Audited Project Financial Statements Project Number: 49021-002 and 49021-004 Loan Number: 3613 and 3827 Period covered: 1 January 2020 –31 December 2020 Part 2 People’s Republic of China: Heilongjiang Green Urban and Economic Revitalization Project Prepared by Heilongjiang Provincial Government For the Asian Development Bank Date accepted by ADB: 23 July 2021 The audited project financial statements are documents owned by the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff. These documents are made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Access to Information Policy and as agreed between ADB and the Heilongjiang Provincial Government. 3.~~tlt".illdm IR fl{Jitliilii!iHifi L;J,& cp ,J,1e.illd11:tiffi: Key infrastructure and small- and medium-sized enterprises - - - - - facilities in non-coal industrial parks in project citfos - - - constructed 3.1 ~~ itoC/i, ~~ti~~ , j!gj~~Hsziildm -~i111li9: nfU□ ¥JJ.JiJ~rp 11':Jbfr.Jtt.f~nfff Hegang industrial park (green - - - - food , green energy, and high-tech)- infrastructure and - - - - multifunctional SME support facilities 3.2 2'"~t!!.i';':;W~:fi m~'i5":t,H-t&~-rifli*I~lm- ~11<1 Hegang Luobei County industrial park (high-tech - - - - - graphite-based materials and e-mobility)- WWTP and - - - treated wastewater reuse pipe 4.t11),iUf *l;f .tJlll}jll)o]f1~U ~Jf±;'H;tif"- Remediation and environmental cleanup from mining impacts in project - - - - - - - - cities improved 4.1 ~.;li;:ff:i;tf1j:!r/H11Lld~!! Remediation of open pit - - - - - - - mine and wasterock dumpsite - 5.ti~ ~-9£.m ).k.1illli9:~lU~ %- Integrated urban - - - - - - infrastructure and services in project cities improved - - 1 5.1 t~15tnJillifrJ.fil, 1n><:f1t~& J::0cJt ':!'i· c5g_1q, ,Hr fil~~, i~.31:%1, ,J,t~ftjiiJ) Integrated river rehabilitation and cleanup from mining and ecosystems-based adaption 15,061 ,983.46 - - - - 15,061,983.46 - - (Shilou River, Qianjin Creek, 1-leli River, and Xiaohcli River) 5.2 !t'tl ~~1t.\'~~fi~~W:~ District heating system - - energy efficiency improvements - - - - - - 5.3 ill~ft~r:&J.iI. z~:st,¥1Jt§Hr)lilll]HJci'.ll i!f Road 160,319.769.45 - 160,319,769.45 rehabilitation, public transport, and NMT improvements - - - - - 6.,tiJ.'2.-l0~Hi'.?h interest and commitment charges 4,692,856.28 - - - - 4,692,856.28 - - 7.-.ftf"('Si:'BJ)l Land acquisition and resettlement - - - - - - - - 8.i.51:i!, %ff¥,f□ i,ffi5 Design, monitoring, and evaluation 13,909,744.00 - - - - 13,909,744.00 - - 9.~ ~'Bimi~ Contingencies - - - - - - - - I O.Jt{t!!. Other 683.069.55 - - - - 683,069.55 - - =-~® Jixi 38,618,076.91 - - - - 38,618,076.91 - - 1.1'>%:H im~,f ~~jJ , t&~~~r~ R ~t1J~~-rllCapacity for business development services and integrated project - - - - - - - - planning and management developed 15 1.1 ~ § 3kof!Hi/Dt~~itilJJIH~-Consulting services for project management and implementation support and 530,83 1.70 . 530,83 1.70 . capacity development and training 1.2 Business development services cp +::&~l.l(illi *Jf:&:JJR * - . capacity development to SMEs consulting services 1.3 :$'l-f$ftl\'.::frlU~%i.~1URR* External resettlement and social monitoring and external environment monitoring . - services 1.4 . - . - - 1.5 J9i § ~htHJJ}tJl::si:f.f ~iliJRi* Project implementation 191.967.29 - . 