Cyprian Flower Festival in St Cyprian’s 10th - 12th September 2009 Harvest Festival and Geoff’s Retirement - 11th October 2009 The Magazine of St Cyprian’s Church, Lenzie Sept & Oct 2009 1 Scottish Episcopal Church Vestry Rector@ (Chairman) Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway Lay Representative@ Barbara Parfitt 11A Kirkintilloch Road, Lenzie G66 4RW. Bishop: ) 776 0543 Vacancy Secretary@ Sally Pitches, Inchwood Cot- Bishop’s Office, Diocesan Centre tage, Kilsyth Road, Milton of Campsie, 5 St Vincent Pl., Glasgow G1 2DH ) ) G66 8AL 01236 823880 0141-221 6911 fax 0141-221 6490 Treasurer@ Maxine Gow,12 Alder Road, email: [email protected] Milton of Campsie G66 8HH ) 01360 310420 Property Convenor Adrian Clark, Solsgirth Lodge, Langmuir Road, Kirkintilloch G66 ) 776 2160 Cyprian Elected Members Gavin Boyd, Avril Critchlow, Catherine Gunnee, Paul Hindle, Sandy Jamieson, Eric Parry, Vivienne Prov- an, Kevin Wilbraham. Contacts 3C Group@ Susan Frost 776 4135 The News Magazine of Altar Guild@ Anne Carswell 776 3354 St. Cyprian’s Church, Altar Servers Eric Parry 776 4991 Beech Road, Lenzie, Glasgow. G66 4HN Alt. Lay Rep@ Glennis Tavener 775 2895 Scottish Charity No. SC003826 Bible Rdg Fellowship Prim Parry 776 4991 The Scottish Episcopal Church is in full Car Pool Eric Parry 776 4991 communion with the Church of England and Fair Trade@ Vivienne Provan 776 6422 all other churches of the Anglican Gift Aid@ Aileen Mundy 578 9449 Communion throughout the world Hall Bookings@ Gavin Boyd 776 2812 Link@ Kathryn Potts 578 0734 Magazine@ Paul Hindle 776 3237 Rector (retires 11 October 2009) fax 578 3706 MU@ Catherine Gunnee 578 1937 The Revd. Geoff Scobie, Pastoral Visiting@ 3 Norfolk Cres., Bishopbriggs, Moira Jamieson 775 1161 Glasgow G64 3BA ) Protection Officer@ 0141-772 2907 Kathryn Potts 578 0734 email: [email protected] Rotas@ Gavin Boyd 776 2812 Scottish Bible Society@ Curate: Glennis Tavener 775 2895 Revd. Moira Jamieson ) 775 1161 Social@ Andy Robb 578 1220 Pastoral Assistant: Sunday Coffee Val Fallon 776 2767 Eric Parry ) 776 4991. Tear Fund@ Vivienne Provan 776 6422 Youth Vacant Music Team ) @ These people can be contacted through Fred Gunnee 578 1937 email @stcyprianslenzie.com by using the email: [email protected] job/group name before the @ without any spaces, e.g., [email protected]. 2 Rector’s Letter Dear Friends, This will be my last letter to you as Rec- began and ended with worship in the Chapel. tor. As most of you know, I leave at The morning session involved looking at 6 pri- Harvest Festival, Sunday October 11th orities each Vestry member had already 2009. There is never a good time to identified for St. Cyprians; then grouping these leave and I am beginning to realise how priorities under four headings. After lunch the much I will miss you all. I have made so two facilitators were taken through the morning’s discussion (by power point, thanks many good friends over the years I have to Paul!). As a result, the facilitator’s made been here and although I may meet certain observations as to the kind of church some of you again it will never be in the that we were seeking to become. At this point same capacity. there was a strong feeling that we were being led by the Holy Spirit and a real feeling of There have been some recent develop- God’s presence with us. ments which I would like to share with you. As The next step was to meet with those who a consequence of my coming departure, the could not be with us and share what had hap- Bishop came to our last Vestry meeting to dis- pened. The Vestry has decided to act on the cuss preparations for the future of St Cyprians. findings of the Away Day and to explore the He encouraged us to look at all the alterna- possibility of appointing someone who could tives, from a full-time Incumbent to even the help us build up our congregation and support possibility of closure. The Vestry rejected our current membership; the person might be a closing the Church but accepted that we need- Mission Priest, or a member of the Church Ar- ed to carefully scrutinize the difficulties that my. All the details of the various alternatives we face. It was decided to have a Vestry Away and their cost have still to be explored. How- Day to explore the question of priorities for ever, we are confident that if God wants us to the Church. The Bishop suggested that two do mission, He will provide the person(s) and members of the Mission Core Group (who deal the means to accomplish it. with vacancies in the Diocese) could join