Parkstone Golf Club Head Greenkeeper

Parkstone Golf Club Head Greenkeeper

I Golf Course Incorporating Grolf Greenkeeping JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1989 On the Course Cameron McMillan talks to John Campbell about Liphook Golf Course. Education How the Youth Training Scheme fits into the golf course training programme. Management Advice on choosing the correct bunker sand.. Opinion Fred Hawtree looks at the rights and wrongs of putting green design. BIGCA i % THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BRITISH AND INTERNATIONAL GOLF GREENKEEPERS ASSOCIATION BUYERS' GUIDE BARK AND BARK BASED Bell Turf and Irrigation Services, Telex: 98174 Cables: Ransomes Ipswich SCREENED TOP-SOIL PRODUCTS Milners Holt, Evert on, Don caster, DN10 5DR Contact: J.F.R.Wilson/R. Bishop Rufford Top Dress Supplies Ltd., Camland Products Ltd., Tel: (0777) 817410 Votex Hereford Ltd., Nucks Wood Sand Quarry. Rufford. Nr. Fordham House, Fordham, Cambs. CB7 5LN British Overhead Irrigation Ltd., Friar Street, Hereford, Tel: Hereford 0432 Ormskirk, Lanes. Tel: 0638 721100 Telex: 81254 The Green, Upper Halliford, Shepperton, 274361 Telex: 35302 W. Nayler or contact Deliveries to any part of UK Melcourt Industries U mi ted, Middlesex. TW17 8RY Tel: (09327) 88301/4 your dealer. Tel: 061 747 4333 Three Cups House, 5 Church Street, Tetbury, Cameron Irrigation GRASS SEED SEATS Gk». GL8 8JG Tel: 0666 52711 or 53919 (A Division of Wright Rain Ltd.), British Seed Houses Ltd., Barlow Tyrie Ltd., Telex: 43144 Harwood Ind. Est, Littlehampton, West Bewsey Ind. Est. Pitt Street, Braintree, Essex. CM7 7RN BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF GOLF Sussex. BN17 7BA Tel: (0903) 713985 Warrington, Cheshire. Tel: 0925 54411 Tel: Braintree 0376 22505 Telex: 98173 COURSE ARCHITECTS Flanderblade Ltd., Contact: Roger Saunders Fax: Braintree 0376 47052 Full members 20 Whiteacre, Littlehampton, West Sussex. Portview Road, Avonmouth, Bristol. (brochure available) J. Hamilton Stutt -Hamilton Stutt & Co. BN17 7JA Tel: (0903) 724545 BS11 9JH Tel: 0272 823691 SEAWEED FERTILISERS Bergen 12, Bingham Ave, Poole, Golf Landscapes Irrigation, Golf Contact: Michael Warne, Seamac, Dorset, BH14 8NE Tel: 0202 708406 Landscapes Ltd., Camp Road, Swinderby, Lincoln. Foundry Lane, Chippenham, Donald Harradine, Ashwells Road, Bentley, Brentwood, Essex. Tel: 0522 86714 Wilts. Tel: 0249 652811 CH 6987, Castano, Switzerland. CM15 9SR Tel: (0277) 73720 Contact: Philip Adams, Eastfield Ind. SEMI MATURE TREES Tel: 091 711561 Irrigation and Leisure Services, Est.,Penicuik, Midlothian. Eastcote Nurseries (Solihull) Ltd., Fred Hawtree. Martin Hawtree - 34 Station Road, Nassington, Peterborough, Tel: 0968 78480 Contact: Michael Shannon. Wood Lane. Bars ton, Solihull, Hawtree & Son, PE8 6QB Tel: (0780) 782375 Mommersteeg International, West Midlands. B92 OJL 5 Oxford Street, Woodstock, Irrigation and Slurry Services, Station Road, Finedon, Wellingborough, Tel: 06755 2033/4 Oxford, OX7 1TO Tel: 0993 811976 Louvain, Quavey Road, Redlynch, Wiltshire, Northamptonshire. NN9 5NT Contact: Michael Fisher Donald Steel, SP5 2HH Tel: (0725) 20377 Tel: 0933 680891 Contact: Michael Perkins. SEMI MATURE TREE PLANTING The Forum, Stirling Road, Chichester, North Staffs Irrigation Co., IRRIGATION (EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE) West Sussex, P0192EN Tel: 0243 531901 Ivy Mill, Longton Road, Stone, see under BRITISH TURF IRRIGATION Eastcote Nurseries (Solihull) Ltd., Tom McAuley, Staffordshire. Tel: (0785) 812706 ASSOCIATION Wood Lane. Barston, Solihul, West Midlands. 