~ In Sports: Men's basketball team at top of its game HliHPaKr UNIVERSllY HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY Camgus Chronicle RIDAY, Janu ary 30, 2004 HIGH POINT, N.C. MLK is honored by members '-Arsenic ' to bring huge laughs to audiences of campus and community By Aman da Roberts Justice, morality and law, and maintained of inner and outer adversity," Jones said. The Spotlight Players will present Staff Writer that the achievements of IGng were as­ King rejec ted the idea that the ends "Arsenic and Old Lace," a classic com­ tounding. "He labo red justify the means. 'The ends must cohere edy, Feb. 5-7 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 8 at Students, faculty urelessly; he was an advo- with the means; they represent the means 2 p.m. in Hayworth Fine Arts Center. and members of the cate, orator, field in process, and the end is preexistent in Tickets are $5 for stude nts and $7 for community united to general.. .a symbol that the means. Immoral, destructive means faculty and staff. For tickets, call 841- honor Martin Luther represented hope aad re- cannot bring about good," Jones stated. 4673 or VlSit the box office weekday King Jr. on Jan. 19. minded America that as a "The dream stands in jeopardy," afternoons. "Is the fight for nauon we're not there [to Jones said. Fifty-five percent of black The play was a Broadway hit that equality over?" equality] yet." Jones said. youth are unemployed; people of color are became a 1944 movie starring Cary speak.er Dr Frankie T. "Martin Luther IGng not valued in the marketplace and cannot Grant. According to director Wade Jones, Sr. inquired of reached more people than access adequate health care. The median Hughes, the play will require fearless the audience who sat Pnoro B\' KJHST..uoi..IN~ any other (leader) in his family income for blacks is $15,000 less comedic performances from its actors, captivated, intent on OR.JOSESAT111EML11.LEcnRE generation, with the re- than the average white family. "If the so­ who include Mike Maykish, John hearing what Jones would say during this form movement," Jones said. He com­ cial and economic scales do not become Mattingly, Joel Hodge. Pam Grier. Meg lecture for which the 11 and 12 o'clock pared IGng to Abraham Lincoln in bis balanced, bis dream cannot be realized.·· Kennelly and Savada Gilmore. classes had been canceled. quest for equality and in his death. Kmg Jones insisted. Jones spoke about King and the cf- "fell a victim in Memphis King was a Campus to host feet that his life bad on the Civil Rights in an event like that which pioneering leader onsortium on Europe Movement, continuing to this day. "He had claimed Lincoln many who left a legacy Distinguished scholars from was a human being. subject to pain, ha- Aprils before. of opposing con­ around the globe will participate in the tred, anger and bitterness, like us. He "The rise of Martin tempt with respect Consortium on Revolutionary Europe. could have been a much a raciaJ e:\trcm- Luther King was not just an and hatred with which will be hosted by the university ist as his enemies. Nonviolence took him accident, but a movement love . IGng was in 0 Feb 19-22. into dangerous s1tuallons.' of God himself; he was a tune with the reali­ • • • I d 'al d lj . PHOTO 8 \' KIUS IA .\DKL,!> The program 1sopen to the pub- Describmg King as a preeminent eame soc1 an re g1ous (,~L:>b 1,osPu.l·tturR rf.JU'01t,1:.A1 MLK ties of the country, 1i c. For more information. go to voice in civil rights during his era, Jones advocate . As grandson of LFcruu of the inequality - www.revolutionaryeurope.org. High equated the movement with the ideals of a slave, he dealt with the pain and struggle between races. but he held to what he Point students will serve as program knew was right in spite of insurmount- assistants and will have full access to See MLK, page 6 the conference . AIDS fight in Africa Professor Gunther Rothenberg will be the featured speaker on Feb. Hispanic student 19 at 7 p.m. in the Hayworth Fine Arts is everyone's concern celebrates heritage Center. Rothenberg is a world-re­ By Craig Grunwald gentleman v.ho attempted to discourage nowned military history expert who Staff Writer me with those words while I was hang­ By Ada Hernandez has authored numerous books on war­ ing up my poster the other day reads this Staff Writer fare. When I was banging up one of my article and sees things differently. Maybe Professor Peler WiJson from the posters on the front door of the Slane on Feb . 