191 ,967.29 - - startup consultant support - 1 2. rUrsHf '111 '1 ,J,::&~l.ldi~fO!M 18i *ill Sustainable small- and medium-sized enterprises investment and access to - - - . - . - finance in project cities improved 2.1 - -- - - - - - Jf- 3.Ul i51::0! H JJoctli iltill ➔ l':tJt!:,,',,:~JHtlli (l<J~~¥7itll ~5!:D1!.i#I Key infrastructure and small- and medium-sized Uc - - - - - - - enterprises facili ties in non-coal industrial parks in project - cities constructed 3. 1 x~ it1Hrr 111r z ,•,1it4t:1z111:i.ur -g-~.,J-ll & rt!.-=r il'Fr ~ c~im -ill~¥Ml iQnfil.& ~1, ,J, -ft~::si:t,h)!:h'fil Hengshan District - - - - - - - industrial parJ... (high-tech graphite-based materials and - e-mobility) road infrastructure and SME support facilities 3.2 .x!'/im!K [~v. lzr.l!Z~1.l<:'ltJ111.&tl~f1JU,Hll:&nfil Jiguan District industrial park (non-coal SMEs)-WWTP and - - - - . - . - sewer pipes 4.il~Jf%~.t.(tf;!;a[ii]f~1'2: ~lf:f:fWJ l!R Remediation and Environmental Cleanup from Mining Impacts in Project . - - - - - - Cities Improved 14. I lif:fi LU;~ !I: : ,J-iffi tlJ i'" IR Hengshan District waste rock - dumpsite remediation -- - - - - - 5J*-@-~rn 1J;~W·i&D1!.i.&JJli* Integrated Urban - - - Infrastructure and Services in Project Cities Improved - - -- - 5 . I ffi tlJ 1K ~ ft jiiJ ijtfrl ~ .& "E ~ i& li <tt 1i1l t4ll , 31: 5f- ~ , '.µi~iiiJ) Hengshan District integrated rivers and lake rehabilitation and ecosystems-based adaptation (Hongqi - - -- - - - - cLake, Anle Creek, and Huangni River) 16 5.2 •tg LlJ IK.@f:t IK~Htlli5!:nffi£1Jr , ~ ~Rfl~cj:i ,C,,f-00~ .¼fi.lrc&iil Hengshan District urban regeneration, - - - - - - - - community facilities, and public space improvement 5.3 ffiw IR'.lti~H!i~rL5(ffi: Hengshan District roads 1,926, 116.00 - - - - 1,926,1 16.00 - - improvement 5.4 :tJ&iiHMlEdiHtlli5l:Mi cf3bJ<. 'm'rxxJ, 1~lklf:m 1.l<®Jlt& tl~lil!:) Jixi urban infrastructure-water supply pipes, - - - - - - - - wastewater collection, and drainage 5.5 xtiflir!i?:i1.=.J}(r:1l~i:&~ Jixi City No. 3 water - - - - - treatment plant upgrading and expansion - - - 6 . .fiJ,~.lf);~inW interest and commitment charges 3,421,266.1 8 - - - - 3,421,266.18 - - 7.lt ~3i:fl mLand acquisition and resettlement 9,416,957.50 - - - - 9,416,957.50 - - 8. i.5ht, 11ii.fHUWfr1i Design, monitoring, and evaluation 2 1,635,371.48 - - - - 2 1,635,371.48 - - 9.:fiiJffiJe.m Contingencies - - - - - - - - I0JtfIB Other 1,495,566.76 - - - - 1,495,566.76 - - =, -I:; fl'%)" Qilaihc 122,934,720.92 - - - - 122,934,720.92 - - IAh'J'.r ll'li ~Hf'.& ?t jJ' i;.'1£ iYJ tt-~r.w Q J:.lei?J 5j t}· JIJl Capacity for business development services and integrated project - - - - - - - - planning and management developed 1.1 J.!)i El 3t=nffi.WJ3tt.f1t1iu/J6l# Consulting services for project management and implementation support and 588,238.60 - - - - 588,238.60 - - capacity development and training 1.2 ,J, -ff:,IJt. fffj #ff1,1: JJ!i %- Business development services rr - - - - - - - - capacity development to SM Es consulting services 1.3 ;oHmfJ;IJ;;~:t±~il:l.ilJJJIHr Extemal resettlement and social monitoring and external environment monitoring - - - - - - - - services 1.4.--1::; Ei'r'0Jr!T''l~~RJl] iJt,g §-nlJR!il# Consulting ;J< - - - - - - services for NRW pilot in Qitaihe - - 1.5 ~ El ~nffi-rJJl\nx~~ii~flli~ Project implementation 216,001.06 - 216,001.06 - - startup consultant support - - - 12. riJt.f~tt tp 1Hbll:fijjf .fn/?il!