Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 12-22-1949 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1949). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2511. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2511 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EIGHT DULUX:B TIMBS AND STATESBoRO Nh.vs �,1 ." , ·Z��\�) -.'. « • The True Memon.1 Social • Clubs • 18 AN UNWRI1TEN BU1'. RIAl­ QURNT STORY THAT OF ALL TEN YEARS AGO 18 .BEST IN LIFE. From Bulloeh Tim.... , Dec. .1989. 21, flF.RVICE MIS Flmmett Scott has ned In retui Our work to relied � preparation for census of Bal- helps loch Irom a VISit In county, George HIli, of Savannah spmt which to Sylvama, WHERE NEEDED 'Personal prompts you erect and Tm ner have Purely Wade Brewton, Claxton, (STATESBORO C Hodges and LUCIUS An­ tbe stone as an act of NBWS-STATBBBORO , reverenee opened offices In Statesboro. '\ EAGLE) •. (}HE£nNC' derson Wei e business VISitors In Ata •• I and devotion • • • Our kid sale advertised to 8etweenUs experieoc. Co-cperative MISS Ann Williford Tim_, ..bUllied 18111 spent Monday lnntu this be held Dec. week I I. at .ervlce. 23rd at Boyd'. stable, �dated .Jaaurr l'' 111' Savannah . .._,_ your State.bonl N..... :c.tabllabed 11101 in RUTH REAVER • the I MI s David B Gould IS =-- price agreed lipan being $1.10 State.boro GA., THURSDAY DEC. spending I � 11Iul1oe1l Eql., Batablllbed 1111'7-Co111oUdated n-_ II, t.­ STATESBORO, 22, 1949 VOL. 58-NO. 41 II1rs. Ike Minkovitz spent a few days for kids welll,hlng 20 to 30 pounds. two weeks In Savannah as the guest THAYER thiS week in Dr. R. J. Kennedy has been named Atlanta This time of the yeat famlhes be· MONUMENT COMPANY of Mrs Pearl Jomer: A Local chairman of the Loyalty Campaign , Ml'S. Flunk Willim� IS spending � Indu.try Si_ 11112 MI s W A and httle III Bulloch a natton-wide act. Bowen daugh­ ��� JOHN county, several days this week 10 Augusta M. THAYER, in Intere.t of the Democratic HERE'S THE END OF ter, Mal were Visitors In on �deP��:;'et�a��Ii!�g:!���'n;ndgl�;:)�a � Proprl""'r , ,vity I y Nelson, such large scale the 4& Farm Bureau PRESTON Mrs. Ray Malecki, of Savannah, VIS­ Howev2r, I _._._. =:F � West Main Street PHONE TALKS ON Atlanta dui ing the past week. past few years families that �f!i... 439' .. State.ro,O ited last week end With her paF\��t Federal Savings & Loan As· futher, grown so large have been drawing Mr. and LONG BUREAU LIST Mr. and MIS B H. Ramsey have I)ave, Mrs. Eugene of soclatlcn mailed checi<'l! for a total of I M W. Akms names It's that Brogdon, hardly possible anv- I to to Activitie. NATIONAL ISSmJ returned from a VISit In Griffin Lyons, announce the $2,500 shareholders, amountmg With one can boast of a brlth of a daugh- Se.ven Hundred Mr and MIS Aulbert Brannen larger family MRS. BLAND mterest of 5 cent Fifty-Four Mr. tor, L.mda AND MRS. .t rate per per E. D. Shaw was and Mrs Tmy Ramsey and a few than MIS Willis Waters. And even Jane, December 1. Mrs. BOY SCOUTS' OUTING Members Gave re-named presr­ Gives Little Hope For Bpent a few days this week m Mor- DAUGHTRY ExpresslOn In Atlanta though they are scattered aw far as Brogdon wa� ENTERTAIN dent of the F&rm days formerly MISS Sara Lou Troop 40, Boy Scouts of America, anS�o�kholdeT3 of old Bank of States- Of FrIendship For Times pgeechee Bureau Any Early Reduction In natown, Tenn. as New York, and can't Two 1 for alwya'9 get of lovely parties were next MI and Mrs. Frank Olliff Jr, of Hodges, Statesboro. given a bore are being made happy by an un- year along with the other of­ of IS together at one live as .,�oyed dellglitful cMllpiq trip We h Hlah Caet 01 Hartl' Ryan 3, Rutland, Vt, time, they With Mrs. of 5 cent on the aven't been boastlne-but Government Athens, Will arrive this week end for •••• Thursday Grady Bland and expected dividend per fi_cers that had ..rved In 1949, I. V. his M,s closely together as most any family Mr. Saturday and Sunday of lasl week .islting aunt, Wayne Par- and JIlrs. Aulbert J. Nesmith Mrs. B A. stock of that bank, brlnlfine refunds merely rejolcing-over the j!xprel­ In a fo_ful a VISit With MI and Mrs. Olhff SI In There' are chll­ Daughtry entertaiRlng at at Simmons, vice.president, and D. B. addre.. before the SpUlt thlrt"'ln Percy Bland's place near Yello.w to a total of since of tl"lsh, and family announce the birth of a the home of their $10,000 .Iosmg sian of friendship which has been ae· Franklin Statesboro and Dr Mrs. in dren, thlrty·three granchildren and son, Wayne, mother, Mrs. J. L. Jr., a. Rotary Club hera and Brannen Millen Bluff. The was a the bank six ago. eeeretary. Monda" • tnp to years Bohler SIX • December prize given corded us Emory and Kenneth Parker twenty great grandchildren. 