DEMAND THA T ABERHAR T GO VT. RESIGN FINAL Winnipeg Wheat EDITION October close 125^g VOL. XXX.—No. 2(55. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1937 22 PAGES LOYALISTS •I* "f CALHf- •I- *I- -F L EVER4* + *f" 4* Y4- -f* MA4* 4" "f1 4N« 4* 4" 4T* 4* 4" O4* 4* 4*ARM S Another Air Record Italy's Stand Rouses Suspicions Over 2000 At Almost In Grasp; About Face POST EDITOR DIES Exemptions "Hat Hear Call United Move Of Grandi Is From Service Conservative Leader Sees Early Collapse of Social Credit Rapped, O.C. Are Cancelled SPEAKMAN URGES STRONG ORGANIZATION Further Delay on With­ Appeal Made to Rebels to Observe Rules of Hu­ (From Our Own Correspondent) Italy's Stand drawal Foreign Volun­ Deny Report MEDICINE HAT, Oct. 23.— teers in Spain is manity Against As- Two thousand and twenty-five SHANGHAI, Oct. 23—'<P; people gathered in the Arena ROME, Oct. 23 — (CP) — A here Friday night for the pro­ Feared turians —The commander of the Bri­ semi-official publication for test meeting sponsored by the tish garrison in the interna­ which officials said Premier People's League of Alberta and tional settlement today offi­ Mussolini personally writes, REPORTS VARY ON MAY MOVE GOVT. demanded the immediate resig­ declared today Italy will make OFFICES TO BARCELONA cially denied a report cir­ nation of the Aberhart govern­ no more substantial conces­ FOREIGN SOLDIERS culated in Tokyo that the ment. sions regarding the recall of British defence force here had VALENCIA, Oct. 23.—(C.P- Mayor in Chair foreign volunteers from the LONDON, Oct. 23—(C.P.- clashed with Chinese reg­ Havas.)—With the vital port of Mayor I. Bullivant presided, and Spanish civil war. Havas)—Decisions to be taken ulars. by interested governments over G. H. LORIMER Gijon In Fascist hands, govern­ after calling for the vote on the res­ the week-end, and scheduled ment Spain today called upon olution passed asked those opposed, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 23.— 1JP) — for presentation to the London every able-bodied man in gov­ to express their view by voting George Horace Lorimer, editor who against it. By actual count only non-intervention sub-committee ernment territory to present guided the Saturday Evening Post three people declined to support the at a meeting Monday, will de­ himself at once for war duty. in its rise from a little known ma­ Sask. Bank Teller resolution, which was as follows: Girl Is Freed For cide whether proposals for the A decree prepared for official gazine, died last night. He was 69. "Whereas the Aberhart govern­ withdrawal of foreign volun­ publication in the government Has $10,000 Offer ment has during its tenure of offlca Shooting Attacker teers from Spain must face fur­ Lorimer, who retired from the ed­ gazette cancelled all exemptions from military service, threaten­ displayed a gross incompetence and ther delay, observers said today. itorship Jan. 1, 1937, had been crit­ ically ill with pneumonia since last ed the "severest punishment" for For Half Ticket inefficiency, as shown by the re­ British observers doubted whe­ As Crowd Cheers Thursday at his home In suburban attempted evasions and planned port of the Lunney commission, and ther all governments wouM have Wyncote. thorough reorganization of the MELVILLE. Sask., Oct. 23.— has sought to supplant our democ­ NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J., Oct. 23. replied by Trionday to the fol­ Lorimer, who had passed the crisis commissariat of war. (CP.)—Charlie Haines, teller at racy by a dictatorship; has disre­ —</P)—A courtroom crowd cheered lowing proposals, submitted as a several days ago, suffered a relapse Appeal to Rebels the local Bank of Montreal has garded our constitution, ignored the as a Jury freed 20-year-old Mar­ result of yesterday's delibera­ early last night. His physician said (Paris despatches reported that, a ticket in the Irish sweepstakes courts, nullified our laws, sought to garet Drennr.n. for the slaying of tions of the sub-committee: the pneumonia put a strain on his with refugees arriving hourly at which drew Harewood, a starter Paul Reeves, 25. father of tv;o chil­ The Proposals (Continued on Page Three.) heart. French Atlantic ports, the French In the Cesarewitch and has al­ JEAN BATTEN dren and whom she charged was 1. Setting of 1,000 as the figure and British governments had joined i ready received offers of $5000 the father of her (inborn child. for preliminary "symbolic" with­ in an appeal to the insurgents to from New York and 810,000 from NAPLES, Oct. 23— (C.P.