'er. desen e.; the spt-cial co111111endation ( han followed with deep satisfaction tht· and the thank, of all who arc interested in the school life this year in \rt and :.fusic. in the :-;chclOI for again arranging to record t he high realm of ht·alth- and sports. and in the more lights of the year's accomplishmenb on the formal cour,es. The ,-pirit with whid1 the work printed pagt's of tllC' Kencoll. ha,- lit·<·n 111ukrtakt·11 and tlH' steady prog-n·,-:-. :\[ y sinct·n· g-oocl " ishcs for con ti 111w<I hea Ith. "hirh has l1t·t·11 rnaintaincd sptak \\Tll for tlll' happincs:-. and SU<.:Cl':-.s fur tht· "hole ·1l·rson11<:l ll'adership of the new principal, .l\Ir. Cilbert, and of Kennedy <.'ollegiatt· lnstitutt• is here txpressed. T HE KENCOLL 1940 3 llltlllllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllltllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllfllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllltlllllllllltlftltlllllllllll MR. GEORGE S. CAMPBELL, B. A. f OR many of the students in Kennedy Collegiate Institute the personaI1ty of Mr. Campbell was the outstanding feature at the beginning of their high school life. He it was who set before them the ideals for guiding them in the business of following adolescent education. With grateful remembrance they will carry his words and his encouragement on into the life beyond school days, and continue to find them a helpful influence. 4 THE KENNEDY YEAR-BOOK 1110111111111111111u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111•111111u1111111111111111n1111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 guess that automobilc models to be introduced in 1941 arc being designed, modelled and studied EDITORIAL today. \ 'OL. l I - KEN COLL - 1940 Teachers of composition have this in mind Published By the Students of the when they urge a student to haYe a written plan Kennedy Collegiate Institute for his essay. He then knows his objectiYe, hi:,; Windsor, Ontario Price 20c per copy train of reasoning in reaching that objecti\'c, and a;, well, his place of starting. llow seriously is needed then a plan for one's journey through the 45 years of work lying ahead which each student hopes to travel happily and SU<'<'essfully in some useful vocation. The choos­ ing of that vocation is not easy or to be dismissed lightly-there are some twenty thousand known occuµations from which to choose. Having once been inspired to a realization that there is after all something of a problem here, a student will be disposed to seek information and advice helpful to himself. It is here that \·oca­ tional Guidance will serve a useful purpose. A orog-ram of Guidance aims to assist indi\'iduals to choose, prepare for, to enter. or successfully adjust themselves to occupations; also to inform young people, and parents as well, regarding job requirements, conditions and demand; to study educational facilities of their community and elsewhere which best may ser\'e their particular program. This, in brief, is the purpose of guidance, so VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE one can readily see that there is nothing in the by opinion that. by some
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