^'liaaeSiWMUr. tetfHS •* Basond'UlMi'llall*? (t tht Poal* . VOLUME L NO.'31. BBI^ at'Btil Qaak. M. aadttjtki Sat at^artS I. IStt RED BANK,.N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1927. $1.50 PER YEAR - PAGES I TOI^ yd ^NO: COUNCIL MEETING. mora horses wpre..entered, but only RED, CROSS kOLL CAI^LfJEW , IQDGE. toBERS; PARKWAY PPCATION. SATURDAY'S RACE MEETfou r horses wfrc rc-ady to be started GREAT SALE OF CATTLEMAN. Y AT CHURCH OP! Not Enooih 0«eialt Showed 'Up last Th«rsd|y. They were Jack, tJ^NOALtAMMIGN TO BEGIN BIO GATHERING IfUNDAY AT Manday-^ight for-Meatln^. BIG TIME ARiyilSTICE DAY: AT A GREAT DAY FOR FARMERS owned by James Hickey .of, Holm­ FEDERAL ACCREDITED HERD "SEE AMERICA FIRST'' G|y| • ARMISTICE DAY. ' t ' ST. JAMES'S SCHOOL. >. A meeting of the mayor snd coun­ ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS;' AND HORSEMEN. del and ridden by Charles ifcelly of TO BE STRUCK OFF. BY RED BANK BAPTISTS,'-.-'^ cil of Red Bank < waa'' scheduled to Everett; Prince, iwned and ridden Ai fLii Btnk Ui« Cbl*( ObJtetiT* Twenty New'Mtmberi Were Inltl. have been; held Monday nlghtj but The New Parkway, Wh|ck Coat R«in Couldn't Keep the Farmers and by Chorles Solinsky of Middietown hpie Cattle Aro Owned by Major Four Hundred Periona: Alten VU to Ckini ifiOO M»mb«r»>^M*r-..IfitedJnto' the Catholic Daughtera no meeting vtook place. Some of •100,000, Wu Built ai.a'Mamor. Thalr Fatnlliea Away and Neither villagei and horses owned and rid­ Frank Barrett and Thay Will Be Performanca Frjday , Nlgh(>^.. ^ ;:Air'Wllltim Hi Chair" of ^ Amarieer-Canl , Party and the councilmen were attending a iai to World Wii^ Vaierani-l-Par Could It Keep, the Horaa Ownera den by William Larkin of Nut- Sold' at' Hit Farm oii Riveriida Th. Profit, of $160 \yill be'Uaedf, man «r Red C(ot( Commtttt«, Dane* Novamber 23d. : v Repi^IlcaU''me'eting and dinner at rada, Spaachat^and a Banqnal.. from Racing^ swamp and William Notto ot Ever­ Drive on Noyembar 23d. to Pay For Church ImproVamanta^J^ The eleventK-annual roll call ot . Tw«nty,new,membera were Jnltlat- the 8n)oke Shop. Tavern. Others Everythlng^X in readiness' for Rain began to fail jut as the ett. Mr. Larkin la better known by A herd of 24 Guernsey cattle "See America First," anoperajin'^i . M Red Cti^ loclaty.wlll begin Fri­ Mnto St. James court of the Cath- were - sbient-for., other reaaoni>. the dedication of the new Memorial farmer folks of this part of Mon­ the name ol "Gnyli" than he is by owne'd by Major Frank Barrett of two acts, was glvcnPrlday night at?: day, whioh I». ArmUtlee Day and H lie. Osughters; of America Bundsy Mayor WUllamH, R. White, Coun Parkway at Atlantic HIghlanda on mouth county started for the big his regular name. Riverside drive, ih Middietown town the Red Bank Baptist church beforal . , >; will voonoludtf Thanksgiving. night.- afternoon:. at St, Jameajs school cllman'' William' K, Flrancla and Friday: of this week. Friday Is annual dinner and race meet on Am The race was limited to bonafide ship will be sold at auction Wednes­ an audience of 400 pcraons. '.Tha.'4''| Mtr, W. Strother Jones, chairman building before a. gAtherIng of .876 Councilman Myron V. Brown were Armistice day and the idcdicatory ory L: Haskell's stock farm in Mld­ farm horses, and Elw. ji Magee of day afternoon, November 23d. This production was under the direction:' '' it the 'Red Cross ~ district of this persona.^ Tile. new. me'mbersyfcte on .hand at; the time appointed for exerclaes will be held on that day dletown township Saturday. Soon Everett, Frank Ferry of Nutswamp sale will mari: one of the greatest' of the men's league.. OlsTenca;;.. - psrt. of, the^'-coiintyiv h»« enlisted Mri. Ssrs Harding,' Mrs, Mary Mesdj the meeting. They waited half en because the parkway will be a me­ the rain descended in torrents. The nnd Rezeau Conover of Colt's Neck vendues of thoroughbred cattle evrr Gray, Jr., staged tho performSnCS'f Msyoir William'Hi R. Whit- as hour and the two councilmen then morial to those whff served In, the held In this part of the county. The and Eugene M. Magee directed the .'^ Mrs; Msty Deamobd,' Mrs. Msry dreary, bleak November weather were appointed judges to decide Guernseys are of the Ne Plus Ultra chairman of the Red' Bknk bruTich^ Targonaky, Mra, Margaret Gandorfi went home.'. Mayor White remained world war. The stores of Atlantic would have been sufficient to call off whether the entries lived up to these singing. The profits amounted to^| The msyoi; hss iesaed' s proclama* front of.