ASK ME ANOTHER!. Just as a rejres.he1', Brother S.M.C., t1-y these questions on the chapter at yoU1' next meeting! 1. vVhen and where was Pi Kappa A lpha founded? 2. Who were the five founders? 3. \ Vhat are the II K A colors and when were they ador ted ? 4. By whom was the badge designed and when ? s: \ i\T here are these chapters located: Zeta, A lpha-Phi, Beta-Upsil on, Gam­ ma, Iota? 6. Who is the chief officer of the fraternity and what is hi s title ? 7. What is the governing body of the fraternity and what officers com­ pose it ? 8. Into how many di stricts is Pi Kappa A lpha divided? 9. When was Robert A. Smythe first elected Grand Treasurer ? 10. In what months is THE SHIELD AND D IAMOND published? 11. When was it first published and who was its first editor? 12. What was the first publication of Pi Kappa A lpha and when was it founded? 13. Vl hat are the two outstanding conventions 111 the fraternity's hi tory? 14. vVhat was accomplished at the first? 15. What significant action was taken at the second ? 16. What is the title of the chief officer of each of the fraternity' eli tricts? 17. What is the II K A flower ? t:X 18. Who is Theron Rice and what part has he had in II ' K A hi story ?. 19. When and through what chapter did Robert A. S m yt~e become a mem­ ber of Pi Kappa Alpha ? \ 20. \ i\T hat was the most important action taken at the Atlanta convention of 1926 ? X~,t' will ji11d the answe! ~~ to these questions on Page 32. 0 0. 0 1.1"). ("') 0""" > t: u <. p.. < u ~ If) ;:> u <. >"' Ul r < THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND 0/licial Publication of the Pi Kappa .Alpha Fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was founded at the University of Virginia on March 1, 1868, by Frederick Southgate Taylor, Julian Edward Wood, Little­ ton Waller Tazewell, Robertson Howard and James Benjamin Schlater. Volume XXXVII OCTOBER, 192 7 Number 1 CONTENTS P.\CE HE I NTRODUCED S~<YTHE TO II K A .. .. ....... ... K . :o'. P•tlcipher, B ela·Eta 5 Do Coi.LEGE MEN AND CoEDS PRAY? .................. R. L. Williams, Alpha·lota 9 TExAs LAKE CAMP Is SociAL Ac"E . 1.1 RusHEEs AND RESPONSIBILITIES .... .. .. ..... Dr. Guy Van Buskirk, Alpha· Theta 13 NEw ALPHA-PHI HoM E . 14 }AUNTING THRU EuROPE BY MoTOR . ........... .. ] . Harold Johnston, Alpha-Psi 15 GEoRGIA II K A CLIMBING To MusiCAL FAME . ........... : . 19 GoATES Cr.IMBS ScHOLASTIC GRADE ........ ... ..... Paul Iverson, Alpha-Tau 20 GREEKS FoRM ErG CHICAGO CLUB . 2 1· PrcK FrvE II K A's IN MovrE T EsT . • . ... 26 WHERE TRAGIC AND COMIC PASS Bv . • . 27 DF.CAI.OGUE . .. ..... .. ... -. 30 Pr KAP BoB WINS ON Pr PHr CoEo . 31 SAF>:TY I NSTRUCTION Is NEEDED ................. Lee H. Gardiner, Alplra·Chi 33 STABI.ER WINS HIGHF.Sl' HONOR AT ALABAMA . 36 ENDOWMENT FUND POPULAR . .. 37 HIGHER TuiTION OR STUDENT LoANS? .. ..... .. ... J ohn D. Rockefeller, Jr. 41 DAWSON PERFORMS UNIQUE DuTIES .........•..... Ammon McC1ellan, Alpha-Eta 43 Sr. Lours ALUMNI .OFFER CuPs ............... .. Joseph A. Sheehan, Alpha·Nu 45 EvoLuTION oF THE II K A BADGE . • . • . 47 SINGING KA NSAN VAUDEVILLE STAR . ... ....... George W. Dworshak, Beta-Chi 49 FACTORS IN SELECTING PLEDGES ................................ .......... -... 51 BuSINESS TRAINING IN JoURN.,LISM ................. : .Paul A. Potter, Alpha·Phi 53 . II K A LEAns GRouP oF GRF.EKs rN ScHOLARSHIP ...... : . 55 LEwrs PoPE, SrGMA, ENTERs GovERNOR 's RAcE . ... 56 FAVORS ATHLETICS FO R FRE:SHMEN .... ....... A. G. Twitchell, Gamma-Eps,:lo-n 57 EDITORS BLITHELY D ESERT BACHELORHOOD . 58 IN PHI PHI KAPPA ALPHA .... .. ............. ]. Harold Johnston, Alpha-Psi 59 THE II K A ScRAP BooK . 62 Tw£NTv-FIVE YEARS AGo . ......... ........... ............._ . ..... .... ... .. 65 'l'H£ CHAPTER ETERNA L . • . ... 67 OUR NEIGHBORS .. .. .........•.....•... .. •. .. .... Gi lbert H . Schade, Alpha·l:'si 71 O uTvw C HAPl'ER . .................. .. ... .. ..... H. Wilson Lloyd, Alpha-Psi 73 ALUMNI CHAPTER NEWS . 75 OFFICIAL ANNOIJNCF.MF.NTS . 87 D1REC'l'ORY AND AnvER'I' I S~<: 1.o•:N'l' S . • . • . • • . • . • . 