38 Moira Drive, Bangor, Co.Down, Par 4 Irrigation, Flanderblade Ltd., B92 OJL Tel: 06755 2033/4 N. Ireland, BT20 4RW Tel: 0247 465953 Ash Grove Ind. Est, Ripon, N. Yorkshire. 20 Whiteacre, Littlehampton, W. Sussex. Contact: Michael Fisher Peter Harradine, Tel: (0765) 2175 BN17 7JA Tel: 0903 724545 TEE MATS P.O.Box 1165, Sharjah, United Arab Rain Bird Europe, SARL, BP 72-13762, Supply and installation Carpetition Ltd., Emirates. Tel: 009716 356446 Les Mi lies, France Tel: (010 33 42) 244461 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 6 Kaffir Road, Edgerton, Huddersfieid HD2 Provisional Sports Ground Irrigation Co., Votex Hereford Ltd., 2AN Tel: 0484 28777 ("Tufturf" - Synthetic Simon Gidman, Peter BeHchambers, 21 Paget Road, Lubenham, Market Har- Friar Street, Hereford, Tel: Hereford Grass Backed Rubber-Porous) Steven McFarlane, Hawtree & Son, borough, Leicestershire. Tel: (0858) 63153 (0432) 274361 Telex: 35302 TOP DRESSING 5 Oxford Street, Woodstock, Oxon. Sports Turf Services, IRRIGATION PUMPS Rufford Top Dress Supplies Ltd., OX7 1TQ Tel: 0993 811976 Newbridge Ind. Est., Newbridge, Midlothian, Grundfos Pumps Ltd., Nucks Wood Sand Quarry, Rufford, Nr. Alistair Rae, EH28 8LE Tel: (031333) 2345 Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard, Ormskirk, Lanes, Deliveries to any part of UK. 26 Tannoch Road, Uplawmoor, T & G Turf Irrigation Services, Bedfordshire. LU7 8TL Tel: 0525 850000 Tel: 061 747 4333 Glasgow, G78 4AD Tel: 050 585 371 8 Whitcliffe Grove, Ripon, N. Yorkshire. Telex: 825544 Fax: 0525 850011 Graded TOP SOIL and Sterilised Loam Stefen Ouenouille, c/o Tom McAuley, HG4 2JW Tel: (0765) 2941 UME FREE SANDS Suitable for the construction of bowling 38 Moira Drive, Bangor, C.Down, N.Ireland Toro Irrigation Ltd., Buck!and Sand & Silica Co. Ltd., greens/golf greens and fine turf areas. BT20 4RW Tel: 0247 465953 Unit 7. Midstream Trading Estate, Reigate Heath, Reigate, Surrey. Deliveries throughout central Scotland. Cameron Sinclair, Christchurch Rd., Ringwood. Hampshire. Tel: 07372 40151 Rembrand Ltd. Longtown St, Dundee. Tel: Marsh Watson PTY. Ltd. P.O.Box 136, BH24 3SD Tel: (0425) 476261 Also Toro UTTER BASKETS 0382 504088 Nerang. Q.4211, Australia Tel: 075 58 4733 International Sales Co. - address as above Wire Products (Wales) Ltd., TREE GUARDS Overseas full Turf Irrigation Services Ltd., Treforest Ind. Est., Pontypridd, Lenvale Products Ltd., Eddie Hackett, Betchton.Sandbach. Cheshire. CW11 OTS Glam. Tel: Treforest 044 385 2501 Chart Mill, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, 28 Ailesbury Drive, Dublin 4, Eire. Tel: Dublin Tel: (04775) 255/6 UQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER & Kent. Tel: 0622 890909 691592 Watermation Ltd., Monument Way East, UQUID IRON TREES & SHRUBS Joan Dudok Van Heel, Beukenlaan 4, B- Woking, Surrey. GU21 5LY Tel: (04862) Farmura Environmental Products Ltd., Notcutts Nurseries Ltd., 1640, St. Genesius-Rode, Nr. Brussels, 70303/21009 Stone Hill, Egerton, Nr. Ashford, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP12 4AF Tel: 03943 Belgium