United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service BLACK HILLS Black Hills National Forest NATIONAL FOREST June 2013 FY 2012 MONITORING AND EVALUATION REPORT Black Hills National Forest Commonly Used Acronyms and Abbreviations ARC At-Risk-Community MMBF Million Board Feet BA Basal Area MPB Mountain Pine Beetle BF Board Foot MPBRP Mountain Pine Beetle Response BHNF Black Hills National Forest Project BMP Best Management Practices MTS Mountain Sucker (species of fish) CCF Cubic Hundred Feet MVUM Motorized Vehicle Use Map CDA Connected Disturbed Area NEPA National Environmental Policy Act CEQ Council on Environmental Quality NFMA National Forest Management Act CF Cubic Feet NFS National Forest System C/F Cover-frequency NFSR National Forest System Road CFR Code of Federal Regulations OHV Off Highway Vehicle CMAI Culmination of Mean Annual PFC Proper Functioning Condition Increment PTA Potential Treatment Areas CPUA Concentrated Public Use Area R2 (Forest Service) Rocky Mountain Region CWD Coarse Woody Debris RMBO Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory CWPP Community Wildfire Protection Plan ROD Record of Decision DBH Diameter Breast Height S&G Standard(s) and Guideline(s) DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement SDDENR South Dakota Department of EIS Environmental Impact Statement Environment and Natural Resources EPA Environmental Protection Agency SDGF&P South Dakota Department of Game, FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement Fish and Parks FIA Forest Inventory Analysis SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer FRCC Fire Regime Condition Class SOLC Species of Local Concern FS Forest Service SS Structural Stage FSH Forest Service Handbook T&E Threatened and Endangered FSM Forest Service Manual TMP Travel Management Plan GIS Geographic Information System TSI Timber Stand Improvement GPS Global Positioning System USDA United States Department of HFRA Healthy Forests Restoration Act Agriculture ID Team Interdisciplinary Team USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife IMBCR Integrated Monitoring in Bird Service Conservation Regions (program) WCP Watershed Conservation Practices IPM Integrated Pest Management WCPH Watershed Conservation Practices MA Management Area Handbook MBBH Monitoring Birds of the Black Hills WGFD Wyoming Game and Fish Department (monitoring program) WYNDD Wyoming Natural Diversity MBF Thousand Board Feet Database MIMS Multiple Indicator Monitoring System WUI Wildland-Urban Interface MIS Management Indicator Species Front Cover Photo: Deb Tinker, Black Hills National Forest FY2012 Monitoring and Evaluation Report Page 2 of 180 Black Hills National Forest Black Hills National Forest Monitoring and Evaluation Report Fiscal Year 2012 This is the annual monitoring and evaluation report (October 2011 through September 2012) for the Black Hills Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan). A revision of the Forest Plan was completed in June 1997. The first major amendment (Phase I) to this Forest Plan was completed in May 2001, and the second major amendment (Phase II) was completed in October 2005. This report follows the second, five year evaluation of the Forest Plan completed in 2007, in an effort to determine if conditions on the Forest have significantly changed, as required by the National Forest Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1604(f)). Some objectives are an outcome of the Phase II amendment completed in 2005. As such, limited data may be available for some of these new objectives. The basis for the annual monitoring report is in Chapter Four of the Forest Plan. This report does not discuss the entire inventory and monitoring that occurs in the Black Hills but only monitoring information related to the Forest Plan. More detailed studies may occur in association with individual projects that implement the Forest Plan. When relevant to Forest-wide trends, information from these site-specific projects is incorporated into Forest-wide monitoring. The Black Hills Monitoring and Evaluation Report focuses on monitoring effectiveness in meeting or moving toward established objectives set forth in the Forest Plan. Implementation monitoring, or monitoring to insure standards and guidelines are implemented as directed in the Plan, is a minor part of this monitoring report. Monitoring items not included in this report were either not scheduled for reporting or there was insufficient funds to collect relevant data. The Forest has developed a "Monitoring Implementation Guide 2009" to describe methods to implement the monitoring and evaluation requirements of the Forest Plan; see: http://go.usa.gov/cUb Also, see the Sensitive Plant Species and Plant Species of Local Concern Monitoring Implementation Guide 2006 (Addendum to the October 2005 Guide): http://go.usa.gov/cUb Supporting documentation for this report is located in the Supervisor's Office, Black Hills National Forest, 1019 North Fifth St., Custer, SD 57730. /s/ Craig Bobzien 8/28/13 CRAIG BOBZIEN Date Forest Supervisor FY2012 Monitoring and Evaluation Report Page 3 of 180 Black Hills National Forest Table of Contents FY2012 Black Hills National Forest Monitoring and Evaluation Report .......................................................... 