Pau* Four Tlso Flathead Courier, Poison. Montana Thstuedar luso S. 11147, THE those who visit the Flathead ther they will close Saturday af- ber 30, 1948, the limit shall be FOR SALE: Registered yearling FRYERS FOR SALE: Half mile WATER WELL DRILLING: See during the coming summer ternoon during the rock°. From fifteen (15) fish per day and not Shorthorn (inuley) bull. N. K. west of store on Finley Point Mitchell & Rainey; contact 0. months. the reports that we get. laat year to exceed ten (10) pounds, one Bowe, Poison. 8-10 Road. 9' K. Service Station . 3t1 A few years ago when we were Flathead Courier tilts few that were open did not day's possession limit only. SALE: making a trip by car, we had not FOR Two boys used bi- FOR SALE: 3-inch direct con- Official Paper of Lake County have enough customers to pay In the above waters ONLY, FUEL cycles. Poison Refrig. & Elec. 9 been greeted by words other he overhead. No doubt this year snagging sockeye, with a combin- nected gas driven water pump, WOOD FOR SALE: Nice tomato plants capacity 23,000 gallons per hour; Mildred M. Haselbaker, Pub. than: "that will be so many dol- it will be wise for the stores to ation of three hooks, shall be per- - WOOQ: Order your next lars and cents." One morning close during the rodeo. mitted from October 1st to De- winter's supply now. Be on the at 35c per dozen. Harold Hyer, almost new; have 3-inch suction DITORIAL_ when we had started out driving cember 15, 1947, both dates in- safe side. Coal in season. Phone Finley Point. 9* hose; also 300 feet new 2-inch NATIONAL E before breakfast we stopped at a clusive. During the balance of 58M or write Box 154. Schultz & FOR SALE: Living room set, galvanized pipe; pipe will be sold . SSOCIATION small restaurant and the owner the open season, sockeye may be Sons. 52ff couch and two chairs; dinette only with pump; 11,000 gallon INF greeted us with "good morning." Fresh Vegetables Assure taken only by means of hook and set practically new. Robert Spaul- fuel oil tanks. Call 120W, B. W. Hamilton. 8tf It may be that he noticed that Crisp, Cool Salad Dishes line held in hand or hook and line WANTED TO BUY ding, above Family Shoe Store, we were from Montana by °w- attached to rod or pole held in Poison. 9 WHEN IN POLSON, stay at the To satisfy every anticipation sal- WANTED bed or ear license but we were sure that hand. TO BUY: /43 FOR SALE: Dining room and bed- New Rother Motel. 9 ads should be cool, crisp and attrac- innerspring he had spent his early life in the mattress; have sin- room furniture. Mrs. W. C. West and still had some of the tive, nutritionists assert. Salads can gle bed and mattress. Inquire at FOR SALE: Spring fryers. Ed Boettcher, Poison. 7t1 Belion, /12 mile northwest of Old West in him. Anyway we ap- be so if the vegetables are used Grandview Grocery. 2t1 FOR SALE: Walnut dining table Pablo. 8, 9' preciated the early morning fresh from the garden or are Published each Thursday at Poi- .. Classified Ads.. WANTED TO BUY: Power hay and six chairs, $80. See them at greeting and enjoyed the break- shopped for every day. Washed sal- baler. Write Box 76. Ingram, son, Montana Subscription rates: W. F. Walters, Grandview Addi- SITUATIONS WANTED fast more than any we had on the ad greens may be stored With a Swan Lake. 9, 10' One year in Montana $2.50 trip. PROPERTY FOR SALE tion, Poison. 9, 10' minimum amount of .time in cov- WANTED calf WORK WANTED: 16 year old Six Months in Montana $1.50 Let us all be more TO BUY: Deer, -elk FOR SALE: Twenty-four 27" x friendly in ered containers in a cold place. FOR and antelope boy desires work during sum- outside state $3.00 making visitors feel The SALE: Modern house, new- hides. Eddie V's 32" Screeno windows. Fitzger- One year at home ingredients for ly Family Poison . 36tf mer vacation. Worley Buchanan, $1.75 when they come to the the salad should be decorated, well furnished; 4 Shoe Store, ald & Son, Poison. 9 Six months outside the state Flathead. lots Poison. 