l76 SEX BEDFORDSHIRE. (KELLY's Shackleton Henry Thomas, Caris- Slocombe C. 28 Spenser road, Bedford Southern Mrs. 2ro Foster Hill rd.Bdfrd ~ brooks ho. Up. George st. Luton Small Tlwmas, 3I Brook street, Luton Southwell Mrs. 33 Hurst grove south, ~hadbolt Mrs. I4 Alexandra. pl.Bedford Smallpeice Rev. John M.A.. Rectory, Bedford Shakshaft Mrs.I02 Midland rd.Bedford Meppershall, Bi~gleswade Sparks Wm. 39 Waldeck av. Bedford .Shane Frederick, Hazelhurst, Stock- Smart .Arthur, The Elms, New Bed- Sparry Miss, Hollydale, .Aspley Guise, wood orescent, Luton ford road, Luton - - Bletchley Shaile Henry, Cliftonville, Stockwood Smart Mrs. 32 Rothesay road, Luton Spence Mrs. 39 Grafton road, Bedford crescent, Luton Smart Thomas, I7 Dunstable rd.Luton Spencer Rev. William D.D. Vicarage, • ,.,. 'Shannon Wiliam J . .Arlesey, Hitchin Smith Colonel C<lrry Beverley, 23 The Harlington, Dunstable .Sharman Fredk. 6 St. Paul's sq. Bdfrd Embankment, Bedford Spencer John, 29 .Adelaide sq. Bedford Sharman M. 47 Goldington rd.Bedfrd Smith Rev . .Albert, The Manse, Upper Spencer Mrs. 43 .Ashburnham road, ~barman Mrs. Leighton villa, Grove Dean, St. Neots Bedford road, Leighton Buzzard Smith Rev. Boteler Chernocke B • .!. Spencer Mrs. 29 The Grove, Bedford . .Sharman S. 7 Prebend street, Bedford Holcut, Bletchley Spicer T. P. 23 Tavistock st. Bedford Sharp Fdk. G . .Aspley Heath, Bletchley Smith Rev. Charles Howes B.A., Rec- Spokes Rev. John Henry M.A.. Rectory, Sharp Mrs. Stoke Mill house, Sharn- tory, Yelden, Higham Ferrers ,- Barton-in-the-Clay, Ampthill - brook S.O Smith Rev. Charles Jamcs Eliseo M.A. Spong Douglas M. High st.Biggleswade Sharpe .Alfd. 7 Rothsay gdns. BedfoJr.i Vicarage, Bromham, Bedford Spooner Rev. Shirley .Alan lii.A.. The Sharpe Miss, 16 Goldington rd.Bedford Smith Rev. E . .Ashford, The Ootta.ge, Eury, Stagsden, Bedford - .Sharpin Rev. Frederick Lloyd M.A. Princes street Dunstable -- Spooner Frank,65 St. John's st.Bedfrd Rectory, Millbrook, Ampthill Smith Rev. I.~yston st.Potton,Sandy Spooner Joshua, 35 Brook .st. Lnton Sharpin .A.. L. 23 Kimbolton rd.Bedfrd Smith Rev. J. W. Shillington,Hitchin Spraige John, Froxfield end, Ever. Sharpin E. C.19 Bromham rd.Bedford Smith Rev. W. H. Cotton End,Bedford shalt, Woburn R.S.O Sha.w Lieut.-Col. John Hay, 8 The Smith C. E. I5o Foster Hill rd.Bedford Sprigge Charles M.D. Great Barford Crescent, Bedford Smith David, 35 Park st. west, Luton villa. Great Barford St. Neots ~haw Rev. T. H. M.A.. Everton, Sandy Smith E. T. Leeds, Sandy Spufford Joseph Lines villa, Cliftoll .Shaw Ferdii:.and .Albert, Mano.r house, Smith Ehenezer, 59 Harpnr st. Bedford road, Shefford R.S.O Harlington, Dunstable Smith Edward James, .Avenue house, Spurling Mrs. 13 Glebe road, Bedford Shaw l\frs. 27 St. Cuthbert's st.Bedfrd Stratton street, Biggleswade Spurway Rev. Richmond William B.A . .Shaw Mrs. 13 Bromham rd. Bedford Smith Edwin, SI Rothesay rd. Luton Edworth, Baldock Shelton .A. C. 10 Kimbolton rd.Bedford Smith George, 34A, Gwyn st. Eedford Squire