Kndjid^Kjr`m Sample file ROLEPLAYING GAME SUPPLEMENT Robert J. Schwalb • Ari Marmell CREDITS Design Art Director Robert J. Schwalb (lead), Ari Marmell Kate Irwin Development Cover Illustration Stephen Schubert (lead), William O’Connor Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Peter Schaefer Graphic Designers Editing Keven Smith, Leon Cortez, Emi Tanji Scott Fitzgerald Gray (lead), Dawn J. Geluso, Miranda Horner, M. Alexander Jurkat Additional Graphic Design Jino Choi Managing Editing Torah Cottrill Interior Illustrations Ralph Beisner, Eric Belisle, Steve Belledin, Kerem Beyit, D&D Creative Manager Thomas Denmark, Wayne England, McLean Kendree, Christopher Perkins Roberto Marchesi, Sean Murray, Hector Ortiz, Lucio Parrillo, Mike Schley, Chris Seaman, John Stanko, D&D Design Manager Matias Tapia, Ben Wootten James Wyatt Publishing Production Specialist D&D Development and Editing Manager Erin Dorries Andy Collins Prepress Manager Director of D&D R&D and Book Publishing Jefferson Dunlap Bill Slavicsek Imaging Technician D&D Senior Creative Art Director Allison Shinkle Jon Schindehette Production Manager SampleCynda file Callaway Game rules based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the later editions by David “Zeb” Cook (2nd Edition); Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt (4th Edition). 620-21094000-001 EN U.S., CANADA, ASIA, PACIFIC, EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS WIZARDS OF THE COAST, BELGIUM 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 & LATIN AMERICA Hasbro UK Ltd Industrialaan 1 First Printing: August 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC Caswell Way 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden ISBN: 978-0-7869-5560-2 P.O. Box 707 Newport, Gwent NP9 0YH Belgium Renton WA 98057-0707 GREAT BRITAIN + +1-800-324-6496 Please keep this address for your records DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, d20, d20 System, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, DARK SUN, Player’s Handbook, Psionic Power, Primal Power, Divine Power, Arcane Power, Dragon, Adventurer’s Vault, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Wizards characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included herein is purely coincidental. Printed in the U.S.A. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC. VISITOURWEBSITEATWWW.DUNGEONSANDDRAGONS.COM Introduction A psionic character wields the power of the mind, book introduced you to what your psionic character whether honed by rigorous training or inspired by can do. Psionic Power™ is your key to unlocking the wild and uncontrollable impulse. Disciplined monk mind’s secrets in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. and psion, unhindered ardent and battlemind—psionic characters defend the world against dark threats with Pndibocdn=jjf the most potent of all arms, the weapon within. Like Primal Power™, Divine Power™, and Arcane Power™ Psionic characters unlock the unexpected power before it, Psionic Power focuses on and is organized of their consciousness, bringing it to bear in the fight- around the four psionic classes—the subtle ardent, ing techniques they master or the magical effects the forthright battlemind, the focused monk, and the they create. Characters who study the psionics tradi- dedicated psion. Each chapter introduces a new class tions passed down through generations can transcend feature, new powers, and new paragon paths, and the body’s limits, eventually apprehending the whole also provides a rich amount of backdrop to enhance of creation with a single thought. the experience of roleplaying a psionic character. The history of psionic power in the DUNGEONS & Chapter 5, “Psionic Options,” contains more than 100 DRAGONS® game dates back to 1976, when the Eldritch new feats, information on psionics philosophies and Wizardry supplement to the original DUNGEONS & orders, details about psionic backgrounds and blood- DRAGONS boxed set introduced a psionics system lines, six new epic destinies, and new magic items that promised to “enliven games grown stagnant.” particularly suited to psionic characters. The ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game codi- Psionic Power can be used in several ways. You might fied and expanded psionics as a distinct and optional want to create a brand-new character using the builds subsystem of the rules, but it wasn’t until 2nd Edition’s and powers presented in this book, putting a different Complete Psionics Handbook that psionics became an spin on the standard psionic classes. You might use integrated part of the game. new powers to customize an existing character, taking Psionics came into its own in 2nd Edition’s popu- advantage of the retraining rules in the