
WILLIAM SWIFT, ClERGYMAN HIS ANCESTORS AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS AND CONNECTIONS CO}WRISING PARTIAL RECORDS OF THE Sw~FT, DUKE, GARRETT, SIYJlS ON, AND ALLIED FAMILIES IN ENGLAND, VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA BY VANCE E. SwTIT 1980 / ,;.i - TABLE Of COitEiT3 Page 1. Dedication. Page 2. Swift Coat of Arms. Page 3. Acknowledgements. Page 5. Preface. Page 7. Soaetbing To R~er. Pace ll. Part I.Sw-llts or (Swy.ftes»)Ancient English Faa1ly. Page . 13. Imerieans or Royal Descent. Page 18. Swift - Viscount Garlingford - Lineage. P~e 19. Swifts of 5witte's Heath - Lineage. Page 20. ,aaili.os ot Sw:1tt, Burton, and Jessup. Fap '2l. Swirt Faidly Arms. Page 28. ReverendVi1li~ 5~t, (1696-l734)~Arms. 'P~ae 30. E!tl. g. Jenathau'Stiirt D.O., ::aan ot St. Patrick's, Dublin,Ireland. P&«e 33. St. Patrick's Cath~r&l, Dublin~ Ireland, where Jonathan Swift servoo. aa D~an (17l3-1745J. Pace 35. Part. m,. hiographical List of Swift (Swyfte) (Sldfte) Graduates and Holders of Office at The University of ~ bridge, Engltmd,l) Fraa The Rarliest Times to 1751. (Alumni Cantabrigin$~es). Page 39. lis&:muQl CollGS0 Chapel, Caabridge University, ingland Where The Rev. W111i6 Swift Received His B.A. Degree - 1717-18. Pap 41. St. Paul's Cathedi-al, London, England, where 'i'he Rev. Willb..'?j Wdtw:w .Ordained Priest, 1719. Pale 0·42. Rev. William Swift D~Do, Clergyman, Church ot InC1and, Ancestor ot Thtl Swift P'aily In Va. and lIorth Carolina. Pace 44. St. Petor'o Church, St. Georgt!'e Parish, Berauda, where 'l'h~ Rev. William S~t SGrved as Cler~ For the Church ot DnglanA (1722-17?S). Page 46. George n Land Grant ot 400 acres to Rev. WUli.ea Switt, Goochland Co.•» Va.. 1731. Page 47. George n Land Grsnt or 400 acres of Land In Goochland ce., Va., to Rev. WUuam Sw.i.rt 1732. Page 51. Letter FrGiU A.E.J. Hollaender J Keeper of Xanuscripta GuUdhall Library, Imd=, England. Re: The iev. Wi1J1811 Sw.itt. Pale 54. List ot ProfessiO'l1&1 Relcoro. Searchers RecODllended B,.- The Society of G0D~cgists, Engla-~o Page 55. Lettor rr~ Fr:mk1~Rl E. Meak, G'1'1!lversity of KiDs. Re: lteT. Willig 5Y.ift. Page 57. The F~ Papal'S, IaIboth Palo.ce Library, Lcndca, KnglaDd. Rfj: \~~ Rev. W,:]'1i alfi& Swift and Tho English Clerg in Colcmial Vir~mis.. Pa«e 61. ~ 1Y,. 'lha DukG and Smrt F&m.lies In Hanover, Louisa, and Goochhnd Counties, Va., and Letter :p'rca )(re. Irvin& Tarrell Duke. Pap 62. Henry Duke, Comlcelor, HilS ThDscmdants and Connections B7 Walter Garland Duke. j ,,- ; .; f.~ p•.•• 6)• Descendant.B otBumley Duke and Illsabeth SwUt. Pqe 66. Descec&mta of George Washington Duke anc.1Dorothy Lewis Swift. Pa«e 68. Descendants of Aaedi&h Duke and Thaaas Swift. Pa«. 69. DUe Coat of Arms. - Pa«e 70. Swift. Switt L1naag~. Rev. llUUu. Swift ~rant to Va. ·Pqe 71. Dcscandants of ~ Swift and hled1ah Duke. Page 72. Desceadants of lUisabeth Swift and lfartin Baker IV. Page 73. Desc0nda.nts ot martin Baker V and JUria Swift. Page TI. Descendants of Richerd Swift &net H&ry Terrell, and deseCindaats ot William Svift(3) and Rebecca Swift; and descendants ot !dmnnd Swift and Doroth7 Lewis Switt. Page 80. Descendants or \'1i11biB Zachar; 3virt and niza Hargaret Thcau. 