Students, Faculty Appear In 1952 • Film On Delaware Campus In past weeks numerous inqui iti e glance hav b n cast toward the mobile motion picture equipment that ha been working it way in and out of the num rou nook and corners of .the campu~ of the U~iversity of Delawar . In ac­ tuality, it IS a movie m the makm.g-a color film of the cam­ pus here at Newark and all of Its far-reaching a ociated units. If . b . The Undergraduate Weelcly of the University of Delaware The picture 1tse IS emg " hot" by Cinevi ion Inc. f Easton, Md .•. and is .under .the direction of Mr. Frank X. Gal­ lagher, pubhc relatwns _direc~or here at the univ r it . In Vol. 73 Newark, Del., May 16, 1952 o. 28 its entirety, the production w11l tell the story of the institu- tion its classes, its choral groups, its ROTC, its extension bb work, and many othe: ~ct~vities familiar· to tho e of u en- rolled here. In short It Is mtended to present the mis ion of Gru Announ·ces 8 Ul.,d,·ng for the University of Delaware- the people who tud here and the t,o~id~s~~~~~~·when the fini hed product i ,. ceived, Home Economics And Education; showings will be held at state clubs and organization high school. alumni gatherings. and to• - -------' ------------· Construction Reaches $4,093,131 Total visitor de 'ring to receive an im· pres ion of the school a a who! . The expan ion of the uni er ity' building program on- The film will be of primary int re t tinu s with the announ m nt of a new chool of Hom E o- to incoming freshmen, young men nomics-School f Education Building. Charles E. Grubb, and women who wish to gather a better view and under tanding of university Busine s Admini trator, announced that the build- the In titution of which they will ing will cost approximately $1,250, . HOES be~:e pta~~ ~g and execution of This i in addition to the $31,62 ... contract awarded to the task has been worked out to Di abatino and Raniere on truction mpany for the con- the Ia t minute detail. The enthu- stru tion of a stud nt locker room la t w k. This lock r slastic participation of the faculty building will be erect d betw en the front of the arpenter and student "actor " and workers Field Hou e and Sigma Phi Ep ilon Fratern1'ty hou . has insured those in charge of a worthwhile, ucce ful fini shed The Home Economic -School of Education building will product, a celluloid picture wh!ch be located ju t North of the new Women's r id nee and should provide an informatlve South of the Memorial Library. The front of the ntire edi- story for some years in the future. fi ce will face the enter of campus. -------------• E. William Martin of Wllmlng- Delaware Concert Students Receive Rules ton Is th archlt ct, and his plans show a two-story nt r a Imlnlstra- Band Presents Ar ·lutect' conception of th new Home Economic -Education From Grounds Committee tlon .building, flanked on ach side building, soon to be con. tru ted North of tho new women's dormitory The Student Ground · by thr · tory wing . Th xt r1or The Spring Concert facing the oenter of the campus. has informed the stud nt .body that d sign of the building will conf rm The University Concert Band, the following rul s ar In ffect: with the prevailing Georgian tyle under the direction of J. Robert of the ampus. King of the Music Department, !-Students can hav a catch on Hom Economf Gets '['wo-Tbfrd will present its annual Spring Junior Class Musical Depicts campus, but only on the sld s and The two hools ar n'Jw rowd­ Concert in front of the Me­ rear of the dorms, not In the c nter ed Into Robln.-o n Hall. Two-thirds Of th n w building will be devol d morial Library, Sunday, May 18, area. at 4 p.m. to Hom Economics and th r st Scenes From 1890 to 1950 2-No organized gam s Mr. King has announced the ten­ A talent·packed and song-fi ll ed Junior Musical awaits your pleasure to Education. tative program for the concert as tonight and tomorrow evening, May 16 and 17, in Mitchell Hall, curtain played anywhere xcept on Although no d finit plans have follows: "Footlifter March," by Fill­ t ime scheduled for :15 p. m. This will be no E-52 Players or University playing fields. b n announc d, It Is thought that more; "Lonely Landscape," by Mc­ Drama