PRE-THOUGHT ND NOW THE LIMPID SHADOWS OF TWILIGHT PORTEND THE CLOSE OF DAY. THE TIME HAS COME TO SOUND OUR GENTLE PLEA FOR THIS MOST WORTHY OF CAUSES S THE EVEN­ TUAL ABOLITION OF WAR AND THE SUCCESSION OF WORLD PEACE AND WORLD BROTHERHOOD THROUGH THE SAGACIOUS CHANNELS OF EDUCATION. THUS IT IS THAT ON THE WINGS OF TIME WE SEND OUR MES­ SAGE TO THE YOUTH OF AMERICA IN PARTICULAR S TO THE CITIZENRY OF THE WORLD IN GENERAL. TO THAT YOUTH WE HURL THE CLARION CALL FOR FURTHERANCE OF THESE SAME IDEALS WHICH HAVE PROMPTED THE ANCIENT FIGHT FOR PEACE. OUR EPHEMERAL FLIGHT ACROSS THE EPOCH CARRIES US ON­ WARD S BUT YOUTH REMAINS TO CARRY ON, AND WITH YOUTH LIES THE FUTURE HOPES OF CIVILIZATION. THE FUTURE IS A VIRGIN PAGE, YET UNSULLIED AND UN- SCRATCHED BY THE INDELIBLE STYLUS OF TIME. THE INSCRIPTION UPON THAT PAGE REMAINS IN THE HANDS OF THOSE TO WHOM WE SEND THIS STURDY ADJURATION. AND AS WE SOFTLY TREAD FOR THE LAST TIME ACROSS THE TRANSITORY STAGE AND ENTER THE DARK PORTALS FROM WHICH NO MAN RETURNETH PREJUDICE IS IGNORANCE, AND NATIONAL PREJUDICE IS BUT A DISTORTED MIND'S MISCONCEPTION. THROUGH EDUCATION ALONE MAY THIS STATE OF MIND BE AMENDED AND GENTLY MOLDED UNTIL IT CONFORMS WITH IDEALS AND DREAMS OF THE AMITY OF CIVILIZATION WHICH WE SEEK. NO ONE NATION CAN FOSTER AND CARRY THIS SCHEME UNAIDED. SYMBOLIC OF ITS FRUITS. THE VERY FIGHT FOR PEACE MUST BE FURTHERED THROUGH A SPIRIT OF BROTHERHOOD AND COOPERATION. THE PRESENT GENERATION MUST TRAIN THE ONE WHICH IS TO FOLLOW. OUR MOST VALIANT EFFORTS, HOWEVER PERSISTENT AND REDOLENT WITH ENERGY, WILL NOT END WAR NOW, NOR MAY WE WITH ASSURANCE PERCEIVE THIS ALTRUISTIC STAGE IN THE NEAR FUTURE, BUT HEARTY COOPERATION AND KEEN PERCEPTION, COUPLED WITH THE ADMONITION HEREIN GIVEN, WILL SURELY STRIVE TO HASTEN THE ADVANCE TOWARD THAT CONDITION OF SOCIETY WHEN WE SEE THE VERACITY IN THE PEDAGOGY OF ALL •••MHHi •••ii RELIGION S THAT HAPPINESS IS DEPENDENT UPON THE UNI­ VERSAL BELIEF OF BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. LET YOUR SOCIAL STUDIES CULTIVATE A SENSE OF MEMBERSHIP IN THE WORLD. SO DIRECT YOUR EFFORTS THAT AN INTERNATIONAL HEART WILL BEAT IN CONCORD WITH A WORLD MIND. STUDY AND EMPHASIZE COMMON WORLD INTERESTS, BEARING EVER IN THOUGHT THAT THE STATE OF MIND TRANSCENDS NATIONAL BOUNDARIES. CONCEPTIONS OF NATURE AND PURPOSES OF STATES, AND NATIONAL AND RACIAL PREJUDICES ARE THE GREATEST OBSTACLES TOWARD INTERNATIONAL PEACE. WHAT FOLLY! IDEAS OF SOV­ EREIGNTY OF NATIONS ARE FALLACIOUS. SURELY ONLY THE HAP­ PINESS OF INDIVIDUALS MUST BE CONSIDERED. PATRIOTISM IS BEAUTIFUL, BUT A PATRIOTISM THAT EXALTS THE NATION BY MEANS OF FANATIC DESTRUCTION IS A MALCON- CEPTION AND AN ABORTION OF THE FIRST COMMANDMENTS OF GOD S AND LOYALTY TO GOD ABOVE COUNTRY IS ASSUREDLY PREFERABLE AND DOMINANT. TRUE PATRIOTISM DOES NOT INCLUDE HATRED OF OTHER NATIONS S HUMANITY IS GREATER THAN ANY OF ITS DIVISIONS. THEN CARRY ON, OH YOUTH OF AMERICA S AND JOIN HANDS WITH BROTHERS ACROSS THE SEA S BROTHERS WHOSE HEARTS LIKEWISE BEAT AS YOURS S WHOSE THOUGHTS ARE INHERENTLY THE SAME, WHETHER THEY BE CLOAKED IN MASKS OF COLOR OR RACIAL DIFFERENCES. MAKE YOUR RESEARCH INTO HISTORY S INTO THE HABITS. TRADITIONS, AND PROCLIVITIES OF ALL NATIONS. TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT WAR S ABOUT THE BUTCHERY, THE ELIMINATION OF THE BIOLOGICALLY FIT .... OF THE ECONOMIC CHAOS, DEBTS. STARVATION AND MISERY WHICH FOLLOW IN THE WAKE OF THE RUTHLESS WAR'S MARCH! GLORIFY, THEN, THE HERO OF PEACE S THE PHYSICIAN WHO RISKS OR GIVES HIS LIFE IN SEARCH OF A CURE OF LEPROSY S THE IDEALIST WHO HOLDS FAST TO MINORITY VIEWS TO MAKE WORLD PROGRESS POSSIBLE S THE GENTLE SOUL WHO SPENDS HIS LIFE TO BETTER HUMANITY. -'TIS EDUCATION FORMS THE COMMON MIND; JUST AS THE TWIG IS BENT THE TREE'S INCLINED." THIS IS OUR CHARGE TO YOU, OH YOUTH OF AMERICA! S 7)L ,rL .JQ3J. I Sr 1 ^ ^ w1 y • ^ V ^ V w tEACE on earth, good will to men altruistic, admirable aims oj every clear thinking statesman, dreams of every home lover, unconscious motives behind every advance in civilization—tvill assuredly never become reality as long as the political and economic existence of the world is shadowed by ruthless lords of destruction. High the spires of civilization may rise, but they will never lower in safely until mankind revolts against Ihe devastating quartet of War. Death. Pestilence, and Plague which sweeps grimly through the world. Only through the efforts of world-wide education can any possibility of their subjugation be attained. I V ^ ^ Q3D—V g^ LL j j kr thL^A^bbLd&njt-. CLLAocLcLtLoKL of OJiLcLhoma. CLg iLcuLttLietL andSlUzcliariLccLL CTo LL&c/iL 3tLLLuuLt£A—, OILLLILO met-. ^,-^o^p.