NO TRIANQLE HAPPY NEXT HEARTS drexel institute WEEK OF TECHNOLOGY PHILADELPHIA, PA. DAY VOLUME XXXV FEBRUARY 14, 1958 NUMBER 5 'SAMMY GOES MAD' MONDAY Satchmo Makes Drexel Debut The Sii,mia Alpha Mii fraternity will present their eleventh aniuial Sammy Week. Monday, I'eb- lary 17'23. This years theme is “Sammy C'loes Mad," revolviiu^ .irouiKl made.ip Mad Magazine’s com ical_ ann'cs. Featured durin;j; o.iiiiinySammy Weeklck winwill henc prcsciu.uionspresentations oiot awai'usawards to Dr.in', Bernardnorn.in \\\iLiner. T.V,'> RoliinJ, and the ambassador of Jazz Louis (Satchmo) Armstrong, plus skits, ,i d.uicc, anda a fiiiul r.n'^iii'j; drive. The entire proceeds from Sammy Week, hel]'>ed l'>y Temple's Phi Sii^ma Siijma^ a sorority, will be tin-ned over to the Heart Fund. Tlie Sammy's are launching tliis year's charity i)roject with tlie presentation of the coveted (’ivic Acliievement Award to Dr. Bernard Wagner in the court Monday, February 17. .Mr. Arthur Kaufmann, former head of (5iml)el's Department Stores, will present the award to Dr. Wagner for his work on a vac­ cine to combat rhetimutic fever in children. Dr. W agner graduated from tlie I'niversity of i’ennsylvania and tlie liahnenianu Medical (’ollege, and has been awarded some 17 grants, fellowships and awards, 'i'lu' :’0-year-ol(l doctor has had 15 papers read at scientilic meetings, work exhibited in three scientific ex- Louis Annstroiif;’ iiiliitions, is a meni])er of 12 societies, has contrilmteil :!4 articles to scientific publications, and is working on five papers. Pathologist Wagner, presently conducting tliree research projects, has bet'ii associated witii I’hiladelphia General Hospital, Walter lieed Army Hospital and Medicjil CkMiter, Mount Sinai Hospilal, Dr. ItiM'iiard W ayiuT o p t h i -: \v i :i :k Hahnemann Medical College, Penn's School of .Medicine and the (Iraduate Schot)l, (’iiildren's Hospital of Why does the Administration Philadelphia, and tlie Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. permit students to use tlie court Following the presentation, Sammy will stage a skit. As jiart of the “Sammy Coes Mad” theme, the Juniors and Pre-Jrs. steps as a depository for their skit will include the burlesQue humor characterized by Mad Ma.ua/.ine and the hero of millions, Alfred K. books and the steps leading to the Neuman. Dance at Sherwood auditorium as a smoking lounge? Oil Friday niglit, l'''('bruary 21, the These conditions are both incon­ Wednesday, February 19, will lie the day when the Sammies present tiieir Outstanding Fntertaiiu'r men and women of the ju’t'-junior venient and hazardous to anyone Award to the man himself, the great Louis .Vrnistroiig. Satch will make his appearance at DTP in tli(> and Juiiioi' classt's will daiicc to Hit* desiring to use the stairs.- -H.W court at 1:00 P.]\I. There’s no need to echo the praise of millions for the Ambassador of .Jazz and liis music of Clarciicc Kiiniiaii al tin* m L L E H extraordinary talent. A son of New' Orleans, Satchmo lias been hailed as the greatest trunipet('r ever by Pi'iin-Slicrwood ilolei, (’licsl- audiences and critics the w'orld over. He has become a le.gend in his lifetime and has built ui) lasting iiiit Street. The dance will b(> lield friendships with Furopean royalty, ill the Ballroom from !>;0(» p.m. to as well as having been hailed as 1:00 a.m. 'I'lu' location this yi>ar MSC & W S G A Co-host COFSA; an international envoy for the was selected because liie hotel is American way of life. near the camims and easily reached T.V'.’s master of horror, Ilolaiul, by all means of transportation. First National Conference at DIT appears at Drexel. Saturday eve­ 'i’lie atliri' for t lu‘ evening will lie by Elliott E. Caplan ning, to receive the ‘‘(llioul of the sem iform al flowc'rs ar(> optional. The two commissions of the campuses. Year” .Award. Roland, starhost There' will he no :i(imission charge; United States National Student’s The program will be keynoted of W(’.VU-TV”s Shock Theater, has Hie class diu-s card is all that will Association of Drexel Institute of with an address by Dr. Digby Balt- en.joyed continued poinilarity since be iK'eded. Technology and the University of zell who is the president of the he assumed his unusual role. Sinc«‘ the idea of merging the Pennsylvania will be co-hosting International House and Director An exaiiiiile of his popularity, jis class dances was iiiauguratt'd, the the ivTational Conference on For­ of Foregin Students at the U of P. a result of his talent and ingenuity, pri‘-junior and junior danc(^s have eign Student Affairs (COFSA) on Dr. Baltzell is