AGENDAITEM NO. ?-2 Bute and Cowal Area Committee 2ndFebruary 1999 Presentation of the 1998 Design Award Application Applicant Proposed Development Location Number 98101631DET S!ories(Argyll) Permanent retention of offices Stones Yard, J&.d LTD. Kilbride Road, Dunoon. 981015 15DET StonesiArgyll) Permanent retention of sccurity- LTD. fence and gate. c Dunoon. 98/0146X/DET British Ensign Erection of pubirestaunnt Land East of Former Estates LTD. Harmony House Hotel Site, Alexandra Parade, Dunoon. 98101652DET Mr & Mrs Kay Erection of dwelling land adjacent to Firbank, c lnnellan. 98/01615/OUT Mr. White Erection of dwelling (Continued application) (Site Familiarisation) 98100865DET R.. Creelman Erection of a dwelling (Continued application) 9810136 1LIB C. Barrett Retention of flue Shore Road, Tighnabruiach. 65’ 98101354PET Trustees Ex te mal alterations, extension & Boat house, Mount Stuart C.0.U of boathouse to dwelling Ascog Point, Trust Ascog, Isle of Bute. 9SiO 1355iLIB Trusters Internal &external alterations, Boathouse, Mount Stuart extension & C.0.U of Ascog Point, Trust boathouse to dwelling Ascog, Isle of Bute 9 810 173 2/D ET Rothesay & Erection of pipe band District Pipe Practice hall. Band , 99,'00047~T\IID Argyll & Erection of a Wall 28-32 Marine Place & Bute 1-5 Pointhouse Crescent, Ardbeg, Rothesay, - +3bfU&/ Isle of Bute. DC 19 Mrs Gilles Application for Listed ' ' "Heathbank", Building Gram Aid Shore Road, Kilmun. ..... .. .~ Local Member - Councillor Walsh Date of Validity - 9* November 1998 13" January 1999 Reference Number: 98/01 631/DET Applicants Name: Storie (Argyll) ttd Application Type: Detailed Application Description: Cladding of Walls and New Pitched Roof on Existlng Offices to Allow For Permanent Retention Location: Stories Yard, Kilbrlde Road, Dunoon. (A) SUMMARY The proposal will in effect result in the establishment of a permanent office in place of the existing temporary structure which has been in situ for a number of years. The replacement of this unattractive modern building with a new office is to be welcomed and does not give rise to any land use or policy (B ) POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The site is situated within a Local Scenic Area as defined under POL RUR 1 of the Cowal Local Plan whereby the proposal requires to be assessed in terms of its environmental impact, locational/operational need, economic benefit and servicing and infrastructure constraints. The proposal accords with Local Plan Policy. (C ) SITE HISTORY 01 -90-0629 Detailed planning permission was Granted on the 23'd August 1991 for the installation of temporary office buildings for a five year period. 96/00935/DET Detailed planning permission was Granted on the 181h September 1996 for a further 4 year period. This permission will lapse on the 18* September 2000. (D ) CONSULTATIONS I. Area Engineer Highways : Views awaited. It. West of Scotland Water : Views awaited. Ill. West of Scotland Water (Sewerage) : Views awaited. IV. Public Protection Unit : Views awaited. (E) PUBLICITY The proposal has been advertised under the provisions of Article 18 (Potential Departure - closing date 1 January 1999). One letter of representation was received from Mr Black, Mars Hill, Kilbride Road, in which the following concerns were raised: i) Description of the application site was not accurate. Comment : There was sufficient information to allow identification of the site along with a detailed location and site plan. I \WORD\DBOUNI*PPS 98iWSTl~lMl-WWRSTORE OFFICE KILBRIDE ROM DUNOON.DOC ii) It is unclear whom the applicant is and who owns the site. Comment : The application was submitted by Storie (Argyll) Ltd who confirmed under Article 8 Procedures that they also owned the site and who submitted a copy of their title deeds for confirmation. iii) The proposal was not advertised as a Potential Departure in relation to all the relevant policies as contained in the Local Plan. Comment : The proposal was advertised as a Potential Departure under the provisions of POL RUR 1 of the Cowal Local Plan alone, as there were no other relevant policies applicable. iv) It was unclear whether the walls of the building were to be rendered or finished in blockwork. Comment : The wafls are to be finished in breeze blocks and then rendered roughcast white in colour as specified on the plans and forms. v) It was unclear when planning permission was originally granted for the offices. Comment : See Section C above. vi) No drainage details were submitted with the application. Comment : No additional drainage details were required given that it was intended to utilise the existing sewerage connections. vii) Insufficient detail was given on the submitted drawings regarding the scale and dimensions of buildings proposed. Comment : There was sufficient information submitted