Miss, Basmead manor, Staploe,..... Shelton .A. G. 12 De Parys av.Bedford Smith George Thomas 11.sc. Golding- St. Neots Shelton J. J. 23 Gery street, Bedford ton road, Bedford Squire Miss, Silsoe, .Ampthill Shepherd B. 120 Howbury st. Bedford Smith Gerald Dudley & Lady Barbara, Squires Ohas. 6 Stockwood cres.Lutou .Shepherd E. 35 Spenser rd. Bedford Sutton PM"k, Sandy - Squires James, 39 Brook street, Luton Shepherd J. C.27 St.Peter's st.Bedfrd Smith Harry, 25 St. Peter's st. l3edfrd Squires James, 72 Dunstable rd. Luton Shepherd Mrs.22Clarendon st. Bedford Smith Isaac, Gloucester house, Dun- Stacey W. J. 17 Lansdowne rd.Bedfrd Shepherd W. 8 Goldington av. Bedfrd stable street, Ampthill Staddon John Hen~y, Myrtle house, Shepherd William, 43 Hockliffe road, Smith James, Caxton house, Ampthill Dunstable road, Luwn Leighton Buzza~d Smith John, 4 The Crescent, Bedford Stafford Charles, 83 St. John's street. Sheppard James Fdk. Girtford, Sandy Smith John, Water lane, Sandy Bedford Sherlock Mrs.E.34Kempstonrd.Bedford Smith J.St.John's st. Kempston,Bdf'rd Stafford Robert Barry, Cauldwell Shewell Miss,4IShakespearerd.Bedford Smith John S. St. John's cot. Bedford house, Kempston road, Bedford .Shoosmith Frank, The Beeches, Dun- Smith :Miss, 6o Harpur street, Bedford Stafford William, Garthewin, 133 Mid· stable road, Luton Smith Miss, 67 Victoria road, Bedford land road, Bedford :Shorley William, 16 Oa.stle rd. Bedford Smith Miss Carter, The Hoo, .Aspley Stallard Rev. Joseph Orlando M.A. Shouler J. B. r88 Foster Hill rd. Bdfrd Guise, Bletchley Heath & Reach, Leighton Buzzard .Shouler Mrs. 32 St. Peter's st. BedfOTd Smith Miss E. H. Carter, The Hoo, Stall~d Rev. Leonard Bristow B.A . .Shutte Rev. .Albert S. M.A.. Henlow, .Aspley Guise, Bletchley Vicarage, Heath & Reach, Leighton Biggleswade Smith! Misses, 4 George st. west,Luton Buzzard · Shuttleworth Major Frank J'.P. Old Smith Mrs. 2I2 Foster Hill rd. Bedfrd Stanbridge .A . .A.rthnr street, Ampthill Warden park, Biggleswade Smith Mirs. 2 Houghton .rd. Bedford Stanes James,23Shakespeare rd.Boofrd <Sich Thomas Thrale, St. Denys, Wo- Smith Mrs. 3 Prebend street, Bedfard Stannard H1mry, Harpur pi. Bedford burn Sands, Bletchley Smith Mrs. IO Priory street, Bedford Stansfield Lieut.-Gen. Thos. Wolrich, .Siely James, 79 Castle road, Bedford Smith Mrs. Rads end, Eversholt, Wo- 63 De Parys avenue, Bedford Sills E. Horselow st. Potton, Sandy burn R.S.O. Bed~ ~ - Stant{)n Mrs. 19 Victoria rd. Bedford · Simcax George .!ugustus, Guise ho. Smith Mrs. 25 Rutland road, Bedford Stapleton Miss,23 Goldington rd.Bdfrd .Aspley Guise, Bletchley Smith Mrs. Summcrville, Spring road, Starey .Arth. W. Milton Ernest, Bedird Simrnonds Mrs. St. Neots road, Sandy Kempston, Bedford Sta~k Robert, Pine ridge,.!spley Guise, :Simmons F.Mill vil.West st.Dunstable Smith Mrs. Thornhill, Kimbolton ird. Bletchley Simms A. Jude's farm, Haynes, Bdfrd Bedfwd Starke Herbert, 55 Park street, Luton .Simons John, 20 Rutland rd. Bedford Smith Mn. g6 Wenlock street, Luton Starmore Barnard,2o Stanley st.Bdfrd Simpkins Mrs. 3I Spenser rd. Bedford Smith Mrs. J. 64 Waldeck av.Bedford Stearn F. F . .Arthur st. .Ampthill Simpson Mrs. .Alton house, Upper Smith N. Station road, Biggleswade Stedman Frederick, 23 North street, Honghton Regis, Dunstable Smith S. 37 St. John's st. Bedford LeightDn Buzzard .Simpson Mrs. 30 Cardiff road, Luton Smith Sidney Waltr. 