81. Descendants of oo.vid. Swift and Cordelia Adelaide Kartha Brown. Page S) • Descend.W1ts or '1'im<?thyTerrell' Swif't, Susanna luckals, and Deseadants ot Luther Rice Swift and Ann Elizabeth Duke. 85. Ducf.lflldats of Wi 11i &J! Henl'7 Switt and Blizabeth .erideth Waltm. Pag•• 87 and 114. Children of Wi)1i am 5wi.f't and Frances Wadd7. fqea 85 and 86. PCilI1erof Attorne,. frca WilHam Swift, and Deed ot Ltmd in Goochland Co., Va. Page 91. Survey Plat tor I.mld Grant to TbQIWS Sw1f't on Sandy Creek, Or&~e Co~, B.C. Page 93. !!tl.!. Rar17 M_b0rs of Tho Swift 1udl:r In Va. and B.C. Children of the Rev. William Swift and Dianah HOdgkin. Page 94. Iaventory and awrais&l or the effects of the ieT. Williul Swift. .. _ Page 100. Will12m SwiftIff Will. Pq •• 104-111. Deeds FroeliiU!tm Swift disposing of land inGoocUand eo.mt;r, Virginia~ -" - P&&e ill. Part VI. Jlorth ~rollna. Descendants of The Rev. WHHam Sw1tt:- Page ill. Lineat{~ - ChildrQrll ot The Rev. William Sw.lrt and Dianah HodWdn. Page 113. Swift F~ Lin~ - S~ of the Descendants ofWiJl'aa (1723-U08) MdFraneas tt1.addy Swift of Cuwoll Co., fI.C. Page 114. ChUdrm of 'fh.~~d Peggy Svii't. Pac- ll5. Children of George and Sarah Swift. Pages 117-l24. Letter from Ifathoclne k1dwicX H. (MrD •. WilliamJUles) lIlorph,... Be: The Swift and Jetferson Fally ties. 125-127. ~ll Co. Court Minutes - 1777 (Ori.ginal) siped b;y Wi]jiaa Swift# J~0. Pa«e 128. Pari ill. Del5c~ants of The Rev. lI;I1Un Swift In Caswell ~y, s.c. .." Page 130. Wi11 i QPl Svltt U:i.,cl ~tries In Cu-wll Co., I. C. and Ialtd: Grants to WiJU~,q'&d.ft. Pqe 132. Survey Plat to 100 acre Land Grant to Richard Siapson on StCll,87 Creek. (Siapscm to Harris to ~t land). P&«_ 134--135. George A. SvUt Ville . Pap :,-.::137. William Swift (1723-1808) caswell ce., •• e., Planter, Judge, 'l'a.x Collector, Hip Sbertt' Caswell Co., I. C., Revo1ut1CD&r7Var Patriot. Pfale 138. Deeds aDd Grants to George Alexander Swift. Paaes 139-143. Application lor lkDbership D.A.R. by descendant of Willig SwUt. ' Pag_ 144. Childran of George Alexander and Sarah Swift. PaCe 145. Robert Sv1tt, and chUdren of Robert and Jane Garrett Swl.tt. Paps 146-151. Robert Swift Fa.zil7 Bible Records. P&&e 152. Robert SwUt Will. Pace 153. r.w.m!. :;~ descendants of Robert Swift (19J7-1853) aDd JaDS G~att, and Descendants of George Asbur" Swift (1833-1863) and Rebecca letor (1832-1915). Pap 154. Desccmdants of John ~Gtcn Switt (186L.1928) and Laura Antoinette lorwood, and Children of W1111am Faucette Swift aDd Hazel Killi~. Pace 155. Chlldren of Winifred Swift and Husband, Moss Ss.l..q. Pa4e . 