-Retiters) , The New Zealand aviator, who Miss Drennan, who testified she drawal of "volunteers" from each observe "the rules of humanity," in Winnipeg for a half share. He —Jean Batten, New Zealand woman [ ranks with the late Amelia Earhart killed Reeves in his bungalow the side. dealing with the Asturian miners, is seriously considering the Win­ flier attempting a solo record from and Amy Johnson Mollison as a night of Sept. 7 to ward off a sec­ 2. Acceptance in advance of de­ whose bitter resistance, it was fear­ nipeg offer. Road Gravelling Australia to England, arrived here great distance flier, holds the dis­ ond attack, was whisked by jail cisions of an international commis­ ed, might bring grim punishment today and announced she would re­ See Return officers to the sheriff's office imme­ sion to be sent to Spain to take a from their conquerors. tinction of having been the first •> • •> * •> •> •:• • •> • main for "a good sleep." woman to fly the south Atlantic diately after the jury returned its census of foreign volunteers and or­ (From Salamanca an insurgent The 27-year-old airwoman, with solo from Africa to Brazil. She verdict. ganize machinery for their repatria­ radio broadcast said General Fran­ Program Is Near ENTERS BIG SHOW • plenty of time in hand to beat the made the' 1,281-mile ocean hop in tion. co will extend "the most liberal and present mark of six days, 10 hours, 1935 over a route regularly flown 3. Reinforcement of the naval most Christian pardon" to the As­ LyonsJJovt. CHICAGO, Oct. 23.—«B —- •> 55 minutes, arrived here from by mail planes and set a new time patrol of Spain and re-establish­ turian miners.) Saskatchewan's first entry End Says Fallow Athens at 3.45 p.m. G.M.T. (7.45 record in the process. ment of frontier supervision. Meanwhile stirring encouragement • for the 1937 international hay • a.m. P.S.T.) After a good night's She holds the England to Aus­ $21,000 ROBBERY Italian Ambassador Dino Grandi, to the Leftists, in the face of the Early Counting in Aussie • and Grain show, Nov. 27 to <• rest, she said, she would leave at tralia solo record, taking it from who was joined, by the German and Gijon defeat and foreign interven­ • Dec. 4, came from Daniel •> Official Figures on Con­ dawn tomorrow and make London Broadbent last year. Broadbent WILMINGTON, Del.. Oct. Portuguese representatives earlier in tion on the side of the insurgents Elections Gives This • Wolfe, Nipawin. He will ex- •> In a single hop. now is making an attempt to re­ 23.—t/P)—Five men carrying the week in accepting in principle came from Premier Juan Negrin and struction Progress Are • hibit Grimm alfalfa seed in •> Record Nears gain it. He left Lympne airport machine guns held up the "substantial" proportional withdraw­ Forecast Catalan President Louis Companys. • the contests. • DAMASCUS, Syria, Oct. 23—!W— yesterday, flew to Rome and after office of the General Chem­ al, was supported by them yester­ Broadcasting from the Madrid ra­ Released •> Wolfe was the exhibitor of • Curly-haired Jean Batten, 27, to­ a brief pause roared on toward ical Co., at Claymint, Del., day in refusing to bind the three SYDNEY, Oct. 23—(C.P.-Reuters) dio station, Negrin told the country • a champion sample of al- • (Special to The Herald.) day apparently had within her Cyprus. late Friday and escaped with pro-Fascist governments to con —As counting of ballots in Aus­ that "success is certain" and Com­ • falfa seed at the 1936 ex- * EDMONTON. Oct. 23.—Gravel­ grasp the speed record for solo a $21,000 payroll. » elusions of the proposed interna- tralia's general election neared an panys assured the Loyalists their "enemies at the front are marked • position, •> ling of 502 miles of Alberta roads flights from Australia to England. :• tional commission on this point. end tonight, Indications were that for defeat." undertaken this year is practically Poised to leave early today for (Continued on Page Three.) the government of Prime Minister • * (Continued on Pace Three) completed, according to official fig­ another lap of her speedy journey More Experts If Joseph Lyons had been returned to ures on construction progress given from down under, she had a con­ power with its majority in the out by Hon. W. A. Fallow, minister siderable margin on H. F. Broad- house of representatives slightly of public works. bent's time record of six days, 10 reduced. A large part of the program was hours, 55 minutes. Present Ones Fail Three Lives Saved Late returns indicated Labor had replacement gravelling. Among pro­ Miss Batten, who left Darwin, on gained three seats. This would T en Are Killed jects completed and mileage in­ the northern coast of Australia, at make the standing in the lower volved are: Calgary to Crossfield, dawn Tuesday, reached here late house: Labor 31, United Australia 25 miles; Lethbridge to Monarch, yesterday, having used approximate­ Declares Ansley Party 28, Country Party 15. 15 miles; Macleod to Waterton, 61 ly ZXA days for the journey to date.
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