~ ~ill Sustainable small- and medium-sized enterprises investment and access to - - - - - - - - finance in project cities improved 2. 1 - - - - - - - - 17 3. c!5I: i.ff Jv'J §I r!i" 1.@iiVI~1:11,~,;: .ill!. !i{'Wl 1¥1 ~miHtll W:tiisfO~ m Key infrastructure and sma ll- and medium-sized enterprises - - - - - - - - facilities in non-coal industrial parks in project cities constructed 3. I i-J~1lt ilii F ~IJdzg f8: ¥ litll W: nffi I~&iffi .ill!. j:M'=i.9:nfil I ~ Qitaihe industrial park (green food and pharmaceutical - - - - - - bio-fermentation)-road infrastructure and SME support - - facil ities 4.;!'.MyUf*lf.fJ1)llJnjaJ f1l~.!::jJ;f±Jtffi'II Remediation and environmental cleanup from mining impacts in project - - - - - - - - cities improved ~. I -lil' f8: f~~,f;f1 }f~ f1~S[ Mining remediation and - - - - - - environmental rehabilitation - - 5.i&-:!fT.!ii § rJit:ta-:!Jitrti)f1i~li&tiUntt!H~ Integrated Urban - - - - - - Infrastructure and Services in Project Cities Improved - - 5. 1 t&~*~•r~mr&m&m*ff~*•~r~ Qitaihc WTPs upgrading and water supply distribution 26,213,879.55 - - - - 26,213,879.55 - - system replacement and expansion 5.2 1-t!,iJ1$03(]HJt Sustainable and clean fu el public 68,380,000.00 - 68,380,000.00 - - transport improvements - - - 6 ..flJ.12.fll~lff :6'1 interest and commitment charges 1,884,082.79 - - - - 1,884,082.79 - - 7Jt~~:Q'.m Land acquisition and resettlement I 1,395,668.80 - - - - 11,395,668.80 - - 8. ~it-, llaFi.fOi'f'fi5 Design, monitoring, and evaluation 7,130,442.13 - - - - 7,130,442.13 - - 9.~nJffi.W..i~ Contingencies - - - - - - - - IO.Jtftl!. Other 7,126,407.99 - - - - 7, [26,407.99 - - Im, )(J~ w Shuangyashan 380,742,195. 15 - - - - 380,742,J95. 15 - - I JR: :rl·1YJ-%-:Jl .b(~ t,, l& ~tJJ;i;- X.!J1 § ~i1J Ei ~Ji Capacity for business development services and integrated project -- - - - - - - planning and management developed 1.1 ~ fl '.:ktIBHlJJJi::t-f ~uilRigs.. Consulting services for project management and implementation support and 586,752.93 - - - - 586,752.93 - - capacity development and train ing I .2 i:p ft:.ill!. ifli 1., Jf ~Rf1 ~ Business development services ,J-. - - - capacity development to SM Es consu lting services - - - - - 1.3 jf-£-13~ ~~IH~%ii9)1JRO£* External resettlement and social monitoring and external environment monitoring - - - - - - - - services 18 1.4 -- - - - - - - 1.5 Jjj! ~OOi1!Hlll3tr,i:§-nUfli* Project implementation 13 274,671.84 - - - 274,671.84 - - startup consultant support - 12. i:iJr-j~'fi1 "P 11':1:'l:~N:iHll/M!~Hlill Sustainable small- and medium-sized enterprises investment and access to -- - - - - - - finance in project cities improved 2.1 - - - - - - -- 3. t-~~ lJi f-:l rl'i i.@jlt ~lo ~r" \fr~ ~Hn * W!£ filfl i9:ME .flJ ~ tJc Key infrastructure and small- and medium-sized enterprises --- - - - - facil ities in non-coal industrial parks in project cities - constructed 3.1 ~ 1lJ IB: \3'L Im -~ '11~ rl'i~i1f tt*:Jf '.& rp iIM~ r"~v. IK litil t1UtE.& r:p ,j, iE:~3t r,i:i9:Mfi Shuangyashan business park (non-coal SME and PRC-Russia business and trading 28,160,840.70 -- - - 28,160,840.70 - - park)-road and utility infrastructure and SME support facilities 4.f.M~ :If %:J:f-.ljH;lJul'111:t:!r-½ l.f.!Jlh't J1Il Remediation and environmental cleanup from mining impacts in project - - - - - - - - cities improved 4.
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