49714 7 54 2 Abangan Industrial Group

49714 7 54 2 Abangan Industrial Group

The 15th Tehran Int,l. Industry Exhibition T.I.I.E 2015- 5 to 8 October 2015 Hall Booth Row Company Name Activity Phone Address Website No No 1 1st E-Commerce CRM (021)49714 7 54 Manufacturing steel billet - West Unit 2, No.75, Sattari Blvd, Open 2 Abangan industrial group Industrial and constructional -Steel (021)88200099 www.abangangroup.com Alman Africa(Jordan) St, Tehran, Iran Area bars Sq. Number 10, Mokhberi St., Ashrafi 3 Abnoos Palayesh Water treatment Systems (021)44477967-8 www.abnoos-p.com 27 29 Esfahani Highway, Tehran - Iran No.2, Golbon Sevom Gharbi, Fath Abzar Hava Pishe Gan Asia Vacuum Pump, Air Blower, www.asiavacuumpumps.c 4 (021)66791775 11, Fath Highway, Saeedi St., 40B 11 (Asia Vacuum) Compressor, Centrifuges om Azadi Sq., Tehran- Iran 5 Abzar Melli Services (051)37295708 7 12 Fiber Optic Lasers Marking & Unit 8, 4th Floor, No. 5, 3rd Acsid Maad Engineering Group Cutting, Laser welding Systems, 3D 6 (021)66593505 Kosar St, Sattarkhan Ave., Tohid www.acsid.ir 40A 30 Co. printers & Advanced industrial Sq., Tehran, Iran machines No.2, 5th Khoramdasht St., Sheet Metal, Laser cut, Punch press Siahsang Ave., Khoramdsht 7 Afra (021)76212468 31A 47 tooling Industrial Zone, Abali Rd., Tehran- Iran No. 287, Between Third and Fourth Avenue, Siyah Sang St 8 Afraz Sanat Tehran Seller of CNC Punch (021)76215104 31A 7 Khoramdasht Industrial Town, Tehran, Iran No. 17, Dastgheib Ave, West 9 Agradad Industrial Automatic Door (021)44588684 Shahed Blvd., Tehransar, Tehran, www.agradad.com 27 7 Iran Open North 10 Ahmad Asia (021)55488993-4 Area 38 No. 25, 62, Imam Reza St, 11 Air Pump Mashad Air pump 09155022899 35 29 Mashad, Iran No. 503, Gardon tower, Design and produce Extrusion mold 12 Alom Tarh Pasargad Co., (021)66383027-8 Azarbayjan St, Navvab St, www.atpasargad.com 41B 17 Aluminium and profile Tehran, Iran type of ladder industrial and house Morghak st., After Tavouseyeh, Open South 13 Alum Pars Pelleh (026)44386192-4 www.alomparspelleh.com and sliding Old Karaj Rd., Hashtgerd, Iran Area 31 Manufacturer of Welding 64th St, 17th Km of Karaj Special 14 Ama Industrial Co. (021)44983935-44 www.ama-co.com 31B 19 Consumables Road, Tehran, Iran Amade Sazan Sotoh Vazin Unit 7, No.91, Jalale Ale Ahmad 15 sand blast (021)88271497 www.jetblast.ir 40B 24 Parsian Ave,Tehran,Iran Unit 10, Floor 4, No. 36, 16 Amin Ideh Iranian Saama System Software (021)44015681 Eatemadian St, Second Sq www.saamasystem.com 27 27 Sadeghiyeh, Tehran, Iran (021)33112374 No174, nazemol Ateba St, Amir 17 ANA PLUMMER BLOCK Plummer block hosing 7 4 (021)33119607 kabir Ave, Tehran, Iran Unit8, 3rd Floor, No. 142, Consulting & Product, Supplying (021)88313751 18 Arad Machine Eng. Co. Motahari Ave., (Before www.aradmachineco.com 41B 55 industrial machines, Production lines (021)88313796 Sohrevardi st.), Tehran, Iran. No. 23, Golshid 7, Nakhlestan Arad SCIENCE & Vision Inspection Machine & 19 (021)56234121 Blvd, Shamsabad Industrial Zone, www.aradst.com 27 18 TECHNIQUE Co System Tehran, Iran No.179, Ground Floor, Qaem 20 Arafan Naein Company Hydraulic gear pump and accessories (031)46257082-4 Trade Bldg., Qazvin Ave., Tehran- 27 35 Iran Kind of Cust Iron & steel die sets, 18th Km of Zanjan-Tehran Road, 21 ARAS ZANJAN Plastic injection Moulds, Cast