Supplement Jßo. 4 to €I)c !Mestüte c^a^ette Jßo• 1645 of 22nD giamrat^ 1948. TRADE MARK ADVERTISEMENTS TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE. tion) ; hair waving and test curl pads, in the N name of National Industries Inc., a corpora• The following applications for the registra- tion of the State of Illinois, U.S.A., of 2638 tion of the trade marks referred to therein are N. Pulaski Road, Chicago, Illinios, U.S.A., hereby advertised in accordance with the manufacturers. provisions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. Any person may, within three months from Filed the 5th day of March, 1946. the date of this Gazette, file with the Registrar of Trade Marks, Office of the Administrator HELENE CURTIS General, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, a notice of The address for service in Palestine of Trade opposition to the registration of any trade Mark Application No. 7640 is c/o S. Horowitz mark referred to in any application hereunder. k Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. Such notice shall be given in writing in the prescribed manner and shall include a state• III. ment of the grounds of opposition. A copy No. 7817 in Class 5, in respect of a prepara• of such notice of opposition shall be served tion for use as an S-ray medium, in the name upon the applicant for registration. of Schering Corporation, a corporation of the Formal opposition should not be lodged State of New Jersey, of 86, Orange Street, until after notice has been given by letter to Bloomfield, New Jersey, U.S.A., manufacturers. the applicant for registration, so as to afford Registration of this trade mark shall give him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark no right to the exclusive use of the word "Neo". before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to Filed the 9th day of May, 1946. the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed his costs. APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH The address for service in Palestine of Trade SCHEDULE TO THE TRADE MARKS RULES, 1940. Mark Application No. 7817 is c/o Cohen Zedek I. \ & Spisbach, P.O. Box 1169, Tel Aviv. No. 7607 in Class 10, in respect of artificial IV. teeth, in the name of American Porcelain Tooth Company Ltd., of Nahalat Yits-haq, No. 7891 in Class 1, in respect of chemical near Tel Aviv, manufacturers. products used in industry, science, photo• graphy, agriculture, horticulture, forestry; Filed the 17th day of February, 1946. manures (natural and artificial); fire extin• guishing compositions; tempering substances and chemical preparations for soldering; chem• RITE RIDGE ical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tann• ing substances used in industry; synthetic resin II. plastics for industrial purposes, in the name of No. 7640 in Class 3, in respect of soap, es• Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, a British company of Wexham Road, Slough, sential oils, hair lotions; permanent hair wav• 1 ing oil, preparations and compounds for Buckinghamshire, England, manufacturers and merchants. machine, machineless and cold waving of the hair; oil and oil compositions for treatment Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. of the hair or scalp; hair dressing prepara• tions; shampoos; shampoo tints; hair tint de• veloper; hair dye remover; hair dyes; wave I. C. I. setting materials in powder and liquid form; The address for service in Palestine of Trade hair rinse; hair bleach; hair whitener; dand• Mark Application No. 7891 is c/o S. Horowitz ruff eradicator; hair lacquer; rewave oil; hair & Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. fixative powder; hair wave straightener; cleansing cream; cleansing cream in liquid V. form; impregnated pads of material used for No. 7892 in Class 2, in respect of paints, cleaning the skin; night cream; hand cream; varnishes (other than insulating varnishes), hand lotion; protective cream; skin freshener; lacquers, preservatives against rust and against astringent tonic; powder base; face powder; deterioration of wood; colouring matters (not rouge; eye shadow; mascara; nail polish; nail for toilet or laundry purposes), dyestuffs, mor• polish remover; nail and cuticle conditioner; dants, natural resins, in the name of Imperial cuticle remover; cuticle oil; nail white paste; Chemical Industries Limited, a British com• eye brow pencil; lipstick; combination packa• pany of Wexham Road, Slough, Buckingham• ges of hair waving supplies; and hair condi• shire, England, manufacturers and merchants. tioner (used prior to permanent waving solu• 2 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1643—SUPPLEMENT NO. 4. 