(he town hall talking Highlands will be closed and build strain, which ranks with, the 'high­ about $150. and the money, will b«<i>' M^a. Margaret Boncore,. Mrs. Joae- a baseball game or most any other specifications or not. The judg'ts est. ' Major Barrett paid several tl^n urging the .residents of the phlne. > Uttaaey,: Mra, Irving Rink,wit h some frlendaj Ings and houses will be decorated kind of sport. ruled out Mr. Netto's horse apd Mr. used toihelp jay tho cost of .the:re*>j town to Join the society and express­ for the occasion. thousand dollars apiece for some "of cent improvements to the church, ,:i<;: Mra. Anna Buckley, Mrs. Grace See- A" few minutes ^later Councilman But It wasn't enough- to rause a Larkin's horse on the ground that the cattle and as high aa $600 each, ing the hope .that the society's qupta dorft^ Mrs, t-Mary iSherldanj Mrs. Char)ea R. English and J. Daniel . A grandstand will be erected at postponement of the events across they wcrosaddlo horses and not The scene in the.Arst act was s(V of 2,600 new members will be ex- the corner of First avenue and the foi: calves. The animals are listed railroad station and the scene |n the Mary Dietrich and Mlsaca Frances Tbller ahowed up, It'wae unani- the^river from Red Bank. The farm­ farm horses. This narrowed the en­ OS a federal accredited herd. fiseded.: MI-K Ledn- de Is Reussllle Calver.f Msry Soliivan, Margaret moual-y agree- d that it would be im, < . parkway. Tho. program will be ers and their families wont to the tries down to Mr. Hickey's Jack and second act was a mountain, TeSoit7;4l| and <Mr» Louis LiMUlsr, who are Murray, .Veronica Emmona, Mary possible to hold a meeting that nightd opened with a parade at two o'clock Such is the fame^of Major Bar­ inn. All the participants took tbeiy.;''! place just the sdme as if the sun had Mr, Bolinsky's Prince.' Jack won parts well and wero liberally »p.;3' membort of the Women's.club, aro and Kathryn Wsmeker, Mary Col­ and It,waa decided to postpone the in the afternoon.^ In the parade will been shining. No doubt the inclem­ handily and Mr. Hickey received rett's herd that it Jis expejjted that obtaining workers to:•solicit"mem- lins RAd Ella McGarrlty. meeting until tonrght, Wednesday, the sale will be attended''not only plauded.' Nine songs' were rendetedt bersHips vis , various.^ bsnkp stores bo world war veterans, civil w^r ent weather kept many of them $25 and a blanket as first prize. Mr. in the first act and, twelve in .tha f. In addition to the memhera ol St November 9th.: * veterans, the Red Bank cavalrj away, but about 800 of them were Solinsky received $15 and a blanket by residents of Monmouth county ^ and theaters i of the tow>, : Some time agothGcommlsaioners but also by persons from distant second set. Thp aololata were Eu- >i ' The auxlliarlesjof the Red .Bsnk Jamea court .delegations were pres­ troop, officials ol Atlantic High on hand. Also on hand, every man as second-prize. gene Magee, Edna Helm, Cathexln»;i;^ ent from Long Branch, Asbury obtained An option to buy the Coop- lands, the fire departments of At­ of them, were tho wenJthy owners The second race was known as places." George H. Roberts of New branch and tholr'chaimien arei Monmouth will be the auctioneer. Conklin, Clarence Gray, Sainuelt| Park, Lakewood, Kean^urg, Key! ci property at the northwest corner lantic Highlands, Highlands and of blooded horses who had e'l'tered "The Master's Cup." There were Harvey arid.Maripn Diets. DuetSi;! tatontown—MM, ^it^B. Vtin. port; 'Duneilen and -Newarlt. The of Broad and. White atreeta for Mlddletown township, Lions -"clubs, their steeds for the races. Most of fourteen entries. The race waa Major Barrett is a member' of the J Fulr H«v«n—MM 0«or»« A T widening White street. This option Guernsey Breeders' association, a were given by Gene Msgeo .•and?! , UlM. initiation team c;«m]prlBed the ofnceri> boyscouta and girl scouts, profcs- these horse owners were their own won by Irish, a horse owned by Billy Heim. There were chorttaeS ii firmlnii'J'lt—Mn, Harry Coodenouth pi St Jomei court, who are Mrs will expire tomorrow and It is ex­•Jional women's club of Atlantic Frederick E. Hosier n.id ridden by national organization. Ordinarilj) jockeys. The rain, tho mud and this association will not permit one by the college girls and.the aBUars..'f^ Fort Hanoook—Chaplain P II. LhvttQua. AUda' E. Travera grand regent,'Miss pected that action with regard to Highlands, public health association the general dlscoijiforts of the Thomas S. Field. Tlie prize was a George 0.
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