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I. 02900 Support Jewish Read By More Than Agencies With Your 35,000 People Membership VOLUME LVI, NUMBER 44 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1972 15c PER COPY 12 PAGES Egyptian Press Asks Prague Charges Dayan Says Arab Territories Jews Helped Nazis Improved Under Israeli Rule Lifting Of Censorship ioNDON- Praguc radio has CAIRO - The Egyptian press unprecedented free debate in the charged that Jews collaborated JERUSALEM Dclcnsc has been pumped from the wells. syndicate appealed to the govern- National Assembly recently bc­ with the Nazis in war crimes Minister Moshe Dayan asserted The oil is now being drawn at a ment last week for the immediate trayed a weakness in the Govern­ committed in Czechoslovakia recently that a "tremendous rate ol S20-million a year, he said, lifting of censorship on newspapers ment and an erosion of political during World War II. The social, economic and technological which is roughly equivalent to except in military matters in- power. charges, coupled with attacks on revolution" is under way in the Israel's annual oil consumption. volving national security. May Be Umilt4 10 Papers the London-based International Arab territories occupied by Israel Mr. Dayan dclcnded his policies The syndicate, an association However, even if censorship of Council of Jews lrom sine~ the 1967 war. in an hour-long speech before whose members range from ap- Egyptian newspapers is lifted cx­ Czechoslovakia, were repeated on Parliament, which voted later to prentice reporters to editors in cept in matters of military secur­ three consecutive broadcasts last In a vigorous dclcnsc ol his hold a full-scale debate on the chief, recalled in a statement that ity, it is likely that foreign corre­ week. policies in the occupied areas occupied territories in the near President Anwar el-Sadat had spondents here will remain subject The broadcasts followed in the against criticism by other luturc. ' · promised to lift censorship as soon to a form of censorship. wake ol a resolution submitted by members ol the Cabinet, Mr. His speech was part ol a debate as the newsmen adopted a code of Censorship of outgoing news the Council and adopted Dayan argued, in the Parliament, under way for several weeks ethics. The code has bc~n adopted dispatches has been largely limited unanimously by the British Section that Israel was beneliting rather a mong top members ol the unanimously by the the Syndi- to passages referring to the army. ol the World Jewish Congress two than sullcring from economic governing Labor party over cate's general assembly. But opponents of all censorship weeks ago, which warned the integration with the territories. Israel's policies toward the The President made his promise have been pointing out that that Prague government to consider the occupied areas. As the minister in a closed-door talk with editors · specific censorship takes in a large long term consequences ol its anti­ To support his argument, he most directly responsible for the and reporters last February, the area, since the Egyptian Army has Semitic campaign. made public lor the lirst time military administration ol the authoritative and semi-official been the· most important single Prague radio claimed there was ligures on the revenue Israel is areas, Mr. Dayan has advocated a daily Al Ahram, which, with other factor in the country since the rev­ " historical documentation" to earning lrom the captured policy ol political normalization ncwspapers, urged in its issue that olution ol 1952, in which military prove that the Jewish Council ol Egyptian oil wells in the Sinai and economic integration with censorship be lifted. leaders ousted King Farouk. Elders in Prague during the Nazi Peninsula. Israel. Leading journalists expressed Egyptian newspapers have rcsi- occupation " had its share in the Alter the Parliament's debate thc belief that Mr. Sadat would dent censors to whom all copy is genocide ol persons ol Czech and Since 1967. Mr. Dayan said, a on the occupied areas, the Central respond favorably and approve the submitted before the papers ap­ Slovak nationality:· total ol S85-million worth 01 oi l Committee ol the Labor party is code by decree, since he wants to pear. The censors arc civilian of­ expected to adopt guidelines that preserve his reputation as a liberal ficals responsible to the Ministry will become part ol the party ·ruler who is steadily pe<mitting ol Information and Culture. Goren Confirms Intention platlorm l o r ne x t yea r' s more freedom of expression than In past years Government olli­ parliamentary elections. obtaincd under his predecessor, cials have oltcn stated that censor­ To Amend Law Of Return, Mr. Dayan's policy has been Gamed Abdel Nasser. ship is conlined to military met- criticized by Finance Minister Egyptian ollicials have been tcrs. The resolution adopted by JERUSALEM - Chic! Rabbi more than