Page 4, The Hillside Timet, September IS, 1983 (Continued from Page 5.) Shakespeare | uiiiiiiiiH iiniiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiijtiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiini; Social Scene CLASSIFIED Find the service or the product Festival you need in this Recruit Training CALL 923-9207 Navy Seaman Apprentice Sonya G. Deaaa, daughter of w—i i s av a i Rooaevelt and Barbara Deans of Hlllalde, has completed recruit £* ^ J [ | training at the Naval Training Center, Orlando, Fla. Dnrtng the Positiok. Wanted Switchboard Action eight-week training cycle, trainees studied general military tab- Reliable woman needs jects designed to prepare them for academic and on-the-job cleaning job for home or Operator training In one of the Navy's 85 basic occupational fields. of Comedy business, Hillside area Re­ ferences provided. Call Experience preferred, 923-7746. but will train the right Z Your ad on this page as low Full of laughter, the New individual. 5 as $3.00 per wer*k. A fresh Phila. C ollege of P harm acy Jersey Shakespeare Festival's 9/8-22 Z copy every week into the "Fall Carnival of World Call between 8 - 4 p.m . ■j hands of 15.000 readers. Tell A Hillside resident has been named to the Dean's List for the Comedy" opens Thursday, Help Wanted 273-1114 Z them where to buy and who Spring Semester at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and September 22 at 8pm with = will fix it. Science. He Is Michael S. Wolfe, a third-year Chemistry mnjer. V'lctorien Sardou's Let's Get CHILDREN ONLY a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiim iiiiiiiim iiiim iiiiiim iiia iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin : A Divorce. Models needed, six months PROFESSIONAL Let's Get A Divorce Is s sop­ to 16 years, for advertising PARENTS histicated evening of pure fun. only. NO EXPERIENCE A rediscovered French trea­ 1*M COMPRESSORS AUTO RERTALS NECESSARY CALL 256-1000 New program looking for sure, this farce was enor­ PREMIERE MODELING Belle Goldberg mously popular when It was married couples to AGENCY |0R*CONC R r f M r I e' a k i 'n c NEED A CAR? first written for Sarah Bern­ provide homes for 2 Mrs. Belle Marcus Gold­ M rs. Goldberg was born In 805 Rlvervlew Drive FOt EMERGENCY SERVICE hardt in 1880. Sardou's her­ children with behavioral FOR INDUSTRIAL PLANTS berg, 71 died Sunday at St. Newark and lived In Hillside Totowa, N.J. oine Cyprlenne, played by problems. Ages of chil­ f » r r t n a . Elizabeth Hospital, Elizabeth, for 32 years. State Licensed Festival newcomer Kate dren range from 12 to 17 OftODACH CO. after a long Illness. She was the social and re­ E.O.E. Collins, rebels against "the 9/1-9/29 Excellent training and U.S. HIGHWAY no 22 3 3 1 - 7 6 6 6 429 N Bro*1 Sl ,.... 1561 M .n a A n cording secretary for Temple t'KIOK, N.J. N uto o il EIU#b*lh ‘> 6 4 - 4 1 O O unon extraordinary male support systems pro­ Shornrel Torah and Its Sister­ o p p o s it e h « c s h i # smugness" and conspires with vided. One thousand hood and social secretary for James her lover Adhemar, played by Dealers dollars per month. If the Hillside Chapter of Flea Market interested, call: HOME IMPROVEMENTS Hadassah. another new actor at the Fes­ IU T 0 BOOT tival, Andrew Potter, to win a Dealers M r. Edwards or Hamilton Surviving are her husband, divorce from her worldweary Benedictine Academy, Miss Formentoat REPAIRS Albert J. Goldberg a son, North Broad St. planning Flea 609-633-6848 James Hamilton entered Harvey of Clark; a daughter, husband Henri, played by Fred Corigliano David S. Howard. market Saturday Oct. 1, into eternal rest age 61 of Hill­ Mrs. Arlene Panslni of S. A L. SERVICE Four play subscriptions to 9:30-4pm. Tables available at side, formerly of Elizabeth, on Passaic; a brother, Aaron 8/25-9/22 Paving Co-Inc. Saturday, Sept. 10, husband the "Fall Carnival of World 10. Call 965-0415. STATION Marcus of Union; and three HI W.'Stern IV kn.n Free Estimates Fully Insured Comedy" which Includes Let's of Jane Clelland; father of grandchildren. Peter of Fort Meade, Md. Jim Get a Divorce; the American 375-98P6 * of Bayville, Bert of Hillside, Funeral arrangements were comedy Born Yesterday; the Auto SPECIALIZING IN D riv e w a y 6! Sidewalk Specialists and Billy of Elizabeth, ; also bv the Bernhelm-Goldstlcker British revue Beyond The DRIVER BOOKKEEPING FOREIGN CARS survived by 12 grandchildren. Memorial Home, 1200 Clinton Fringe; and a special holiday WAREHOUSE Light bookkeeping and Curbs-Steps-Droins (Parking Lots) Funeral service at Leonard Ave,. Irvington, Tuesday, bonus, Mass Appeal; are Dependable person typing- Some experience pre­ Home for Funerals 242 W. Sept. 13, Interment Beth being offered at a substatlal wanted. Full