— .u^ALj^T. Ll Cja ^h__v h. 93D-. cL^L,t-o ~A ' <-> / iLLA-O-, OAi.La-^. ^^A—.t—r-1—t^e^cL iTd^o tsy^-rieL.cj.h—, ^tze^^ln^e-,iru^-, I ^o t a. n. -S tz^A ^Administration Organizations Qlasses ^Athletics 'Variety CJ IILLLL rrm. e- O^h-e, t is peculiarly in keeping with the theme and art motij of the Redskin of 1932 that this book should be dedicated to a man whose ideals and precepts have been directed along lines of progress for many years. Such a man is Dr. William Fenn DeMoss, to whom the Redskin of 1932 is sincerely dedicated. Words seem hollow and trivial compared to the greatness of the man. Dr. DeMoss is great. Any man who consistently strives towards a betterment of this world in which we live, and who accomplishes in any measure a portion of his ul­ timate aim, must necessarily be great. His reasoning is sound, and his heart is pure. In days of educational turmoil such as these, when ancient precepts and sturdy theories of pedagogy are being ruthlessly overturned in the path of so-called reform­ atory measures, it is refreshing to encounter a man who can keep apace with progress, yea, even through far-sighted visions and piercing ideas, peer ahead, and still keep a firm hold upon the more solid doctrines of caution and sensible reasoning. This is a cynical age through which we are passing. We are prone, in our apparent desire to decry the old in search of the new, to overlook the hidden jewels and unseen flowers which should enrichen each life, were they given the chance. That is why it is all the more striking to find a man in our midst who has the vivid vision and cultured mind to point out the more redolent features of life, the noble, the rich, the beautiful. We need not argue that DeMoss is brilliant. One has but to turn back the pages of Time, through the dusty tomes of yesteryear, and see the record which the man has given to his contemporaries and to posterity. It is one singularly unpar­ alleled in these days-- a record to be marveled at, a mute story of the man and his work. DeMoss has faith in his fellow man. Petty foibles and illusory gleams are cast aside in the wake of his earnest, intellectual, sensible teaching. And his fellow men have faith in Dr. DeMoss. Bearing these thoughts in mind, then, it is only fitting that this, the Yearbook symbolic of progress, of sincerity, and of peace, should be dedicated to such a man. Therefore, with deepest respect, to Dr. William Fenn DeMoss - - this book. CO i? if J^'''-^ glorification of achievement along lines of progress transcends the ^•s^s brilliant but sporadic glamour of the battlefield when elf oris and results are recognized and rewarded in a filling manner when accomplishments in science, literature, history, economics, social sciences, and physical education are awarded proper recognition then, and then only, will the first successful step toward War's destruction be made. Uf^sO 'rom savagery and uncouth depths man has gradually arisen through the ages, casting aside by degrees the curtains of barbarity which have shrouded and retarded his advancement. The process has been slow and painstaking, and it has not been without its bitter disappointments and its trials. Yet man, through sheer force of character, guided by an innate sense of self- protection and a betterment of surroundings, has surmounted the various obstacles which have confronted him. The millenium is not yet - - the pinnacle still eludes the grasp of mankind. As long as civilization's advances are thwarted by the most relentless of all foes - - the grim spectre of War- -just so long will this world fail to achieve its un­ conscious aim--the betterment of self, of neighbor, of mankind. Only through cultivation of the mind, through education of the masses, may eventual world peace be attained- - but it may surely be attained by this method. Eventual world peace! A dream, yes--but as men dream, so they achieve. [ROUND the Peace Palace ai Ihe Hague revolve and oscillate modern moves for permanent pence and good will anion" nations. Already the World Court of Arbitration has made commendable progress toward a better understanding of international affairs and has paved Ihe way for unification of peace-building efforts. It has become the hub of peace a sturdy concrete monument to this most admirable of all movements. O LONGER must future rulers of the world be trained in the arts of war, the science of annihilation, or the technique of leading armed forces against brotherhood. They will be trained in the fortifying virtues of peace engineering, science, architecture, agriculture, business, and all the many oilier sciences for Un­ building of nations rather than in the forces which seek to destroy.
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