H6918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 8, 2020 it to meet the challenges of the next b 1215 HONORING COACH NICK GIEBER century. Representative HURD’s work BIDDING FAREWELL TO SETH (Mr. WATKINS asked and was given will not be forgotten, and I will miss KLAIMAN permission to address the House for 1 him dearly. (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) f permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. WATKINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Kansas Middle School HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE marks.) Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise wrestling coach Nick Gieber. To be OF MARC LEE today to bid farewell to a vital member clear, he is not dead. He is way too (Mr. BABIN asked and was given per- of my team and my right-hand man in tough for that. mission to address the House for 1 Rhode Island for the last 7 years. Seth For decades, Coach Gieber would minute.) Klaiman joined my staff as district di- transform boys into men through wres- Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, ‘‘I have felt rector and then my Rhode Island chief tling practices that were so hard we fear at some of the things I have seen of staff after working for several cycles thought that death was an option. But here. I have seen amazing things and I on my reelection campaign. The people it wasn’t just developing us mentally have seen sad things, but being in Iraq of Rhode Island’s Second District could and physically, he also developed a makes me realize what a great country not have asked for a more dedicated sense of camaraderie, rapport, integ- we have.’’ public servant. rity, and honor. He would say, ‘‘You These are the words of Navy SEAL Seth worked nonstop, and he em- never know, boys. Today could be the Marc Lee in his last letter home before bodied the phrase ‘‘underpromise and most beautiful day in the world.’’ making the ultimate sacrifice for our overdeliver.’’ His organizational skills Coach Gieber, from the floor of the country in Ramadi, Iraq. are unparalleled, and he was instru- United States House of Representa- My son, Leif, served with Marc on mental in helping me manage my most tives, thank you. And you never know, SEAL Team 3 and was with him during valuable resource, my time, on behalf today could be the most beautiful day his final act of honor. By all accounts, of the people of Rhode Island. in the world. faith, courage, and determination were Seth is leaving to serve as chief of f staff to our State Treasurer, Seth Mag- Marc’s guiding principles. They carried NATIONAL BORINQUENEERS DAY him throughout his valiant career. aziner. It is a terrific opportunity for ´ ´ Thanks to Marc and many men like him to continue to serve the Ocean (Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto him, good continues to triumph over State. And while I am sad to see him Rico asked and was given permission to go, I wish him the very best of luck in evil. In their violent wake, they leave address the House for 1 minute and to his new role. revise and extend her remarks.) behind humility, love, and selflessness, To Seth, his wife, Ann, and their new ´ ´ reminding me of John 3:13: Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto son, Sebastian, I offer my sincerest Rico. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sup- Greater love hath no man than this, that a thanks for your years making me look man lay down his life for his friends. port of the NDAA. good and all the work you have done on This bill includes an amendment I in- behalf of the people of Rhode Island. I f troduced, along with Representative often say that we are only as good as MURPHY and Senator RICK SCOTT, to the people around us, and I am lucky honor the 65th Infantry Regiment, also HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE to have had a decade spent with you. OF MARC LEE known as the Borinqueneers, by desig- f nating April 13 as National (Ms. CHENEY asked and was given Borinqueneers Day. permission to address the House for 1 HONORING THE LIFE OF FREDERICK ‘‘PAL’’ BARGER, JR. On April 13, 2016, Congress awarded minute and to revise and extend her re- the Congressional Gold Medal to these (Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee marks.) patriots for their numerous contribu- asked and was given permission to ad- Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, today the tions to American history and their House will consider H.R. 6016, desig- dress the House for 1 minute.) Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. outstanding military service from nating the United States Postal Serv- World War I through the recent con- ice facility in Arizona as the Marc Lee Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of a giant in northeast Tennessee and flicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Memorial Post Office Building. This is This bill also authorizes $37 million my friend, Frederick ‘‘Pal’’ Barger, Jr., a fitting honor and tribute to Petty Of- in military construction funding for ficer 2nd Class Marc Alan Lee for his who passed away recently at the age of 90. the National Guard Readiness Center heroic actions during Operation Iraqi in Puerto Rico. It also includes the Freedom. Pal’s impact on our community was tremendous. Pal is best known for Coast Guard Reauthorization Act, On August 2, 2006, while on patrol in which incorporates my amendment re- Ramadi, Marc Lee fearlessly exposed Pal’s Sudden Service, a drive-through restaurant with rapid service, great quiring the Coast Guard Academy Mi- himself to direct enemy fire in order to food, and affordable prices. nority Outreach Team program to in- protect the lives of his teammates. He In 2001, Pal’s became the first res- clude officers from the U.S. territories, gave his life for his brothers and for taurant to receive the Malcolm and requiring the Academy’s diversity our freedom. Baldrige National Quality Award, the report to include information on the ef- He was posthumously awarded the Nation’s highest Presidential honor for fectiveness of outreach and recruit- Silver Star for his actions that day. In performance excellence. Pal is one of ment efforts for the territories as well. the words of Jocko Willink, com- northeast Tennessee’s best success sto- f mander of Task Unit Bruiser, Marc’s ries. JOSEPH RAINEY: 150 YEARS unit in Iraq, Marc was ‘‘one of those Pal’s commitment to excellence rare men, those true heroes, the ones didn’t stop at the drive-through win- (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina who rose above the rest of us to sym- dow. He received recognition through- asked and was given permission to ad- bolize courage and faith and selfless- out his life for his kindness, gen- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- ness and love.’’ erosity, and unwavering dedication to vise and extend his remarks.) As we honor Marc Lee today, let us help our region prosper. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. all recommit ourselves to cherishing I am especially grateful for Pal’s con- Speaker, this Saturday, America recog- the freedom for which he died and to tributions to his alma mater, East Ten- nizes 150 years since Joseph Rainey, living lives worthy of the sacrifice of nessee State University, which have the first African American to serve in all our men and women who have given greatly impacted so many of our re- the U.S. House of Representatives, their lives for our liberty. gion’s current and future leaders. took office. God bless Marc and his family, and Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to recog- I am grateful for South Carolinian God bless the United States of Amer- nize the life of Pal Barger for his tre- Joseph Rainey, a Republican, a cham- ica. mendous impact on our community. pion of civil rights, for breaking VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:05 Dec 09, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08DE7.019 H08DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE December 8, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6919 ground for so many African Americans This good bill has been hijacked by arguing about, and they are very im- who followed in his footsteps. the forever war lobby and their bought- portant, passionate issues. But lost in Last week, it was announced there and-paid-for allies in the United States that sometimes is the basic substance will be a House exhibition entitled, Congress. It puts barriers in the way of of what we do in the defense policy bill, ‘‘Joseph Rainey: 150 Years.’’ The exhi- an administration that wants to bring and that is, we exercise our legislative bition shares Rainey’s impact from the our troops home and put America first. authority to do oversight of the Pen- 1870s through the 1970s. The power and This legislation has become too tagon and national security policy. importance of voting rights are at the swampy. It does good things to ensure And on that measure, this year’s bill heart of the exhibition, which tells this that America can vanquish any foe on is an incredibly important piece of leg- tumultuous history through objects, the battlefield, but we should only islation. To begin with, we address the images, documents, and words of Afri- fight when that fight is just and prop- issue of diversity within the military.
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