3rd Quarter Issue July to September 2019 CATANDUANES PSA Catanduanes celebrates PSA CATANDUANES CELEBRATES 6TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY 1 2 6th Year Anniversary PSA CATANDUANES PSO CONDUCTS JULY 2019 LFS 2018 CENSUS OF PHILIPPINE BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY 2 AGRICULTURAL SURVEYS CORNER 3-5 ADMINISTRATIVE-BASED SURVEYS 5 CIVIL REGISTRATION CORNER 6 CIVIL REGISTRATION CORNER 7 BATCH REQUEST JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2019 7 MOBILE REGISTRATION 7 COMMUNITY SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 7 INFORMATION DISSEMINATION 8 PARTNERSHIP AND LINKAGES 8 The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Catanduanes, Provincial Statistical Office celebrated its 6th Anniversary last September 12, 2019 with the theme “Working Smarter through Innovation”. The celebration was started around 7:30 in the morning by a motorcade from the PSA Catanduanes PSO to Barangay Calabnigan, Virac, Catanduanes. After the team arrived at Barangay Calabnigan, one of the activities done was Feeding Program to 37 Day Care pupils of the said barangay held at their barangay plaza. The children were so happy as the PSA Staffs and JOWs had their intermission number This photo was taken after the gift-giving activity to senior and provided meals/foods for them. Subsequently, the team went to the next activity, citizens of Brgy. Calabnigan, Virac, Catanduanes. (with which is the Gift Giving to Senior Citizens. This is one of the ways of PSA Catanduanes to PSA staffs and JOWs) show appreciation, spend time and enjoy with them. Moreover, the team gave a special gift that made them happier. Before noontime, all the staffs went to PSA Office and attended a mass and gave thanks to the Lord. Afterwards, regular employees, JOWs and Field Office Personnel (FOP) of UNISYS attended the training on CRVS 101, which aims the participants to have adequate knowledge on the standard concepts, definitions and procedures on civil registration. The celebration continued as the team organized a Team Building activity. The celebration ended well with cooperation, as the PSA staffs and JOWs brought a collection of happy moments. PSA staff and JOWs with the officials of Brgy. Calabni- gan, Virac, Catanduanes during the feeding activity to day-care pupils of the said barangay. Section 5, Republic Act 10625 – also known as the Philippines Statistical Act of 2013, which was approved on 12 September 2013, states that PSA “shall be The photo was taken after the “Training primarily responsible for all The provincial office conducted This photo was captured during the nationwide censuses and Training on CRVS 101 on 12 seminar about NEW LAWS AND Workshop on Cases Affecting Court Decree, surveys, sectoral statistics, September 2019 at PSA DIRECTIVES, ISSUANCES ON CIVIL Legal Instruments (CDLIs), RA 9048, RA 10172 consolidation of selected Catanduanes PSO Training Room. REGISTRATION last 26 July 2019. The & Supplemental Report” on September 17-19, administrative recording This was attended by regular seminar was attended by Local Civil 2019 at PSA Catanduanes Training Room systems, and compilation of employees, JOWs and Field Office Registry Office staff and PSA which was attended by the Municipal Registrars the national accounts”. Personnel (FOP) of UNISYS. Catanduanes staff, held at PSA Training and their staff and PSA regular employees. 3rd Quarter, PSA Catanduanes PSO Newsletter “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson 1 STATISTICAL SECTION CORNER HOUSEHOLD-BASED SURVEY PSA Catanduanes PSO conducts July 2019 LFS The July 2019 Labor Force Survey/Annual Poverty Indicator Survey (LFS/APIS) was successfully administered in the province of Ca- tanduanes covering thirty (30) Enumeration Areas (EA) with four hundred thirty-four (434) sample households. Six (6) Statistical Re- searchers (SRs) were hired for this round of survey. Supervision was made on selected EAs strategically selected to efficiently cover a wider EAs given limited time for supervision due to overlapping activities. The total number of sample household with completed interviews for the whole province is 347 out of the 434 total sample house- holds. The discrepancy in the total number of completed interview vis a vis total number of sampled households is attributed to VHU, VRH, demolished, household permanently moved-out, and household temporarily away. Manual and machine processing were completed in 7 days. Data Files were Uploaded from July 20– August 3, 2019 while clean data files were submitted on August 5, 2019 via e-mail. Manual/machine processing of SSU list was done on July 20, 2019 - August 5, 2019. Updated SSU were transmitted via email on f,[email protected] cc: [email protected] & regional office on August 7, 2019 Workload Completed Refusal Temporarily Number of HU Converted into HH Others Interview Away VHUs/VRH Demolished Establsihment Permanently (NUR,Passed) TOTAL Move-out 1 434 347 0 10 22 23 2 28 0 CENSUS-BASED SURVEY Census Operation (Catanduanes) PSA conducts the 2018 CENSUS OF PHILIPPINE BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) conducted the 2018 Cen- sus of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) from 03 April to 31 July 2019 covering 65,000 establishments nationwide. The CPBI is undertaken every five years to collect and gener- ate information on the levels, structure, performance and trends of economic activities of the formal sector of the econ- omy. The results of the CPBI serve as benchmark information in the measurement of national and regional economic growth. Data to be collected from the CPBI will constitute bases upon which the government and the private sector can formulate policies and programs geared towards economic development. Specifically, the 2018 CPBI aims to collect and generate infor- Out of 86 number of workloads, the following are mation on employment, revenue, expense, capital expendi- the status after 15 days of the provincial deadline: tures and total assets of the establishments by industry and by 2 – Uncollected region; generate indicators such as value added, labor produc- 63 – Good Questionnaire, Transmitted to RSSO tivity, profitability and other indicators which are necessary for 4 – Change of Industry, Transmitted to CO the evaluation of the performance of industries at the national 4 – Consolidated Non-Kau, transmitted to CO and regional levels; generate information on MSMEs (micro, 9 – Informal Sector, Transmitted to RSSO small, and medium establishments/enterprises); generate 1 – Closed Operation, Transmitted to RSSO gender disaggregated statistics on employment; generate sta- 1 – Temporarily Stopped operation, Transmitted to RSSO tistics on research and development (R&D) expenditures of 1 – C/o to Pasig, Transmitted to CO c/o to Albay, Transmitted to establishments; and, update basic information of establish- RSSO ments and enterprise for the improvement of the Statistical Business Register (SBR). 3rd Quarter, PSA Catanduanes PSO Newsletter “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” -George Eliot 2 AGRICULTURAL SURVEYS CORNER FARM PRICE SURVEY FARM PRICE SURVEY 3rd Quarter 2019 Farm Price Survey (FPS) is a nationwide household-based Month July August September survey design to gather data on prices of agricultural com- Total Number of Samples 400 400 400 modities received by farmers for their produce and prices paid for the pesticides used in their farms. The provincial office monitors agricultural commodities for the last 10 days 378 400 400 of the month to 5 key informants per sample commodity in 10 municipalities in the province using purposive sampling. Number of Responding Samples PALAY AND CORN STOCK SURVEY (PCSS1), Farming Households, 3rd Quarter 2019 PALAY AND CORN STOCK SURVEY Month July August September Total No. of 74 74 74 Palay and Corn Stock Survey (PCSS1) is a survey used to gener- ate estimate of current stocks of rice and corn in farming and non- No. Responding 74 74 72 farming products in the country. This survey serves as an input in Samples the analysis of the seasonal trends and variations in the supply, PALAY AND CORN STOCK SURVEY (PCSS1), Non- demand and prices of palay and corn. This survey guides both the farming Households, 3rd Quarter 2019 farmers, policy makers, and the stake- holders in the formulation Month July August September of programs, policies, and strategic agricultural activities as this survey forecasts the future scenario of palay and corn which are Total No. of 95 95 95 the most considered staple products in the country. Monitoring is Samples done every first 4 days of the month with day 1, 6:00 AM as the No. Respon- 94 95 93 ding Samples reference day and time.. A total of 169 sample households is Date submitted July 15, August September 9, to CO 2019 13 , 2019 2019 CROPS PRODUCTION SURVEY PALAY AND CORN PRODUCTION SURVEY The Palay and Corn Pro- The Crops Production Survey (CrPS) aims to generate basic pro- duction Survey (PCPS) duction statistics for crops other than palay and corn at the na- consist of two (2) national tional, regional and provincial levels. It covers more than 200 crops quarterly surveys which of which 19 are considered major crops. It is a quarterly survey of are conducted simultane- quantity produced and actual harvest of a particular crop in a given ously. These are the Palay locality. The data normally gathered in this survey includes the Production Survey (PPS) volume of production of crops, the extent of area harvested or and Corn Production Sur- planted, and the number of bearing trees, vines, or hills. This vey (CPS). The main objective of the PCPS is to generate survey seeks to gather critical information on production of crops estimates and forecasts of palay/corn area, production and other than Palay and Corn which accounts for roughly 60% of the yield. PCPS is a survey that aims to generate estimates and total crop production in the country. Other crops that are normally forecasts on palay and corn production, area and yield, and included in this survey are coconut, sugarcane, banana, pineap- other production-related statistics.
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