on the drawings to allow for a detailed assessment of the proposal. The standard scales of 150, 1 :loo; I :200,1 :2500 were used. viii) No fire precaution measures have been identified as part of the planning application. Comment : No such details are required as part of a formal planning submission although it is an issue that would be examined under the Building Warrant application. ix) Not all the doors shown on the plans swing outwards. Comment : This is not a relevant planning consideration. And is a matter that would be examined under the Building Warrant application. x) No toilet or first aid provision is identified on the submitted plans. Comment : Two toilets are identified within the existing building. No details were provided of first aid provision and is not a retevant planning consideration . (F ) ASSESSMENT DeveloDrnent Reouirina ExDress Plannino Permission. I Permanent retention of temporary office building (Class 2 - Financial, Professional & Other Services). I Installation of new pitched roof which is to be finished in black profiled sheeting. H Re-cladding of external walls in breeze block which is to be rendered roughcast white. I \WORD\OE~UNIAWSsa\~Tlsarss401631-WR STOFIlE OFFICE KllBRlDE ROAC WNOON Doc Amlicants Sumortina Information The applicant seeks to formalise and improve their existing office provision through the replacement of the existing temporary buildings with a permanent building to allow for their continued operation. Material Considerations The site is situated within a Local Scenic Area and as such requires to be assessed against the provisions of POL RUR 1 of the Cowal Local Plan. I. LocationaVOperationaI Need The proposal entails the provision of a permanent office within the applicants existing site rather than the continued use of their existing temporary structure. 11. Economic Benefit There may be some economic benefit to the applicant through the permanent provision of an office facility at this location. Ill. Environmental Impact The existing offices are contained within temporary grey portacabins which are situated within the applicants yard. This building is unattractive being grey in colour and of modern appearance and construction and unsuitable for permanent retention. The existing office itself is largely hidden to public view by the presence of other buildings and the topography of the site which means the building is only briefly visible to public view. It is proposed to make the building permanent through the installation of a new breeze block wall on its exterior which is to be rendered roughcast white and the installation of a new pitched roof. The principle of an office for an ancillary use to the operation of the main yard is not in question. The only concern related to the temporary nature of the existing structure which was considered unsuitable for long term retention. This current application addresses these concerns by making the building permanent, aesthetically more attractive and allows for its use on a permanent basis without having an adverse environmental impact upon the landscape setting of the area to its detriment. IV. Effect on Conservation of Natural and Heritage Resources It is not considered that the proposal will have any effect upon natural and heritage resources. V. Sterilisation of Natural Resources The proposal will not adversely affect existing natural resources. VI. Alternative Policies and Proposals Contained in the Local Plan There are no other relevant policies within the local Plan affecting this development, (G ) CONCLUSION The proposal, will result in the replacement of an existing temporary portacbain with a purpose built office with a pitched roof and rendered walls which is to be welcomed and which will give rise to no land use and privacy and amenity concerns. I-IWORD\DBCIUNIAPPS mTi60a6940iai.wfl STORIE OFFICE KILBRIDE RO*O WN(MN.WC (H ) RECOMMENDATION , It is recommended that planning permission be Granted subject to the following conditions and reasons. Head of Development and Building Control "In reaching my assessment on this application, t have had regard to the documents identified in brackets above which are available for public inspection in terms of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985'. Case Officer: D. Jones 01 369-70-8604 Senior Planning P.O'Sullivan 01 369-70-8608 Officer: I:\WORMOBQUNIIIPPS 4a9c,Tlsm68Ror€3l_WRSTORIE OFFICE KllERlDE ROM cvNooN.ooC CONDITIONS AND REASONS RELATIVE TO APPLICATION 98/01631/DET CONDlTlO N S 1. Standard. 2. Prior to the commencement of any works, full details of the proposed roof finish (including 6s Reference number) and sample shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority 3. Prior to the external walls being rendered a 2.00 square
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