9' We were not all born in Montana. tossed together 'just before serving with 28 fruit trees. E. S. Os- LAND WANTED: 80 to 100 acres accepted for less borne, No subscription In reality, Montana is made up time and the salad dressing added across from American Ca- of land not far from Poison. MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED than a six-moneh period. the very last thing as vinegar in bins. 9' Part must be irrigable. No build- of people from every state in the LOTS OF HAY at the city air- WANTED: Assistant bookkeeper, Union. That is the dressing tends to wilt the greens. FOR SALE: 10-acre tract, most- ings needed. Write Box 444 in Entered as seconds class mail fortunate when it port; may be had free of charge experience unnecessary. Apply comes to making our visitors Leafy salad combinations suggest- ly irrigated, good soil and good care of Flathead Courier, Poi- May 10, 1910, at the post for the cutting. See Bill Voss. 9 at Helmer & Harris Garage. 9 matter happy. All of us know enough ed by the nutritionists are: drainage. City lights and water son. 7-10 Montana. a- FAIRBANKS-MORSE water office at Poison. bout other states so that we can Combine lettuce, available. Excellent view of lake sys- small spinach SERVICE tems; a size for every need. LOST & FOUND • NIP4%OW .•••••• ••••••04.4 .0.0.0~4 carry on a conversation with the [eaves, and mountains. Also have a 2- slivered carrots, and sliced Stanley Scearce, Inc., Ronan. 2tf visitor about his home state. red radishes with french dressing. story building 20x30, well con- DITCH, stump and rock blasting. FOUND: Ladies handbag on high- day that passes as we Each When you see a car with a Toss together shredded lettuce and structed, sided and painted, that Ralph Ishmael, Ronan. 9-10* WILL TAKE ON a few more cat- way; contents of value; owner •approach the siutuner months, called foreign license, and if the french dressing. Grate raw white could be finished for a house. Will Open evenings, Grandview Gro- tle; 90 acres kneehigh grass; may have same by identifying we note that in our city there opportunity arises, ask the driver turnips and slice green not sell building alone. Merrit cery. irrigated. Pete Lind, Valley View. and paying for ad. Mrs. Ben Hol- •are strangers, in other words, about pepper rings 26t1 his state. If we do this the aver the top. Cass. 51stf 8-9 ter, Rt. 1, Poison. 9 tourists. While they may not be Flathead Valley will publici- NOTICE: Bull dozing work and get Mix FOR SALE: Five room stucco tourists in the full meaning of ty that no money shredded lettuce, cabbage and land leveling; also custom can buy and a modern house, full basement. \ft,1111& \IL NI\116.111a the word, yet they are folks a- reputation that will be envied carrot slivers. Add sour cream plowing done. See or write Clar- by Inquire at the Turf Bar or way from home and among every community in West. dressing. Mrs. ence A. Reum, RFD No. 1, Poi- the All George Arndt. 8tf strangers. These strangers who this costs so little and pays such Shredded Chinese cabbage com- son. 6, 9' are with us but a tday or two or large dividends that we cannot bined with dried prunes or figs cut FOR SALE: Four room modern WANTED: 267 more customers; •even longer would appreciate afford to do other than take full in pieces and mixed with french house with bath; good garden; no parking problem. Grand- being made at home and it costs advantage of our opportunity. dressing makes another salad com- trees, shrubbery, flowers. Don view Grocery, Phone 58K, Poi- us so little if we were only While we are on the subject of bination. Nixon, Poison. 9 son. 40tf thoughtful enough to greet them Western hospitality, don't you all FOR SALE SOON: Five room SPRAYING: Leave orders for with a "good morning," 'howdy," agree that we better fall in line house with built-in porch; e- spraying of all kinds at Mal- that would or any other word and go Western these few weeks Seaweed Textiles quipped with electric range; gar- lory's Grocery Store, or phone make them feel that they are wel- prior to the coming Rodeo-Round- age. Inq. of A. E. Crawford, 81. T. K. Newby. 7t1 come. We are gradually losing In the future you may be wearing up? The coming celebration will son. 9-10'4 MUSIC LESSONS on piano, that Western spirit and this is stockings, dresses, shirts or even the bring many to our city; this is FOR SALE: Shed, 34 x 14; 8 ft. clarinet, saxaphone be regretted. If•we were to re- dainty underthings made from sea- and trum- to your show, this is your city. Let's high. Vathing Brothers, east of also vive that old and traditional spir- weed, according to Dr. C. K. Tseng pet; harmony and counter- all go Western and set the stage American Cabins, Poison. 9-10' point; repadding and it it would work wonders among Df the University of California. adjusting for this gala affair.
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