8, at the Bulloch Johnson, on South Main in recent weeks b, that H. P. Congre••man PrInce Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alderman and County street. Dec. the members of In contest by State.boro Womack, county sehoel su­ H. Pre.ton ell­ When the names were the Buffalo and Fren­ spensored IIpent laat week end In Atlanta With drawn this Mrs. Nesmith was orations large element of ruralists who be- Hospital. formerly were of Christmas civic club. In connectlon with Gear. perlntendent, and A. S. pressed little for a MISS Bevetly Alderman Sun­ It was 'rather designe tlersmen who Dodd, one of hope reductloll I. " spent year singular that ht· patrols had won a traep )'IISS Billie Parker. MISS Barbara at Claxton and Christmas gla Power Company to create long to tbe Farm Bureau. If you the the all-ttme In Savannah as tie Cathy the Jean.MIlIer, corsages were pre. Inte�. county representatives, met with hleh peacetIme natiolll1l day guests of Mr. and youngest great. contest. During the the SCOlltw est in of busi- Mrs Inman Dekle, MISS sented each trip lighting beautification are "fed on thiS recent of Margaret Mrs G grandchild,MorNsishou d draw the name of gUe'Bt. Assorted up" phase the Ogeechee budget, bu t predicted that the P. Drake and Mr's. Pearl MRS. party did 8coutmg skills, went fishing, ness place. and homea, committee of group Monday night GODl­ Dekle and John Dekle are spend- the oldest member, Mrs. Waters. And SMITH HOSTESS cookies pubhclty just bear us through tbl. and aessllin of � Joiner sandwiches" and coffee Were boat impection Tue.day nleht a_rded .' discussed the many pha.es of the Ing c'oner••s will not rai.. Mrs E. A. rldmg and vlslted I In where yould you go to find one With Smith, Midway church final hst and to the end of mg today Augusta. superintendent served. Thursday sixteen first place to Grimes Jewelry Com- that mag. county's educational taxes. M,s Dick Bowman and httle this al mornmg and Stewart. programs and .', daugh- many children, looking }'oung of AssoclatlOnal was Camp Those Parrish of Will ar· Ogeechee WMU, were pauy, second place to Statesboro Tel· nlficent list which has been "If a Blitch, Atlanta, 8S Mrs. guests present and were makl", appear· problema, world peace i. to ter, Lee, of Ft. Will arrive \Vaters, nnd alw8'18 80 beau� prizes the were i be lllltab­ Valley, hostess to the members of the execu· trip Scoutmaster John Groo­ ephone and tblrd pjlace to rive I - Comll!'ny, in liberal Monday to spend two weeks With dressed won Mrs. Ing Installments for the lI.hed tlfully When Libba· and by Devane who E. Register voted ·to an As· there are \ three that thlg week end to spend two weeks tlve board of Watson, ver, Assistant Scoutmaster L. J. C. Oliver in elements: organiZe thines Ins Mrs W H Blttch Zacb Smith started off to an the WMU at a Wil-. �u.lness paot three _eks-smce the list was mother, keep lovely received dusting for awards for home will be an· soclated Women's mu.t be done: The With her Mr. and powder high: hghtlng . chapter In connec· United State. parents, Mrs Loran discovered were Chrlstmal Iiams, Mooney Jack Strick· 1'111 and Mrs A M Braswell they they late and party Saturday afternoon Mrs. Prosser, nounced handed m on December lat. and Perry with low was after inspection Friday and t,on With their Farm mu.t remain and Durden In Kennedy land Bu'reau, and mllitat!l}, economia­ <\\gagement recently a t her home on North Main and troop members Dennis De­ LISts .r8. Albert Blaswell and little son, Savanna:h, street, given a table Saturday night.. heretofore publl�hed Includ· allied MISS dashed out to get off, the keys haa bridge cover, and for • •• thought they would follow about tbe ally .tron.: natiom who be­ Mrytlce Pross�r, of Newnan, which was Loach, Jimmy Bland, WIlI!am Ruslell, AI, In Savannah beautifully decorated f6r cut a ed a .ort of h9t lieve spent Monday been left In the car, there sat the car glove box went to Mrs.
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