PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD. Tues . Jan. 16. 1979 ^U U IU IU U U i Highway Speeds Higher Em itim & ralii ■ *i» M - M u r M iii C*«w t« N W r.'fla o w io n h t i MtWUw*. ioc* |5« i A fter Five Years at 55 Collapse of Coliseum GOP Offers Amendments HRC Won^t Enter Losing Night WASHINGTON lU l’Il - Eive where your reduction in fatalities have compiled figures on the Put Hartford on Map On Spending, Law Veto CD Fund Dispute U.S. Will Recognize .voars since the passage of the 55 niph takes place." he said. resulting conservation of fuel and the Page 8 For Hoop Teams national speed limit, highway speeds Department ol Transportation reduction of traffic fatalities. Page 12 Page 14- are increasing, despite well- experts blame the higher average Fuel Savings: Page 15 Peking as Sole China publicized statistics that show 55 speeds on new interstate highway —The Federal Highway Ad­ .saves lives and fuel. ministration estimated motor luci WASHIVmiN I in • PrrMni ■••1 systems, which make it easier and Ctntt Fri<i< IV ( mM ir>vr« i»n'V>ifl( 4b>^l ] Ik m a fik fiv After World War II. highway Sl(M aiU nuMuli M Ji^iwiuim ■ •J V Iruni Tii«M more tempting to drive fast, and on savings of 1.5 billion gallons a year rrutmn «ul I'wntwia Duiu m> < Jm I M4 fV ttlirul rrwiuB ai deaths rose by an average 1.044 the fading memory of the oil em­ due to the 55 mph limit; 100 percent *ii«M « j i-wnptrv M ki«lv> iianrijp fitrr raovi-iiif •.aU>iul««Wi<Kf rr«t aiil IV N't IV .4 Jiiufi I'HiKI tU'W’MI deaths a vear. reaching a peak of 54.- bargo. compliance would save 3 billion • IV »uif ,<*«.' .> TV 1 MM MMn Tbr I V c if I . trimMir n»>« IvirriWmrtfii • vW fKVnfr «mWtUiXr> IMMfKl aiU V>-( k«V 659 in 1973. •MM ol U «v> v« w iVikMf> II The 55 mph .speed limit began with gallons a year. lrj* la u l pM < v illu v r ■illll in it 't iw IKd I W v The National Highway Tran.sporta- .NMiAiinl levnuTMl iMmH I the Arab oil embargo ol 1973. —The Department of Transporta­ Chance of Snow ClM*( Km >V< m Miaf ii < oi t v I V * ^ rrtm r tion Safely Administration reports tion. in a May, 1978, study said 9 «*)(*» imtt • mM (Mil rrci<(*ii !,> d> u|rn Viifri> | | ,,, | In January 1974. a new federal law mMMiV i.>u PmM*il HxVr4 Ni S VK Itun Gc4d.Mrf that in 1974 — the first year the 55 restricted cars, trucks and other million gallons of gas are saved a Highs in Ihe 20s «<r III IV lirit Is •(>!• unrtKj <i mph speed limit went into effect — vehicles to a "median energy ef­ day; 100 percent compliance would Dalallt on paga 2 - ptriMKi ipp'imS dr fatalities dropped by 9.353 or 16.8 per­ - f j t : Pow er O utage rv prnr ivt I V ficiency speed" of 55 mph. bring it up to 15 million gallons a day. rrpm nli onr M IV cent. The federal government, in —Tests by the FHA indicate that P A ens^ T,own But "the speeds are going back up November. 1973, asked motorists to depending upon the type of car, -V> .*▼ * t u r n i n g and with it. the fatalities." said Lt. voluntarily lower their speeds to 50 motorists can get 17 lo 40 percent ^ y ' s Gen. Benjamin 0 Davis. Transpor­ mph. better mileage by driving at 55 mph ailJl IV rupinrf d« ii4l«i tation Secretary Brock Adams' chief rather than at 70. When that failed to slow most Vietnamese-led forces have « A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 » 20$ Single Copy • 1st Home Dell’y a r^ spokesman for 55. drivers, the Emergency Highway —The Highway Users Federation, 'wHaidt trprtiMiiuni Ssunsi I launched a classic amphibious iMr Is IV TiiaSK imvnmsM Mid For the first nine months of 1978. Energy Conservation Act. which a private group, said for passenger :i iTMlrfi >■ VdnM w snwrfmi assault behind a heavy naval [ traffic fatalities were 36.548. com­ made 55 the top motorist speed, was cars, the difference between moving I Mdmi iitimii barrage to seize a strategic island iKf igtpms tK pared to 35.015 for the same period in enacted temporarily. It became per­ at 55 mph and moving at 65 mph is a 1977 — up 4.4 percent. as the focus of the battle shifted to manent one year later in 1975. 15 percent fuel savings. the southern coast of Cambodia, [ "If this trend continues, we ll have y >>> >^ The speed limit 55 was "deter­ Fatalities: Thai military sources said today. Iran Quake Kills 50.000 or more fatalities for the first ^ v > - mined by studying wind resistance —Chances are only 50-50 of living Fighting was also reported >*i^y Sav",S.