22nd January, 1948 Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. terials (not of metal), asphalt, pitch and bitu• men, in the name of Imperial Chemical Indus• I. 0. I. tries Limited, a British company of Wexham The address for service in Palestine of Trade Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, England, ma• Mark Application No. 7892 is c/o S. Horowitz nufacturers and merchants. & Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. VI. I. C. I. No. 7893 in Class 3, in respect of bleaching The address for service in Palestine of Trade preparations and other substances for laundry Mark Application No. 7900 is c/o S. Horowitz use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. preparations; essential oils, in the name of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, a XI. British company of Wexham Road, Slough, No. 7901 in Class 27, in respect of leather- Buckinghamshire, England, manufacturers and cloth in the name of Imperial Chemical Indus• merchants. tries Limited, a British company of Wexham Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, England, ma• nufacturers and merchants. I. 0. I. Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7893 is c/o S. Horowitz I. G. I. & Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7901 is c/o S. Horowitz VII. & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. No. 7895 in Class 5; in respect of pharma• ceutical, veterinary and sanitary substances, XII. disinfectants; preparations for killing weeds No. 8061 in Class 6, in respect of diaphragm and destroying vermin, in the name of Impe- valves of ordinary metal not being parts of !rial Chemical Industries Limited, a British machines, in the name of Saunders Valve Com• company of Wexham Road, Slough, Bucking• pany Limited, a British company of Grange hamshire, England, manufacturers and mer• Road, Cwmbran, Newport, Monlouthshire, chants. England, manufacturers. Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. Filed the 28th day of June, 1946. I. 0. I. "SAUNDERS" The address for service in Palestine of Trade The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7895 is c/o S. Horowitz Mark Application No. 8061 is c/o Cohen Zedek & Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv. VIII. XIII. No. 7896 in Class 6, in respect of extruded, No. 8089 in Class 33, in respect of dry gin rolled, pressed, stamped, drawn, forged, cast, and orange gin, in the name of Seager, Evans fabricated or semi-fabricated non-ferrous & Co. Ltd., a British company, of The Distill• metals and alloys thereof, none being goods ery, Deftford Bridge, London, England, dis• included in other classes, in the name of tillers. Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, a Filed the 8th day of July, 1946. British company of Wexham Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, England, manufacturers and SEAGER'S merchants. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. Mark Application No. 8089 is c/o A. E. Mul- I. 0. I. ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem. The address for service in Palestine of Trade XIV. Mark Application No. 7896 is c/o S. Horowitz & Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. No. 8090 in Class 33, in respect of spirits and cordials (alcoholic) in the name of Seager, Evans & Co., Ltd., a British company of The IX. Distillery, Deftford Bridge, London, England, No. 7898 in Class 13, in respect of ammuni• distillers. tion and projectiles; explosive substances, in Filed the 8th day of July, 1946. the name of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, a British company of Wexham Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, England, manufac• turers and merchants. Filed the 27th day of May, 1946. I. C. I. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7898 is c/o S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. X. No, 7900 in Class 19, in respect of building materials not of metal, cement, lime, plaster (for building or for casting); roadmaking ma• 22nd January, 1948. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1643—SUPPLEMENT No. 4. 3 The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 28th day of January, 1947. Mark Application No. 8090 is c/o A. E. Mul- ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem. XV. No. 8149 in Class 5, in respect of vitamin The address for service in Palestine of Trade preparations for use in the treatment and pre• Mark Application No. 8660 is c/o S. Horowitz vention of metabolic deficiencies, in the name & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. of Sharp & Dohme Limited, a British com• pany of 4, Brocket Road, Hoddesdon, Hert• XX. fordshire, England, manufacturing chemists. No. 8685 in Class 30, in respect of boiled Filed the 2nd day of August, 1946. sweets, in the name of The Rabl Chocolate and Sweets Factory Ltd., of 1, Levontin Street, ESDEVITE Tel Aviv, manufacturers. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 13th day of February, 1947. Mark Application No. 8149 is c/o A. E. Mul- קריסטל ford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem. CRYSTAL XVI. XXI. No. 8150 in Class 5, in respect of prepara• tions and tonics containing liver extract and/ No.
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