The Wrtither ForecaM ot L. -S. Weather .Bureau CdUidderable cloutHnesa aad Mrs. Stuart J. Wasley of 20 ly David Hutchinson. .Carl Guital- aoniew'hat rolder tonight; Satur­ Academy .itfeet has been called CIiu itIi Lists sim. Ernest Tureck, Raymond .8,537 day partly cloudy and slightly to Bristol by the di*ath of her Frick.son amt Richard Niese. Gerald ( ’happefl, Ralph Pearson G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. Member ot the Audit roider; moderate to fresh wind*. father, K<lwin Brighlman, who Bureau tit Clrculatiqua died at noon Wednesday. Mr. I and Mr. (-tampagna will compose Xmas Music the male' chorus. Manche$ter— A City of VUlage Charm ,Wary Bii*lin«ll Chaney Auxi­ A son their second, was Ironi Brightman belure his retirement Lumber* of AU Kinds Tonight ! The Junior Choir tinder the liary. V. S. W. V., will meet to- Monday at the Hartford hospital was emrdoyed bv the Se.salons ('hristraas party St Maigaiet'a nijrht at the Army and Navy club­ to Mr. and Mrs George K,. Stiles Clock Co. In Kore.'lville, as super­ ' direction of .Mrs Ward Krau.se will Mason Supplies— Paint— Hardware (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Circle, T). of i . ai the "V. " ^ \orlli Metliodist I*rr- ■ also a-AHist in the service which will (aaMifled Adverttalng on,Paga l4) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 house. The meeting was poetiwned of Washington street. intendent. Tlie funeral will be Siqiper and Sale. St, .Mary'.s Iji- VOL. LXIII., NO. 60 from laat night «r account of a held FrIdaS'. afternoon at 2 o’clock |>»rrs Special Cro^'rain ! he cohdui'icd hy the' pastor of the Balsam Wool Insulation dies' Guild. church. l<r. Earl Fiirgeson. banquet at the deibhoiiae. l»cal Mclhodi.al chnn h .sc hool fiom the ( ’. Funk * .Suii.s fimerai parlors on I’l o.spect .street, Bil.'tol. Sahirda.r, Dec. II F d t Deeeniher 2f». workers;will be welcome to attend Chnstmas party, Ixcal .53, T. “Fighting 69th“ Advances on Butaritari Beach Pfc. Elliott , McMullen of the the conierence tomorrow evening W. I ’. A., Tinker hall. COAL COKE OIL /i Kinney General Hospital Thomas- at 7:30 at the Bnriiside church. St.' .Mary's Woman's Auxiliary Xleinbers and friends of the will hojd it.s nioiilhlV meeting to­ Siinda>, Dec. I'2 5 th Army Cracks enka Capturecl vlll^ Ga., is home on furlough, and F.ast Hartford, to he addressed by North Methodist chyrch are invit­ If Cantata "Betlileham " tiv (’liam- ' 2 M^in St. •’V Tel. 5 1 2 5 la spending it with his parents. Mr. Rev. Howard K. Tower. lii.stiuT luol row evening at 8 o'clock in the ed to a candlelight service to he li'- and Mrs. George McMullen of TU4 leaders will conduct , diacus.aion Guild room. Tile speaker for the inai^)- .Musiial ('Inh at Center evening will he. Xlia.s Hannati .Jen­ thnn h at 4 3o p. in. held Sunday evening, December. 261 Parker street. group.'. sen. teacher of home comiomics .Moiidii.t. Ilec. 1.1 ill 7:30 o'clock at the church. Comforting German Defenses; in tile local schools. Her subject .luseph tVru has been in ( ’limago Manche.'tel .M o t h e r a ' Club .An augmented choir under the A pre-Christmas ami Advent will be ".Nntniioii." The ho.ste.sses Funeral Service Forces; Ctil'i.at mis pai'tv. ('entpi church. direi turn of .Mrs. David M. Bennett, By Russian thi.'. week Iepresciitiiig the Hnri- service with the story d I <'hrist- will he .Mi.s. .lobn Kennedy. Mrs. • Moderate costs mas in pictures and_ song will be ford ('oiinly Farm Bureau at the \\ edneadii.> . Ih-c. 1.5 uigani.'t, willqiresent a program of Francis McGcown. .Mrs. David niusii appro'priate for the Christ­ • Personal attention conducted at Zion\Evangellcal annual national conyeiition ot the P.ohin.siiM and .Mrs. Jn.sciih .lohn- ■Annual .Manchester District Billie’s Beauty Shoppe Cross Morq Again mas s<>ason. Traditional carols of Lutheran church. Wednesda.v eve- organisation. He expects to le- ston: .Meinia i.s are reminded to .Scunter.s hampiet and Ijidics' • Modern equipment tiiin .‘Saturday. ® I Night at the Y at 6 30. other co'intiies and past centuries • Expert direction' 22 Depol Square Telephone 7978 ..nlng, ecember 1.5. at 7:30. Christ- tiring tticir gjfis for Ihc i hildren will he sung. ' ' mas carols and hymns will be in­ at liic .Newington Horne for Crip- ! 