time, will ferred, but willing to train. [Hillside Residents Call 687-6923 Jersey St., Elizabeth, on Tues­ Israel Memorial Park. Period savings of up to Vs off the train. S4.75 per hr. to Full company benefits and INTERIOR day, Sept. 13. of mourning will be observed single ticket price. For Infor- start. Varied duties. Call (Stephanie, 687-3344. pleasant working conditions, Cremation: Evergreen at the family residence, 37 matlonand prices call the box please call Melissa Aiello be­ DECORATOR Crematorv, Linden. Fairbanks St.. Hillside. Office at 377-4487. tween 10am - 3pm for details. Painting HILLSIDE SUBARU • DRAPES FAST DEPENDABLE RT 22, Hillside, 964-5666 •SLIPCOVERS Roofing SERVICE Mary Randazzo • SHADES etc. JANET DECORATORS ROBERT Mrs. Mary Randazzo. 68, of Mrs. Randazzo was a pro- she lives In Newark before 351-4966 923-6932 after 6 ' DECORATING INTERIOR Jfc EXTERIOR LAZARICK Hillside died In the Memorial ductlon worker for the Emo- moving to Hillside 20 years HOUSE FOR RENT APARTMENT Residential & Commercial Sidewalks • Steps General Hospital, Union. lold Corp.. Hillside, for 20 ago. FOR RENT Quality W ork - Fully Insured yeara, retiring three years Surviving are a daughter Two bedroom, 90' 80 4 ‘/j Rooms, third floor, heat • Patios • Curbs • Services will be held at ago. Mrs. Marguerite Decker; two yard. Residential, Wanted To Buy near and hot water supplied. Avail- 889-6200 Drains* Painting • 10am. Thursday In Growney She was a member of the brothers, James, and Frank shopping. One story. ble October 1 or 15. S425. FREE ESTIMATES Funeral Home. 1070 N. Broad Hillside Senior Citizen's Messina, and three grand- able October 1. Call after lpm . Call 351-6856, Leave name TRAINS: Lionel, Ives, Ameri­ Leaders & Gutters St., Hillside. Group. Born In New York City, children. 542*1480. and number. can Flyer and other trains. Immediate cash. Top prices INTERIOR 8c EXTERIOR Daytime 926-5265 PAINTING paid. Call 635-2058. Evening 923-2147 leader & Cutter Work FR fF Estimates. Insured. Call Stephen Deo. Toll Free. W hat a deal! 2.3.3-.3561 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Sf Europe General | CUTE\B l S Sale Old toy trains, Cash f f OILY POLISH REMOVER /% reward. Call 923-8485. P L U M B IN G Contractors Co. JW Double Edqe 5's 9/8-11/25 |, Specialists z f on all kinds of jobs j Joseph \lcl><idev - Sale 79* For Sale j; • Asphalt 1 Property For Sale PI inn her ; • Concrete j Fall bargain sale - $3000 License \i,. 5 0 1 3 i< and M asonrv { 1.5 Oz. 3 Oz. 40z. cash—reduced from $7000— A v ia to r beautiful wooded building |j New or Repair t sites In Pocono Mta—lakes Ao job loo small i FULLY INSURED f 59* 79* 99* P°o1*’ tennis, clubhouse—while they last FREE ESTIMATES I Sale call for Immediate appt. Electric | CALL 484-1695 * L e M U R 1-800-233-8160, 9/15-10/6 Seuer cleaning | Garage Sales 354-8470 Black& Beautiful 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE 624 Buchanan St. Must sell LIBERTY NU DIMENSIONS moving. Typewriters, tires, General drapes, curtains, clothing, Plumbing & Heating Contractors Spray window fans A much more. Gas A. Smith Spray For Sat-Sun. Sept. 17-18 9-4pm. Furnaces Wafer Repairs & Remodel Roofing, Carpentry W omen For Men Installed Heaters Sale ™oz. $229 N.J. #6485 INSURED Painting Sidewalks HOUSE SALE 923-9094' Brick Work, Siding Entire contents, Friday, REDEEM YOUR COUPON HERE! Sat. Snn. Sept. 16-19, 9-5pm Electric Sewer Cleaning Plumbing & Electric ENTER TAMPAX’S 145 Pennsylvania Ave., Licensed Insured Hillside. “FEEL LIKE A ELEC TR IC AL Guaranteed 926-0679 MILLION” YARD SALE C0RTRACT0RS SWEEPSTAKES Neighborhood yard sale, (24 Hours) 239 Fitzpatrick St. Hillside, 923-0400 LIC. NO. 419A $ 3 9 9 Sept. 16*17, 10am-4pm. Household Items, kitchen BERT B. GLOBUS Inc table, chairs, cabinet etc. Super1 flfCDf/CAL Something for everyone. Rain Wallace date Sept. 23, 24. 13 Oz. 40’s CONTRACTORS Home Remodelh INDUSTRIAL YARD SALE COMMERCIAL INTERlUR&.EXTERIO 1142 Church Street, Carpentry, Painting Hillside. Next to Chnrch lot. RESIDENTIAL September 16-17 & 18. Tools Roofing, (Siding knlcknacks, etc. Rain date 1440 N. Brood Si. FREE ESTIMAT1 180 W. Westfield Ave., Sept. 24, 25. H i 11 s i d e . N .J, Ed Wallace: 926-5243 Chas. Cerlen Stores Inc. Roselle Park, N.J. 07204 "A small compar family Pharmacy Drug Fair Hooper Pharmacy G 8c a Petty 926-9777 Ml Clinton Ave. 449 Avenue C.. 365So. Orange Ave., 375 Central Ave. 833 Broad St. Refinishing building on prldi Newark. N.J. Bayonne, N.J. Newark, N.J. East Orange, N.J. Newark, N.J. Old furniture reflniahed A BROAD repaired. Free estimates. Call Hupp Pharmacy Gianotto Pharmacy Belmont Drugs Manziano Drugs Township 195 Firat Ave., 306 Irv.
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