INDEX ager publicus 19, 21, 116–17, 119 Cicero 19n9, 21–23, 24n34, 26, 37, 116n34 aedile 39, 61, 70 Claudius Atticus Herodes, Tiberius 170 Aelius Aristides 126n2, 133 Claudius Dinippus, Tiberius 43, 48 Aelius Aristophanes 131, 190 Claudius (emperor) 52n68, 207, 208 Agia Sophia 149, 162 client See patronage agonothesia 42, 52 coins 26–27 Agrippa Postumus See Villa Corinthian 85, 87, 95, 100, 150 amphoras 19n11, 26–31, 159 See also Julius Caesar Amphitrite 171 collegia 141n90 Ananke (deity) 196–97 colonists 28–29, 36–37, 38n1, 40n12, 111, Antioch 28 117–20, 124, 189. See also Julius Caesar Antonius Aristocrates 42–43, 46, 50, 51n65 Constantinople 108n15, 144, 149, 150n22, Antonius Hipparchus 46, 50 161–64 Antonius, Marcus 130 Corinth, areas Antonius Theophilus 46, 49, 50–51 Acrocorinth 86, 146n6, 171, 187, 189–90, Apamea 134 201–2 Aphrodisias 95n60, 100, 174, 177 Anaploga 27, 28n56 Apollo temples 126n16, 129n16 Corinthian Gulf 28, 29, 42, 128, 130, at Corinth See Corinth, monuments, 132, 137 Temple Hill East of Theater 77n10, 79, 88–90, 92 at Delphi 65, 67–70 Gymnasium 189 Aquileia 118, 134n45 Isthmus 27n51, 28–29, 86, 104, 116, Aristotle 56, 135, 136n57, 136n61 118–19, 120n43, 126–33, 136, 138–39, Athens 18, 29n59, 30, 33, 34 n74, 39, 154, 156–57, 162, 164, 188. See also 44n35, 79n17, 130, 134–36, 140n86, Isthmia 147n12, 157, 168n5, 170, 179n55, 188, 190, Kraneion district 138n75, 149, 171, 198, 214n39 172n26, 187, 188n3. See also Corinth, Aulus Gellius 53, 71 monuments Panayia Field 18, 28n56, 30–33, 77, Babbius Philinus 39–40, 43, 45n37, 50, 61. 81–84, 88, 90, 92–99, 124, 148–49, 156, See also Corinth, monuments 181 basilica See Corinth, monuments Saronic Gulf 132, 137 benefaction 39, 42–43, 61, 168n7, 170–71, Temple Hill 43n25, 146n6, 189. See also 175–76, 180–83, 204, 206, 217–19, 222, 224 Apollo Boeotia 107–13, 124. See also taxes Corinth, monuments farmers 110, 124 Asklepieion 189, 190n14 boule 167, 170, 172, 174n40, 176, 179, Archaic Temple 87, 100 181–82, 210, 211n28, 224–26 Augustales 61 Briareus 85–86 Babbius Monument 39. See also Babbius Philinus Caelius Sabinus 71 Byzantine wall 167–68, 180 Campania 74, 78–79, 81, 84, 89, 92 Columned Hall 25 Canons of Elvira 239, 242, 244 Demeter and Kore, Sanctuary of 187, Carthage 21–25, 38n1, 134n45 189–97, 199–202. See also Demeter; Castricius Regulus 43, 51 Kore Christianity 227, 238n34, 239–40 Forum 25–31, 39, 61, 85, 95, 97–98, 117, in Corinth 147, 156, 204n6, 232 167–68, 170, 190, 204 See also Paul; basilica Fountain of Poseidon 39, 61 268 index Fountain of the Lamps 77n10, 189 ekklēsia, Corinth 55, 59, 61n37, 62, 64, Glauke Fountain 87 72–73, 230–31. See also Christianity; Hexamilion Wall 153–56, 160 Paul Julian Basilica 77n10, 117 emporion 61n30, 119n42, 120, 126–27, Kraneion Basilica 151–53 133–36, 138–41 Lechaion Basilica 148–51, 153–54, 156, Ephesos 28, 30n62, 66, 88, 98, 100, 135, 159, 163, 165 163, 174 Lechaion Road 27 Epiros 144, 147 North Stoa 25 Eupher 196–97 Nymphaion 150 Odeion 170, 183, 187 Fates (deity) 190, 196–97, 200–201 Painted Tomb 77n10 Freedpersons 40, 45, 47, 52–66, 72–73 Peirene Fountain 25, 77, 85–87, 90, Freedmen 36–41, 43–53, 56n7, 57, 167–68, 171–76, 178, 180–83 60–61, 63, 67, 85, 123, 221 South Basilica 95–96 Freedwomen 57–58, 67, 69 Southeast Building 77n10, 85–87 See also manumission; slavery; slaves South Stoa 25–27, 30, 33–35 77–78, 85, 117, 169n8 Galatians, Epistle 63, 72. See also Paul Temple D 168n5 Gaul 75, 81, 84, 89, 100, 177 Temple E 168n5 Ge (deity) 197 Temple of Apollo 25, 67–70, 189. See Greek magical papyri 194. See also magic also Apollo; Corinth areas, Temple Hill Heius Pamphilus 44n35, 47, 51 Theater 25n45, 27, 77 Helios 86 Corinthia 18, 37, 104, 127–29, 133, 138, Hermes 196–97 143–45, 146, 147, 150n22, 153–56, 159, 162, Herodes Atticus 166–67, 168n7, 169–73, 164–65, 169–71 175–76, 178–83. See also Regilla Tertulla Corinthians, First Epistle 54–57, 59–66, Hispania 81, 84, 100 71–73, 126n3, 133, 227–28, 230–39, 241, 243–44. See also Paul incolae 119 Crinagoras 40, 60 inequality 1–3, 18, 120–23, 127, 139, 144, curse tablet 188–89, 193–94, 196–99, 201. 165–66, 183, 203, 208–9, 222–23 See also magic Insteius Tectus 43n25, 45 Cyprian 238 Isocrates 134n46, 135 Isthmia 18n4, 78n11, 136n65, 161–62, 171 Deigma 136 Games 19, 42, 52, 87, 222 Delos 18n5, 29n59, 33, 34n71, 44n29, 66, 76, 78, 79n17, 134n46, 135 Jerome 238n29, 239, 241–42, 244 Delphi 49, 58, 65–70, 78n13 John Chrysostom 64, 133, 238n29 Demeter 189–90, 199 Julius Caesar 24n38, 46n44 Sanctuary of, in Corinth See Corinth, coins 87n36 monuments colonization 45n37, 45n39, 45n40, Sanctuary of, in Knidos 201 48–49, 51n63, 60, 61n31, 104, 117 Thesmophoria 190, 197, 201 Junia Theodora 203–226. See also Lycia demos 210, 224–26 Justinian (emperor) 143–51 devotio 21–23 building projects 148, 150, 153–57, deities See Amphitrite; Ananke; Apollo; 159–63 Corinth, monuments; Demeter; Fates; See also law, Digest Helios; Hermes; Isthmia, games; Kore; Juvenal 58, 136 magic; Terror; Tyche; Victory Dio Chrysostom 135 Kalymna 69–70, 73 diolkos 120, 126–29, 131–33 Karpime Babbia 196–98. See also curse duovir 39, 42–43, 44n35, 46–47, 49, 51, 61 tablet.
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