89 ]. HAROLD JoHNSTON, Editor 225 West 34th St., New York City R. G. BAUMHOFF, Associate Editor K. D. PuLCIPHER, Assoc·iate Ed-ito1' The Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo. 525 Union Station, Chicago, · Ill. THE SHn:LD AND DIAMOND . is published five All members of the fraternity are invited to sub­ times a year at The ~vangeltcal P~ess, Thtrd mit articles and photographs of both active and and Reily Streets, Harnsburg. Pa., tn October, December February, April and June. by the .Pt alumni members.. Photographs will be returned on .... Kappa Alpha fraternity and is ~evoted to the m­ request. All material ·must be reeeived by the first terests of its active and alumm members. of the month precedi.ng date of publication. The subscription price is $2.00 a y~ar. Special Entered as second-class matter at the post office alumni rate, three years for $4.00. Ltfe subscrtp­ at Had:tsburg, Pa., under Act of March 3, 1879. tions, $20. Make all remittances and send all changes of address to Robert A . Smythe, Grand Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage Treasurer Jrd and Reily Sts., Harrisburg, Pa., or provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 405 Com~ercial Exchange Building, Atlanta, Ga. 1917, authorized July 16, 1918. Gfhe.SHIELD and DIAMOND Vol. XXXVII October, 1927 No.1 He Introduced Smythe to II K A Walter M. Smith, Who Founded Lambda, Brought Into the Fraternity His Best Friend and Pi Kappa Alpha's Most Famous Son By K. D. PuLCIPHER, Beta-Eta, Illinois Associate Editor, THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND I N private office atop one of Chi- South, struggling for recovery from the cago's tall loop buildings sits a man war, were in uch uncertain state that but who played one of the most important four chapter were still alive and active roles in the history of Pi Kappa Alpha­ by 1889. In this year was held the con­ the man who, forty years .ago, brought vention which was the rebirth of the ha­ Robert A. Smythe, the Grand Old Man ternity, its econcl founding and the of II K A, into the fraternity. beginning of its prosperity. He is \tValter Mickle Smith, nationally At this convention, held at Hampclen- known civil engineer, and one of the most idney on Dec. 20-23, 1889, Robert Ad­ stalwart and oldest alumni in the city of ger Smythe, representing Lambda chapter, Chicago. was elected to the position which he till It was Walter M . Smith who fo unded holds today. His record is unsurpassed Lambda Chapter of Pi Kappa lpha at in fraternity history and the annal of P i the Military College of South Carolina, a Kappa Alpha revolve largely around the chapter which lived only two years clue to unflagging zeal and the devoted service of faculty action, but which in that brief Robert A. Smythe to his fraternity. span, produced the man who rebuilt the Pi Kappa Alpha was · a comparatively fraternity and who has been its Grand new love of Brother Smythe at that time Treasurer and guiding spirit for thirty­ for he had been a member of the organi­ eight years. zation for but little over a year. Frater­ Although Pi Kappa lpha was found­ nity records show that Lambda chapter ed in 1868, when the five immortals of was chartered in January, 1889, but as a the fraternity met in Room No. 31, West tuatter of fact, its first members had been Range, at the U niversity of Virginia on initiated in the preceding October. that memorable night of March 1, it wa The establishment of the chapter came twenty years later that the fraternity ac­ as the result of a visit by Walter M. tually entered into its growth. Alpha Smith to the Rev. D. L. Moody's summer chapter was the governing body of the school for college Y. M. C. A. men at hi fraternity for the first score of years of home at Northfield, Ma s., in 1888. As its existence. Ten chapters were char­ president of the Y. M. C. A. at the Mili ­ tered at one time or another during the e tary College at Charle ton, . C., Brother first twenty years but the colleges of the Smith attended the school with a brother 5 6 HIELD AND DIAMOND cadet, J olm Lake. The summer school, much, they. were very kind to us and we located in the beautiful little town of all became very staunch friends. Northfield on the Connecticut River, was "Iota chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha was a new experience for these southern boys. lqcated at Hampden-Sidney and among They had never been away from the south the delegates from that college were two and they had a most delightful time dur­ members of this chapter, E. M. Craig and ing their two weeks at the Moody school S. M. _Engle. These two boys and I be­ in New England midsummer. came fast friends while at Northfield and Young Smith and Lake met student just before leaving, they told me they representatives there from nearly all over . would like to have me establish a chapter the world. There were college boys from of their fraternity at the Military College many colleges in the United States, from of South Carolina upon my return. Europe and even from Australia. "It was with some reluctance on my "We had a wonderful time at that part that I agreed to do so, because it had school," reflected Brother Smith and he been my observation that fraternities did not work very well in military schools.
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