Iron (024)32462163 www.araszanjan.com 41B 24 Aras Zanjan factory, Zanjan, Iran. Flanges,... Manufacturer of ballast for (021)88790147 2nd East Floor, No. 297, Vahid 22 Arash Trans flourscent and lamps, electronic www.arashtrans.com 31A 38 (021)88793030 Dastgerdi St, Tehran, Iran. ballast, transformer core Hall Booth Row Company Name Activity Phone Address Website No No No. 49, Corner Seven St, West Laser Cutting, Produce Metalic Set Twenty Ave, Khoramdasht 23 Arena Laser (021)76218145-6 41B 53 or Collection Industrial Estate, Abali Road, Tehran, Iran Consulting Eng. & Inspection Co. - Unit 2,5, No. 26, 4th St, North Open South 24 Aria Azmoon Sanat Welding engineering and NDT (021)88335864-7 www.aas-co.ir Karegar(Amirabad) - Tehran, Iran Area Pool services Manufacturer of cooling tower, Unit 7, No.2, Golriz St, Ghaem 25 Aria Beniz Cooling tower spares, industrial (021)88349308 Magham Farahani Ave.,Tehran, www.beniz.ir 27 36 gearbox Iran Designing and Making Type of Floor 2, No. 10, Bahar Alley, 26 Aria Garmkon Sanat Flexible Heater for Heating Drum, (021)22988174 Azarparand St, Reza Farshadi St, www.ags-co.ir 6 28 Piping Line and tank Lavizan, Tehran - Iran No. 9, Niro sanat passage, 27 Arian Plimer Persia (021)33982180 Booshehri st, South sa'adi Ave, www.arianpolimer.com 6 3 Tehran, Iran No.30, West side way 2, Ident marking & engraving Machine 28 Arian Sanat Hak Gostar (026)36107388 Sarvestan St., 27th km of Karaj www.ariansanat.com 31A 23 manufacturer Makhsous Rd., Tehran- Iran No.515, Abgineh Bldg., Gooya 29 Arian Tarrah (Saela) Laser Cutting (041)33352611-15 Alley, Beheshti Cross, Imam www.saelalaser.ir 7 41 Khomeini St., Tabriz- Iran Grader - lift truck - Electric vehicles 3rd floor, No. 128, Azadi st, Open West 30 Arian Yasan Mahan Co. (021)66929099 www.aym.co.ir and motor bicycle - Pallet jack Tehran, Iran Area Area 5 Electromechanical Linear Actuators, No. 86, Noavari 8 St., Pardis 31 Ariana Modern Industry Co. Cartesian Robots, Linear motion (021)76251044 Technology Park, Damavand Rd., www.ami.co.ir 41B 33 units Tehran, Iran Unit 5, No35, Jamal St., Kheradmand South St., Karim 32 ARPA Management Information System (021)88317622 www.arpaco.ir 27 1 khan Ave., Haft tir Sq, Tehran - Iran Shahrake Sanati, Miandoab, 33 Arsal Goldasht Sprocket (044)45357283 www.arsal.ir 31A 8 Tabriz, Iran 4th Floor, No. 27, Mokhberi Ave, Arta Negah-e-No Iranian 34 (021)44487896 Ashrafi Isfahani Highway, Tehran, www.parsianelites.com 41B 10 Institute Iran Manufacturer of Steam Boiler, Oil Unit 7, Bldg. #2, No. 59, 15 West Boiler, Hot water Boiler, Auto (021)44446581 Open 35 Arvin Bokhar Heating Industries Shaghayegh, North Sattari www.arvinbokhar.ir Green clave, Shell & Tube, Pressure (021)44432188 Area highway,Tehran- Iran Hill Vessels Unit 25, 7th floor, No.69, 107 Fin tube for aircoolers - Aluminium (021)44080995 36 Arvintav Ghete bldg, Kashani Blvd., Sadeghieh www.arvintav.com 7 6 profile (021)44081775 Second Sq., Tehran, Iran Unit 6, Block 2, No.133, 37 Arya Mehvar Drive shafts (021)654635300-3 35 5 Mirdamad Blvd, Tehran, Iran No. 170, Eyvanekey industrial Lathe - CNC milling machine - 38 ARYAN SANAT (021)22232798 zone, Imam Reza Ave, Tehran- www.arstco.com 6 12 Machine tools Iran No.22, West 13 Aban St., 2nd South Senobar Alley, Abolghasem Manufacturer of Various Industrial Open 39 Asia Bordj (021)22064967-8 