'I'hiirHila.v, l>ec. 16 ‘ In recognition of the recent Four Rail Lines Gut W ALTER N. LECLERC terspersed with the stereopticoit Wa.'hinglon Lodge No. 117 I. pleil Children. j i Mohife Blood Bank Ciiit will he MANCUfSTCa, CONN Offensive Is Brought to. O. U. will meet tomoirow iiighi to ja t .St. .Mary's f’arish hall. death of Pietro Yon. famed orgAn- I-'SO Tel. 52ts Japs ^Sink^ slides. There will be no admission ud and composer and former musi- Smashing Climax hy| charge but a free-will offering will elect onicers Other important .\iule.son-Siiea Post. No. '2016. It. SHliirdiiv, l>ec. 18 Victorious Soviet Gol- hu.'iness is to In. takc'n np and a 1 al director of ,St Patrickls Cathe- be taken. Friends of the congrega­ V. F. U’., and aiixiliaiy. also Uie ! Christmas I’arty. .Anderson-.siiea dial in .New York City, two of his Will Close Saturday, Dec. 11 (^iapture of Mt. Sainu- tion are invited. The pastor, Rev. I full attendance is de.aired. Ship Ju st Air Offensive Weird Tales iiiiin One of Several V. F. W. Club members will hold I’ost and Auxiliary at V.F.W-, compositions, the familiar ".lesii cri>; Canadians Going ■Paul G. Prokopy. will present the Uicir rhn.stmns party .Saturday I Home, Manche.slcr Green. Bambino. " and a more recent Drivinu Through the .illustrated lectuie. \ . A card party \viH t)r held at tin* evening. Dec. 18. at ,Uie Post ,1 Siindiiv, Dee. 19 anthem, "They ('all Hina Ji’.sus,” Forward After Forc­ Put in Sea , 111 Knockout Help to Sap I Buckingham (’on g i e g'a t i o n a 1 rooms. .Maiicliester Green. Kacli' I Joint Annual Cluistmas party. 1 l>i Cliiamano Geaul will be pre-j And Will Not Open Again ^Griinihling Nazi De­ Ensign and Mrs. Wiliiam A ; I hnrch tomorrow evening Whi.st. person stlending is requested to I .Mlantonomoh Tribe of Red Xlen senti'd, Fiernard (.'ampagna, tenor i ing Second Crossing. Jitaxwell announce the birth of a bridge and setlmck will be played bring a htimorons gift valued at ^ and Degree of Pocahontas. .Sports in tile .Senith Methodist .chuich-j Nazi Morale fenses in Dnieper Bend ■daughler. Judith Ann, on Novem- .VI cents for the grab-bag Re­ 1 Center, Wells .street st 2:30 p. ra. 1 liolr wiH he the soloist in the first | Berlin RatUo Quotes To^ Stage Now Msithew . Moriurty is lisving freshments will be served by the Allied Headiiuarter.s, • Al­ .'\nd Fannhi*; Out from -ber 30, at the W^yandotte i Michi­ I TiieMlny, Dec. 21 named number, and. the other will I gan) General , ' hospital. Ensign ihangis made at the hoii.se at 1.11 committe. ill ctuirge. which is lie sung hy a c:horus of tivelve I Until Monday, Dec. 27 giers, Dec. 10.— (/Pj— The kyo Report on Bat­ XIaxwell is a flight instructor at Park .street, formerly miiipird ))\' headed hy Mrs. Florence Peterson. Chnstmas Parly of .Mam he.ster Cennan itulnstrialist As- Kreinenchiig; Falls in i Exchange Club. Wiimen, j Fifth Army has cracked Ger- tleship IF ' i SCO n s i n ; Official liiiliculion Al- the U. S. Naval Air Station, Capt. G. Bruce l»omis, wliiih hi Several meintiers of the Bee- | nian defenses on both sides sert^ I nitetl States 'riiree Days Fi{|;ht. ‘Orosae, Isle, Mitth. The gratidpar- la to occupy as a home. Mrs linhert Kenny, the former Monday, Jan. 21 thoven Club will alao as.'ist, name-i Lnnnrheil TBays Afftt. licil Drive in Rliuse -Miss Dorotti.V Foley, was honored Annual meeting Red ( 'ro.ss at of-the Via Gasilina at Migna- .ents are David Maxwell, 176 South 1 Is /P rodneinfi 2 3 . 0 0 0 Main street and Mr. and Mrs. P. .1. Word has been rcci-ived by ttic \\ith another gift aliower. at the Chapter headquarter.'. no in a bloody nine-day offen- » ‘ \ l*rc|»aralory « Laiiil Loiuloi). Dec. 10.— (/P)— Ackerman of 14fl Oakland street. parent.s of I’rivnte Patrick Rooney. home of her cousin, Mrs. .lames l>ondon. Dec. 10.— Tokyo Planes Each Month. '{'he Red Army has captured Stieehan of Rockville. Relatives siaKiitMiitnuudiKhnmnfMnHVAHRiHniwnMHhNfnfnfiauKnfntnML' .sive brought to a smashing liivaHi4>ii 4>f Eiirtipe. .Mr., and ,Mrs. .laicih Rooney. of 4 propagandists are now\slnking Znamenka. huh of a system Cooper Hill street, that he has ar and friends from that city. Hart­ ;t climax by American troops Helen Davidaon Lodge, Daiigh- Range and Fuel R American battleships as fast as Stockholm, Dec. 10. i/P) Fan­ of railroads linking the Dnie­ tera of .Scotia, will meet at the rived in .Sic ily. ford and this town' were present TALL CEDARS (K who seized Mt. Samucro in Washington Dec. 10. i/Pi The and showererl the bride with a va­ See It ‘ the Battle of the Clouds," Allied they are launched and months:^©- first official indication that the air tastic. tales now circulating in per river bend with the area 'Masonic'Temple lomorrow evening riety of lovely gifta.
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