known throughout was the attendance of 1 2,000 fans liec'ii w(“ll att('ii(l(*d ami succ(>ssful. lo an open house held at Iloland’s February 21-23. Philadelphia for the work he has 'Pile peoiile in charge of the Ciiambers, last Sunday, Feliruary 8. This is DIT’s first big na­ done as a member of the city plan­ dances are: .Jerry iv<‘an. Norm .John Zacherle, better known tional convention. About 140 ning commission. Philadelphia Klinger, who is handling the jmb- as Roland, saved WCAU’s jilan for colleges and universities in the (ieiitleiiieii is the title of Dr. Balt- liiity, .Jean BrenauK'H, who is supi'r- ]tromoting liorror films after the Eastern States of Pennsylvania, zell’s latest book wiiicii deals witli vising invitations, tlovvers, and projeci faced failure. Mr. Zacherle West Virginia, Maryland, New Philadelphia’s foreign families. chaperones, and Almyra D(‘nny, lirovided the “imagination and Jersey, New York, Delaware and Discussions on the ideas pre­ will) is in charge of IIk? poster com­ •SA.M.MV oil Pag«* 2 mit lee. Washington, D. C., have received sented by Dr. Baltzell w'ill im­ invitations to send delegates to mediately follow the keynote ad­ the conference. dress. The evening will be Co-Exist(*n(‘o Strcssi'd concluded Avith a social at the International House. “International Co-existance on NewmanClubPresentsCupid s The program w'ill resume Sat­ the Campus” is the theme for the urday at Drexel with a panel dis­ conference. Delegates will debate cussion in the Art Gallery. As in various topics concerning the the previous evening, discussion Capers at Drexel Lodge Feb. 16 I’oles and relationsliips of the foi-- Tiie Newman Club of Dre.vel groups will be formed to discuss Dr. i;r<‘es<^ Newnianisni here at Drexel, eign stiident on the American col­ the merits of the iirevious debate. Institute of Teciinology will iirc'sent lege campus, intevnatiomil student Last Thursday was the first day that its annual (hipid’s Cajiers :it the Five \oiiiiiiee.s orientation programs and their Johnson lietiiriis President Creese returned to school Drexel l.,odge on Sunday, I<Y‘bruary "J’he nominees include Maiianne objectives, excliange of cultures, Willard .Johnson, vice-president since his accident in Jamaica. He Id, from noon lo 10 p.m. Tin? New­ Bobbin, tliis year’s social and the effectiveness of foreign of USNSA, will speak on the broke his anicle wliile liorseback riding. man Club invites all members and ciiairwoman of Newman Club, student programs on various humorous aspects of the confer­ friends to attend a day of fun and who is a i)re-juiiior; Mary ence, in order to provide a Jireak sport, liiglilighted by a dinner at 5 Ozjeriski, ciub publicity chair­ from the “heavy” discussions. Fol­ Drexel Correlates l).m. and dancing from seven. As woman, a junior in Hie home ec Wm. Katzenbach lowing lunch the discussions will in I he jiast, the Newman Sweetheart school; Margie Schiave, assistant resume. Climatic Effects will be selected by the club mem­ editor of the Cardinal, the Newman Addresses DHEA The social for the evening will bers and svill reign throughout thc> (ill!) newsiiaper, and a sophomore It was learned recently that a On Feliruary IM. “The History of consist of a barbecue dinner at evening. Bus Ad; and Marie Wolfe, co-cor- meteorological station will b(! built Wall Paper and Us Contemporary the Jnternatioiuil House and a folk 'Pile day’s round of entertainment rc'sponding secretary of the club at Dre.xel Institute to obtain al- Use” was the topic discussed at the dance at the Drexel (Hrl’s Dormi­ will start at noon when sjioi'ts and who is a junior Home JOc. nios])lu!ric data for use in a. projc'ct- monthly meeting of tlie Drexel c.ilic'r similar activities will be The evening’s entertainment will tory. ed siiidy of tlie (‘fleets of climate Home Fcoiiomics Association. Tlie Convocation of all delegates will dominant. l<]d Kadke and Elaine be ciiniaxed by a dance following meeting convened in the auditcrium on human lu'altli and behavior. be held in St. Andrews Chapel on Zajipac'osta, who are in ciiarge of the dinner. Jack D’Angelo will Tiiere has been evidence for some at‘1 p.m. Sunday morning. At this time the afternoon’s recreation, advise introduce the Briclgette Sistc;rs, a time that certain types of illnesses, sJMr. William E. Katzenbach Dr. Donias of the International tliose attending to wear casual singing group from this area, and ^ l-Catzenbach and Warren, Inc. a(‘(!idents, suicides, homicides, and ciotiies of the sort desirable? for other c-ntertainers of the evening.
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