Player’s Hand- lar DARK SUN® campaign setting, which left a lasting book. The new feats presented here are equally useful influence on this unique and powerful magic. In for characters using builds from Player’s Handbook 3 or the 3rd Edition DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game, that the new builds presented in the class chapters in this foundation was rebuilt and expanded into a complete book. New paragon paths and psionic bloodlines can system of psionics use and classes. provide unique insights into your character’s develop- 4th Edition introduced the psionic power source ment, and new epic destinies can set the tone and and four psionic classes in Player’s Handbook® 3. That Samplegoals file of your character’s entire adventuring career. contents 1:ARDENT . 4 4:PSION . 80 Paragon Tier Feats . .135 Playing an Ardent . 6 Playing a Psion . 82 Epic Tier Feats . 139 New Build . 10 New Build . 85 Multiclass Feats . 141 New Powers. 11 New Powers. 86 Bloodline Feats . 142 New Paragon Paths . 22 New Paragon Paths . 100 Epic Destinies . 145 Cosmic Soul . 145 2:BATTLEMIND . 28 5:PSIONICOPTIONS . 106 Demiurge . 146 Playing a Battlemind . 30 Psionic Power in the World . .108 Eighth Seal . 147 New Build . 34 Philosophies and Orders . 110 Grandmaster of Flowers . 148 New Powers. 35 The Origin of Psionics . .118 Master of Moments . .149 New Paragon Paths . 49 Psionic Backgrounds . 120 Topaz Crusader . 150 Psionic Bloodlines . 124 Equipment: Superior Ki Focuses . .151 3:MONK . 54 Elan . .124 Magic Items . 152 Playing a Monk . 56 Foulborn . 127 Ki Focuses . .152 New Build . 60 New Feats. 130 Augmentable Items . 154 New Powers. 61 Augment Feats . .130 New Paragon Paths . 74 Heroic Tier Feats . .130 CHAPTER 1 Ardent “My joy is your anguish. My courage is your fear. My path to victory lies within your mind.” Ajmoc`ardent, emotions are more than mere sensation. Emotion is a weapon you can wield and a tool with which the world can be remade. You draw power from your experience, taking advantage of your )joy, your courage, and even your fear. You call on the power of your psionics by focusing your mental state, weaving emotion into a complex web or inflaming your passions through sheer force of will. Just as you chan- nel this power, you are also a conduit for it. Sensing the emotions of allies and enemies alike, you manipulate them to suit your purpose with a deft mental touch. Those who stand at your side are strengthened by the power that flows from you. Your enemies find their own bravery withering, their plans confused and their hopes shattered by the strength of your mental resolve. But the psionic power you wield comes at a price. Fear and doubt, dark thoughts and anger can all cloud your concentration. However you master the energy of emotion Sampleand file the mind, this chapter contains a wealth of informa- tion to support your ardent character. ✦ Playing an Ardent: The ardent’s place in the world, and how this information can enrich your play. ✦ New Build and Class Feature: The impetuous ardent rejects the traps of sorrow and fear by sheer strength of will, overcoming doubt and hesitation to seize the advantage on the battlefield. Mantle of Impulsiveness allows you to turn an enemy’s wrath into renewed resolve for you and your allies. ✦ New Powers: You can read your enemies’ fear and use it as a weapon, or impel your allies to access unseen reserves of strength. This chap- ter supports all ardent builds with powers that strengthen your allies and let you stand against increasingly powerful foes. ✦ New Paragon Paths: Six new ardent paragon paths allow you to draw power from raw chaos, to unlock the full potential of you and your allies, and to destroy your enemies in body and mind. CHRIS SEAMANCHRIS CHAPTER 1 | Ardent / Sample file PLAYINGANARDENT Fear. Fear so thick, it might as well have been perfume. fear armors you against attack; your anger blasts your Oh, it wasn’t just fear. These thugs worked as leg-breakers foes with psychic force; your love and concern soothe and enforcers for the thieves’ guild. And this was their home your allies’ hurts. turf. Even now, Thalvos couldn’t be certain which of the vari- Ardents draw on all feelings, but you focus on one ous patrons in the common room were genuine drunks, and particular emotion—your “mantle.” Although your which were hunting him and his companions. powers do not rely on this emotion only, your mantle But they were here somewhere. This much he knew. He is the emotion on which you draw most frequently, felt them. And there, beneath the light spice of exhilaration and the one that allows you to control and channel and a smattering of anger, the main dish was definitely other emotions.
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