The State Board of Regents met at the University of Northern Iowa on Thursday and Friday, August 21-22. Those present were: August 21 August 22 Members of State Board of Regents: Mrs. Petersen, President All Sessions All Sessions Mr. Bailey All Sessions All Sessions Mr. Brownlee All Sessions All Sessions Dr. Harris All Sessions All Sessions Mrs. Jorgensen All Sessions All Sessions Mr. Neu All Sessions All Sessions Mr. Shaw All Sessions All Sessions Mr. Wenstrand All Sessions All Sessions Office of State Board of Regents: Executive Secretary Richey All Sessions All Sessions Di rector Barak All Sessions Director McMurray All Sessions All Sessions Director Sonnenschein All Sessions All Sessions Assoc. Director Caldwell All Sessions All Sessions Ms. Baker, Secretary All Sessions All Sessions State University of Iowa: President Boyd Excused All Sessions Vice President Bezanson All Sessions All Sessions J> Vice President Brodbeck All Sessions All Sessions Assistant to President Mahon All Sessions All Sessions ,.. Director Hawkins All Sessions All Sessions Acting Director Brisben All Sessions Ms. Phillips All Sessions All Sessions Iowa State University: President Parks All Sessions All Sessions Vi~e President Christensen All Sessions All Sessions Vice President Hamilton All Sessions All Sessions Vice President Moore All Sessions All Sessions Assistant Vice President Madden All Sessions All Sessions Assistant to President Henry All Sessions All Sessions University of Northern Iowa: President Kamerick All Sessions A11 Sessions , Provost Martin All Sessions All Sessions Vice President Stansbury All Sessions All Sessions Vice President Voldseth All Sessions A11 Sessions Director Kelly All Sessions All Sessions Iowa School for the Deaf: Superintendent Giangreco All Sessions All Sessions Business Manager Kuehnhold All Sessions All Sessions Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School: Superintendent DeMott All Sessions All Sessions Business Manager Berry All Sessions All Sessions -• 1 • GENERAL The folloV1ing business pertaining to general or miscellaneous items was transacted on Thursday, August 21, 1980. DEATH OF REGENT BELIN. President Petersen noted that since the last board meeting, a valued and dedicated board member was lost. She said that Connie Belin passed away on June 23, 1980, losing a valiant fight against cancer. President Petersen asked for a brief pause in memory of Regent Belin before beginning the meeting to allow each person to remember Regent Belin in their own way. She said those who serve on the board leave an imprint for posterity and become a part of the board's history and its strong tradition. Regent Belin 1 s four years added much to that tradition - she had enthusiasm, a sense of joy in life and work, an open mind grasping for the best solution, a searching quest for beauty, a hearty laugh, a keen insight, an ability to ask thought provoking questions, a drive for excellence, a zest for probing discussion, a delightful sense of humor, a vitality, a desire to use each day and each moment of life to its fullest, a fighting positive spirit in her fight to survive, a caring for people.as groups and as individuals, and was a constant friend. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The minutes of the June 18-19, 1980, board meeting were approved as distributed. President Petersen stated that any additions or nonsubstantive changes could be turned in to the secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF LONG-RANGE PLANNING SEMINARS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA AND IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY. The minutes of the seminar at the University of Iowa held on May 13-14, 1980, and the minutes of the seminar at Iowa State University held on May 30, 1980, were approved as distributed. President Petersen stated that any additions or nonsubstantive changes could be turnev in to the secretary. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAL COORDINATION. a. Undergraduate Degree Designation in En~ineerinl at the University of Iowa. The university requested that the six Bache or of Science degrees currently offered in the College of Engineering be replaced with a single title of Bachelor of Science in Engineering. In June the Regents referred this request to the Interinstitutional Committee on Educational Coordination (ICEC) and the Board Office for review. The ICEC reviewed the request and recommended it for approval. The Board Office noted that this proposal will accomplish the following: 1) emphasize the common academic basis of all the conege's undergraduate programs; 2) bring the College of Engineering's degree practice into confonnity with the other colleges of the university; and 3) extend the practice for graduate degrees to undergraduate degrees. All of the undergraduate programs of the college have their academic foundation in the common core requirements and the proposed degree title would suggest this fact. The distinctiveness of the different professional programs would be recognized by designating the professional program major on the student's transcript, diploma, and in the commencement program. 