63 Brook st.Lntn Stedman Mrs. 7 Waldeck av. Bedford Sims G. 5 Foster Hill road, Bedford Smith Thomas, 78 Castle rd. Bedford Stedman Thos. BernaJI"d M.D. 23 North Sinclair David, Glenfield, Shortmead Smith Thomas, 53 Park street, Luton street, Leighton Buzzard .shrPet, Biggleswade · Smith Thomas, 27 Rothesay rd. Luton Steel Rev. J. M.A. Rectory,Odell,Bdfrd .Sinkwell G. 35 High st. nth.Dunstable SmithT.W.Duck end,Stevington,Bdfrd Steel James, 29 Foster Hill rd. Bedford Si_TJ.tzenick James Francis, Rye close, Smith Walter Dendy, The Elms, Steele Miss, Woburn Sands, Bletchley Kempston road, Bedford Pertenhall, St. :8eots Steele Robert R. lr.C.S. 8 .Adelaide sq. Sirett H. 19 Grove rd.Leighton Bzzrd Smith W. Eggington,LeightonBuzzard Bedford .Skeen Miss, 24 St. Peter's st. Bedfard Smith W. 29 Park street west, Luton Steers J . .A. 2 Goldington av. Bedford Skeen Mrs. 24 De Parys aven. Bedford Smith W. E. 1:42 Foster Hill rd.Bedfrd Stein Charles Guthrie M.n. Dunswble Skelding H. M.B. St. Loyes st. Bedfrd Smith H. M. 55 Goldington rd.Bedfrd street, .Ampthill .Skene Mrs. Montrose, St. .Andrew's rd. Smith W.H.Bedford st.Wobum R.S.O Steinmetz Mrs. 6I & 63 .Ashburnham Bedford Smith W. R. 56 Howbury st.Bedford road, Bedford Skevington Mrs.Vine cot. Turvey,Bdfrd Smith Wm. S. Linden ho . .Ampthill Stembridge Rev. Henry George, The Skinner John, 25-Kimbolton rd. Bedfrd Smith William Thomas, The Green, Manse, Hitchin street, Biggleswade 'Skinner Mrs. 20 Linden rd. Bedford Houghton Regis, Dunstable ,..- Stennet Bichd. 45 The Grove, Bedford SkiptonHora.ce,23St.Michael's rd.Bdfrd Smith-Bichards Col. Samuel, 4r De Stenart David V.35 St. Michael's road, Skottowe Mrs. Holmwood, Aspley Parys avenue, Bedford .- Bedford Heath, Bletchley Smyth Mrs. 3I Clarendon st. Bedford Stevens Rev. Henry Smeeton, Belvoir, Slade Fredk. 29 .Alexandra rd. Bedford Smythe Mrs.6 Shakespeare rd.BedfOO"d Pemberley avenue, Bedford .Slater Mrs. 30 Battison street, Bedford Somerville John F. Harrold, Bedford Stevens Miss, Woburn Sands,Bletchley Slater N. R. ~ Clapham rd. Bedford Somes Mrs. 24 Ampthill rd. Bedford Stevens Mrs. Rural cottage, St. Mary's Slaughter Mrs. 3 Spenser rd. Bedford Southam W11liam .Alfred, High street street, Dunstable Slight Mrs. 6 Beaufort terrace, Corn- north, Dunstable Stevens Thomas William, IS Grove rd. mercial road, Bedford Southam W. P. R.Chiltern ho.Dunstbl Leighton Buzzard Slingsby J. 0. 29 Grafton rd. BedfOO"d Southey Rev. Henry Willes M.A.. Vicar- Steward Miss, 39 Hockliffe rd. Leigh- .Slinn Miss, I3 Foster Hill rd. Bedford age, Woburn R.S. 0 ton Buzzard .
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