Blvd., Ahmadabad mostofi, www.asiaborj.com East 35 Lifts Area Highway Azadegan, 10th Km of Karaj Rd, Tehran, Iran Pumps, Screw Pumps, Viscose Shahnameh Sq, Toos Blvd, Open South 40 ASIA Mono Pumps (051)35424099 www.monopumpasia.com Media Pumps Mashhad, Iran Area Area 5 ASIA NAMA CNG Cylinders No. 97, Iranshahr Ave, Tehran 41 CNG cylinders (021)88827752 www.namacng.ir 27 45 Mfg. 1518673115, Iran No. 75, 9th, 102th St, Rock Wool, Slay Wool, Thermal 42 Asia Rock Wool (031)42290175-8 Montazeriyyeh Industrial Zone, www.asiaslaywool.ir 40B 38 Insulation, Sound Proof Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran Hall Booth Row Company Name Activity Phone Address Website No No Unit 6, No. 1, Gol Alley, Northern 43 Asre Sanat Eshragh Aluminium Sheets and Profiles (021)22981098 Makran St, Vafamanesh St, www.asecoltd.com 27 33 Heravy Sq, Tehran, Iran Association of Industrial Syndicalism Service Providing in the No. 43, West Sarv St, Sarv Sq, 44 (021)22137501 www.aiaciran.org 27 16 Automation Company Realm of Industrial Automation SaadatAbad, Tehran, Iran No. 11, 6th Golshid, Nakhlestan Ovens and Furnaces - Heat Open 45 ATRA Co. (021)56231142-44 Blv, Shamsabad Industrial City, www.atra.ir East 7 Treatment Lines Area Tehran, Iran (041)36306774 24th Km of Tabriz Rd., Tabriz , 46 Atrotech Compressors & Equipment www.atrotechco.com 35 31 (041)36307051 Iran No.404, Delgosha St., Abbasabad 47 Avang Nava (021)36423818 Industrial Zone, Khavaran Rd., 35 15 Tehran- Iran Unit 16, No.3, East Baghcheh Design, Construction & Operation 48 Avijeh Palayesh (021)44465645-7 Pounak St., Ashrafi Esfahani Exp., www.apcotec.ir 27 30 of water treatment,... Tehran- Iran Unit 15, 8th Floor, Venus Tower, 49 AVRIN ELECTRIC Welding and Cutting Machines (021)88041631 www.avrinelectric.com 31A 31 Mollasadra Ave, Tehran,Iran. No.4, At the Corner of Amin Production of Automotive Starter 50 Azar Battery Urmia (021)66084229-32 Alley, Mohammad Ali Janah www.azarbattery.com 41B 57 Batteries Highway, Azadi Sq, Tehran- Iran Industrial vacuum cleaner, Floor Azar Jaroo Ind. and (021)66729371 No. 914, 9th Floor,Aluminum 51 polisher, scrubber, shoe polishing www.anaclean.com 40A 1 Manufacturing Co. (021)66712979 Bldg., Jomhouri St., Tehran, Iran machine Unit. 13, Floor 5, No. 26, third 52 Azar Joosh Welding Electrodes (044)32723283 www.azarjoosh-co.com 31B 4 Alley, Vozara St, Tehran, Iran Unit 4, No. 6, Bldg No. 110, Open North 53 Azarbayjan Machine Tools CNC Machine Tools (021)44460483 Nategh Nouri St, Ashrafi Isfahani www.machineafzar.com Area 31 Highway, Tehran, Iran BADRANAN Compressor 30m 1st West, Rajaei Industrial 54 Air Compressor and Accessories (041)34213986 www.badranan.com 41B 25/1 Tabriz Zone, Tabriz, Iran Nytrogen and Oxygen Compressor - Unit 7, 3rd Floor, No. 218, East 55 Badsan sanat Parsian (021)22225656 40B 22 Air Compressor Zafar St, Tehran, Iran (021)55244411-2 Open 56 Baghdasarian Machinery Group Guillotine shearing machine East 7 (021)88462109 Area No. 64, 1st Aban Street, Aban Aluminum extrusion, Billet Casting, 57 Bahman Profile (021)56231404-5 Ave., Shamsabad Industrial Town, www.bahmanprofile.com 7 53 Powder Coating, Anodizing Tehran - Qom Road, Iran 58 Bahrevar Machine Alborz (028)32246285-6 www.bahrevar.com 6 39 Pallet Trucks - Stackers - Reach No.

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