5 Monitoring Item 1, Air Quality ........................................................................................................................ 10 Monitoring Item 2, Soil Productivity and Revegetation ................................................................................... 11 Monitoring Item 4b, Watershed Health – Stream Health ................................................................................. 26 Monitoring Item 4d, Watershed Health – Non-point Source Water Pollution Control .................................... 27 Monitoring Item 7, Riparian/Wetlands ............................................................................................................. 29 Monitoring Item 8, Vegetative Diversity – Vegetation Species Composition ................................................. 30 Monitoring Item 9, Vegetative Diversity – Structural Stages .......................................................................... 34 Monitoring Item 10, Vegetative Diversity – Large Trees ................................................................................ 42 Monitoring Item 11, Vegetative Diversity – Snag Retention ........................................................................... 43 Monitoring Item 12, Burned Forest Habitat ..................................................................................................... 47 Monitoring Item 14, Commodity Production - Regeneration........................................................................... 48 Monitoring Item 15, Commodity Production – Timber Production ................................................................. 49 Monitoring Item 16, Commodity Production – Rangeland Trend.................................................................... 52 Monitoring Item 17, Commodity Production – Forage Utilization .................................................................. 55 Monitoring Item 18a, Emphasis Species, Sensitive Species, Plants ................................................................. 58 Monitoring Item 18b, Emphasis Species, Sensitive Species, Wildlife ............................................................. 77 Monitoring Item 19a-b, Emphasis Species, Species of Local Concern ............................................................ 90 Monitoring Item 19a, Emphasis Species, Species of Local Concern, Plants ................................................... 90 Monitoring Item 19b, Emphasis Species, Species of Local Concern, Wildlife .............................................. 104 Monitoring Item 20, Emphasis Species, Threatened and Endangered Species .............................................. 112 Monitoring Item 21a-i, Emphasis Species, Management Indicator Species .................................................. 112 Monitoring Item 21a, Emphasis Species, Beaver ........................................................................................... 113 Monitoring Item 21b, Emphasis Species, White-tailed Deer ......................................................................... 115 Monitoring Item 21c-h, Emphasis Species, Non-game Birds ........................................................................ 116 Monitoring Item 21c, Emphasis Species, Black-backed Woodpecker ........................................................... 117 Monitoring Item 21d, Emphasis Species, Brown Creeper.............................................................................. 119 Monitoring Item 21e, Emphasis Species, Golden-crowned Kinglet .............................................................. 121 Monitoring Item 21f, Emphasis Species, Grasshopper Sparrow .................................................................... 123 Monitoring Item 21g, Emphasis Species, Song Sparrow ............................................................................... 124 Monitoring Item 21h, Emphasis Species, Ruffed Grouse .............................................................................. 125 Monitoring Item 21i, Emphasis Species, Mountain Sucker ........................................................................... 127 FY2012 Monitoring and Evaluation Report Page 4 of 180 Black Hills National Forest Monitoring Item 23, Insects and Diseases – Population, Tree Mortality, and Hazard ................................... 135 Monitoring Item 24, Insects and Disease – Exotics ......................................................................................
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