|.atp-'^’ time since 1973. It doesn't look figures, and engine efficiency fac­ through an accident if a motorist is good. " said Robert Beasly. a around the country’s only! > \ i s r tors, " said DOT. going 70 mph or faster. The odds deepwater port of Kompong Sorri spokesman for Adams. jump to 31-1 if you're travelling at 50- Tests conducted by the FHA in­ but Western intelligence analysts The Federal Highway Administra­ dicated that requiring vehicles to run 60 mph, according to the DOT, ^ ^ ■5>- ^ NN' tion said the average speed on 55 mph could not say for sure who was at highway speeds under 50 mph —There have been 60 percent fewer holding It. More Than 1,000 highways in 1974 was 57.5: 1975. 57.6; probably would waste fuel. Other paralyzing spinal column injuries ^ VIV* J r - ^ 1976. 58; 1977. 58.5; and for the first Among the victims of the Viet-1 tests showed that most drivers can because accidents have been less namese naval assault on Kong TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - An nine months of 1978. 58.8. r The clergy information on the with trucks loaded with relief maintain control of their vehicle at 55 severe, the DOT reported in May, Island, 20 miles south of the Thai earthquake that wiped out three Gas consumption also is up— 8 per­ three worst hit villages differed from supplies. mph. 1978. border, which began Tuesday, villages within minutes of the shah’s cent over last year. the official version, which put the Sweden’s Hagfors Defense Obser­ "It is impossible to determine the —DOT projections say enforce­ were 12 Thai fishing boats sunk by forc^ departure killed more than 1,- death toll at 130 today. Despite the average highway speed ment will save 31,900 lives over the vatory recorded the quake and put its exact number of lives or gallons of Vietnamese warships and 000 and injured at least 1,000 others, ITie clergy source made no men­ increase, "the high speeds (over 65 next 10 years. magnitude at 6.8 on the open-ended fuel saved as a result of the 55 mph helicopter gunships, Thai navy Iranian newspapers said today. tion of another village of mph I are pretty much gone." and the speed limit," said the NHTSA, which The revised death toll from the Richter Scale and its epicenter near traffic flow has been more uniform. Helliany Group sources said. Several Thai sailors | Khorramabad, which official sources Iran’s border with Afghanistan. is in charge of adm inistering were listed as missing. Tuesday quake, which devastated earlier listed as one of the devastated This "People's Daily —Special Edition" translation of The Herald story was made by Davis said. programs connected with 55. MANCHESTER —Bethany Group Communications were hampered of Center Congregational Church will The sources said the invasion three villages in northeastern Iran, towns. and the Dec. 16 edition of The Herald may John W. Churila of Manchester, now living in "When you have less cars darting But the government and some was not immediately confirmed by by a telecommunications strike meet Wednesday at 10 a m. in the force succeeded in capturing The quake hit Tuesday at 4:50 a.m. directed against the shah and look different but they both tell the identical Peking. in and out at varying speeds ... that’s private agencies dealing with traffic much of the 12-mile-long island Moslem clergymen working in the Robbins Room of the church. EST and registered 6.8 on the transportation to the stricken area story of the U.S. recognizing China. The which controls access to the far-flung quake area near the city of Qaen. Richter Scale. was hampered by the continuing gas­ coastal Cardamommes mountains The Pars news agency said oline trike. where the forces of the ousted Pol The clergy reported earlier today that at least 890 persons were killed blankets and tents were flown to the Radio Iran said the epicenter was all this week- while quantities last! Pot regime are believed trying to devastated area early today from HeraWs China Story- when the sharp earthquake, located around Qaen, where a sharp establish a headquarters for a Mashad, capital of the northeast measuring 6.8 on the open-ended earthquake in November 1976, left guerrilla war. province of Khorassan and sources hundreds of villagers homeless. Richter Scale struck Tuesday. said Moslem clergymen drove out Translated in Peking “Our estimates are based on Acting Head known population of the three MANCHESTER —Just to prove how the walls.
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