2 GENERAL August 21-22, 1980 This change will also bring the College of Engineering's degree practice into conformity with other colleges and universities and the Graduate College by recording the program in which the degree is earned on the student's permanent record and in the commencement program instead of including the academic program or department in the degree title. The university indicated the change would not result in any new programs and that there would not be any additional resources needed to implement the change. The Board Office recommended that the six Bachelor of Science degrees currently offered in the College of Engineering be replaced with a single degree titled "Bachelor of Science in Engineering." MOTION: Mr. Brownlee moved that the board approve the request of the University of Iowa that the six Bachelor of Science degrees currently offered in the College of Engineering be replaced with a single title of Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Mr. Wenstrand seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. b. Major in Surveaing at Iowa State University. This item was deferred until the September boar meeting because the university was unable to provide information requested by the Board Office prior to this meeting. c. Bachelor of fine Arts at Iowa State University. This item was deferred until the September board meeting because the Board Office requested further discussion regarding the proposed program with the ICEC. This was agreed to by the chairman of the Interinstitutional Committee and Iowa State University. d. Masters in Agriculture at Iowa State University. It was recommended that the board approve the Master of Agriculture Degree with Major in Professional Agriculture as an interdepartmental, off-campus program at Iowa State University. In June, 1980, the board referred this proposal to the ICEC and Board Office for review. The ICEC recommended it for approval. The university noted that the Major in Professional Agriculture is an off­ campus program leading to the degree of Master of Agriculture. The program is not exactly new and students are already enrolled. The program will make opportunities off campus available to students who wish to pursue graduate study in agriculture. It is considered to be a terminal master's degree. Students in this program must meet the same admission requirements as other students seeking admission to graduate study in agriculture, and hopefully the program will maintain the same standards as those provided on campus. The Board Office noted that as the university expands locations for the offering of this degree, that steps should be taken to ensure that appropriate counseling, l·ibrary materials, and other support areas are provided for students in the program. 3 GENERAL August 21-22, 1980 According to the university's proposal, most of the estimated new costs for operating this program for the next three years will be covered by off-campus fees from the courses offered. Beyond the initial three-year period, it is anticipated that the program will be funded as part of the base allocation to the College of Agriculture and the departments that staff the program. The Board Office suggested that the university consider some rewording of the descriptive materials on the program to eliminate the masculine-only references. The Board Office recommended that the board approve the proposed program and congratulated the university for its efforts to serve the educational needs of older students off campus. In answer to a question from Regent Bailey, Vice President Christensen indicated that courses would be taught in classrooms and this would not be a program of home self-study. Regent Bailey asked for a definition of professional agriculture. Vice President Christensen replied that a professional degree implies a proficiency in a particular discipline but the degree is not research oriented. A M.A. or M.S. degree would imply a research orientation. The professional degree is a degree above the baccalaureate level. MOTION: Dr. Harris moved that the board approve the Master of Agriculture Degree with Major in Professional Agriculture as an interdepartmental, off-campus program at Iowa State University. Mrs. Jorgensen seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. e. Masters in Transportation Planning at Iowa State Universitf. The university proposed a new interdepartmental graduate Major inransportation involving seven departments in the Colleges of Engineering and of Sciences and Humanities. The departments included are: Civil Engineering, Community and Regional Planning, Economics, Industrial Administration, Industrial Engineering, Political Science, and Sociology. The proposed major was designed to provide preparation for careers in the planning of and development of policies for transportation systems and facilities. The Board Office said the program is consistent with the university's mission statement. In June-1980 the board referred this proposal to the ICEC for review. The ICEC recommended it for approval. The university anticipates resource needs for graduate assfstants and pre­ liminary publicity but indicates that present staff and courses will be uti'lized.
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