two hours to rabbi ol Pinhas Sapir and others as a stung by suggestions lrom abroad the press sy ndicate indicates that Shlomo Goren conlirmed that he the extremist Neturci Karta potential lorm ol "creeping that recent events, including the this has not been the case. plans to press the Kne sset to movement who denounced Goren annexationism" that threatens the amend Israel's Law ol Return so for desecrating the Torah. Posters Jewish nature ol the country and According To Dr. Rieg~ that the definiti on ol "Who Is A stating that luture decisions by forecloses negotiating options. Jew?" is consistent with Orthodox Rabbi Goren would be considered Although the dillerences hav e demands. The clause delining a void appeared today in the Mear existed among ministers for some Inflation, Political Upheavals Jew as. among things, one who Shcarim quarter. They were time, they have become more has been converted to Judaism. signed by several rabbis including obvious and dramatic with the would have three words added - Yosel Shalom Chiskin who approach ol the electi on year. Threaten Latin American Jews " according to halacha" (religious resigned as a senior judge or the Describing the " revoluti on" he additional linancial burdens when NEW YORK - Continued law) - in the amended version. In Supreme Rabbinical Court last believes is under way among the they established increased day inflation. economic uncertainties practical terms. the amendment month to protest the election ol 1. 1 million Arabs in the occupied school systems. This resulted from and renewed political upheavals in would mean that conversions Rabbi Goren as Ashkenazi Chiel territories, Mr. Dayan said that changes in several national Latin American nations. posing performed by Reform rabbis and Rabbi. He was also criticized by the standard ol living had education laws where the secular problems lor the general as least some by Conservative the Agudath Israel ol America increased by 45 per cent on the school day was changed from half population, present special dangers rabbis would not be recognized in and the leader ol the Lubavithcer West Bank of the Jordan River a day to a full day in Argentina, to the future viability of the Israel. Hasidic movement, Rabbi and by 58 per cent in the Gaza Chile and Uruguay. continent's one million Jews, Rabbi Goren promised to seek Mcnachem M. Schneerson. But Strip since 196 7. There is now Prior to that time, Jewish according to Dr. Gerhart Ricgner action on the controversial Rabbi Goren's decision was nearly lull employment in both children attended a secular school of Geneva, secretary-general of amendment as criticism mounted applauded by Rabbi Zvi Yehuda areas, he said. for part · of the day and religious the World Jewish Congress, who in ultra-Orthodox circles here and Kook, head ol the Kook Yeshiva This economic situation, Mr. instruction for the remaining recentiy returned from meetings abroad over his resolution ol the here and son ol Israel's late Chiel Dayan said, has produced a period. The W JC olficial noted with Jewish leaders in South Langer .. mamzerim" case. Seven Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook who profound change in attitude that the continued economic crisis America. He reported to the leading yeshiva principals issued is revered in Orthodox and non­ among the Arab residents ol the of growing inflation, reduced group's American section that statements denouncing his ruling Orhthodox circles. area, particularly the relugees in earning power and increased '"Jewish institutions arc confronted which overturned a seven-year-old Rabbi Goren invited reporters the Gaza Strip, estimated at . operating costs for the support of with an atmosphere of drastic ruling by a Pctach Tikva religious to his Tel Aviv home to explain 250,000. Latin American Jewish education uncertainties which changes daily court that Hanoch and Miram why he decided that the stigma ol Mr. Sapir argued in a speech "have placed a burden upon the both economically and politically." Langer were illegitimates and bastardy should be removed from last month that " a rising standard community they cannot meet He emphasized that "anti­ forbidden to marry. the Langers. He claimed there was of living is no compensation for without outside support." semitism was not the cause." In the ultra-Orthodox Mear no conclusive prool that Abraham national aspirations. "On the. Dr. Riegner said that large Shearim quarter. They were Borokovsky, the lirst husband of contrary, he said, "We have numbers of Jewish youths were Dr. Riegner said that recently tore their garments as a gesture ol the Langers' mother, had been learned to our regret that "rejecting Jewish identity in favor Jewish institutions incurred mourning. Crowds listened for properly converted to Judaism, in terrorists most often spring from of assimilation." What happens, which case Mrs.
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