1896. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 4885 Second Lieut. Percival Greene Lowe, Eighteenth Infantry, to the House on the bill and amendment; and had appointed Mr. be first lieutenant. GALLINGER, Mr. SHOUP, and Mr. ROACH as the conferees on the Second Lieut. John Moore Sigworth, Tenth Infantry, to be first part of the 8enate. lieutenant. The message also announced that the Senate had agreed to the PROMOTIONS IN THE REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. amendment of the House of Representatives to the concurrent resolution authorizing the chairman of the Committee on the Li­ First Lieut. Samuel E. Maguire, of Louisiana, to be a captain. brary of the Senate and the chairman of the Committee on the Second Lieut. James H. Brown, of the District of Columbia, to Library of the House of Representatives and one other member of be a first lieutenant. the Joint Committee on the Library, etc., to sit during the recess REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE. of Congress for the purpose of inquiring into the condition of the Edwin E. Sluder, of Santa Fe, N.Mex., to be register of the Congressional Library, etc. land office at Las Cruces, N. Mex. The message also announced that the Senate had passed bills POSTMASTERS. and resolutions of the following titles; in which the concurrence of the House was requested: Patrick H. McGrath, to be postmaster at Ronceverte, in the A bill (S. 2746) to remove the political disabilities of Col. John county of Greenbrier and State of West Virginia.. Taylor Wood; Wimam J. Flynn, to be postmaster at Staples, m the county of A bill (S.1'i41) to authorize the Muscogee, Oklahoma and West­ Todd and State of Minnesota. ern Railroad Company to construct and operate a line of railway Lois Martin, to be postmaster at Pella, in the county of Marion through Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, and for other pur­ and State of Iowa. , poses; Michael J. Toher, to be postmaster at Owatonna, in the county A bill (S. 581) for the relief of the legal representatives of Hiram of Steele and State of Minnesota. Somerville; Thomas M. Ryan, to be postmaster at Anoka, in the county of A bill (8.122) granting a pension to Jerusha Sturgis, widow of Anoka and State of Minnesota. Brig. Gen. Samuel D. l?turgis; Duncan G. Campbell, to be postmaster at Rockford, in the A bill (S. 2828) granting an increase of pension to Samuel E. county of Floyd and State of Iowa. Liscom; John W. Irwin, to be postmaster at New Sharon, in the county A bill (S. 2829) granting a pension to Plumy E. Marden; of Mahaska and State of Iowa. A bill (S. 2787) granting a pension to Simpson Everett Stilwell; L. S. Kennington, to be postmaster at Newton, in the county of A bill (S. 2790) for the relief of Sophronia S. Stowell; Jasper and State of Iowa. A bill (S.1883) to grant a pension to Charlotte 0. Van Cleve, · E. F. Bogert, to be postmaster at Wilkesbarre, in the county of widow of Gen. Horatio P. Van Cleve; · Luze1·ne and State of Pennsylvania. · A bill (S. 2542) granting a pension to Stephen Maines; Thomas H. Tulley, to be postmaster at Silverton, in the county A bill (S. 536) granting an increase of pension to Samantha of San Juan and State of Colorado. Barnes; Charles L. Pohe, to be postmaster at Catawissa, in the county A bill (S. 527) for the relief of Margaret C. McKay, widow of of Columbia and State of Pennsylvania. · the late Dr. William C. McKay, of Oregon; William H. Klie, to be postmaster at Cambridgeboro, in the A bill (S. 2430) granting a pension to James W. Whitney; county of Crawford and State of Pennsylvania. A bill (S. 2428) granting an increase of pension to Jacob P. Herman A. Kohnke, to be postmaster at Hammond, in the county Fletcher; of Tangipahoa and State of Louisiana. A bill (S. 2341) granting a pension to George E. Tuttle; Landrum Padgett, to be postmaster at Pelzer, in the county of A bill (S. 2158) granting a pension to Abraham Rhodes; Anderson and State of South-Carolina. A bill (S. 2441) granting a pension to George D. Noble; James A. Crow, to be postmaster at Plano, in the county of A bill (S. 2077) granting a pension to RichardT. Seltzer; Collin and State of Texas. A bill (S.1465) granting an increase of pension to Elijah A. John T. Baldwin, to be postmaster at Hennessey, in the county Gilbert; of Kingfisher and Territory of Oklahoma. A bill (S. 2822) to increase the pension of Theodore V. Purdy; Richard H. Smith, jr., to be postmaster at Scotland Neck, in A bill (S.1857) granting a pension to Nathan Mitchell; the county of Halifax and State of North Carolina. A bill (S.2729) granting a pension to Emma Weir Casey; and A bill (S. 2601) granting a pension to Ambrose B. Carlton. WITHDRAWALS. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with Executive nominations withdrawn May 6, 1896. amendments the bill (H. R. 5819) to provide for the examination and classification of certain lands in the State of California, asked Capt. AHen V. Reed, to be a commodore in the Navy. a conference with the House on the bill and amendments; and Commander Francis A. Cook, to be a captain in the Navy. had appointed Mr. DUBOIS, Mr. PETTIGREW, and Mr. PASCO as Lieut. Commander Charles T. Hutchins, to be a commander in the conferees on the part of the Senate. the Navy. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with amendment bills of the following titles; in which the concurrence of the House was requested: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A bill (H. R. 5490) to license billiard and pool tables in the Dis­ WEDNESDAY, May 6, 1896. trict of Columbia, and for other purposes; A bill (H. R. 4804) to amend subdivision 10 of section 2238 and The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. to repeal subdivision 12 of section 2238 of the Revised Statutes of HENRY N. Cm:JDEN. the United States; and The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ A bill (H. R. 3426) granting an increase of pension to Eugenia proved. R. Sweeney, widow of Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Sweeney, deceased. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with A message from the Senate, by Mr. PLATT, one of its clerks, amendment the bill (H. R. 3013) to amend section 4131 of the Re­ announced that the Senate had passed without amendment bills of vised Statutes of the United States, to improve the merchant ma­ the following titles: rine engineer service, and thereby also to increase the efficiency of A bill (H. R. 491) granting an increase of pension to Francis the Naval Reserve, asked a conference with the House on the bill Walsh, of Stockham, Nebr.; and amendment; and had appointed Mr. FRYE, Mr. SQUIRE, and A bill (H. R.152) granting a pension to Mary Ann Tracy; Mr. GORMAN as the conferees on the part of the Senate. A bill (H. R. 577) granting a pension to Lydia A. Taft; The message also announced that the Senate had passed the fol-· A bill (H. R. 5254) granting an increase of pension to Ebenezer lowing resolution; in which the concurrence of the House was G. Howell, late a private of Company F, One hundred and six­ requested: tieth New York Volunteers; Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representat-ives concurring), That there be printed and bound in one volume the proceedings in Congres.<J upon the A bill (H. R. 1139) granting a pension to Caroline D. Mowatt; acceptance of the statue of James Shields, 16,500 copies, of which 5,000 copies A bill (H. R. 3018) to amend an act approved March 3, 1891, shall be for the use of the Senate and 10,000 for the use of the House of Rep· granting the right of way upon the public lands for reservoir and re::;entatives; and 500 each for use and distribution by the governors of Illi­ nois, Minnesota, and Missouri; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby canal purposes; directed to have printed an engraving of said statue, to accompany said pro­ A bill (H. R. 4887) granting a pension to Sarah G. Ives; and ceedings, said engravin~ to be paid for out of the appropriation for the Bureau A bill (H. R. 4968) granting a pens_ion to Helen A. Jackman, de­ of Engraving and Printmg. · pendent daughter of Lieut. William Jackman, late of Company SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS REFERRED. I, Fourteenth Regiment of Maine Volunteers. Under clause 2 of Rule XXIV, the following Senate bills and The message also announced that the Senate had disagreed to resolutions were taken from the Speaker's table and referred by the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 673) the Speaker as follows: granting a pension to Joseph R. West, brigadier and brevet major A bill (S. 2542) granting a pension to Stephen Maines-to the general, United States Army Volunteers, asked a conference with Committee on Invalid Pensions. 4886 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE~ MAY 6, A bill (S. 2601) granting an increase of pension to Ambrose B., Mr. WHEELER. Mr. Speaker~ during the canvass of Novem· Carlton-to the Committee on Pensions. j ber, 1894, the Republican party most solemnly pledged that if A bill (S. 536) granting an increase of pension to Samantha intrusted with power they would enact all necessary legislation Barnes-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.
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