THE WESTERN NEWS, LIBBY, MONTANA PACE THEE® Thurscfay, September 27, 1934. proposed caaufacture of mattresses by Plaid for Style-Wise College Girl Easy to Acquire unemployed, etc. SEEN—HEARD So far there has been no proposal BRISBANE Skill in Carving «round tha on the part of the federal government that the fanners could pay their taxes By CHERIE NICHOLAS THIS WEEK National Capital with farm products, which would other­ Beginner, However, Will wise rot on the ground. But there la a Be Interested in By CARTER FIELD! good reason for this omission. Farm­ Redskins and Spartans ers Involved In difficulties of that sort Where Ghosts Creep These Pointers. Washington.—Negotiations between do not pay Income taxes, or any other • She Threw No Party (A)» government and Prance are un­ direct taxes to the federal government To gala the skill acquired by a officially under way looking toward one New York Needs Money good carver, the person has to know ef the new tariff treatiea The prob­ Loans to Farmers Mussolini begins military training how to cut meat to stress tenderness. lem has been that France was most for Italian boys at the age of eight Also there are certain ether knacka eager to sell Its wares In the United But the federal government has been 35G years, the Idea being to “give boys a doing better than that by the farmers. l-sgL % or tricks, which a good carver learns, States, but has found what seemed to passion for military life through fre­ which are appreciated by those who be Insuperable difficulties In the way of It hqs been loaning them money to pay quent contact with armed forces." their state taxes. It has been loaning are served, although they may not making any concessions In return. In The red Indians went even further realize why their portions seem so fact, some of our more cynical diplo­ them money on their unsold crops, par­ •' * à back. They developed a passion for ticularly cotton and wheat It has been well suited to their tastes. Points oa mats commented several times during war and scalps In the squaw even be­ poultry and Wrd carving are given Ifee preliminary overtures that France loaning them money to buy seed. And fore the little fighting papoose was today. vas so used to getting her own sweet all this for a long period prior to the born, providing the females with Inter­ drouth, and therefore unconnected The position of a bird Is, In Itself, way with this country she could not un- esting little stone hammers used to Important The legs should be at the Amtand that the Idea of this reci­ with drouth relief. crush In the skulls of surviving enemy right, the nock at the left The fork procity treaty business was that both And It has been paying them good warriors as the squaws went carefully Is thrust through the breast, one aides had to make concessions. American currency for such supplies over the battlefield at dusk. prong each side of the breast hoae. As It Is, France will not be able? to as it bought to feed the unemployed, Sparta trained her boys for killing, In this position the bird Is held firm­ make any proposals to this country, not giving them certificates which even encouraging them to murder, for ly and the knife most readily finds which would have a chance In the could be exchanged only for some prod­ practice, unarmed helots, as they went Its way to sever the first and sec­ world of being accepted unless she uct produced by the unemployed In & ■m to their work before sunrise. ond Joints and wings. The former cerises her very definite policy since state factories, as proposed by Sinclair. ii '• But Sparta was unimportant com­ are cut off together and then the leg Obe war about being practically self- By the same token the federal gov­ pared to intelligent Athens, and a few (the first Joint) la severed from the supporting so far as food Is concerned. ernment laid Itself open to the charge white Puritans easily disposed of the second Joint. Then the wings are cut Actually France could absorb a very of direct competition with industry by Indians. Intelligence and Justice win off, after which the breast Is cut In «••slderable amount of American this same difference. Had It exchanged wars. thin slices, wheat, and a far larger proportion of furniture and mattresses and whatnot In these days of airplanes and poi­ Bach portion should consist of such fruits as apples, with actual net produced by the unemployed for the son gas the warrior with a mere “pas­ some white and some dark meat, for benefit to her citizens. The point Is food products of the farmers to feed m sion for combat" will soon get more no longer Is it considered correct to that the cost of producing sufficient those same unemployed, the procedure 5? of It than he can digest ask which kind a person prefers. To wheat to feed the French people and would have been more nearly that of get enough dark meat, which Is the rial tors to France Is excessive, It is the EPIC plan of Mr. Sinclair, and the richer, to go with the whit*, which 1« accomplished only at a very consider­ manufacturers would have had a hard­ Long ago In Venice was built a fine the more delicate. It Is necessary to able cost to the French housewife and er time making their case. palace, the “Abbey of St. Gregory.” cut the dark meat of the Joints Into the French taxpayer. For the answer In either case Is that JT1 The palace has changed hands and la pieces. One such piece, with a slice 8o a move Is under serious consider­ the unemployed are not buying now, now being “renovated,” with plumbing, of breast, forms a good serving. It is ation by the existing French govern­ so the manufacturer Is not losing a bath tubs, showers, electric bells, tele­ only when meat is carved la the phones, radio, that would considerably ment, so Washington has been In­ market when they produce something of brown braided leather. kitchen and passed for each persoo formed, looking to changing this pol­ for themselves. It Is only when their The plaid for the dress oa the stand­ surprise any ancient abbot to help himself, that taking pre­ icy, The thought would be to let product is put on the market that this ing figure to the right is la red, white No “Long Bear” from across the ferred portions Is permissible. Thea American foodstuffs, particularly wheat competition arises and private Indus­ and blue and it is one af those fash­ mountains, no roving Hun from beyond the entire bird Is Jointed and cut and fruit. In with a rather moderate try Is hurt ionable thin woolen weaves which Is the Volga, has appropriated the reli­ without such apportionments. The duty, and thus at one move reduce the LAIDS to the right, plaids to gious palace to other uses. The new It may be recalled, despite the fact Pthe left, plaids everywhere In the dellghtsomely lightweight and there­ breast Is not sliced but Is separated present subsidy burden on the French tenant Is a very pretty slender Amer­ from the carcass In portions right that the episode apparently escaped autumn style pageant, did one ever fore pleasing to wear In the class­ Ireasury and reduce the cost of bread Mr. Sinclair’s notice, that last winter room. A bright blue belt and scarf ican girl named Barbara Hutton, who for Individual servings. ts the French consumera. see so many plaids as are flaunting brings with her the proceeds of a five congress specifically disapproved of their gay colors and bold patternlngs enter attractively Into the color scheme. When there is stuffing, the carver Mrs. Roosevelt's Idea of a furniture As a matter of tact the two-piece dress and ten cent store system that can slits the stitches of the sewing, auf Want Cheaper Bread throughout fashion’s realm this sea­ quickly change any old abbey Into a factory run by the government for the son? Plaids In alluring lightweight tailored of plaid Is not only a spoons out the tasty, well-seasoned modern, fashionable “dilatory domi­ crumbs, giving one spoonful, or Its benefit of subsistence fanners In West woolens. In smart rayon weaves, stun­ college girl favorite, for whether you The move would not have been pos­ cile.” She brings also a hnsband, a equivalent, with each serving. Whea sible a year ago. But two changes In Virginia. Congress, after quite a de­ ning taffeta plaids and knitted plaids, go to school, to office or saunter about town during the shopping hours a plaid “Georgian prince," named Mdlvanl, by­ the bird Is served Jointed and cut. ffie situation have come about In that bate, refused an appropriation for the too, they are all among “those pres­ This action was taken on the frock’s the thing this season which In­ product of the five and ten cent stores, the dress lag Is apt to form a center, time. One Is that there has been some purpose. ent” In the early fall collections with who will know how to make the old protests of the furniture manufactur­ very special emphasis glvea them In terprets chic at Its smartest of many portions, with the meat clamor about the rapidly rising cost of abbey “ring with merriment.” Strange about It. Roast birds are apt to he living In France.
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