1:56. Descendants of Robert and Jane Garrott Swift. Pap 156. Iobert. i. Sw1tt, Ceatedetate Soldier In The War Between " <." ~eS~~. , p.,e 159. lloben B(ri:..lkle7) Swift Faail1' Lineage. Pal_ 160. PhotopoaJ,ile 'of Robert B. Uld wite ·lbrT Ell& J. Swift. (S" alao parole trca Union Priaco by President Lincoln.) Paa- 16~l.64. Robert B. Swift Fami17 Bible Records. Pap 165. Descendants of' Robert B. Stdf't (1857-1923) and I'ar7 lUl.a .1. Smpson (1855-1937). Pa&e 166. Job1a U. Sut.ton mul Martha (lfattie) Jane Swift, and th.tr deaceadaBts. ' P&le 169. Rebert HawkinsSmtt. and Huldah Smith and their desceD&ttts. Pap 174. Josera Franlclin Swift .md Willie Carrie Boone and' their Descendants. ' P&le 175. Lite MAgadne picture of Wi" i all. Svitt and World War II ~. Pqe 176. Ida Swum Swift and Husbcmd, Preston Chriaaan, aDd Th••ir descmdar!ts. P&«e 176. Lella AnD Swift, and her Husband, Walter J. Stadler)and Their Descend&nte0 Paa- 177. lIar7 Alice Switt Imd husband, John Will Davis, and Their Descendants • Pap ':'-1'18. Vance Everetto SwU't and wite, Ximena Simpson, and Their Descendants. ' Paa- 179. Drawing of Old S~on Log School House. P~e 181. Vance E. Switt Certificate In Lieu of Discharge U.S. )faV7 World War I. P&«e 183. Jlarriage Certificate, Vance E. Swift and liama P. Sillpson. Siapaon-Switt Wedding lotice. P&&e· .l.86. Photocow''Dedication'' lev BerD"~c.A.nnual to Vance B~ Swift. P&le 189. Vance I. Swift, ietiraaentBaDquet, Grove Park Inn, Asheville, I.C. and ielated Jfateria1~ . Paao 191. Echo Kanor Plantation House, HOlle of Vm,,;e i. Swift. Pace : 192. Swift Coat of A.ru. PIa- 194. .{DtograPi, Vuee I. Swift From the 1926 lew Bern Hi&h "001 Annual. Pap 196. ~ograPl U.I.C. Class of 1921 Reunion (with inset Vance 1. Swift, UJC Vareity baseball photouapb). Pace 195. Aot~~ '(:"?26) X1aena ()(rs. Vanee·E.) Switt. P&«e 197. Children 0: Vance I. Sldtt and Xiaena Simpson. Pap 198. Picture of Vanee E. Swift, Jr. carried in Sika Mews. Pqe 199. Children of Vance E. Switt, Jr. and wite, Eleanor Rowe. Pa«e 2QO.. CbUdren of Janathan S. Swift, K.D., and vite, Bett,. Jane Fischer. P~e 201. Sherilyn Switt - Picture froa Iov. 1974 issue of "Seventeen" lagazine. P&&e 203. J8ti4than Swift, M.D., Certificate -"ifu()ts WhoInternatiClllal." PAle 204. Picttu"e Lt. Jonathan S. Swift, 8th Air l'orce, World War II. Pag- 205. Em.!!. ?he Garr~t l'udly in Virginia, lorth Caro1iDa and Georgia. PAle 206. ~e Bond, Robert Switt and Jane Garrett. Pa!e 208. ..f!E1!. Th0!5a5 Garrett and Some of His Descendants in I.C. :._ in Georgia. .' Pa~e 209.:ticture High Rock ifansion, Courtesy iational D.l.R. Ka!&sine. Pa!es 213-21ft._ Th0Ba8 Garrett Estate Records, Caswell Co., I.C. Page 219.Ch1ldren and Grandchildren or Thomas Garrett and Susan Siapson. Pa!e 222. Picture John Wesley Garrett Hoae, High Rock, and Rema~ Wing Robert· SwUt Horae. Page 223. JosePl Siapson Garrett, Colonel, Ccmtederate States ot America, his wife, Virginia Heard, and their children. Pa!e 224. George Jetforson Garrett and. wife, Matilda Boyd Blanton, and their children. Page 225• Joseph SilIIlpsonGarrett. Biography from Cycloped!t ·!!t.Georgia. Pages 228-29.
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