us to There are, of course, good reasons why we help us in our discussions. should explore these alternatives. It has be- The Away Day was held in Dunblane and come obvious that most of the people who 12 Members of the Vestry attended. The day Continued overleaf 3 Magazine & Rector’s Letter DNS Deadline continued from page 3 have left St Cyprian’s will not be returning. In addition, we are an aging congregation and un- The next issue of Cyprian Life should be less we get some younger members we will st available in Church on Sunday 1 No- simply fade away. With these negative factors vember 2009. The deadline for material at the back of our minds we were greatly en- is 18th October and the magazine will couraged by the way God led us at our Away cover November only. Day. We will, of course, keep you up-to-date with developments; it is important that every Please pass notes, articles, photographs and member of the congregation feels included in anything else that may be of interest to other the decision-making process. members of the congregation to me by the There are a number of things that we are deadline in order to give time for typesetting planning to help us prepare and get the right and printing. Electronic format is preferred mind set for becoming a mission church. since this is usually quicker and more accurate. Ÿ The first of these is a course provided Please let me know about what is important through the Diocesan Mission Core Group to you. It is great to be able to report family called “Four Studies and a Party” which events and things happening in our local com- looks at some of the vital issues we will munity. Thank you. need to consider in order to become a mis- This issue includes selected items from the sion Church. We hope this will begin last issue of Diocesan News. The full Dioce- sometime in September. san News can be downloaded from the Ÿ On Saturday, October 3rd 2009 there is a diocesan website: www.glasgow.anglican.org special day in Dundee looking Church Click on the link on the home page to ac- growth which we would like as many mem- cess the current and earlier editions. If you bers of the congregation as possible to don’t have Internet access, but would like to attend. If you would like to go please let read DNS, please let me know. I’ll be happy to Moira Jamieson, or myself know and we print you a copy. will sort out the details of how to get you Diocesan News is published ten times per there. year. If you have items that would be of inter- Ÿ Finally, something we have been planning est across the Diocese, please send them to the for some months- the showing of the Jesus Diocesan News editor, Susi Cormack Brown, Film. This is the story of the life of Jesus as e-mail: [email protected] or by told by Luke. Last Easter I asked for mem- post to c/o Glasgow & Galloway Diocesan Centre, 5 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2DH. Please send in prose text, i.e. not leaflets, ad- verts, posters or PDFs. The deadline for the Cover Picture October issue will be Monday 14th September 2009. This year the Scottish Bible Society cel- The views expressed in Cyprian Life and ebrates its second centenary. The the Diocesan News are not necessarily those of picture shows the special commemora- the Editor of either publication or the Diocesan tive flower bed planted in the grounds Information and Communications Group. of Boclair House in Bearsden. Paul Hindle 4 The Link bers “to pray for six” that is six friends, or For the latest information about neighbours who did not go to church. Later, events at St Cyprian’s, please we asked people to give a candle to an indi- check the Link each week in vidual, saying they were praying for them Church or on our web site: and to ask if there was anything special they www.stcyprianslenzie.com . would like us to pray about on their behalf. Ÿ The final stage in the above outreach is to The Link in Word format and the ask each of these people to come to the Je- colour version of this magazine in pdf sus Film on Friday 9th October 2009. format can be downloaded by clicking Ÿ We will then invite them to join us at our on the links on the Publications page. Harvest Service and Lunch on Sunday 11th If you would like to add an event to October 2009. Please pray about all these the Link and/or the website, please email things and come and join us. the details to [email protected] or phone Kathryn Potts on 0141 578 It is exciting programme and should pro- 0734.
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