25 our campus' "Putting a Face Students aught have noticed on cam­ University of Sunderland in England Center the other day, a fellow student on AIDS in Africa" will have the same pus a girl who has ClOilamon skin. dark will speak at noon at Feb. 20 at the came up to me after reading what was effect, not only on him, but also on you. brown eyes, long. curly hair and a bois­ Radisson in High Point . He wi!J ad­ on it and said, "6,500 people dymg a I've been very fortunate to get to terous voice. She is a member of the gos­ dress Germany's military preparedness day in Africa sounds like population know many of you on campus-students. pel choir and participates with Big Broth­ during the French Revolutiooary Wars. control to me. Besides, if I had one more faculty and administrators. Though I've ers Big Sisters. Darlene Brito is her name; Professor Jeremy Black from the day to live, I'd make the best of it and had disagreements with some, l know she is half Dominican and half Colom­ University of Exeter in England will sleep with as many girls as I could." there 1s good will in everyone I've met. bian from Paterson. N.J. This Jersey girl, speak at 7 p.m. on Feb. 21 at the Words can't describe the rage I felt Act on your good will by helping me and a seruor, is proud to be a Hispanic stu­ Radisson. He will speak on Britain as withm but J held my composure, told the others who have already joined me in dent. a world empire in the 18th century. him 1 disagreed and continued hanging this fight. We can't do 11on our own. According to recent research, only New exhibit now open my posters. This experience redefines There are many people in the world much 11.5 percent of Hispanics have the oppor­ why I'm mvolved 10 the fight against less fortuna te than we are and this is our tunity to go to college, and Brito is happy in Sechrest Gallery ATOS chance as a university to make a real dif­ to be one who can. The move from New A new exhibit, "Co lorscapes," has Dr. Martin Luther King once said, ference. Jersey to North Carolina was a big change opened in Sechrest Gallery and features "Shallow understandmg from people of During last year's state of the union for Darlene. New Jersey is full of Latin the landscape pao;tclsand charcoal draw­ goo<l will is more frustratmg than abso­ address. President Bush promised the nightclubs and all kinds of Latin restau­ ings of Elsie Dinsmore Popkin. lute misunder.,tanding from people of world that, over the next hve years. rants, 10 contrast to the Triad area, which Popkin's landscape paintings colorfully ill will." I believe pl!oplc can c.hange Amenca will give $15 billion towards mostly has Mexican restaurants and only display the sights of the Carolinas. Her and that undcr,tandmg can rnmc from two Latin nightclubs. charcoal drawings of famous musicians misunderstanding I hope that the See AIDS, page 5 See Brito, page 5 were inspired and created during re­ hearsals at Lincoln Center's Mostly Page 2 Page 4 Page6 Page 8 Mozart Festival. Popkin's work will be on display 2004 Recent through April 29. Gallery hours are Has John The scoop Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday events alter Predictions. on '21 from 1 to 6 p.m. Popkin will give a lec­ Edwards feelings to­ ture on Feb. 26 at I I a.m. in Hayworth forsaken frorn sports Gran1s' and Fine Arts Center. which will be followed to n1usic ward the city by a walk-through and discussion with Carolina? 'Big Fish' thl! artist 2 Camplls Chronicle EDITORIAL Friday, January 30, 2004 John Edwards turns his Unfair attacks on security By Ali Akhyari sponsibility of guarding the campus from Staff Writer criminals and thugs that come from sur· back on North Carolina rounding areas, they also have to chase No one in North Carolina should gues well and has thus far run a nobler Ah. yes, the age-old art of security the criminals and thugs that are included vote for John Edwards. I'm large ly campaign that the other Democrats, fo­ guard-bashing, a favorite pastime fo1 tn the very same student population they speal.Jng to registered Democrats here, cusing on positives instead of taking the many children . Recently I read an ar~ have to protect. "lllis bnngs me back to who have the chance to pick their candi­ low road, squabbling for sound bytes lam ­ tide in the underground newspnper the strange story of a seemingly inno­ date for the basting Bush.
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