Tel: 02-3583387 Watermation (Scotland) Ltd., Kent. Tel: (023376)241 3344 (Incorporating Waterers Nurseries, Pier Mandnelli, 21 Via Achille Papa 30 Bannockburn Road, St. Ninians, Stirling, Agriland Organic Fertilizer Limited, Bagshot, Surrey) 00195, Rome, Italy. Tel: 06-36036-35 FK7 6BP. Tel: (0786) 70252 Blue Roof Farm, Throop Road, Eastcote Nurseries (Solihull) Ltd., Jan Sederholm, S 252 34 Helsingborg. Philip York and Associates, Throop, Bournemouth, BH8 ODW Wood Lane, Barston, Solihull,West Midlands. K. Kristoffersg 3A, Sweden. Tel: 042-371-84 P.O.Box 22',Christchurch, Dorset. BH23 8EY LOAM B92 0JL Tel: 06755 2033/4 Overseas (provisional) Tel: (0425) 472900 C.H.pinder Ltd., Contact: Michael Fisher Kurt Robknecht, Dennenmoos 5a, 8990 Prime Watermen Ltd., Embleys Farm, Moreton, Ongar, TREE TIES Lindau-Bad, Schachen, Germany Wangford, Becdes, Suffolk. NR34 8AX. Essex. CM5 OHY Tel: Moreton 246-320 Toms Tree Ties, Te1:08382-230-05 Tel: (050278) 481 Rufford Top Dress Supplies Ltd., Wheeler Street, Headcorn, Ashford, R. Berthet, 57-59 Rue Lhomond, 75005, For further inquiries please contact: Nucks Wood Sand Quarry, Rufford, Nr. Kent. TN27 9SH Tel: 0622 891111 Paris, France. Tel: (1) 336-77-50 John Shildrick, Secretary, 3 Ferrands Park Ormskirk, Lanes. Deliveries to any part of the TRENCHERS Honorary members Way, Harden, Bingley, West Yorkshire. BD16 UK Tel: 061 747 4333 LD. Bourgein Oxford Ltd., G.S. Cornish, Fiddlers Green, Amherst, 1 HZ Tel: 0535 273188 PEAT Freepost, South Hinksey, Oxford, OX1 5BR Mass. 01002 USA. COMPOST Bord na Mona, Tel: 0865 735420 Telex: 83147. Sales, parts, BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF GOLF Rufford Top Dress Supplies Ltd., 36 King Street, Bristol. BS1 4DP mobile trenching service. COURSE CONSTRUCTORS Nucks Wood Sand Quarry, Rufford. Nr. Tel: 0272 211666 TRENCHING MACHINES Golf Landscapes Ltd., Ormskirk, Lanes. Deliveries to any part of UK PEAT IN BULK A.F.Trenchers Ltd., Ashwells Road, Bentley, Brentwood, Tel: 061 747 4333 Bord na Mona, Gosbecks Road, Colchester, Essex. Essex. CM 15 9SR Tel: 0277 73720 FERTILISER & TOP DRESSING 36 King Street, Bristol, BS1 4DP C02 9LS Tel: 0206 44411 Contact: Land Unit Construction Ltd., D.O.Hunt Ltd., Tel: 0272 211666 W.D.Baker Folly Farm, Hanslope, Milton Keynes, 14 Fairfax Road, Heathfield, Newton Abbot, PEST CONTROL VERTI-DRAIN HIRE Bucks, MK19 7BX Tel: 0908 510414 Devon TQ126UD Tel: 0626 834499 Kilmol Mole bait (GC), Aeration & Drainage Services, Brian D. Pierson (Contractors) Ltd., GOLF COURSE ACCESSORIES Callisto, Lapley, Stafford. ST19 9JP 20 Westminster Close, Eastbourne, Homestead Farm, Ringwood Road, H. Pattisson & Co. LtdJnc. Bridges Tel: 0785 840 366 East Sussex. Tel: 0323 506725 Three Legged Cross, Wimbourne, Pennants. 342 Sebourne Road, Luton, RANSOMES DISTRIBUTORS Brian D. Pierson (Contractors) Ltd., Dorset. BH21 6QY Tel: 0202 822372 Beds, LU4 8NU Tel: 0582 597262 Wilcocks, Homestead Farm, Ringwood Road, Southern Golf & Landscapes Ltd., Telex: 887916 Contact: Peter Dell Walker Street, Preston, Lanes. Three Legged Cross, Wimbourne, Dorset. 9 Old Square, Warwick, Warwickshire, Tacit, Tel: Preston 53068 BH12 6QY Tel: 0926 492898 Unit 3, 3 Millers Lane, Monks Kirby, Rugby. RECONDITIONED GRASS CUTTING Tel: 0202 822372/824906 Blakedown Landscape

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