Group production, but a complete musical staged solely by those Pop Hewlett, chairman of Robin on Hall wlll be us d x­ Bride; "Ye Banks and Brays of clu lv ly by th Art and Musl Ambitious Clas of 53'ers. If Thursday night's dress rehearsal is any Grounds Committee, asks that stu- Bonnie Doon," by Grainger; "The indication, the junior guys and gals are all set to really wow their d partments. The Biology d part­ dents cooperate and l<eep these Northern Pines March," by Sousa; audience. m nt will b mov d into Wolf Hall "Au Pays Lorrain," by Balay; Over sixteen lilting tunes, among which are such favorites as "Blue rules in mind. 'We hav a beautiful upon ompl tlon of the n w mll­ "Frand Symphony," by Berlioz, llon dollar Agrl ultural uil,dlng. Moon," "Too Young," ·~unny ide of th Street," and "Love Me or Leave campus which is the envy of with Gleason Frye as trombone The constl'uctlon f th H m Me," will be included in the gay show, with about ten soloists, two duets visitors and we should try to ke p soloist; "On the Mall March," by an also four numbers by the Junior Chorus. Economic ·Education building will Goldman; "Mexican Hat Dance," by it that way," said Hewlett. Rod McWherter, last se n in • -------------- bring the curr nt program to $4,- Bennett; Jerome Kern songs; and Other things r quested by th 0!)3,131. South Pacific. "One Touch of Venu ," does a neat Grounds Commltt are: 'I'w cu1-r nt proj cts a1· n ring In addition to the outdoor con· job of "Serenading" Rae Stark, E-52 Presents 'An compl tlon. Th y ar th h ml s­ cert, which will be cancelled in 1- Keep on the paths as much as whil Florence Twiford a nd Dave possible. try nglne ring Ann x, osllng case of rain, band awards will be Ideal Husband' On $413, 34 and th athl tic lock r ad­ given to those band men with thre Allen deliver a smooth rendition of 2-Refr-aln from throwing paper, wrappers, tc. on th campus. dition. Although th r 1.8 still som year of service. Those r eceiving "M et Me Tonight in Dr amland." WDEL- plumbing and h nting work oing pins are Ted Sandstrom, Bob Maull, Jo y Kowalew ki prom! es to bring TV Monday ( ontlnu d on Page 11) Jim Baker, Nancy Newton, Charle the house down with her hilarious The E·52 Players will pres nt a YOU& BLOOD 18 NEEDED NEXT WEEKI Rodriguez, Orion Schupp, Gleason "I'm a Big Girl Now" lint n th portion of " n Ideal Husband," on Frye, George Gronde and Fred tage; Glenn McKibbin, G orge Monda , May 19 at 10:30 p.m. on Weaver. Nagy, Rod McWhertel' and Dave WDEL-TV, Chann I 7. All n are pr pared to put plenty of Isaacs, Calhoun ShoWell And Fisk Singers Entertain that old-fa hion d harmony into This will b th last of a series "Coney I land Bab ." Bobby Mar­ ixt en programs produced by At Mitchell Hall May 19 tin who cored a terrific hit a a the Academic Extension Television Renshaw Accept I. F. C. Posts The world·famous Fisk Jubilee vocali t in last spring's Sophc...nore S rle , und r the supervision of On Monday evening, Ma .v 5, be­ Min- tr I, is ready to do a rep at fore a group of fraternity men Singers will si ng at the University Mr. Gor·don Godbey, Director of May 19, it was announced today on Friday and Saturday night as representing the nln I al chap· by the University's Cultural Acti­ h giv a lu h vocalizing of "Lov cad mic Exten ion of the Univer­ ters the Interfraternity ouncll In­ vities Committee, spon ors of the Me or L ave M ." Dick Lohmann sity of Delaware. "An Ideal Hus­ augurated Its officers for the l 052- program. bids fair to put forth "Stout Heart· band," by 0 car Wilde, the story 53 school term. In accordanc with The singer , all of Fisk Univer­ ~d m n" "Buddy" and "Too Young" the Council's rotation plan th sity, Nashville, Tennessee, are a in the- ~a me fin mann r in whi h of the high society Of London, has presidency passed from he hands unique American in tltution. Or­ he sang "Old Man River" in th Lad.v bittern, played by Norma of Ralph Gessell, a lgm:-t Phi p­ ganized in the years immediately 11n tr I. Bill Kram das sing L ine, blackmailing a foreign of­ sllon member, to AlfJ'ed Isaacs followin g the Civil War, they were "Blue Moon" a Ia Billy Eck tein.
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